7 months ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
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296s the depths of the Void
299s beckon
301s born of buried
304s memories anguish and despair and yet
308s somehow we are drawn to
312s it haunted by daylight
316s returns plunging killers and survivors
319s into a new layer of
323s Terror yet within it lies the potential
327s to be
328s rewarded earn Eerie
332s outfits and Halloween rewards for
337s killer and
351s survivors succumb to Twisted
355s Alchemy with a hallowed blight
358s collection featuring new outfits for the
363s xenomorph the
367s andreo and yichi
373s asakawa whether you live or
377s die
379s survive or
381s kill all succumb to the
387s void in haunted by D
391s [Music]
395s light wow that first look of the Haunted
397s by daylight event was amazing it was I
401s can't wait for people to get their hands
403s on it and see what they do with it yes I
404s am so excited to get my hands on a void
406s pumpkin or my feet rather because you
409s got to yeah kick it hey everybody and
412s welcome back to another dead by daylight
413s stream I'm one of your co-hosts today
415s Community manager dork and I'm Eric Pope
417s I'm the community director here up
419s behavior and and we are so so so happy
422s to welcome you back to dead by daylight
424s Liv streams and we're very happy to be
426s bringing dead by daylight Liv streams
428s back so thank you for joining us and
430s what we're going to talk about today on
432s the show is the haunted by daylight
434s event that you just got a little taste
435s of there um so yeah yes we're super
439s excited because as everyone knows dead
440s by daylight is a horror game unlike any
443s other sprawling with action fear lore
445s and a vast cast of iconic and original
448s characters literally wrapped up in into
450s a package you can't get anywhere else
451s and that's pretty amazing yeah the dead
453s by daylight team really Prides itself on
455s Halloween kind of being our time to
457s shine so uh shine they are with this
461s event and uh you know dead by daylight
463s is sort of this horrific stew of genres
468s and Vibes within the horror world and
470s it's it's really a great alternative to
473s you know the pumpkin spice latte uh that
475s you might otherwise be drinking at this
477s time well I don't know about that Eric I
478s think I'm still going to get my latte
480s it's spooky season but what better way
482s to celebrate the spookiest time of the
483s year than with the scariest event we've
485s ever done which is going to be this
486s year's haunted by daylight Y and this
489s year we're going to be exploring a
491s specifically terrifying part of the
493s entity's realm the void so we're going
497s to be uh uh able to play that starting
499s next week on October 18th 18th until
503s November 6th so you're going to have
505s plenty of time to enjoy your time in the
506s haunted by daylight event yes it's going
508s to be awesome and we're super excited to
510s be your host to see you into the haunted
512s by daylight uh talk today during our
514s stream and for other streams to come yes
516s we do plan uh we said it at the uh
518s anniversary show and we do plan to do a
521s lot more of these more regularly when we
523s have events like this when we have
524s releases that we want to share with you
526s look for us to be back here on the couch
528s bringing a fun show and entertaining
531s maybe also informational to you at home
534s so yeah yes but that is not what we've
536s brought here today today we've been
538s brought together in terrifying matrimony
540s to talk about everything haunted by
542s daylight so let's go ahead and take a
544s look at everything you're going to see
545s during the show today all right so we're
547s going to kick things off with your
549s friend of mine Mr Dave Richard our
551s creative director who's going to talk to
552s you about the void realm then we're
554s going to go into a lot more depth with
556s Jean and Sarah who are going to go
558s through the haunted by daylight event
560s and the rewards you get for it and then
562s we'll come back dor and I will talk you
565s through a bunch of the quality of life
567s improvements coming in this update yes
569s and I'm super excited to be ushering you
570s in for that next we'll be passing the
572s spooky baton over to Rose and leysa who
574s will be talking about all the Halloween
576s Cosmetics to come next will be a full
578s playthrough of the Haunted by daylight
581s event um coming next week with OT tofu
584s and some other fog Whispers And then
586s we're going to wrap everything up with a
588s nice spooky bow with the critical Bard
590s also known as CB an amazing fog whisper
593s who's going to be taking us through an
595s epic TTR RPG experience using elements
597s of the Dead by daylight board game in
599s interwoven with this year's theme the
601s void realm and that's about it yeah you
604s got spooky baton spooky bows I don't
606s think if we we didn't forget anything
608s well there is the the big thing about
610s this particular broadcast oh twitch
613s drops oh twitch drops yes and that's
615s going to be the first time happening
617s right yes people have wanted twitch
618s drops for a long time we are psyched to
619s finally be bringing twitch drops so if
622s you are watching right now and weren't
623s aware twitch drops are enabled uh all
626s you need to do is go to dead by
627s daylight.com to sign up uh link your
631s account and by watching this show but
634s also any other stream on the dbd
637s directory on Twitch after the show
639s please don't leave us you got to stay
641s here first um you'll be eligible for
643s those drops so the image on the screen
645s is is showing you what you can get and
647s how yes so definitely use your time
650s wisely here on the stream and other than
653s that I think that's that's about it yeah
655s so there's one last thing that I wanted
657s to address so um on dead by daylight our
660s goal is to always bring you the player
663s the best possible value we can with the
665s things that that we're putting out there
667s and we're going to make a change uh
668s we've heard you loud and clear when it
670s comes to chapter DLC releases we're not
673s going to be bundling uh outfits with
675s those items anymore with the characters
677s and the exclusive item we're going back
678s to the classic way we've always done it
680s you get the character you get the
682s exclusive item and that's it we're not
683s going to Pat it out with an additional
685s uh cosmetic but uh it's because of your
688s feedback that we're making that change
690s so thank you very much for everyone uh
692s letting it be known and yeah I think now
693s we can get to the show yeah uh so I'm
696s really psyched we can introduce our
698s friend Dave to talk more about the void
718s Realm
730s I'm going to go off script immediately
731s and just point out your beautiful tie
734s matches my beautiful uh Mike Meers socks
738s awesome and uh I think you know we're
740s here celebrating this the spirit of the
742s Season yeah Dave thank you for joining
745s us if you don't know J Dave he is our
746s creative director uh it's an honor to be
749s stream with you I felt like we've been
750s faded to stream at some point in our
752s lives and likewise man and now that the
754s Box is open it'll never close again
757s never never um so we wanted to bring
759s Dave here to introduce the void to all
763s the folks at home uh maybe you're not
765s familiar with it uh and maybe you'd like
766s some more information about it and
767s that's what we thought Dave could do
769s like I said before uh Gan and Sarah will
771s be on right after this segment uh giving
773s you a lot of the nitty-gritty details
775s and rewards that are coming but let's
777s kick things off with Dave so for people
779s that don't know what is the void yeah
781s absolutely I mean uh there's a lot of
783s lore and that by daylight and if you um
785s the players have not been there since
786s the very early Beginnings it's important
789s to know that um something we know about
792s the entity there's not a lot but it's um
795s it's draining the characters in the
797s trials right it's feeding out of their
800s emotions so that's what's going on in a
802s trial so the rage the the hope all of
806s these emotions are being drained that's
808s how it feeds or at least this part of
809s the entity and um so the the void is a
814s subm of the entity where when these
817s characters have been completely drained
819s out and that they don't have anything
821s else to give squeeze dry they are sent
825s into the void to be slowly dissolved
828s away it's like a garbage collector or a
831s junkyard sounds like a very positive
834s experience to be to it's absolutely
837s Dreadful but at least you know you're
839s not supposed to be feeling anything once
841s you get there okay so Silver Lining
844s unless you get there by mistake right
846s all right so that's always a possibility
847s too yeah right right yeah all right and
850s where did this idea come from how did we
852s get here for this this void right well
855s um we um and and by the way this is
858s something that we we've talked about in
859s the past right the the void is something
861s that um players can can see or I've seen
863s in the past with the blight story with
865s the AL blight event um we've ined at it
868s in some entries here and there um the
871s idea was that um a lot of people in the
874s community and ourselves as well we were
876s wondering um what's outside of the
878s trials can can people actually Escape at
880s some point will there be able to go
882s somewhere else and we were thinking of
885s what would be the most disturbing and
887s Dreadful way to get out right so like
891s you've you've spent years in the trials
894s eons I don't know how long it takes to
896s you know squeeze everything out of the
898s Survivor but but then you just end up in
900s that Dreadful place where you're just
902s being dissolved in this giant Wasteland
905s of
907s corpses okay so how does the void play
910s into our haunted by daylight event right
913s so uh this year we were looking at um
917s the Halloween celebrations and um well
921s you know you you've mentioned in early
922s in the Stream um Halloween is
924s practically every day and dead by
926s daylight it's it's about horror violence
928s and that
929s all yeah absolutely so we wanted to have
933s something truly unique for for the
936s Halloween events for something that um
938s you know year after year we would
939s recognize and have fun with and so we
942s thought well the void sounds like it
944s would be the perfect fit it's it's
946s almost like even more Dreadful and has
949s even potentially more Halloween Vibes um
952s so that's how it started and wanted to
954s use the void so for the event um the
958s void will be seeping and leaking inside
962s the trials there will be little pockets
965s here and there of the void and uh
967s players will find that there's a little
970s bit more life than we um thought there
972s would be in these Pockets void so
975s there's um a kind of a a type of
978s creature some sort of dark spirit that
980s Lees lives in there and we call them
983s hunts did I say that correctly yeah
985s there you go uh so they're basically
987s like discarded memories um and once they
990s get back into the trials through these
992s pockets they realize that well they they
996s have a chance to be alive again and
997s maybe they can you know latch on to
999s something and stay there um yeah so
1002s that's I'm feeling some empathy for the
1004s hauns now like I don't blame them they
1006s get their chance back in the world I I
1008s do the same thing I guess so if I'm
1012s understanding you correctly when we're
1013s talking about the void as it comes in
1016s the uh event it's not just kind of some
1019s ethereal thing it's not some lore we're
1020s going to read about you're actually in
1021s it you're interacting with it you're
1023s exploring it absolutely like for sure we
1025s will progress the universal La we will
1027s be able to add more to it uh you know
1030s it's a continuity of what we've done
1032s last year too so um the the The Observer
1035s machines and the uh the you know
1039s corrupted cocoon that was in McMillan
1041s like all this is linked to this event
1043s and will continue the story in lore but
1045s like you said it it's it's more
1046s important than that it's the first time
1048s that player will be able to interact to
1051s play in parts of the Void that's
1054s incredible Dave you have done what we
1056s brought you here for I hope people at
1058s home are hyped for this uh and to get
1061s you even more hyped we're going to go
1062s into a lot more detail now awesome with
1064s our friends Sarah and Jean to walk you
1067s through what you can expect in the
1068s haunted by daylight
1077s event
1087s [Music]
1114s [Music]
1135s hi everyone my name is Jean Escalante
1137s and and I am a senior game designer uh
1139s overseeing events hi I'm Sarah Robinson
1142s I'm one of the associate art directors
1143s on dead by daylight also working on
1145s events so thanks to that perfect
1148s introduction to the void from Dave we
1149s have an idea of what the void is and all
1154s of the sort of ideas that we're playing
1155s with but let's get into some of the
1157s brass tacks here so we're talking
1159s gameplay we're talking thematic visuals
1161s for the void itself and most importantly
1164s we're talking about rewards so what can
1166s players expect well this is an evolution
1169s of what we did last year for haunted by
1171s daylight uh so what you can expect as
1173s players is that we'll be Mi mixing some
1176s of last year's mechanics with a new
1178s experience the void so one of the first
1180s things that you'll notice when you enter
1181s your first trial are these kind of
1183s dormant like uh ethereal beings that are
1187s just around the map what are they well
1189s they are closely connected to a resource
1191s that you'll be collecting void energy
1193s which may be familiar to a lot of you so
1195s you're going to be collecting this void
1197s energy and just to keep it simple
1199s survivors collect it from repairing
1200s generators and Killers get it from
1202s hooking survivors which is you know
1204s pretty uh standard for dead by daylight
1208s there's also a new source called void
1210s orbs and they're kind of these floating
1212s pockets of void energy just floating
1214s yeah floating around the map as you
1216s approach them they'll fly towards you
1217s and just award you with some more void
1219s energy okay so these are kind of like
1221s the interactable smashable pumpkins from
1223s last year yeah exactly and uh I guess
1226s these pumpkins have a bit of a glow up
1228s now uh scar up scar up exactly um and
1232s yeah they will Pro they will provide you
1234s with more void energy as well so there's
1236s a lot of void energy going around here
1238s so use that void energy to transfer it
1241s into unstable Rifts they'll appear all
1244s around the map and once unstable Rifts
1246s have collectively gathered enough void
1248s energy from all players killer and
1249s survivors they will stabilize opening
1253s portals into the void and so inside the
1255s void we'll be waiting haunts and these
1258s hauns are the counterparts to the
1260s dormant beings that you've already seen
1261s around the map and all you'll want to do
1264s is release them because they don't want
1265s to be in the void themselves and uh you
1269s do that by giving them void energy and
1272s uh you want to make sure that you're
1273s doing this before the void destabilizes
1275s and closes because once it does everyone
1277s is ejected whoever was in there and when
1280s you do release a haunt uh and complete
1282s that interaction you will earn a set of
1284s Buffs for a limited time that's cool
