6 months ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s hi everyone my name is Gan Escalante and
4s and I am a senior game designer uh
5s overseeing events hi I'm Sarah Robinson
8s I'm one of the associate art directors
9s on dead by daylight also working on
12s events so thanks to that perfect
14s introduction to the void from Dave we
16s have an idea of what the void is and all
20s of the sort of ideas that we're playing
21s with but let's get into some of the
23s brass tacks here so we're talking
25s gameplay we're talking thematic visuals
28s for the void itself and most importantly
30s we're talking about rewards so what can
33s players expect well this is an evolution
36s of what we did last year for haunted by
37s daylight uh so what you can expect as
40s players is that we'll be Mi mixing some
42s of last year's mechanics with a new
44s experience the void so one of the first
47s things that you'll notice when you enter
48s your first trial are these kind of
49s dormant like uh ethereal beings that are
53s just around the map what are they well
55s they are closely connected to a resource
57s that you'll be collecting void energy
59s which may be familiar to a lot of you so
62s you're going to be collecting dispid
63s energy and just to keep it simple
65s survivors collect it from repairing
66s generators and Killers get it from
68s hooking survivors which is you know
70s pretty uh standard for dead by daylight
74s there's also a new source called void
76s orbs and they're kind of these floating
78s pockets of void energy just floating
80s yeah floating around the map as you
82s approach them they'll fly towards you
84s and just award you with some more void
85s energy okay so these are kind of like
87s the interactable smashable pumpkins from
89s last year yeah exactly and uh I guess
92s these pumpkins have a bit of a glow up
94s now uh scar up scar up exactly um and
98s yeah they will Pro they will provide you
100s with more void energy as well so there's
102s a lot of void energy going around here
105s so use that void energy to transfer it
108s into unstable Rifts they'll appear all
110s around the map and once unstable Rifts
112s have collectively gathered enough void
114s energy from all players killer and
116s survivors they will stabilize opening
119s portals into the void and so inside the
122s void we'll be waiting haunts and these
124s haunts are the counterparts to the
126s dormant beings that you've already seen
127s around the map and all you'll want to do
130s is release them because they don't want
131s to be in the void themselves and uh you
135s do that by giving them void energy and
139s uh you want to make sure that you're
140s doing this before the void destabilizes
141s and closes because once it does everyone
143s is ejected whoever was in there and when
146s you do release a haunt uh and complete
148s that interaction you will earn a set of
150s Buffs for a limited time that's cool
153s yeah so we've got lots of mechanics
155s going on in the void let's take a brief
157s moment to talk about the void itself so
160s these are going to be a brief discussion
161s on the visuals and where we came up with
164s these crazy ideas so pulling off of the
167s idea that this is a place of Decay a
170s place of Forgotten Memories the place
172s that the entity puts things when it's
174s done sucking all the joy hope will to
179s desire to kill you're a killer uh and
182s and dumps them in this place uh it was
185s an opportunity for us to revisit some of
186s our favorite themes and maybe combine
189s them into something a little bit
190s different a little bit twisted yeah and
192s it looks really really cool yeah the air
194s team did a fantastic job on this one so
197s players can expect to see some of uh
199s familiar map details from example I
202s think we've got yoka ston there uh red
205s Forest eie of crows McMillan estate a
208s bunch of other ones as well like I'm
210s pretty sure there's some tires from
212s junkyard jammed into some
215s statues uh and it's all kind of tied
218s together with void energy um knitting it
221s together into this interesting web
223s work so if it's not clear the void is
227s not a happy place to be players who
230s enter both killers and survivors become
233s kind of corrupted this effect starts to
235s tear at their bodies as if the void
237s energy is kind of ripping it apart it's
240s not great but it's also not just an
242s eerie location game play continues in
245s the void with a few twists yeah exactly
248s and you know as youve mentioned it is
250s not a safe place right so uh the void
254s what once what you can expect as
256s survivors when you enter this space is
257s that you will immediately be afflicted
259s with the exhausted status effect and if
262s you were injured at any point whether
263s you entered injured or become injured
265s while in the void you will become broken
267s immediately um killers on the other hand
270s they will have no access to their powers
272s because of the state of the Void no and
274s uh yeah they'll also become undetectable
276s which should be pretty should provide
279s some cool opportunities to get some jump
281s scares on them um one thing as well the
284s void hooks in here if a Survivor were to
287s get hooked on a void hook they'll be
289s ejected immediately to a hook outside of
292s the Void that's it teleported right into
294s the origin map yeah exactly um and uh
298s yeah you'll want to make sure that you
299s do this before the void closes because
301s it is only open for a limited amount of
303s time or until all H have been released
307s void can also be open multiple times
308s throughout a trial and uh so that'll
312s only depend on how many how much more
313s void energy you transfer into those
315s unstable Rifts each Rift will have a
318s counterpart inside the void so you kind
320s of use this as a cool strategy to
322s teleport across the map by just going in
325s finding a portal and find finding a
326s different one to go back out so like
328s shortcuts yeah exactly exactly like
331s shortcut shortcuts um one thing to also
334s mention here is that when a v haunt has
336s been released outside of the Void you'll
339s be able to see them as long as you were
341s the Allied role that released them with
343s their auras and you can approach them to
346s get a temporary speed boost or if you're
348s able to you can lure an opponent into
350s them and they'll get a hindering jump
352s scare nice yeah so in case it sounds
355s like a lot don't worry about it there is
357s a gameplay detail screen that will be in
359s the event menu so you can catch up on
361s all that uh fun stuff so now that I've
364s gone over all the tricks it's time for
366s some treats exactly cuz it wouldn't be
368s Halloween without some good treats to
369s reward yourself with just like with the
371s anniversary event we're continuing to
374s display all of the collected rewards uh
377s that you earn during this event in both
379s the collections and store tabs uh we
382s have two brand new outfits coming for
384s for this one that we want to highlight
386s that's the Jack a' Lantern for the night
388s and Candy nights for mag these are part
391s of the Tricks and Treats collection so
393s we have six Halloween themed charms
395s coming we've got six skeleton shirts for
398s survivors and we've got six new Candy
401s weapons for Killers cuz who doesn't want
402s to get murdered by a chocolate bar I
404s prefer to eat the chocolate bar not so
406s much murdered but yeah in order to get
409s these rewards you'll need to go through
411s the event toome the haunted by daylight
413s event toome it will have a lot of new
415s challenges for you to complete and
417s challenges will also reward you with a
419s new a reward called Dark trinkets which
421s is an event currency now uh just as a
425s note they are an additional reward that
427s you'll get for your challenges so
428s they're not replacing the blooda the
430s blood point Sorry or the Riff fragments
432s that you typically typically get from a
434s toome challenge the this is a third
436s reward that you'll get as well as for
438s completing a level of the tone uh there
442s there will also be outfit pieces and
443s charms to get within the T but these
446s dark trinkets you'll use them to spend
448s on Cosmetics within the collection
449s screen of the event menu and the more
452s the more Cosmetics that you unlock
454s you'll also unlock some Milestone
456s rewards so the more that you unlock
458s throughout the event you'll be able to
460s get these rewards and this will be the
462s only way that you can complete the
463s outfits for mag and the night and as
467s another note any currency left over at
469s the end of the event will convert into
471s blood points that's fantastic so I think
474s that covers it for all of our little
476s details that we wanted to share yeah I
478s think that thank you so much for
479s listening to us and we'll see you in the
504s void