4 months ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s we've created an entire library of fun
2s Dynamic builds to try for both survivors
4s and Killers but first we'd like to start
6s light with some beginner friendly builds
8s for those who are still working on
9s building their perk collection and
10s learning the flow of the game so
12s survivors how about giving the initiate
14s build a try we make it will increase
16s your healing ability upon unhooking your
18s fellow survivors but if you're the one
20s on the hook then Kindred will reveal all
23s the Survivor auras to one another as
24s well as the killer if they're nearby
26s theja Vu will show the three generators
28s that are closest to one another while
30s also giving you a repair speed boost
31s when working on them and plunderers
33s Instinct will display unopened chests to
35s you to help you to score new items in
37s your survival that's the initiate build
40s in a nutshell but this is merely just
41s the beginning so stay tuned for the next
44s build and share your fun builds in the
46s comments