1287s yeah so we we've got lots of mechanics
1289s going on in the void let's take a brief
1291s moment to talk about the void itself so
1293s these are going to be a brief discussion
1295s on the visuals and where we came up with
1297s these crazy ideas so pulling off of the
1301s idea that this is a place of Decay a
1303s place of Forgotten Memories the place
1306s that the entity puts things when it's
1308s done sucking all the joy hope will
1312s desire to kill if you're a killer uh and
1316s and dumps them in this place uh it was
1318s an opportunity for us to revisit some of
1320s our favorite themes and maybe combine
1323s them into something a little bit
1324s different a little bit twisted yeah and
1326s it looks really really cool yeah the art
1328s team did a fantastic job on this one so
1330s players can expect to see some of uh
1333s familiar map details from example I
1336s think we've got yoka state in there uh
1338s red Forest eie of crows McMillan estate
1342s a bunch of other ones as well like I'm
1344s pretty sure there's some tires from
1345s junkyard jammed into some statu
1350s uh and it's all kind of tied together
1352s with void energy um knitting it together
1355s into this interesting web
1357s work so if it's not clear the void is
1361s not a happy place to be players who
1363s enter both killers and survivors become
1366s kind of corrupted this effect starts to
1369s tear at their bodies as if the void
1371s energy is kind of ripping it apart it's
1374s not great but it's also not just an
1376s eerie location gameplay continues in the
1379s void with a few twists yeah exactly and
1382s you know as you mentioned it is not a
1384s safe place right so uh the void what
1388s once what you can expect as survivors
1390s when you enter this space is that you
1391s will immediately be afflicted with the
1394s exhausted status effect and if you were
1396s injured at any point whether you entered
1397s injured or become injured while in the
1399s void you will become broken immediately
1402s um killers on the other hand they will
1404s have no access to their powers because
1406s of the state of the Void oh no and
1408s yeah they'll also become undetectable
1410s which should be pretty should provide
1413s some cool opportunities to get some jump
1415s scares on them um one thing as well the
1418s void hooks in here if a Survivor were to
1421s get hooked on a void hook they'll be
1423s ejected immediately to a hook outside of
1426s the Void that's it teleported right into
1428s the origin map yeah exactly um and uh
1432s yeah you'll want to make sure that you
1433s do this before the void closes because
1435s it is only open for a limited amount of
1436s time and or until all hun have been
1439s released void can also be open multiple
1442s times throughout a trial and uh so
1445s that'll only depend on how many how much
1447s more void energy you transfer into those
1449s unstable Rifts each Rift will have a
1451s counterpart inside the void so you kind
1453s of use this as a cool strategy to
1455s teleport across the map by just going in
1458s finding a portal and find finding a
1460s different one to go back out so like
1462s shortcuts yeah exactly exactly like
1464s shortcut shortcuts um one thing to also
1467s mention here is that when a haunt has
1470s been released outside of the Void you'll
1472s be able to see them as long as you were
1474s the Allied role that released them with
1476s their auras and you can approach them to
1479s get a temporary speed boost or if you're
1482s able to you can lure an opponent into
1484s them and they'll get a hindering jump
1486s scare nice yeah so in case it sounds
1489s like a lot don't worry about it there is
1491s a gameplay detail screen that will be in
1493s the event menu so you can catch up on
1495s all that uh fun stuff so now that I've
1497s gone over all the tricks it's time for
1499s some treats exactly because it wouldn't
1501s be Halloween without some good treats to
1503s reward yourself with just like with the
1505s anniversary event we're continuing to
1508s display all of the collected rewards uh
1511s that you earned during this event in
1512s both the collections and store tabs uh
1515s we have two brand new outfits coming for
1518s for this one that we want to highlight
1520s that's the Jacko Lantern for the night
1522s and Candy nights for mag these are part
1524s of the Tricks and Treats collection so
1527s we have six Halloween themed charms
1529s coming we've got six skeleton shirts for
1532s survivors and we've got six new Candy
1534s weapons for Killers cuz who doesn't want
1536s to get murdered by a chocolate bar I'd
1538s prefer to eat the chocolate bar not so
1540s much murdered fair but yeah in order to
1543s get these rewards you'll need to go
1545s through the event to the haunted by
1546s daylight event toome it will have a lot
1548s of new challenges for you to complete
1550s and challenges will also reward you with
1552s a new uh reward called Dark trinkets
1555s which is an event currency now uh just
1559s as a note they are an additional reward
1561s that you'll get for your challenges so
1562s they're not replacing the blood FRA the
1564s blood point Sorry or the Riff fragments
1566s that you typically typically get from a
1568s toome challenge the this is a third
1570s reward that you'll get as well as for
1572s completing a level of the toome uh there
1575s there will also be outfit pieces and
1577s charms to get within the toome but these
1580s dark trinkets you'll use them to spend
1581s on Cosmetics within the collection
1583s screen of the event menu and the more
1586s the more Cosmetics that you unlock
1588s you'll also unlock some Milestone
1590s rewards so the more that you unlock
1592s throughout the event you'll be able to
1594s get these rewards and this will be the
1596s only way that you can complete the
1597s outfits for mag and the night and as
1600s another note any currency left over at
1603s the end of the event will convert into
1605s blood points that's fantastic so I think
1608s that covers it for all of our little
1610s details that we wanted to share yeah I
1612s think that thank you so much for
1613s listening to us and we'll see you in the
1617s void
1637s [Music]
1650s [Music]
1682s I am so excited to get into that void
1683s realm same here um and also I just want
1687s to acknowledge something this isn't in
1688s our run of show people watching at home
1692s think that we're
1693s pre-recorded can you believe that you
1696s know how I know that we're not
1697s pre-recorded because I just said that
1699s yeah but also people in the chat
1701s spamming uh twitch drops messages you
1704s don't need to do that don't don't spam
1706s twitch drops stuff in the chat not
1708s necessary just sign up link your account
1711s start earning the drops keep your tab
1713s open don't minimize your tab don't mute
1715s it um that's how you earn the drops
1717s because it's your watch time yes y also
1720s people need to calm down about Jean Jean
1723s is a very very handsome man God people
1725s need to cool it cool it we're
1728s professionals
1729s here uh but yeah we're we're very live
1732s we're so live I could even ask The Tech
1733s Guys to give me a shot of the pumpkin
1735s and because I said it on camera they
1736s have to do it and they're not ready to
1738s do it cuz they weren't planning for it
1740s but I am asking for that pumpkin shot
1743s right now look at that see that's how
1744s live we are so anyway I just wanted to
1747s put that to
1748s rest thank you so much uh all right
1751s let's get back to the show our live show
1754s our live show very live show um that was
1756s incredibly exciting I can't wait for our
1759s players to start playing it see what
1761s they do with it and uh enjoy the event
1764s themselves yes uh we are having some
1766s gameplay of that today right yes so
1768s later in the show we're going to be
1769s joined by our fog Whisperers to play the
1772s event live for you on the
1776s screens um but um what else what else
1780s yes you're here to see us talk about
1782s quality of life updates I know it's the
1784s most exciting topic you tuned in for
1786s today that's why it's us delivering it
1789s not our wonderful designers but no for
1791s real uh this update brings a bunch of
1793s cool stuff yes because as many know um
1796s we recently did the ptb which allowed
1798s players of the community to kind of get
1800s into the game and kind of test out some
1802s things that are going to live um the
1803s most notable being the anti-ace camp
1805s feature uh the rework for the skull
1807s Merchant as well as some changes to
1809s various Maps most important the
1811s shattered Square yes and we got a ton of
1815s amazing feedback from players on the ptb
1817s so thank you thank you thank you for
1819s your time and your feedback specifically
1821s when you do test things on the ptb we're
1823s out there our team's out there every day
1825s Gathering as much of it as possible so
1827s TBS are very important for us and uh the
1830s team's actually made a bunch of changes
1831s based on that feedback so we're we're
1833s going to update you on that here but for
1835s the folks who didn't get to participate
1837s in the ptb we thought we'd walk through
1838s each of these updates for you so you
1839s know what we're talking about you can
1840s see what's in the game right now yeah so
1843s to begin with anti-ace Camp you
1845s mentioned it yeah um this is a new
1847s system that's come in this update and
1849s for people who are maybe newer to the
1850s game or just didn't know that this is
1852s what we call it because I'm sure you've
1854s experienced it um face camping is when
1857s the killer gets hooked uh the killer the
1860s Survivor gets hooked and the killer just
1862s sort of chills out right in front of the
1864s Survivor doesn't leave so none of the
1866s other survivors can kind come in for the
1868s save yes so this feature is to combat
1870s that basically when a I almost did what
1873s you whatever a killer hooks a Survivor
1876s uh there will now be a meter that shows
1878s under the take a chance on hook bar that
1880s will start to fill depending on the
1881s proximity to the Killer is to the hook
1883s so the closer the Killer is to the hook
1885s the faster the meter will fill once it's
1887s filled the will then be able to unhook
1889s themselves getting all of the benefits
1890s of a standard unhook that being
1892s endurance and haste and there are some
1895s complications to the system because of
1897s this um so one of the most important
1898s parts is that um when we're thinking
1902s about how this is kind of interacting we
1904s want to make sure that we're
1905s specifically going after face camp um
1908s because there are going to be some
1909s instances where Sur the killer needs to
1911s be around the proximity of the hook to
1913s either Patrol nearby generators or to
1915s chase other survivors that's right and
1918s so speaking of the word camping we're
1921s talking about face camping here so so
1923s for the people that say camping is a
1925s valid strategy what's what's our
1926s response we don't want to remove player
1928s agency at all in that regard so it's
1930s really important that we are
1931s specifically going after face camping as
1934s like just said it's very important to
1936s have those instances where a killer may
1938s find it necessary and valid to be in the
1940s vicinity of the hook right but there's
1942s also another thing to point out for
1944s there um the survivors will be able to
1946s hook unhook themselves during the first
1948s and second hook phases um but not once
1950s the endgame collapse starts okay so at
1953s the end the end of the trial this this
1956s system kind of shuts down yes and that's
1958s because the killer has nothing else to
1959s do other than to secure as many hooks as
1961s possible got it well dork who actually
1964s you might not have noticed or you might
1966s have noticed is the voice of our Tik Tok
1967s channel so you might have noticed that
1968s familiar voice it's also our
1971s birthday spam happy birthday in the chat
1974s I'm covering my mic
1976s uh uh she's actually prepared a video to
1979s kind of show you the anti-ace camp uh
1981s feature in action so we're going to go
1983s to that right
1984s now the anti-ace camp update is here but
1988s uh so is the killer okay let me explain
1992s what's going to happen here once the
1994s Killer is hooked a Survivor there will
1995s now be a meter displayed underneath the
1997s take a chance to unhook bar the killer
2000s will then have a 7-second grace period
2002s to leave the area of the hook before the
2003s meter starts to build this is because
2005s the meter builds depending on the proxim
2007s of the killer the closer the Killer is
2009s to the hook Survivor the faster the
2011s meter will faill however there are some
2013s exceptions if another Survivor is close
2016s to the hook the meter will slow to fill
2018s or not at all if the killer hooks the
2020s Survivor and leaves their proximity the
2022s meter will not fill once the meter has
2025s filled the hook Survivor will be able to
2027s unhook themselves receiving all of the
2029s benefits of a standard unhook such as
2031s haste and endurance this also means that
2034s the Survivor will have the chance to
2035s unhook themselves during the first and
2037s second hook
2041s phases thank you pre-recorded dork hello
2043s live dork so again speaking of live we
2046s actually uh saw a lot of people asking a
2048s specific question in the chat that we
2049s wanted to address before we moved on
2051s with our other
2053s updates this is one of my personal
2055s favorites to shout about at the office
2057s uh so fov slider oh yeah that's a thing
2060s people want and have wanted for a long
2061s time and we've heard you and it's
2065s definitely coming it's in a future
2067s update is not in this update but we just
2069s wanted to acknowledge it we know people
2070s are asking for it just be a little more
2073s patient and we'll get there okay all
2075s right so back to the quality of quality
2077s of life updates in this uh release skull
2080s Merchant who actually I don't think they
2082s can see me but skull Merchant is like
2083s hovering behind me on the
2085s wall so skull Merchant was released
2088s earlier this year generated a ton of
2091s community discussion uh which we've
2093s followed and which we've read and which
2095s the team has dissected and reacted to in
2099s the form of doing a rework in this
2100s update yeah yeah so the team has decided
2102s that the best course of action with
2104s dealing with the skull Merchant was to
2105s completely redo her power now this is
2107s because the skull Merchant is known for
2109s being able to hold some pretty
2110s oppressive three gen scenarios so the
2112s change is to make her more Chase Focus
2114s so this is going to allow players of the
2116s skull Merchant to try to catch survivors
2118s off guard with the Drone inside of tight
2120s tiles or to try to chase survivors
2122s towards a drone that's lying in weight
2124s but if you haven't had a chance to see
2126s that rework in work we've got a clip for
2129s you here so you can go ahead and see
2130s that new
2132s redesign the school Merchants drones
2134s have had some big changes so let's go
2136s over what you can expect to see coming
2137s to live the skull Merchants drones have
2140s been reworked to be much more Chase
2142s focused than area denial driven now
2144s starting with six drones the skull
2146s Merchant can deploy them and become
2147s undetectable for 8 seconds drones are
2150s placed in stealth mode where the
2152s scanning beam is hidden until triggered
2154s by a Survivor once triggered the Dr
2157s drone will enter scouting mode where the
2159s scanning beam will now be visible to all
2161s survivors if a Survivor is scanned by a
2164s drone three times they will be injured
2165s by a claw trap on their third scan and
