8 months ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s totals and dead by daylight service
2s conduits that can be used within a trial
3s by both sides there will always be five
5s totems scattered within a trial where
7s you could find them as dull hexed booned
10s cleansed or rekindled doll serves as a
12s base date for all totems which indicates
14s that the totem is not currently in use
15s once a totem has been activated the
17s candle at the base of the totem will
19s glow if the killer has brought perks to
21s create hex totems the candles will glow
23s orange if a Survivor has brought perks
25s to create Moon totems the candles will
27s glow blue the deactivate a hex totem
29s survivors can either boom repurpose the
31s totem for themselves or cleanse remove
32s the totem from play Killers will also
35s have the choice of deactivating a boon
36s totem where they can snuff it out making
38s a doll once more additionally if the
40s killer has a perk that allows them to
42s rekindle their totems they will be able
44s to reignite them once more during the
45s trial causing the candles to Glow even
47s brighter survivors then must cleanse the
49s totem to which the entity will consume
50s its remains removing it completely so
53s Killers do you run hex totems and
54s survivors do you think of yourself as a
56s totem Hunter let us know in the comments
58s and I'll see you in the fog