almost 6 years ago - Tom_48_97 - Direct link

A few years ago, we released the Licensed Data Packages to the Bohemia modding community; a set of data and samples (e.g. weapons and vehicles from Arma 2) from our past games, so they can learn from examples and base new creations upon this content — to expand the Armaverse and others. These packages include configuration files, material files, 3D models, textures, and animations, as well as complete game data in the form of PBOs. We want to offer the same possibility to the young DayZ Modding community, by making most of the Public Data Package available under two new licenses which allow usage in DayZ.

The following changes will happen:

All Licensed Data Packages previously released under APL will also be made available under DPL. Users may opt for one or the other.

All Licensed Data Packages previously released under APL-SA will also be made available under ADPL-SA. Users may opt for one or the other.

A new set of Licensed Data Package containing DayZ Mod data (currently under DML-SA) will be made available under ADPL-SA. Users may opt for one or the other.

The above only impacts the Licensed Data Packages released by Bohemia Interactive, it is to be noted that the licenses of all already released content won't change — their licenses remain in effect.

Here, the summary of the new licenses:

DayZ Public License (DPL)

Attribution — You must attribute the material in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the material).

Noncommercial — You may not use this material for any commercial purposes.

DayZ Only — You may not convert or adapt this material to be used in games other than DayZ.

Arma and DayZ Public License Share Alike (ADPL-SA)

Attribution — You must attribute the material in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the material).

Noncommercial — You may not use this material for any commercial purposes.

Share Alike — If you adapt, or build upon this material, you may distribute the resulting material only under the same license.

Arma and DayZ Only — You may not convert or adapt this material to be used in games other than Arma and DayZ.

Here, an example of licensing for a mod using Public Data licensed under APL-SA/ADPL-SA:

The mod may be released under APL-SA

Is Arma only

Can't be adapted to be released on DayZ

The mod may be released under ADPL-SA

Is DayZ and Arma 3

Can be adapted for DayZ and/or Arma

We'd like to take a moment to remind everyone that it's in the interest of us all that the Steam Workshop, and any other user-generated content portal, remains an open and fair place. Please respect the work of others. If you'd like to include content that is not your own, seek permission from the original author, and add credits where they are due. It should go without saying that using assets from other games or other digital sources is especially risky unless there are explicit permissions to do so (i.e., in the EULA). If an original author has decided to take down content, do not re-upload it without permission.

Server owners who want to use several mods on their server are invited to create Workshop Collections which are essentially groups of existing Workshop mods, letting the player subscribe to all mods at once, with respect for the author rights, and ensuring the included mods are up to date.

Modding is a fantastic aspect of our games, and it makes the game more fun for everyone. There are many wonderful examples of inter-mod cooperation, community documentation, custom tools, and endless hours of extra gameplay (take the excellent Arma 3 Community Upgrade Project (CUP) as a perfect example of what can be achieved with these packages). We want to let our games be an open and creative platform for as many content creators as possible. Let's respect each other and keep moving forward together!

almost 6 years ago - Tom_48_97 - Direct link

I updated the text to clarify what is impacted. It applies only to the Licensed Data Packages, released by us (Bohemia Interactive). Generally speaking, the game data are in no way impacted by this, they are under their respective EULA (namely DayZ EULA and Arma 3 EULA) which don't allow this. It could only be possible for some content/mod released under ADPL-SA.

In other words; no, this doesn't allow anyone to use DayZ data in Arma 3, nor Arma 3 Data in DayZ.

over 5 years ago - Tom_48_97 - Direct link

No, the APL-SA doesn't allow usage in DayZ, only the ADPL-SA allows the use of the data in Arma and DayZ. This situation is the first example from the announcement.