2167s any scans received after while wearing
2169s the claw trap will inflict the hindered
2171s status effect which decreases the
2173s survivor's movement speed but if a
2175s Survivor stands still or crouches within
2177s the drone's radius they will not trigger
2179s the sensors allowing them to approach
2181s the Drone to now disable it for a short
2183s time or to start work on a generator
2186s lastly the skull Merchant will have the
2188s ability to change the direction that her
2190s drones are circling in to allow her to
2192s catch survivors off guard during
2199s chases see see I told you skull Merchant
2202s right behind
2203s me uh that was a great video thank you
2206s so much dork yeah um and thank you for
2208s your work on the the the Tik Tok
2209s actually has a lot of content exactly
2212s like that so if you haven't followed the
2213s dead by daylight Tik Tok account head
2215s over there now and click follow uh we're
2217s all cool everyone's Young And Hip on Tik
2220s Tock nowadays right I'm not a 41y old
2223s man talking about Tik Tok at a live
2225s stream am I just turned 30 there you
2228s go so uh the next update uh for quality
2232s of life here regards the shattered
2234s Square why don't you tell us about it
2236s yes so we've been updating several Maps
2238s as part of the live balancing strategy
2240s some of the other maps that we've
2241s tackled have been Maps within the cold
2243s realm well coldwind realm uh the
2245s autohaven Wreckers Realm the eie of crow
2248s and now it's time for the shatter Square
2249s so when playing on that map you're going
2251s to notice some changes to the overall
2253s size that's been reduced uh there's been
2255s some Loop rebalancing there's been tile
2257s rearrangement and a couple other fun
2259s stuff but this has all just been done in
2261s a hopes to make sure that this map is
2263s enjoyable for both Survivor and killer
2266s awesome and we have another uh map
2269s related uh updates not about the live
2271s balance this is more about variations
2273s that's the McMillan estate right yes so
2275s how it originally worked was for each
2277s map within the McMillan estate realm
2280s there was an alternate variation created
2282s for those maps and what we've now done
2283s is added four new possible layouts for
2286s each of those Maps so whenever you're in
2288s the McMillan State you might be on one
2290s of four possible new map layouts um to
2293s run around in and we'll be watching your
2295s feedback very closely to see if this is
2297s something we want to do for other Maps
2298s moving forward in the future but that is
2301s all we've got for the quality of life in
2303s the game now Eric is going to talk about
2305s some happening outside of the game yes
2307s because to me merch is quality of life
2311s we're all sporting our merch look at
2312s this this I got a this is warming my
2315s backside merch is life so with haunted
2318s by daylight we also are bringing some
2319s haunted by daylight merch to the DVD
2321s merch store which you can just find on
2323s dead by daylight.com we got t-shirts we
2325s got baseball shirts we got new keychains
2328s we've got a limited edition poster and
2331s much more so if you like merch like me
2335s and uh believe it or not don't I didn't
2338s get this for free I'm like you I bought
2340s it because I'm a fan of good merch go to
2342s the merch store but enough about the
2345s merch store actually I think that's
2346s plenty for now but we're not done
2348s talking about stores because the ingame
2349s store has a bunch of cool stuff coming
2352s in this update and we have cool people
2354s to talk about it Rose and leysa to walk
2358s you through all of it so we're going to
2359s go over to them just a
2365s second
2383s [Music]
2409s [Music]
2417s [Music]
2435s hello everyone welcome to the store
2437s section I'm Rose Lee senior product
2439s manager on the store and joining me
2441s today is Lea Rell that's right I'm the
2443s associate art director in charge of
2445s Cosmetics So today we're going to share
2447s with you four collections that are
2448s coming to the store as well as a new
2451s Rarity tag that's coming with a old
2453s friend first off we're going to be begin
2456s with a a returning collection called the
2458s hollow light collection which most of
2460s you should be familiar with this year
2462s we're going into the extreme of
2464s grotesque and we're introducing three
2467s licensed outfits to the collection
2469s including the Ono yoi and the xenomorph
2472s tell us more about the collection Leisa
2474s sure thing the art direction for the
2476s hall blade is center around emphasizing
2478s them in really gross ways but still
2480s appealing for the players uh it's a maob
2483s caricature of who they were before they
2485s ran into the BL
2487s serum for the own we really wanted to
2490s emphasize her Twisted body after falling
2492s in the well her legs are bloated and
2495s horrible and she's covered in rotten
2497s algae her eye that appears in the mor
2500s has even been taken over by the blade
2501s serum for the xenomorph we wanted to
2504s emphasize the muscularity the bulging
2506s anatomy and the overall frightening
2508s aspect of its
2510s silhouette we also wanted to blend in
2512s the newborn's face as the design was
2514s inspired by the alien human hybrid in
2516s Alien Resurrection ction yeah that looks
2518s so cool the Xeno is also an ultra rare
2521s Rarity so that means it has really cool
2523s V effects and also a unique animation in
2525s the lobby be sure to check it out next
2528s up we have a brand new collection that's
2530s related to our haunted by daylight event
2532s this year and it's based on the void
2534s realm which you might have heard of
2536s before in this stream where we talked
2537s about how the void realm is a place
2539s where the entity just like uh Chuck
2541s stuff it doesn't want into so yeah it
2544s can get really sinister
2547s that's a good way of putting it in terms
2549s of our direction for the void realm or
2551s the void collection rather we wanted
2554s these characters to feel like they've
2555s been affected by the decay of the Void
2557s itself theyve become refu of the realm
2560s and their transformation has left them
2561s corrupted versions of their original
2564s selves the void itself has left its mark
2566s on these survivors with Whispers of blue
2569s and teal across their bodies and
2571s clothing but it's also changed them and
2573s their clothes worn them away with the
2575s sands of time we wanted this to feel
2578s really organic so we brought in aspects
2580s of sea urchins and other aspects of
2582s natural
2584s Decay yeah are there also like V effects
2587s on on them as well that's true we wanted
2589s them to feel really haunted so the
2591s spirits of the Void uh long forgotten by
2594s anyone else are haunting these
2596s characters Desperately Seeking any signs
2598s of life from these survivors
2600s left yeah I saw there were actually like
2602s hands going all over them which is super
2605s cool this year
2607s the first addition to this collection
2608s we'll be introducing Hattie David and
2610s yunen to the vo collection and it's only
2613s going to be available in the store
2615s during the Halloween event period which
2617s is starting October
2618s 18th next we have also a returning
2621s collection the tricks Tricks and Treats
2623s collection you might recollect the
2625s toilet paper mummy doids from last year
2628s my favorite this year we're going to be
2630s adding Jake as a werewolf and Claudette
2632s as a floral fairy also available
2635s starting October 18th
2638s yeah next up we have a really really
2639s cool collection that brand new we're
2642s very excited to share with you so
2644s excited we're so excited it's called The
2646s Cursed cats collection and it was a
2650s catastrophe to
2651s make but we're really really happy with
2654s the results it's a killer only
2656s collection with six original killers and
2659s yeah take us away oh for sure this
2662s collection is the opposite of cute we
2664s wanted it to make it look like these
2665s killers have been taken over by a
2666s parasite that has turned them into the
2668s worst version of your beloved house pets
2670s because they're
2672s Killers it started out as an experiment
2675s with the blight and we love the look of
2676s it so much that we went on to create
2678s outfits for the clown a battle war in
2680s Street cat the trickster a cat with
2683s mange The Wraith a hunter with its
2685s Quarry the dark side of your favorite
2687s pet the plague a Regal Sphinx but
2690s wrapped with a terrible skin disease and
2692s the hillbilly with a curse of not one
2694s but two faces on one head also known as
2697s a Janis cat truly disgusting this
2700s collection is already available in the
2701s store now so go take a look at it last
2705s but not least we have an old friend
2707s coming back to dead by daylight Naughty
2709s Bear
2710s y so naughty bear was a game developed
2713s by Behavior back in the days and he's a
2716s really really cute giant tattered teddy
2718s bear who uh wasn't invited to party so
2721s he just killed all his friends oh yeah
2725s so bringing them into we're bringing
2727s Naughty Bear into dead by daylight as a
2729s legendary outfit on Trapper but that's
2731s not it we're giving him like the special
2733s treatment of all time and giving him the
2736s first ever visceral tag Rarity which
2738s means that he's getting his own unique
2739s Mory that's correct you made the story
2742s word for it right that's right I made
2744s the story board for this Mor and it is
2748s brutal uh you'll you see it right now
2751s and it's so it's hard to look
2755s at the amazing the creative process for
2758s Naughty Bear was really challenging but
2760s super fun to make his head is very large
2763s so it's hard for him to carry survivors
2765s on his shoulder so we had to revamp the
2767s entire carry animation just for him but
2769s we love naughty barar and how he turned
2771s out and we hope he have a great time
2772s playing with
2773s them and that's it for the store segment
2776s uh I'm Lea I'm rosley and I just a
2779s reminder if you're watching on Twitch to
2781s claim those drops and we'll be right
2783s back with more content bye
2819s [Music]
2838s [Music]
2852s well that's amazing I cannot wait to get
2854s my hands on that Naughty Bear cosmetic
2856s you know what I like to casually say is
2858s those characters ate okay right remember
2861s the thing we said about being young and
2864s that back um but yeah that was awesome
2868s thank you to Rose and leysa for walking
2870s us through that segment that was awesome
2872s but I think we've got some questions now
2873s we do we we saw a couple questions we
2875s wanted to add address um so the first
2878s one is from lunar eclipse
2882s 20 nope that's the fov one I already
2884s answered I think got a little no there's
2887s more detail great considering an fov
2890s slider is coming what are the plan
2892s changes for perks like Shadow born and
2895s monitor and abuse do you want to take
2897s the answer yeah so um we will be looking
2900s at alternative functions for these perks
2902s um so there's going to be some more
2903s information to come soon so just keep an
2905s eye on our socials yeah next we have uh
2910s sorry we didn't get the name of who
2911s asked this one but the question is
2913s apparently been asked by multiple people
2916s and we do hear you on this one shattered
2918s Square rework has not enough pallets
2921s yeah so with the loop rebalancing that
2923s definitely you know was something that
2925s happened um but we're going to make sure
2927s that our team takes another look at
2928s shattered Square to make sure that that
2930s Loop rebalancing is beneficial to both
2932s survivors and killers in a
2934s trial and and I think that's probably
2938s the last question we'll answer um just
2941s because of some technical stuff so uh
2944s we're not done with the show yet by a
2946s long shot no um right right now we're
2950s going to throw it to our friend otofu
2952s for a fog whisper play session on the
2954s haunted by daylight event and what's
2957s happening after that after that we're
2958s going to throw it to the critical Bard
2961s also known as CB an amazing fog
2963s Whisperer who's going to be doing the
2965s Epic TT RPG experience using elements of
2968s the Dead by daylight board game
2970s interwoven with this year's theme the
2972s void ttrpg stands for tabletop
2975s role-playing game yeah so you want to
2977s stay tuned make sure you're watching
2979s we've got some amazing fog Whisperers a
2981s part of that as well as members of the
2983s Dead by daylight Team all who are
2985s cosplaying which is awesome true so
2987s we're super excited for you see is about
2989s to cosplay folks yes so stay here make
2992s sure you're getting your watch time and
2994s enjoy thanks thank you very
2998s much hello everybody and welcome I am
3001s otofu and I am a DVD content creator and
3003s a fog whisper for Behavior Uh this
3006s segment is going to be a gameplay
3007s Showcase of the new Haunted by daylight
3009s event this is going to be a Halloween
3010s event coming up soon and it is extremely
3012s fun and joining me is going to be four
3014s other fog Whispers who are all awesome
3016s great content creators and uh Hello
3018s friends how you guys doing good to see
3019s you would you guys like to introduce
3022s yourselves I will go first uh I'm Lexi
3025s I'm a fog whisper full-time Brady
3027s streamer and Locker Goblin of the fog
3029s it's nice to be
3031s here hi my name is King I'm a full-time
3034s content creator and fog whisper for dead
3036s by daylight I love doing game shows and
3038s Theory videos and I'm excited to try out
3040s this year's Halloween
3041s event hi Darlings it's your girl die
3043s hard Diva I am a fog whisper full-time
3046s horror content creator and dead by
3047s Daylight's fog fashionista playing DVD
3049s for about six years and excited that
3051s haunted by Daylight's back
3053s again hi guys my name is Amy also known
3056s as am ATU I am a DVD fog whisper and I
3059s love to play a variety of other horror
3061s games as
3062s well awesome thank you guys so much for
3064s the intros and uh let's get this Lobby
3066s started I'm very very excited for this
3068s this event is so much fun so we're GNA
3071s get we're gonna get this going and um
3074s yeah so take it easy on me okay don't be
3077s don't don't be bullies and let's have a
3079s good clean match all right a good clean
3081s nice match here we're just going to make
3083s some good ghost friends we're going to
3084s collect some void and we're all just
3086s kind have a good time together all right
3087s sound good sounds good I'm a main so I'm
3090s just here for the fashion right now good
3093s good good good we're on we're on the
3095s same side right we're good yeah I I am
3097s strictly here to go into the void and
3099s make some friends that's that's what I'm
3101s trying to do here okay you guys are just
3102s kind of like my tools to help me do that
3104s so that that's kind of my goal here yeah
3107s you guys are just my tools here okay I'm
3108s sorry yeah this sound slightly mean
3110s doesn't it that came up a little meaner
3111s than I anticipated I
3113s think you all have fun you're all just
3116s here you're all just tools is my world
3119s ghosties
3122s today I'm playing with my friends we're
3125s surviving
3127s again hello friends if anyone needs me
3130s I'll be a locker thanks
3132s [Laughter]
3135s Christ outfit
3140s Onan how do you see me but I can't see
3143s you I'm scared hey I think we should go
3145s you should go yeah I think we should go
3147s hey you're not in a
3148s locker not
3150s [Music]
3152s yet oh oh hey hey how's it
3158s going you doing to that Pumpkin Man y
3160s they're doing great I don't no I don't I
