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Okay, let's say you want to get all the armour and weapons available in the rewards cache. For the armour, that would be (2,200 x 4) coins and (600 x 4) crystals.

For the weapons, you'd need (1,400 x 7) coins and (400 x 7) crystals. For the sake of completion, let's add on 1800 coins for the emote and title. That leaves us with a grand total of 20,400 coins and 5,200 crystals. Sounds like a lot, which it is.

Now for the total amount you can obtain. Let's assume you have the time to do all daily missons and all weekly missions for the 42 days that they are active.

At maximum, you can get a grand total of 16,800 coins and 3,360 crystals from the daily missions. If we assume that there will be 6 weekly missions to do, you'd be able to get 6,000 coins and 2,100 crystals.

This means that without the stupid subscription, you'd be able to get (at absolute maximum) 22,800 coins and 5,460 crystals, barely making the amount required. Bearing in mind, not everyone has that kind of time. I certainly don't. And this is why its stupid.

I understand rewarding dedicated players, but this is taking that sentimentality to the extreme. The worst part is phoenix labs themselves said they want to promote player freedom in progression, so why would they introduce a system that will take up a good chunk of play time and force us to grind. Now, I'm not allowed to take my time grinding escalations, etc. since this busted system is starting to make dauntless a 9-5 job.

To finish off, I'll point out what everyone has already pointed out: WHY THE HELL ARE THERE 2 CURRENCIES? It would've worked fine with 1, especially considering you get both at the same time!! There is literally no benefit or point to making 2, and the only thing that came out of there being 2 is wasting a poor artist's time. I'm reaching the end of my patience at this point. One more terrible update like this and I'm out.

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about 3 years ago - /u/bunheadwhat - Direct link

Thank you for taking the time to write this <3 We are taking all of this to heart and will have an update for you all soon!