Original Post — Direct link
Today a new task has appeared in weeklies: Win in the new event mode. I've won 5 times already, but it still doesn't count. How to solve this problem?
over 5 years ago - Fortnite - Direct link
over 4 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally Posted by RoofBet
Today a new task has appeared in weeklies: Win in the new event mode. I've won 5 times already, but it still doesn't count. How to solve this problem?
Hey Roof! I know that these things can be a bit delayed sometimes - have you received the rewards yet?
almost 4 years ago - Gay Myers (Luzi) - Direct link
Please contact Steam Support as this seems to be Steam related and not to us.
about 3 years ago - ImpulZ - Direct link

As this has become more personal infighting and the server ad was removed, I'm closing the topic. Please keep it civil and the personal in-fighting in DMs, or ideally outside of our forums.

almost 3 years ago - /u/RavenCurrent - Direct link

Originally posted by Searealelelele

Idk why they removed ..... "iT IsNt As PoPuLaR as OtHEr mods" - ur game isnt popular in the first place

To play a game mode that is based on using the Shaft it's possible to select the game mode called Shaft Arena when creating a custom game or when creating a pickup. If you would like to play Wipeout with Shaft as the only weapon, you can create a Wipeout custom game and inside the more settings button place the command game_weapons: shaft 999; in the commands box, additionally you can use this command if you want unlimited ammo game_unlimited_ammo: 1;