3163s don't like those Locker sounds I'm just
3164s leaving nope nope I'm scared I know I
3166s know you I know your games I know I know
3169s what you're up to I ain't doing it I
3171s hear a locker I go away no I'm leaving
3174s it I'm I'm aware of what goes on over
3177s there I I ain't taking
3180s part hi hello oh
3186s Hey where's your locker God now you know
3189s [Laughter]
3193s what it's about two feet to the right if
3195s you'd like to drop me off at the locker
3197s no no thank you no thank you no thank
3203s you hey do you think we're safe or are
3206s we in danger you guys are fine believe
3209s us we're good you're fine we're we're
3212s good we're good we're good we're good oh
3214s no no K get up to
3218s you let's go let's come on you were
3223s right we were safe okay never mind never
3226s mind
3230s believe you know what I led a little bit
3233s of a distance we're doing good
3236s yeah oh oh oh oh hey look there's right
3242s here is that
3244s a uh oh it is y pained me
3249s inside no why would you do that wait
3253s hold on give me one second all right bye
3255s oh wait hold on hold wait I I think am I
3257s able to chip in too oh no we can't use
3259s the same
3260s one no it's all mine only friends are
3263s allowed to use that one oh no no no
3266s tools allowed apparently you're a fo
3270s sorry I a never live in that one down
3275s huh you're too
3283s elusive you scared me you scared
3287s me
3290s that's oh no oh you oh I didn't mean to
3293s do that right when the portals open too
3296s I thought I had a
3298s flashlight it does have a c a little bit
3301s I like
3305s this all right time to sneak in and
3307s befriend all the ghosts while you guys
3308s are helping each other wait should I
3311s what's go for the save first
3316s selfish I have I have I have I have got
3318s I got some I can transfer join
3322s you yeah yeah yeah cuz I believe you
3326s [Music]
3328s are oblivious
3330s [Music]
3332s right oh hey my God everyone's here oh
3337s hello oh my
3341s God so not expecting see that's
3346s oh I heard no heartbeat or anything I
3349s was so scared my
3351s God the ghost gave me
3354s stealth need to put into the void no no
3358s no oh my
3362s God I'm not going to I'm not going to
3363s transfer any on that one I'll go to
3365s another I'll go to another one don't
3366s mind
3367s me this is a little
3370s spooky yeah
3373s I how's it going Gamers time to go time
3376s to
3379s go oh I don't like that oh I don't like
3383s that I'm looking for more
3391s no my eyeballs it's so
3395s spooky
3397s nice see another pumpkin
3401s bam ghost
3406s friend Where Have The Gamers gone I saw
3410s something
3411s oh not this
3414s way St stay in that distance you're a
3416s good tofu stay in that
3420s distance there somebody in
3423s there don't bamboozle
3426s me I have not agreed to be smeckledorfed
3429s I think I think you
3431s have trick or
3440s treat oh no oh no thought I could fake
3443s the
3444s window
3452s perfect did you guys did you guys take
3453s all the pumpkins or am I just am I just
3455s bad at finding them no what are you
3457s talking about pumpkins where I
3459s definitely didn't yeah you sound very
3460s innocent right now yes you
3462s sound my car's not completely fooled or
3465s anything no I was just touching Jens
3467s that's all I was doing of course of
3468s course yes pumpkins I don't even know
3469s what a pumpkin is what are you talking
3473s about thank you for the heels I have no
3476s idea how he did not see us but you know
3477s what we take I will take
3481s it he's got his eyes somewhere else uh
3484s oh uh oh hi Lexie
3488s hi thank you for the light show I
3490s enjoyed that oh the portal open you want
3493s to go
3497s ghosty oh please oh please I just the
3500s portal the portal the portal oh I want
3502s one please the ghost friends the ghost
3503s friends yes the ghost friend oh no oh no
3506s no no friends yes yes yes yes yes yeah
3510s George don't you go with them don't you
3511s go with them George yeah
3513s George go get him don't you me George
3516s come here here I lie
3518s yeah
3520s yeah wait Lexi oh oh oh oh hi I plot
3525s Twisted into a
3528s grave I was teleported
3531s back uh
3532s oh uh it's time to go
3538s more
3539s pumpkins oh my God he's right
3543s there I mean we're nowhere next to
3546s each I mean he's the way across the map
3559s ourc so far away we're good
3563s time I just watched my life Flash before
3565s my eyes
3566s [Laughter]
3570s there oh no oh
3573s no oh Bonk for Bonk yep no no no no no
3578s no get get the no no no get out of here
3579s no no no no no no no no no no no I I
3581s heard the P patter I heard the P patter
3584s of your footsteps no no no no no no no
3586s no no
3591s no oh my God let me go ahead and get
3593s this one started I'll go back and find
3595s more
3599s Pumpkins this is a nice blur Trail right
3602s here I like it nope no I don't know how
3604s you're talking
3610s about oh pumpkin they do
3618s exist I think every time we come out of
3620s the Void more pumpkins spawn right kind
3623s of seems that way so either that or I'm
3626s just missing these before I don't know
3628s it could be one of the other hello you
3631s wouldn't uh Punk me in a head would you
3634s I I would want to but it's more of like
3637s can I you
3638s know well please don't I like my
3646s [Music]
3652s head so many windows
3657s I'm about to leave without youxi I'm so
3659s sorry it's okay I could plot twist on
3661s the ground if
3663s necessary I don't know where you went
3665s actually you're a wizard oh wait I think
3667s I see you maybe no you don't see
3675s me
3680s no when does your power run out oh it's
3683s out oh thank God no it's it's still
3685s active no no no it's totally still
3686s active
3688s yeah blorbs blorbs
3691s blorbs just going to go oh my gods I
3695s don't need
3697s those anyway so there's someone in the
3699s locker by the way we doing that's what
3702s we were doing
3705s anyway right when the Portal's open too
3709s this keeps happening I keep doubting you
3710s when the port's open I don't know how
3711s this
3713s happening
3715s oh oh I'm going in I'm going in to make
3718s some
3719s friends thank you oh where is heart I
3723s don't like that Georgie old friends he
3725s the portal we got to we got to stop him
3727s we got to stop him no no no no no don't
3729s worry about it it's
3732s fine to the portal into the
3736s void now where's my friend you're not my
3739s friend I'm not going that way Jimmy hey
3744s here's one
3746s oh hi
3748s how my
3750s God all right you know what sure you
3752s know
3754s what the entity said no you may not have
3756s me again oh my
3760s God hey there's someone in this lock you
3762s want to come around you see oh you did
3765s not see
3769s me hello friend
3773s hi I still don't hear the heartbeat
3776s you're not oblivious are you tofu you're
3778s not hiding from us are you me never know
3789s no thank you for the
3791s heals oh my God
3796s hi oh no I was so
3800s close trans void energy sounded so sad
3806s oh we're doing
3812s this hello
3815s hello get that extra
3818s speed I got
3820s [Music]
3826s you who's going to finish first oh bam a
3832s they beat
3833s us
3835s see you no friends hey hey no no no come
3839s back come back friend
3842s fine running into a wall this is
3845s not that is certainly not ideal time to
3851s go it's getting
3854s spooky that's a
3857s wall
3859s nice jeez oh no no no no no no
3872s uhoh I have enough enough
3880s energy oh can I get a friend can I get a
3882s friend friend hi this seemed really cool
3886s so I wanted to
3888s join somebody in there no no somebody in
3891s there I promise tofu there's somebody in
3894s there are you sure that's King King you
3896s wouldn't be lying to me right no
3899s nevering this live stream absolutely not
3901s I never do that to
3907s you you know you know you know do it do
3912s it no no no no don't you no no no I up
3915s you can't you can't betray me twice you
3917s can't betray me twice okay heart be so
3923s broken everything's great yeah yeah yeah
3929s no bad Look Out imagine so
3933s fast no no
3940s no no no no no oh I got so many
3944s hooks oh I got so many
3948s hooks would it be selfish of me to just
3951s leave oh no pleas a little a little I
3954s thought you know we all have hard please
3957s have dead hard please have dead
3960s hard don't worry I I have a that one
3967s B oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my
3969s God it's oh my God
3974s [Laughter]
3976s no oh my
3979s God oh my God's out here fighting for
3982s her
3983s life
3987s oh my
3991s Lord don't do
3996s [Laughter]
4001s it oh my
4004s God I'm sorry I'm sorry to do it to you
4007s I'm sorry to do it to you but you got to
4008s go you got to go gamer you gotta
4011s go oh my
4013s God
4015s we had a plan it almost work but one of
4019s us got out one of us got out that's a g
4021s for us I'll tell the
4024s tale tell tell our story let us names
4027s live on make sure to include George in
4030s there too oh yeah George was theor and
4032s Jimmy George and Jimmy I tried the
4036s MVPs oh man that was good that was fun
4038s this event is so fun yeah GG's guys GG's
4042s cool GG's yeah this was super fun but I
4045s think that's all we have time for we
4046s really only have time for one game but
4048s uh that was a super good showcase I
4050s thank you guys so much for joining thank
4051s you guys for hanging out and playing uh
4053s before we cut back is there any last
4055s words you guys would like to say maybe
4057s let people know where they can find you
4059s if you guys want to check me out uh you
4061s can find me at twitch.tv/ lexii a y or
4063s on Tik Tok Lexi with two y's um for some
4066s DVD content and some other variety
4069s games if you're looking for some game
4071s shows theories q&as or news you can you
4074s can find me on YouTube under the king or
4076s you can find me on Twitch twitch.tv/
4080s theek King hope to see you there you're
4082s looking for some scream scares and fog
4084s Fashion reviews check me out on Die Hard
4086s div on all social medias Tik Tok twitch
4089s YouTube I'm all over the place that was
4092s that was
4093s great if you're into variety horror
4096s games you can check me out at twitch.tv
4098s Ames
4099s ATU yep and once again I OT tofu I am
4102s just a dedicated DVD content creator so
4104s you can check me out at otofu on Twitch
4105s and or YouTube and that's going to be
4108s all for us again thank you for having us
4109s for this event it was super fun I think
4111s we all had a really good time and we're
4112s gonna be coming it back to the host so
4114s uh take care guys it was fun hanging out
4118s goodbye hello everyone welcome to the
4122s haunted by daylight tabletop RPG one
4125s shot this is an absolutely amazing event
4128s I'm so excited to be part of this uh
4131s today I am honored to have ours Observer
4134s here for the day uh CB is going to be
4136s joining us please introduce yourself for
4138s the two people who don't know who you
4140s are a lot more than that that's okay hey
4144s everybody my name is Omega Jones also
4145s known as the critical Bard online all
4147s the socials uh my pronouns are he and
4149s they I am your humble Observer AKA game
4152s master of this dead by daylight Inspire
4155s ttrpg I'm a professional actor and
4157s vocalist out of the Midwest uh who
4158s became uh a hot mess uh because of the
4161s world shutting down and I don't regret
4163s anything about about that uh let's also
4166s meet our players we're going to start
4168s with May hi I'm may I am a queer Moman
4171s and I work at Behavior interactive as a
4173s senior influencer manager as a longtime
4176s ttrpg fan I'm really excited to show you
4179s all the great ways that you should not
4180s play this
4182s character and uh I am she her but I will
4185s be playing David King who is heem and
4187s one of our great LGBT icons what about
4190s you oh my gosh hi Frisk David Stan
4196s um oh my goodness but hey what is going
4199s on everybody I am Frisk my pronouns are
4201s she her I'm all about Good Vibes dead by
4203s daylight and everything in between um
4206s you have definitely seen me host into
4208s the fog I am your into the fog host and
4209s I've done so many other things as a fog
4211s whisper and I'm so excited to be here
4212s today um I am going to be playing
4215s Claudette and that's why I'm I'm all get
4218s up I'm all it's It's Hard Out Here for
4222s girl and lastly um it is Hispanic
4225s Heritage Month and I just want to say
4226s Happy Hispanic heritage mon I am an afro
4228s Latina so shout out to my Bas out there
4231s yeah rinka hi hello I am rinka I hope
4236s you all are having a wonderful day today
4238s um pronouns are she her um what was I
4243s saying might you be playing today oh I'm
4245s playing Neil Carlson today I'm playing
4246s Neil Carlson and uh yeah I'm a Latin
4249s Hispanic fog whisper
4252s soos my lady confetti
4254s hi everyone I am Mady confetti my
4256s pronouns are she her I will be playing
4258s the hag today um I am also a fog whisper
4262s I am the founder of Sisters of the fog
4265s and I play a lot of horror games and
4266s cozy
4268s games and I'm Matthew I'm the head of
4271s Partnerships uh for Behavior digital and
4274s uh today uh my my pronouns are mostly
4277s him and today I'm actually going to be
4279s uh trying to inhabit the character of
4282s Dwight what
4286s it's a stretch it's a stretch would have
4289s thought it's make
4291s belief which brings me to a good point
4294s though uh about this being make belief M
4297s uh uh I think you had something to say
4299s about the fact that none of this is real
4300s yeah this so yeah uh we're going to be
4302s playing a tabletop role playing game or
4304s TTR RPG there are many famous ones out
4306s there uh that basically means we're
4307s going to be telling this story that we
4309s know and love the video game that we
4311s know and love in a little a more
4313s intimate way we're going to be role
4314s playing uh using some dice to see how
4316s well these folks do or don't do um I was
4319s really excited to do this a good friend
4321s of mine uh we talked about how there's a
4323s lot of um lore and backstory in dead by
4326s daylight and why don't we see that in a
4330s uh tabletop game so I'm super excited
4332s that behavior in dead by daylight
4334s allowed this to happen uh it is built
4336s around this year's theme uh the haunted
4338s by daylight event which is uh about the
4339s void realm so this is called into the
4342s void a dbd ttrp you one shot uh
4345s something to note you're going to see a
4347s lot of stuff in this that is not canon
4350s at all like everything is inspired by
4352s dead by daylight using the lore and the
4354s Back stories to tell this story in a
4356s more enriched way um you're going to be
4358s seeing the board game uh be used uh we
4361s have minis uh using the dice from the
4363s board game using the map proper from the
4364s board game some things might be modified
4367s uh and that's okay again we're using it
4369s just as a visual aid to help us tell the
4371s story that we're going to tell um also
4374s we won't be using any of the Dead by
4376s daylight game mechanics that you know
4378s you might hear some things like certain
4380s perks be called out but we have tweaked
4382s them to fit this dead by daylight ttrpg
4385s experience as a
4386s whole let's go yeah yeah are you all
4390s ready I don't think you are oh yeah I'm
4392s ready I'm a little
4395s nervous with that being said let me set
4398s the scene a little
4400s bit in the
4402s darkness silence always
4405s listens this world foreign and
4409s benign it's a new home an unfortunate
4413s one you've been taken
4416s stolen usurped or
4419s unseated to be here is to be upon a
4423s piece and a game of sorrow and
4427s Terror over and over like an unending
4430s cycle you've been here or boros's taking
4434s physical form fixation trepidation
4437s Annihilation fixation trepidation
