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Hey guys, gonna keep this short and sweet, I wrote down my thoughts about this latest update, etc. I posted it on Twitter, but I doubt i'm going to get any sort of reply, so might as well post it here as well!


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almost 6 years ago - /u/eugenharton - Direct link

Originally posted by cooltrain7

At this point I start to question if the 'long term' plans for dayz have changed but they can't bring themselves to tell us becuse there would be an outcry. Minimal communication, first patch 3 months into the year, no roadmap. Somethings going on, and the only way for them to change our minds is to communicate with us.

This is a third patch of this year as we have produced one every 5-6 weeks or so. The team has not been downsized.

almost 6 years ago - /u/eugenharton - Direct link

Originally posted by Tramm

lol 2 of those "patches" were the size of hotfixes and the third introduced weapons we've had since 2014 to patch .63, where you had them removed prior to your "1.0" release nearly 4 months ago.

So, thanks? I guess.

First one was fixes, January, than February we introduced two weapons and now were doing two again. and its three months not four.

almost 6 years ago - /u/eugenharton - Direct link

Originally posted by russssian

So, 80*8=640 PH are expended on DayZ right now daily to produce what exactly?

You seriously expect anyone to believe that at this point? Come clean already, guy!

I have no way to explain that to you sorry, its a pointless argument.

almost 6 years ago - /u/eugenharton - Direct link

Originally posted by ficarra1002

Then why haven't we seen any substantial progress outside of basic things like guns and a car? All the big fixes have been minor, and we still haven't seen any sort of progression on missing core features. Also ceasing to do status reports doesn't look great

Also, 3 updates? You mean 2 right? Because the first patch was literally just a few small fixes. Nothing new at all.

data does say otherwise, I can't keep arguing about things that I know are not true.

almost 6 years ago - /u/eugenharton - Direct link

Originally posted by mdcdesign

Unfortunately, despite the fact that /u/eugenharton is pretty competent as far as development goes, I have very little hope that he will ever provide a straight answer on this.

As far as I'm aware though, the answer is either "two" or "three", depending on whether or not Martin Melicharek is still involved with DayZ.

29 at the moment

almost 6 years ago - /u/eugenharton - Direct link

Originally posted by eugenharton

29 at the moment

Not counting the engine people, just the team on DayZ, basically both scripting departments on both sites involved, and two programming teams. We get help from Enfusion team as well but that varies. Martin Melicharek never worked on DayZ.