4439s Annihilation over and over rinse and
4443s repeat this is your new
4447s normal you can Revel in its Glory or you
4450s can suffer in its
4452s Serenity those who run this realm don't
4455s care which of those you pick as long as
4457s you are
4459s here and you
4462s are on the this day the black of night
4465s uh remains broken by a soft Inferno some
4470s of you are currently in
4472s circling this we know to be the campfire
4475s the only true place of resit and peace
4479s within this
4480s realm to many of you it's a sign of rest
4484s even if
4485s short to others a gathering space for
4489s One's next
4491s victim it beckons all
4494s and it has beckoned you all tonight yet
4498s again so as we see this campfire it this
4502s flame roiling and giving you some sense
4507s perhaps a false sense of warmth I'm
4509s going to go around and wonder what each
4513s of you are doing around this campfire
4516s we're going to start with
4519s Dwight I'm I'm nervous and I'm scared
4523s but I'm
4524s tired and mostly I'm tired of being the
4527s butt of everybody's jokes and
4531s and it's the first time I'm in a group
4534s of people that are too busy being chased
4537s and murdered all the time to make fun of
4540s me so it's almost like I have friends
4542s now and I'm I'm going to make the best
4545s of
4546s it make the best of an unfortunate
4549s situation do me a favor uh can you roll
4553s your two dice
4554s and add your resolve to
4557s this this is not going to go
4560s well damn uh that would be 10 that's a
4564s 10 that's
4566s great uh it's true you uh are looking
4570s around and you do understand that there
4571s are friends uh I can do this even if you
4575s know them under unfortunate
4577s circumstances we can do this can
4580s you we'll find out as the pan as a
4583s camera begins to pan over and we see nia
4586s nia what might you be doing around this
4588s campfire tonight looking into the Flames
4592s just Reminiscing on my time back home in
4595s Sweden looking
4597s for a canvas
4600s maybe something
4602s new that I can take my can of spray
4606s paint and just create something that
4609s everyone can
4610s see in this flame you see
4614s art itself this fire the smoke the smoke
4617s reminding you of the spray that comes
4619s from these cans this color this
4621s Kaleidoscope that brings you
4623s Joy The Joy doesn't really exist in this
4627s realm it could if you know the right
4631s people but you probably
4633s don't as you stare at this fire it's
4635s almost singing to you almost calling to
4637s you the Reds the blue the the the
4639s yellows the oranges uh the warmth
4642s thinking about what your next piece
4644s might be could go back to cotus PR but
4647s it probably won't be what you remember
4649s it to
4650s be as the camera continues to pan over
4653s we see one with a lovely plant Claudette
4658s what are you up to what are you thinking
4659s about what's your
4661s Vibe I'm thinking
4664s about how it's so different being out
4668s here
4669s um back at home I could always hide
4673s behind a keyboard and mouse and I just
4677s spend my time on the forums or studying
4680s plants
4681s and I'm just sitting here taking care of
4684s the one plant that I have
4686s left and um wondering what the rest of
4690s the night will
4691s break it's interesting nature nature we
4695s think is luscious greens and uh simple
4699s flowers that are blooming and resting
4702s when the winter comes
4704s nature does exist in the Realm of
4706s Darkness and Shadow the plants that you
4709s know and love somehow you having an
4711s ability to keep them just right just
4717s here enough to remind you of what you
4720s have already lost as your eyes scan
4722s around you see the desolate and decaying
4724s trees within this
4727s Forest one can hope you can return to
4730s the
4731s green they say it sometimes it's greener
4734s on the other side you might not ever see
4737s that other side again
4738s though the camera continues to pay and
4741s we see a Rowdy individual one might say
4745s is toxic
4747s masculine but we know them to be David
4751s David what's David up to um very aware
4754s and present in his body he took uh took
4757s a bit of a beating last round mhm taking
4760s in everyone's position seeing them
4763s around on the
4764s fire having a bit of contemplative
4766s moment knowing that despite his entire
4769s life spending that pushing people away
4772s he always comes back here with these
4775s people and how in some way he's grateful
4778s for
4779s that it's wild how sometimes you find um
4783s a sense of peace and understanding in
4786s the times that you are broken it's those
4789s trials and tribulations that brings
4790s everyone together even when is smashing
4794s down upon you
4796s repeatedly you never break you never
4799s Bend let's hope your next time in the
4802s trials it won't be your
4805s last as we see these four survivors
4809s paring knowing that in a moment's time
4813s they are to reenter this world and try
4815s to find a way to get out yet again the
4818s camera kind of pans back and we enter
4822s the forest itself just on the outskirts
4824s of this
4825s campfire where we know those who are
4828s unsavory will call them tend to reside
4832s waiting to be
4834s beckoned and one hag
4837s Lisa as she most likely wants to be
4840s referred to it's hanging out yeah ready
4843s to prepare for
4846s whatever you are to do what are you
4848s thinking
4850s about as I'm lurking in the woods seeing
4853s that group of survivors the
4857s campfire I'm tired determined but
4861s enraged ready for the next
4864s trial wondering why does the psycho have
4867s to always
4872s repeat a
4874s cycle it's meant to be ongoing is meant
4877s to be never changing always
4882s continuing can you truly break a cycle
4885s you've broken things before I break a
4887s lot of things yes you've broken chains
4891s you've broken
4893s people items
4900s items but will you break
4904s next as you watch these so-called
4907s survivors what exactly have they
4909s actually survived in their day and as
4911s the four of you are hanging out out at
4913s this campfire is there anything you all
4916s want to speak about before your time
4918s comes that does include you hag as you
4920s are beckoned here as well floor is
4926s yours
4928s I'm hi
4931s hi Dwight you all right man yeah no
4934s we're fine we're going to be good I'm I
4937s I'm good but are you are you good yeah
4939s we're yeah we're fine we're going to be
4941s good uh we can do this
4943s I I yeah let's just stick together
4947s right yeah uh I'm not super comfortable
4951s with her being here
4953s but I'm not scared
4956s hi I'm going to going to remember
4959s you people rarely
4961s do I'll
4964s remember as you all Converse I need all
4968s of you to make a something's wrong check
4971s o that is is a witch roll so roll your
4976s dice twice roll both of them together
4978s add that number to your wits number
4981s we're going to start with Dwight what'
4983s you get seven
4989s okay
4990s hey wait what's the logo again six not
4996s being seven + one eight eight I got two
5001s eight I wasn't even trying to be
5006s funny what did you get uh seven okay six
5011s okay seven as well we got a lot of
5013s sevens you got an eight two eight yeah
5016s um you can tell when it's time the
5021s campfire begins
5023s to the wind beginning to blow through
5026s wanting to Snuff it you see the trees
5028s listening echoing that sound that
5031s haunted Melody that you know here we go
5033s again you see almost the sky beginning
5036s to fall apart as Darkness begins to
5040s settle in and wherever you will show up
5043s is where you show up and it is up to you
5044s to get out or get
5048s even but as this Darkness begins to
5051s settle you take that breath ready to
5055s step into this
5057s world
5059s hag you typically most of you see
5063s streaks of orange and yellow perhaps
5066s strong Crimson in the sky smoking and
5072s wispiness you don't see that in this
5076s moment as this world is settling in and
5078s transforming
5094s it is dark and silence beckons once
5098s more it's silent for a
5102s while almost wondering when the time
5105s will come for you to actually Step
5109s In Your Eyes begin to
5112s open slowly light starting to adjust
5116s your eyes not used
5118s to oh well there it is you see the walls
5123s around you you see the wooden floor or
5127s stone floor whatever it might become
5129s this time your eyes
5131s see the cross section of
5135s hooks perhaps for those who need to meet
5138s their
5140s end it's damp it's dark you can feel
5144s almost an accurate taste in the air
5148s something gross death itself no this is
5152s worse in
5153s death as your eyes adjust the five of
5157s you typically never
5160s together are in the
5163s basement that's new why are yall in my
5166s house why is it so dark in
5169s here why didn't we get separated it also
5172s smells kind of
5174s funny as opposed to it usually smelling
5177s like
5178s roses well you got a point David it's
5181s usually not that bad why yall in my
5183s basement why are you not don't ask me
5186s killing us right now why didn't you
5188s clean before we got
5191s here yeah it's pretty dirty in
5193s here why are y'all being rude about my
5198s house if you would like give me a
5203s general resolve check as a matter of
5206s fact we're going to call this a focus up
5208s check roll your dice and add your
5210s resolve to try to get your bearings oh
5218s no 11
5220s yeah
5222s any 11 11 okay it's five five 12 12 12
5229s amazing 10 10 double ones double ones uh
5235s you know what your wounds look fresh
5238s right now um you're focused on your
5240s hands you're focused on the feeling of
5242s settling in maybe you got a cramp um
5245s this isn't your time at all uh Dwight
5249s even you you know the it's the basement
5251s um yeah I know this it feels dank it
5253s doesn't feel right you don't like being
5255s here as a matter of fact that hook in
5257s the back you're used to that one uh it's
5259s your it's your preferred spot at this
5261s point would you like me to put you there
5262s oh I I appreciate you not killing me
5266s right now but the talking is not
5269s helping It's
5271s upsetting but
5273s three of you Nia Claudette Lisa
5277s hag the thing that touches you the most
5282s is that it's
5284s cold but the basement's usually cold
5287s it's at the bottom of whatever space it
5289s has um erupted in but there's an
5293s unsettling cold
5297s perhaps things outside aren't as warm
5301s and as you look at this steps you can
5303s almost see soft tracks of
5306s snow perhaps you're just in Orman our
5311s family friendly ski
5314s resort
5316s perhaps would you all like to look
5318s around would you like to head upstairs
5320s what would you all like to do someone
5322s should go check it out can I check the
5325s lockers sure uh give me uh a witch
5331s check
5333s sorry
5337s Dwight so
5340s twight oh 13 13 um and I hit this you do
5345s uh unfortunately good as a as a uh you
5349s know what this is a ttrpg and we're
5351s inspired uh if anyone rolls double um
5354s any number and they don't have an item
5356s they're going to get an item typically
5357s Killers never get items but in this case
5359s I I knock them out of their hand perhaps
5361s yeah she might pick one up go ahead and
5364s uh pick a card any card
5367s now flashlight I would
5371s scream a
5377s key uh the key means in this game that
5380s whatever you want if you get a roll you
5382s just don't like you can cash in your key
5384s and immediately reroll those dice got it
5386s o um as you look into this empty cold uh
5390s Locker it's metal
5392s almost burning your hands that's how
5394s cold it is frostbite itself starting to
5397s take hold um you open it nothing's there
5401s but why is there a dusting of snow in
5404s here why is there are those
5408s veins you're kind of used to that maybe
5412s but nothing really out of the ordinary
5413s not immediately not here at least am I
5416s allowed to put um a trap down of course
5421s uh yes so
5423s uh for hag she has an ability her black
5425s and Catalyst uh to put down fantasm
5427s traps uh what you need to do for me is
5431s roll your dice and add your maob to it
5433s you need an eight or higher if you get
5435s an eight or higher you can easily put a
5438s trap I want to use my key you want to
5440s use a key
5442s now there you go that's
5446s smart all right a eight eight so 10
5451s perfect yes easily describe what it
5453s looks like as you place your your runes
5455s your your trap up the ground the magic
5457s just raw power that you know so well so
5459s I lean down with my Megan the stallion
5462s knees stop and
5464s [Music]
5465s I and I draw my triangle pretty quickly
5470s I have add-ons here and then I set it
5473s down right at the the locker that I
5476s checked as I'm I'm assuming at the
5478s bottom of the steps so I put it like
5479s right in front of the bottom of the
5481s stairs of course yes you you set that
5483s you take that that uh that dirt and that
5486s those elements that you know you draw
5488s that triangle sacred to you now that
5490s sign of yours pressing your hand against
5492s it you feel that power uh emanating
5495s almost like a chant calling to you come
5497s back to me come back to me you know that
5499s whenever you need to you can come back
5500s to this spot your trap is
5503s set
5505s it's ma'am
5507s yeah it like since you're not attacking
5510s us right now if feels like amongst
5513s ourselves we just call you the hag
5516s apologies if that's bad uh what should
5521s we call you you call me Lisa oh yeah I
5525s have a name but that's that's a nice
5527s name it's
5528s unexpected uh okay well welcome to the
5532s team
5533s [Laughter]
5535s Lisa as Dwight and and Lisa have a very
5539s awkward
5540s conversation what would the rest of you
5542s would like to do would you like to start
5543s heading upstairs anything else you want
5544s to try to look up down here I would love
5546s to search and study the basement of
5548s course yeah give me a search and study
5550s check please that is going to be your
5551s dice plus your wits and you're pretty
5554s witty six seven eight that's an eight
5557s yes on an eight uh you can ask me two
5560s questions about this and I have to
5562s answer I'm sorry on the seven or n you
5564s can ask me one question about uh the
5566s basement itself something in particular
5568s you might be looking for and I have to
5569s answer you as truthfully as I can oh
5573s gosh I get to ask a question about the
5575s basement M what are you looking for what
5577s do you want to search and
5579s study is there anything that I can take
5582s with me down here before we decide to
5584s maybe go
5585s upstairs is there anything that you can
5587s take with you um that's the odd part I'm
5591s actually going to give you that you know
5593s the Realms well you expect to see chest
5596s and lockers you see the hooks and all
5598s those things but some of those things
5601s like your chest that you expect to see
5602s in the back around the
5604s corner it's not
5607s here the ground almost seems to have
5609s this Eerie blue tint to it whereas the
5614s basement's typically more red more uh
5617s maroon set deep um other than the hook
5622s and the one Locker that happens to be
5623s there there's not much here you can
5625s actually take there could be some debris
5628s upstairs but not down here this place
5631s looks looks a lot different than it
5633s usually does
5634s guys how
5636s so well I'm looking at all around us
5642s there's this weird
5645s blue it's it hasn't been like this
5648s before you're
5650s right yeah it's not like I've ever seen
5653s yeah it's a lot colder than
5655s normal it is it is very
5658s cold it's a lot different
5663s I think we definitely need to be on our
5665s guard
5667s okay what do you all do Adam I think we
5670s head upstairs watch out for the
5672s [Laughter]
5674s Trap you noticed something actually
5677s though because typically yeah when the
5678s four of you get too close to Lisa's
5680s straps the hack trps something's pops
5683s out you know jump scare yeah um that
5687s doesn't happen here not to you at least
5690s perhaps whatever has brought you to this
5694s place this whatever different um does it
5698s mean that there's something worse right
5700s now chasing
5701s the five of
5703s us I hope
5706s not you won't know until you do more
5708s looking so oh dear as the five of you
5711s begin to step upstairs as I assume you
5714s know you step up those creaky steps um
5718s loud as you get up to the top you see
5722s what you expect to see out of the ski
5725s resort in
5726s orand you look in front of you and you
5728s see a couple of uh decrepit suitcases uh
5733s kind of displayed about um no one ever
5736s returning for their luggage you see that
5739s familiar fireplace though no flame
5743s Burns though something is in there it's
5747s a blue aura almost like plasma my Asma
5751s sitting within it
5752s uh the fireplace itself almost misshapen
5756s and
5757s misguided you don't see a generator
5760s inside I'm going to check out that
5762s fireplace I can do this yeah yeah hang
5765s on I've got this would you like to
5768s search and study this firl yeah I'll
5770s touch it you going you're going to touch
5771s the fireplace yeah um it's sort of glowy
5775s yeah could be good just for my
5778s understanding are you touching the
5779s fireplace or what's inside thing okay
5784s um I just needed to confirm uh please uh
5788s roll me your dice and add your
5791s resolve yep
5794s uh that's a double one you're checking
5796s the Charlie horse with me now you got
5799s double ones plus one which is a three I
5802s try to act cool right you try your best
5806s actor you are not um as your hand begins
5809s to envelop it almost begins to encircle
5812s you like an infection just you're going
5815s to take one harm I don't as this inti
5818s this this this this mess we want to call
5821s this this myasthma uh touches you um it
5824s doesn't hurt as long but you probably
5827s don't want to do that again just like
5829s all thing it does burn just not in the
5831s way you
5833s think
5836s we yeah yeah it's cold but it's not that
5839s cold Dwight yeah don't touch this as you
5842s all look around though you see parts of
5845s the ski resort are
5846s open typically isn't pretty much closed
5850s off you see within the sky it almost
5853s looks blue and ethereal like you're in
5856s this as
5858s ocean the blues almost like waves of
5864s power almost akin to I don't know a
5867s void it feels like there is a a lack of
5872s air and yet it is here it feels heavy
5875s and yet empty it feels like you can
5878s float but you can't there's something
5882s weird about this place that you're in
5885s though it looks like the place that you
5887s have always been dropped into over and
5890s over
5892s again but that's when you hear a
5895s familiar sound
5900s M as
5902s coming through one of the
5905s doors well first they bump into it
5907s because they tend to do that two or
5908s three times before they actually did it
5910s right um as they step
5916s in you see a familiar
5920s friend we know this would be the blight
5924s also known as
5928s talit he in
5930s his long decrepit robes his mouth ped
5934s with with orange ior um holding whatever
5938s type of weapon sickle in his hand just
5940s kind of shakes it
5945s off hey
5948s Blake oh we just say hi to him now oh
5951s we're both Killers so we kind of know
5953s each other oh oh okay I
5956s see you all have arriv
5959s arrived I get behind her
5963s sure why hiding behind
5965s [Music]
5967s me I hope it wasn't a long
5972s trip do you know where we are what's
5975s going on is it not
5979s obvious that no that's why we
5983s asked surprised you all don't pick up
5985s more than you seem
5989s to we call this
5992s the void
5995s well a place
5998s where those dark Forces that guide
6004s us they use this as a disposal
6011s area a place where those are gone never
6016s return why the five of you are here I'm
6021s pretty much much asking myself the same
6023s question can I do a whis check of course
6026s yes what would you like to do
6027s specifically um I would like to do
6029s something's wrong of course yes give me
6030s a something's wrong
6032s check just kind of taking a moment to
6034s really look at him and look in my
6036s environment because I was a little
6037s distracted from my injuries earlier and
6039s take it all in oh no don't fall or you
6042s can we roll that one
6043s okay all right
6046s o
6050s math
6052s um yeah plus my wit so zero so that's uh
6055s nine yeah nine that's not bad yeah um
6058s well you will be able to ask a question
6060s as well but something of note uh just
6063s like your newfound friend the hag um
6067s he's not immediately attacking you which
6071s is weird in itself you have never seen
6074s this person not running to you like a
6077s chicken with his head cut
6079s off so the fact that he's
6081s having a
6083s conversation should give you some kind
6085s of pause didn't know you could talk yeah
6087s me neither but what specifically would
6089s you like to try to infer out of him or
6092s this place that is around you well he
6095s said it was a disposal and everything's
6098s different and Claud mentioned the color
6101s and the cold so I'm just trying to
6103s identify
6105s like he said another realm I'm trying to
6107s figure out like if this is real like
6109s what's in front of me right now of
6111s course yes um one it certainly feels
6114s real um I mean what is reality what is
6117s fantasy right but in this space it
6121s doesn't feel like it's a programmed
6125s image an illusion it doesn't feel like
6128s it's a dream it doesn't feel like you're
6130s sleeping uh you know that you were
6133s pulled into a space you know that
6135s feeling this is just a space you've
6137s never been in perhaps because you're not
6139s supposed to be here
6142s so why you're here is the ultimate
6146s question like still looks at you
6150s are
6152s this you
6155s could
6156s Escape it is rare but you are not meant
6161s to be here did you see any Jens on your
6164s way why would I care about a
6170s generator but sorry but don't you don't
6173s you usually break them when we're trying
6174s to fix them or I break them just to be
6177s uh uh how do you say it a pest a
6180s nuisance a menace we don't need them you
6184s do oh but no no no Gators none of what
6190s you are so used
6192s to the the the the sense of possibility
6196s of leaving this realm does not reside in
6199s your ability to be a
6202s mechanic well I tried the blue thing
6204s that didn't help because it's the wrong
6208s blue thing so then what blue thing are
6211s you talking
6213s about he looks at you hag like why am I
6216s talking to these lessers right now um
6219s but he knows he resolves
6224s himself in this realm of the Void the
6228s only way you get out
6231s and he points through a window and
6234s through the window you can almost see
6236s this shimmering um Power this Essence so
6239s it's kind of coales within itself within
6243s it you see nothingness you see black and
6245s around it you see these auras of Y of
6248s white and
6249s blue that we call them Rifts they are
6255s unstable you have to stabilize
6258s them there are many
6262s things within this realm
6264s many
6266s creatures many sources of power energy
6271s energy of the Void void energy
6275s collect collect it all take it to that
6280s and
6281s maybe
6283s maybe you'll
6286s leave but since you're here I assume
6291s that means you ought to be
6296s tested but I'd rather not yeah but that
6300s is not for me to say I am stuck here
6303s just like
6305s you I must find my own energy and if you
6310s all came together you must do the
6315s same all I have to work with the
6319s survivors you got any leads on
6323s energy give me an appeal check H
6327s okay see how much you can convince him
6330s to give you some
6334s information six six okay um he looks at
6340s you kind of [ __ ] his head in that weird
6343s kind of creepy
6346s Vibe I cannot say I know much but and
6350s then he paused pauses takes this long
6354s [Applause]
6359s breath a
6361s choice of
6363s deception or a choice of
6367s satisfaction
6369s strife and
6372s understand through their
6375s smiles will your
6378s faith be decided
6386s why is it always riddles always riddles
6389s What were you
6391s asking um I was I was wondering where
6394s we'd get that energy for the for the
6396s riffs as a note you just saw the blight
6400s yeah be
6402s overtaken by
6403s something he doesn't seem to know what
6405s it
6406s was he looks at you um there are you
6411s okay buddy I am
6413s fine like sticks
6416s [Music]
6418s aside there
6420s are pumpkins of the Void I know you can
6424s smash those but other than that you must
6427s search for
6429s yourself Smashing Pumpkins Smashing
6433s Pumpkins I think that's a
6436s band never heard of it okay wouldn't
6439s know everyone give me a witch check
6445s please Dam My rolls yeah you know David
6450s you are it's not my day your your your
6452s hands your hands uh they're great
6456s they're great right now thank God I'm
6460s pretty just sck your shirt
6464s off it's move like went in doubt I'm
6467s just in a corner just like what did you
6470s get oh um 11 great eight eight uh 12 12
6476s five uh again yeah you know you're
6479s pretty um that's all you need DAV
6482s Dwight's probably more focused on making
6484s sure the uh the blight's okay uh you
6486s know Dwight is a is a precious being uh
6490s he cares even though he thinks everyone
6492s hates him um the for the three of you
6496s always the three of you which is
6497s interesting um you begin to think about
6501s whatever this apparation this voice that
6503s came out of the
6504s blight a choice of deception and a
6506s choice of
6508s satisfaction but sounds like perhaps a
6511s trick or a
6513s treat strike and
6517s understand is that smashing the pumpkins
6519s is that smashing something else through
6522s their smiles will your fate be the
6524s decided most pumpkins do have a creepy
6528s smile but other creatures also can smile
6532s and he any pumps in the room we're in
6536s none in this room
6538s no but there is the vast um area that
6542s you know the Arman ski resort to be
6545s perhaps in checking if we're going to
6547s get out of
6548s here the um so you mentioned that um we
6553s have to
6554s bring our items to what was outside
6558s because it was the wrong light outside
6560s is that you said no um you just feel
6563s like you're not you're not in Kansas uh
6566s you feel like the oron that you are
6568s expecting is not the ormon that you are
6571s in um any that you might have might be
6574s useful might not but nothing
6576s specifically you don't need to bring
6577s anything uh in a specific space okay
6579s yeah but I think we need to bring the
6581s energy to that blue thing if we find
6583s some yeah that's what oh sorry my
6585s apologies I was misunderstanding yes um
6588s he mentioned that uh whatever energy you
6590s collect perhaps you need to bring it to
6592s that unstable Rift can I put a trap in
6594s front of it would you like to go out to
6596s that Rift yes oh sure yeah uh give me a
6599s maob check o and as you get to this um
6604s this Rift you can feel the energy it
6606s almost beckons towards you almost
6607s sucking you in like a black hole but
6609s it's not able to actually find purchase
6611s upon your farm not yet Perhaps when it's
6614s powered up then you'll be able to escape
6617s okay uh I have seven uh seven yes that
6619s is uh uh seven yep it says any seven
6623s plus you can play yes yes yes sorry I
6625s had to make sure yes that you can
6627s you uh very simple very uh concise
6631s you've been doing this over and over
6632s again um while you're out there can you
6636s give me uh something's wrong check me
6640s yep I have a dice oh yeah I'm sure not
6643s noticing
6645s anything's over here like damn I
6649s look it's kind of cold though it's
6652s freezing that's eight yes great as you
6655s are placing down your
6658s trap you almost feel like the hair upon
6662s your naked uh arm is beginning to rise
6665s ever so softly not many things can give
6668s you pause not even some of the other
6670s Killers no and yet you feel like a sense
6675s like something's watching
6677s you and as your eyes begin to scan
6681s closer to the storage
6684s area my apologies closer to the picnic
6687s area that is in
6688s or you see two shapes starting to take
6692s form and they're looking in your
6695s direction before we get to that what are
6698s the four of you
6701s doing I'm going to try to get people
6703s rallied so that we can get some pumpkins
6707s and so I'm like come on everybody and I
6709s tried to do something dramatic like I
6711s jump over a counter or something or like
6713s a chair and go let's do this and and be
6716s dynamic and
6718s [ __ ] you can you get well Happ uh can
6722s you give me a appeal check please yeah
6724s I'm good at this yes you
6727s are seven seven you know that's not bad
6730s um yeah not bad you give you kind of
6734s give this kickflip moment in the air
6736s like yeah very picturesque um uh and you
6739s know there's something adorable about
6742s our dear Dwight Fairfield uh even in the
6746s in the eyes of Terror itself he always
6749s seems to have a nervous one but a smile
6753s um and hope and hope uh what does that
6755s do for you all do you all follow him
6757s where are you intending to go are you
6759s sending to walk out s dat way I I mostly
6762s like we need to get out we need to start
6764s looking so I it was a very generic M
6768s Dynamic thing yeah no I love it I love
6770s it I love it yeah I think I think the
6772s rallying is starting to very much take
6774s hold uh as you know your new found
6777s friend hag has stepped outside to do
6779s some type of ritual with her little
6782s traps uh what are the three of you doing
6784s so I'm kind of focused on the hag right
6787s now I'm assuming where she's in the part
6790s of Orman where the usually it's like
6792s kind of broken like broken in the wall
6794s so I can see her interacting with the
6796s rift and I'm just kind of like in my own
6798s world sort of just studying what she's
6801s doing and I'm noticing she looks I'm
6804s assuming she looks uneasy but I I think
6807s that's fair would you say that's fair
6809s that you kind of you gave a look of what
6810s the heck's going on yeah um 100% now I
6813s think you two could probably pick that
6814s up from Claudette that she's probably
6817s clocked something would you all like to
6819s go follow the hag or what would you like
6821s to do specifically no I'm very excited
6823s that he shook me out of whatever Fugue
6825s State I was in with my uh with my pain
6827s and I'm I'm going after this small be
6830s because he already
6832s touched glowing things and then the
6834s blight said it was okay to touch the
6836s glowing things and I'm very concerned
6838s about what he's about to do so okay so
6841s you're gonna stick with Dwight yeah I'm
6842s sticking with Dwight uh what are you
6844s intending to do you see that Claudette
6845s seems has clock the hag I would assume
6847s that maybe Nia is also in that same path
6850s as well I'm actually curious about
6851s what's around what are surroundings is
6855s what's on or everyone else isn't oh of
6858s course yeah yeah yeah uh you quickly
6860s give me a resolve check um uh I'm sorry
6863s give me a witch check uh and then what
6865s is your soon as I'm on the other side of
6867s whatever I jumped over uhu I'm going to
6869s start looking for pumpkins okay and I'm
6871s doing this as vigorously as I can just
6875s so that I'm I'm trying to get people to
6879s you know we can do this amazing what was
6882s your check you said wits a resolve wit
6884s my apologies four four uh yeah I mean
6888s you see a lot but you're almost kind of
6890s blinded by so much happening at once uh
6894s this place is not the same and typically
6896s when you have a sense of understanding a
6898s sense of familiarity you know exactly
6900s where you need to go and how you need to
6901s get there you know those Loops very well
6904s the loops ain't looping here Uh
6906s something's off uh and whether it's
6910s Dwight's you know frantic movement uh
6913s trying to figure out where he wants to
6914s go and you see David kind of following
6916s that or you can tell that something is
6918s getting a little Eerie close to where
6920s the hag and where claw Ed is about to
6921s head off um you have a choice follow
6926s them or follow the
6928s hag I want to follow hag
6932s okay hag yes as you see these two forms
6938s uh starting to take form uh these two um
6943s Amorphis uh beings uh taking some kind
6946s of physicality uh and you can tell that
6948s two of your new found uh Survivor
6951s friends have come to follow you um the
6953s first thing you see
6956s is a masculine figure a what figure a
6960s masculine figure to take shape um and as
6964s you look at them um skin begins to form
6967s upon their face and you see darker skin
6971s you see almost a tall statues form as
6974s their body elongates ever so slightly
6976s just to match their height you see some
6980s kind of hair shaved on the
6982s sides you see almost cheekbones for days
6986s it's it Al it's it over no um as you
6991s look down on a form you're starting to
6993s see almost a is that a tuxedo you see
6996s the suit with a bol tie almost too
6998s pristine um the shoes shining in the
7001s soft Moonlight um they kind of crack
7004s their hands and they look at you and as
7007s they begin to open their mouth you see
7009s the other form begin to take shape this
7012s one feminine shorter wearing black
7017s overalls covered in oil and dust these
7020s large working gloves upon their hands
7023s she having this caramel skin almost
7026s blotched with uh what can only be a r
7029s Shack test Vitiligo upon their uh face
7033s These Hazel Eyes that slowly but surely
7036s turn black but then turn
7040s blue like the void itself you see this
7044s gentleman kind of crack his neck massage
7048s folds where his vocal cords are looking
7051s at you and as his eyes open wide and as
7054s his mouth almost detaches forming this
7058s long open
7062s Mall as they begin to take form these uh
7066s black veins begin to shoot up their body
7068s you see them almost uh become
7070s incorporeal these uh this manifestation
7073s of of sorrow and discard Decay um these
7077s Haun starting to take form and they are
7079s coming towards the three of you I'm
7082s going to give you all a chance to hear
7085s what's going on or you're coming in on
7087s the second
7089s turn if we hear that screen
7092s mhm I'm I'm turning around I'm going to
7095s go join my friends we don't split up I
7098s was giving you a choice
7100s that's what I do I'm not going to leave
7102s them to themselves all right right there
7105s I'm so glad you didn't make me roll so I
7107s could hear it and turn around as well oh
7109s no no with these guys I think you need
7111s to bless them in someone form let's go
7113s David take the shirt up we're going as
7116s the five of you uh you see uh Dwight and
7119s David starting to uh run into this space
7122s as these two haunts are starting to come
7124s down on you I need all of you to take
7126s one die and roll it this is how we're
7129s going to deter determine which uh inti
7132s which groups go first either the haunt
7134s or the player they have to beat my
7137s role which is a two anybody get over a
7140s two everybody everybody you know Fair
7142s did you I got
7146s two I'm going to be a meme oh you gotta
7149s well that's fine as long as one of you
7151s got higher than me okay and that was
7153s easy to do so how combat is going to
7155s work you have your brute checks that you
7157s can do some of you has has more
7160s uh Supernatural pronatural Vibes like
7162s you with your plants you with your magic
7164s in general you can use your macabros to
7167s try to inflict some inflict some damage
7169s some of you can help other people it is
7171s up to you but these two on taunts are
7173s coming down on you now um we are going
7177s to start with our six actually uh what
7180s would you like to do as I set up this
7183s board a little
7186s bit um I would like to Knuckle Up you
7189s would would like to knuckle up so that
7192s means you want to get your
7194s claws and go to town on these on one of
7197s these two individuals um that means roll
7200s your dice and add your brute to
7206s that sis seven eight seven eight uh
7210s eight it eight six seven eight eight
7213s perfect uh on a s through n you do
7215s inflict harm uh how does it look as you
7218s strike down on one of these creatures
7219s are you down on the masculine figure or
7220s the feminine form the masculine one Fair
7223s yeah I got ites outb in my
7227s head
7230s scratchy so
7231s real so in hag form I just do like a
7235s little snar little and then just quick
7238s strike down great and you slash through
7241s his uh spiritual form you see some of
7243s that void like energy almost gets
7245s whipped away as he kind of and looks
7249s with it too and yeah of course that b
7250s ties you want to keep it I'm going to
7252s keep it great you have his b tie in hand
7256s um as he um uh flinches but as he
7259s flinches you see some of that residual
7261s energy comes back towards you you're
7263s going to take one harm from touching
7265s them oh
7268s no um the you said there's a picnic
7270s table out here right there is yeah is
7272s there anything on the picnic table I can
7273s grab g g give me yes give me a uh a
7276s search and study is there a golden
7278s toolbox
7280s o I found
7284s air did I did I rub off on
7288s you this D well I will say this don't
7291s forget you do have an item on you that's
7293s true I do have I do have my flashlight
7296s would you like to I I'm a kind and
7298s gracious Observer uh I will allow you to
7301s instead of using that bad roll which
7303s won't be good for you I will say that
7305s right now uh to use that item or you can
7308s honor the dice tell the story as this
7310s needs to be told up to you I'm going to
7313s honor the dice you're going to honor the
7315s dice I will honor the dice love
7317s everything about that um I think you're
7319s frantic uh and I think the wood is like
7321s one of the true forms of nature that you
7323s see here and you're like table must have
7326s something on it you go reaching and as
7328s you do you slice your hand as there's a
7330s rogue uh nail in it please take one harm
7333s um what would any of you else like to do
7336s you you just jump in with something you
7337s want to do I'm holding back for a second
7340s I want to see what David does because if
7343s he's going to do something heroic and
7345s exciting I'm going to pump him up the
7347s way only I can do okay I love
7350s that um I'm still kind of just looking
7353s up right here
7355s um I guess I'm going to knuckle up as
7358s well of course yeah and you're are
7359s you're a brute buddy uh so this is easy
7362s for you so go ahead give me that uh
7363s brutes Tech r that two or one two yeah
7367s yep can you blow on them
7370s you don't want
7373s that
7377s [Applause]
7379s please uh what that that is that's an
7381s eight that that is great what does it
7383s look like as you just like just connect
7386s with are you connecting with the
7387s feminine form or the masculine form um
7389s but they're both kind of ambiguous at
7390s this moment cuz they're just Blobs of
7392s guntly weirdos so just to make sure I
7395s have my bearings hag went after the
7397s masculine form it's the one that had
7399s sort of the energy come back yes I'm
7401s assuming Dwight's a little bit behind me
7404s so I'm going to take kind of come in
7406s almost flanking and go after the
7408s feminine form of course yeah easily and
7410s you connect with her uh well you connect
7413s with this this amorphous head um as it
7416s reels back and just looks directly back
7419s at you and you see those almost uh those
7422s gloves with the hon almost
7424s rematerializing as they close their fist
7426s matching your energy ready to strike you
7429s next what would you like to do I am
7431s curious about the
7433s shield oo since she took damage she did
7439s um if you would like to yes as you see
7442s her uh going over uh go ahead and give
7444s me that Shield check you roll your dice
7446s plus your
7448s brute that is not good can reroll that
7452s dice roll it yeah if you want
7454s to n 10 10 uh
7459s amazing um as a this is fun I like this
7465s a lot that's pretty nice it doesn't
7467s really apply but I'm going to make it
7469s apply um as you uh see her starting to
7474s rub her hands over this thing and before
7476s she can even get cut by this um uh by
7480s this by this nail you find that it's
7482s actually part of a loose piece of the
7483s wood and you before she gets to it you
7486s rip it up and just ye it to get it out
7488s of the way but but you ye it towards the
7490s feminine form who's going to take the
7493s harm that you were going to take so you
7495s didn't take a harm at all actually and
7497s they will take one harm uh that was
7499s great that was great good for you uh
7501s Dwight what are you doing thanks Mia I'm
7503s kind of impressed that for the first
7505s time Lisa our friend Lisa is actually on
7509s our side so I get really excited and I'm
7512s going to use uh prove
7514s thyself I'm going to go so I'm burning
7518s this I'm giving it to you Oops I Got It
7520s Go Lisa [ __ ] him
7523s up so you get an extra attack oh no I
7526s have to roll my appeal roll your appeal
7528s so we are we have used uh we have uh uh
7532s shifted uh the meaning and and uh the
7534s way certain perks were uh to fit this
7537s tabletop game so Dwight is going to
7539s attempt to use prove thyself he has a
7541s roll a pel if he gets a certain number
7544s he can let one person take their turn
7547s again it's a way of helping in that
7551s moment
7553s uh n 11 ooh that that's yes yes that is
7558s 11 easily enough um as you uh see your
7562s little new friend uh almost like
7565s woo you got this um there's something
7569s almost Primal though that comes upon you
7571s as you feel that that that eloquence
7574s coming from him stirring you you're able
7577s to go again before they can oh love that
7580s what would you like to do [ __ ] him up
7584s yeah I mean you also do have magic if
7587s you want to bind them if you want to try
7589s to you know sap them of their energy
7591s whatever you want to try to do in this
7593s moment or you gu you know Knuck If your
7594s buck that's fine
7596s too I kind of do want to bind them yeah
7600s let's do that yeah use your magic yeah
7602s roll your D be a maabo right yes it'll
7604s be a macabo
7607s yes and depending on how well you do it'
7610s be one or
7613s both oh that's not great what's my it's
7617s 4 + 2 that's six six that is a
7621s six unfortunately that is one less than
7625s you needed um as you attempt to bind
7628s them perhaps it's because you're in this
7630s foreign space that you're not used to In
7632s This Moment um it's not settling exactly
7635s right your traps for one thing but going
7637s back to your roots quite L quite
7640s literally um is almost more work than it
7644s needs to be perhaps you just got to
7646s focus up a little bit but you don't have
7648s that time as this masculine form looks
7651s upon you but first looks to their friend
7655s who looks to you David and just balls
7658s that fit up and just clocks you in the
7662s face hooray o uh yeah uh that
7668s is
7669s okay um as they hit you it hurts more
7672s than it should you're going to take two
7674s harm okay um and as you get hit the
7678s other one again opens up their their
7680s mouth again it elongates long much wider
7683s than it should uh becoming this this
7685s mall gaping and open um but nothing
7689s comes out for a moment but then it's
7693s like a dog whistle it is the highest
7696s pitch it's not a c but it feel sharp it
7700s is so invasive in your minds I need all
7703s of you to make a focus up check if you
7706s failed this you're taking too harm not
7708s you my apologies okay so is it one or
7711s two two you always roll two unless I
7713s take
7716s you if anyone gets under a seven let me
7719s know
7721s um 10 what was it again 10 say it again
7725s what was it again uh a resolve check
7727s resolve got it what' you get 10 10 you
7732s all seem to be immune to this uh
7734s discordance Symphony striking your ears
7738s um you are fine but the individual looks
7741s hurt uh really badly you all get another
7744s shot what would you all have to do that
7746s is super annoying I want to bind his
7749s throat give me a maabo don't make that a
7752s thing on
7753s [Laughter]
7757s TW I have have uh 10 10 easily what does
7762s it look like as a matter of fact uh how
7766s do you um bind him so well that you
7769s almost just coales his existence into
7772s nothingness yeah yeah so I use my hand
7776s that I set my traps but I implant it
7779s onto the floor and just feel these I'm
7782s going to say blue Vines because we're in
7783s a blue realm yeah rise from the barren
7787s ground and go straight to his neck mhm
7790s squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze and can
7792s I pop his head off of course I'm going
7794s to pop his head off it is pop uh this
7796s ghostly um almost ethereal of form uh
7800s somehow becoming decapitated by the raw
7802s void like power that's exist in this
7804s realm um something that somehow you have
7807s been able to control you see that head
7809s just hit the ground and then suddenly
7812s they're gone leaving just a little bit
7815s of dormant blue energy just floating and
7819s it goes into that's the stuff yeah so I
7824s so that's happened to me twice say that
7826s one more time so that's how the energy
7828s has gone into me twice no that wasn't
7829s you didn't get hurt this time you think
7831s remember the blight spoke about some
7833s kind of void energy you think that this
7836s is the energy that now you have uh
7837s actually taken from them um the first
7839s time you getting hit you are not taking
7841s any harm right now okay yeah I'm um as
7845s I'm still in this realm I feel like I'm
7848s um there's something about it that makes
7850s me feel empowered and I want to use some
7854s magic okay I want to try and use magic
7856s what would you like to do I want to try
7859s and trap The Last Enemy yeah yeah do it
7862s remember that magic is only a word that
7867s is used to try to describe something
7868s that you don't understand you have such
7870s an innate understanding of of of plants
7873s of nature itself uh the way you have are
7876s able to heal without a a health care
7879s a first a kit say you have a power just
7883s kind of do this cuz Pat yeah exactly um
7886s give it a
7889s shot you didn't see
7893s that get to
7895s blow I didn't I didn't see that I didn't
7899s see
7900s that
7901s um I I really like this high or low just
7905s say high or low uh
7907s High I meant low no you you want you
7911s want it Opposite you wanted opposite
7913s you're good I really want this to happen
7915s so I'm going to give you a free re free
7916s roll o yay okay perfect now don't mess
7919s up this time okay wait do the thing go
7929s [Applause]
7930s me
7933s him what does it look like as you bind
7936s this second creature
7939s um I'm going to use my plant for this
7942s and have you decided their name yet my
7943s plant um this is morrice JR oh MJ
7949s yeah so moris JR this long this long
7955s piece stretches
7958s out and wraps itself grows it just grows
7962s and wraps itself around this enemy
7964s entangling them
7966s yeah and I'm assuming this makes them
7969s completely immobile yes it has them
7971s stuck uh somehow you're being able to
7973s wrap something that's so immaterial but
7976s again power is what you make it and it
7978s is
7981s just I think could run and smack him in
7983s the mouth do it do it yes I think this
7987s is a moment of Just Energy coming fromus
7991s one oh no dear they're
7995s tight well well well [ __ ] it I'm using
7999s my key
8002s okay
8004s this oh oh my goodness so I still suck
8007s him in the mouth you do it doesn't do
8010s much but you know what happens you know
8012s when um a fist hits a brick wall yeah uh
8016s yeah guess y yeah can you take a harm
8018s from me please I
8021s will but it was a good effort it was it
8026s was butle everyone wait I've got him
8030s entrapped okay do you think we can maybe
8033s get information out of him you want me
8036s to rip his head off I don't know if
8037s he'll
8039s talk you are smart enough to know that
8041s this thing does not want to speak to you
8043s doesn't want to speak to we need to
8044s juice can we check its
8047s Pockets you know what
8052s yes check his pockets give me the DI
8054s Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll me yeah R roll
8057s me roll me 2d6 plus uh let's let let's
8060s say this is W wits sure
8067s yes eight tell me to
8071s stop
8074s stop you find a health
8078s kit oh sweet he's got a health
8081s kit but at that moment uh as you seemly
8085s take something material from the
8086s immaterial something's wrong about that
8088s something so foreign um it makes it
8090s become incorporeal uh makes it become um
8093s so wispy and so broken that it
8097s just disappears your Vine suddenly hit
8100s the ground uhoh and it leaves behind
8103s again that same energy and
8106s it goes into you jeez you all
8112s right at that
8115s moment you see that looked cool
8119s it did it looks really cool uh you know
8121s you know what's even
8123s cooler no as you suddenly see oh that's
8127s a tree oh that's the sign post to Orman
8129s all right he's here as the
8135s blight I see you've met
8139s friends that's not the word I would use
8143s friends it is a word to signify that
8147s their importance
8148s to what you
8150s need yeah we made short work of them too
8154s yeah I watched from a distance you did
8157s nothing
8160s oh Dwight
8163s helped he provided excellent moral
8165s support can you give me an appeal check
8168s [Laughter]
8177s please
8178s eight okay uh he kind of looks at you
8181s and
8182s just cracks his head
8187s fine I don't know how much longer you
8190s have well time doesn't really exist but
8195s that is the start you have collected um
8198s a bit I would think you need a lot more
8201s to power that riff find the
8205s pumpkins smash them perhaps then you
8210s will be able to
8214s escape well what are you standing for I
8218s I
8221s just s of
8223s SC like getting stuck in plac going
8226s around yeah totally doing it are there
8229s any pumpkins around uh well one uh if
8233s you would like to give me a search and
8234s study check um also blight can use very
8238s more to look for there are many spaces
8241s in this area I would advise you all
8244s choose one and then convene afterwards
8248s like split up yes that's exactly what I
8252s am saying I got 12 on my search and
8255s study noted um just you for a moment you
8259s swear you see something glowing in the
8260s corner
8262s ooh I'm I'm going okay what rest are you
8265s doing I would like to go to the killer
8267s Shack
8269s okay yes great you will head over to the
8272s shack to the ski Shack I'm gonna go with
8274s Dwight because I know he's hurt I just
8277s cop this medkit off of this void
8280s creature and I kind of want to take care
8282s of him but also make sure that he
8284s doesn't hurt himself again fair that is
8287s very fair all right all right um where
8290s are you going
8292s niia can I go outside where no one else
8296s is going there any places you can go on
8299s top of the uh Resort uh you can try to
8302s look inside where the rentals are you
8304s can go towards the woods it looks like
8307s our good friend uh hagana has gone to
8310s the is heading to the shack
8312s Shack so I will go with the entryway I'm
8317s probably heading well I'm heading to the
8318s shiny bit so I don't know if it's in the
8320s woods or something but so here there you
8322s go so he's going to the entryway clette
8325s is is following me I will go to the
8328s storage you go to storage all
8330s right now there she is Claudette is with
8334s you mhm David what are you doing David
8337s I'm uh going to the balcony because I
8339s think I'll be able to get a good vantage
8340s point from there and see what's going on
8342s that is fair and blight goes wherever he
8344s needs to go um Dwight Dwight wait
8347s up huh
8350s here you have a health kit if you like
8353s to use it don't look at what's on the
8354s cards cuz we're just using them as a
8356s visual aid uh if
8358s I like two uh if you like to use that
8362s now you can immediately regain two of
8364s your health that feels very good thanks
8367s clette feels better yeah you're welcome
8371s I'm all good let's do this all right
8374s we're going to start with Dwight and
8376s Colette um as you two head over towards
8379s the entryway um it's the same though
8384s again this odd void like space this
8388s astral world has kind of taken over um
8392s this soft glow um in the air um the
8396s towards the entryway you start to see um
8399s more of the black fog that you know so
8402s well starting to coess it's a little
8403s hard to see um you do have a flashlight
8407s though uh if you would like to use that
8409s now or save it it's up to you but it's a
8411s little harder to see with mean checks
8412s might be a little hard for you though
8414s you do still see a shiny thing you see a
8417s shiny thing some shiny over here yeah
8419s right there I do have's check it out
8421s flashlight yeah click it yeah click
8424s click click click click click click
8425s click click click click click sorry
8426s y'all just got a Nerf click
8429s click uh yes as you shine this light
8432s just starts to uh dissipate um the fog
8436s just enough where you can see it uh in a
8439s more uh uh focused uh way um for sure
8444s just around the corner from that sign
8447s you see a small small glowing pumpkin
8451s oh one was supposed to smash it you also
8455s see a pumpkin just a little bit
8458s ahead wait I think I see I think I see
8461s another one you get it I'll get that
8465s yeah yeah I'll get that you smash that
8467s one and I'll and I'm going to go get
8468s that one are
8469s they yeah let's do that let's do that
8472s you you wonder how big they are no I'm
8473s wondering how far apart they are I want
8476s they're within they're within scenes
8478s I don't want to split up more than we
8480s are already no not enough okay uh you
8482s going to go SM pum yeah just jump on it
8483s great immediately as you jump on this uh
8487s pumpkin you get bombarded with this
8489s energy and then your mind is juned
8493s back and for a moment you're in the
8497s woods a little bit younger than you are
8500s oh you're hearing the roud um rampant
8505s Ruckus uh of your fellow co-workers um
8508s this impromptu trip that your boss has
8510s asked you no forced you to go on these
8515s jerks who
8516s have misled you and judged you at every
8520s turn suddenly wanting to be your friend
8522s I didn't miss that place you
8525s didn't but you remember in your hand
8528s shaky a nice little bit of moonshine
8531s that your boss gave you that first sip
8536s strong and in your moment in in this
8539s moment what were you feeling were you
8541s hopeful were you curious to know why you
8544s were here were you feeling excited for
8546s potentially finally being a part of the
8548s team what were you thinking
8551s about that's probably a little bit of
8554s Hope but mostly quite a lot
8559s of fear that it's again going to
8563s be me being the butt of some joke that I
8566s didn't get
8569s you take that drink and it slides down
8571s like a warmth like a a hug that you
8574s didn't know you needed and you know
8576s you'll never get not from these
8578s folks you're nothing but a number
8581s another piece and a puzzle they didn't
8583s acts to put
8586s together but you're here yeah you're
8589s excited you're hopeful you're curious
8592s and the night goes on it gets dark
8596s darker still
8598s you hear the soft how of the Wolves
8601s you're in the forest the woods but
8603s you're fine everyone's together
8607s yeah until darkness
8610s comes you wake back up and everyone's
8613s gone you've been
8615s abandoned yet
8618s again the friends you thought you had
8621s weren't your friends the family you
8624s thought you were beginning to have don't
8627s don't care for you the Moonshine that
8630s was your comfort now nothing but An
8633s Empty Glass in front of you to be tossed
8638s abandoned just like they abandon
8642s you and as you try to find your way back
8646s home you know you never go
8649s home cuz that was the first time you
8651s stepped into the
8654s fog you find yourself coming out of that
8657s flag
8658s flashback that it was but a second for
8663s you you okay d
8666s i I'm better
8669s now all right and then we have to get
8673s these pumpkins I I don't know you just
8676s seem a little off for just a moment
8679s there you can do this I I'll hold her
8683s hand while she punches it or kick it I
8686s need fan art
8690s a um you had just I really love
8695s plants I really don't want to kick this
8698s pumpkin want to do it together it looks
8700s creepy it's
8702s like staring up at you I know but it's
8706s okay just cuz it looks imperfect doesn't
8707s mean it's bad that's
8710s true okay can we together yeah okay
8714s let's do
8716s it your doesn't even touch it yours goes
8719s through it and
8720s again Jed into your
8723s mind and you
8727s hear that a a
8729s motor ah there it is your mind comes to
8733s and you're sitting in the middle of this
8735s bus this Metro uh
8739s Transit heading
8741s home in your hand a
8745s plant you know that that you need to get
8748s home got to get off the bus and trk
8751s through the woods but it's not
8753s hard and as you're sitting there you're
8755s thinking
8758s about I did that science is great
8762s science is nothing for me I'm going to
8764s be a Bist I'm going to change the
8769s world though you know the world doesn't
8771s want to be changed you know people don't
8775s like it when change is for for upon them
8779s when they see someone who is so smart so
8783s understanding it's foreign to them it
8786s makes them angry it makes them not like
8789s you it makes them
8791s shun you've been almost a parah your
8794s entire
8795s life because of this you have a way
8800s with the world nature around you know
8803s how to envelop it like a mother to child
8808s and no one gets it not even your
8814s parents let her be like all the other
8816s kids and go skate or play basketball or
8820s get on the phone but they want to play
8822s with those plants all the time it's fine
8825s dear you remember your mother is
8827s berating and
8829s berating why can't she be like everybody
8834s else but why would you want to be like
8836s them
8838s you have the power of the world in your
8841s hand Nothing Stops nature and you're
8843s going to guide it into whatever it needs
8845s to be
8846s next you just got to get off the bus get
8850s back
8851s home and your day begins
8854s again with a little extra hope that this
8858s time someone will get
8860s it you see the bus driver pull to your
8865s stop looks back to you
8868s you going to be okay when you get home
8871s little
8872s one yeah I'll be
8876s okay
8877s good and they say little one but they're
8879s like in their
8881s 60s everyone's young to them you get off
8885s the bus see the forest in front of you
8888s it's luscious it's like a home away from
8891s home and you step
8892s through like a certain fairy tale on her
8896s way to her grandmother's house
8899s but you don't get
8900s home not that
8902s time the forest you enter is nothing
8905s like you've ever seen before and you've
8906s been stuck there ever
8909s since you're back home back here in this
8913s void again but a second for you but
8916s you you might
8918s know you
8924s good it always works out
8929s let's keep moving let's find the
8931s others let's
8933s go we pan over to a decrepit
8937s Shack where we see
8941s Lisa what are you doing I'm assuming
8943s you're looking for
8944s things yeah so um I enter into the
8949s killer
8950s Shack um just notice there's no
8955s pallets which is like fine by me CU yeah
8958s I'm good with that
8960s um have an instinct to put down a
8965s trap mhm so I would like to roll to do
8970s that okay yeah yeah put down your trap
8974s give me that
8980s maabo
8983s o That's that is a beauti yeah that is
8987s beautiful easily so you begin to put
8990s down that
8991s trap and as you finish you're
8995s remembering that the pallet should be
8997s here and it's not but you justed look
8999s over and sometimes you might see this
9002s bundle of sticks with a couple of skulls
9005s that we know to be booms or hexes totems
9010s mhm no totem is
9012s there but a creepy pumpkin
9015s is
9017s so when I'm done laying my trap I want
9020s to go over it and strike
9023s it as you strike your long black claws
9027s cutting into this flesh with ease but as
9030s it
9031s does you find yourself in a dark
9034s decrepit
9037s room your bottom against the wet nasty
9040s ground almost mulchy muddy and MiFi just
9045s not a place for any anyone to ever be
9049s willingly and this was not
9053s willingly your eyes come too and you
9056s look down and you
9058s see these rusted shackles next to you
9062s broken but
9064s there you feel next to you as you see a
9068s small little cicada on the
9070s wall as it begins to flutter
9073s away and then the voices enter your mind
9076s coming from way past outside of the
9079s confines of this place you hear them
9081s celebrating about their next catch their
9084s next
9086s meal those like you who have been taken
9091s away from their loved ones their
9094s families their homes their hopes their
9096s dreams
9097s Dash all so they can have supper under
9101s the full
9103s moon this isn't right why you
9107s but not why you why why do they think
9111s they can take you you who own power
9115s absolute your ancestors have made you
9119s prepared for this day though they have
9120s warned you make sure you use this right
9124s make sure you use this for the right
9126s reasons but who gets to decide what is
9129s right they have taken everything from
9133s you and you feel that power growing
9137s you feel a dark urge coming upon you you
9140s can almost feel your body becoming
9143s emaciated slowly but
9145s surely and you can hear one coming
9148s towards
9152s you as this individual steps into the
9156s room it's like a fire it's like a
9160s burning their heart nah their livers in
9165s your hands
9169s as you begin to reach out the first time
9173s your power comes true almost like a
9176s pinpoint grabbing and
9180s ripping you feel the heart beat not that
9183s you're holding their heart but you feel
9185s it in your core
9186s d a power calling to you
9193s D and as just for a moment you close
9196s your
9197s eyes the first of many times you'll kill
9201s your first official step into the
9205s fog come back
9212s up first
9218s Blood you ponder over that for a moment
9221s knowing that at some point you all need
9223s to
9225s reconvene camera pans away again and
9228s heads up to a
9231s balcony overlooking this area this ski
9235s resort that is so lost in
9238s time find yourself looking around what
9240s are you thinking about what are you
9241s doing um I'm still confused about how
9245s this energy thing works but we obviously
9246s need the pumpkins so I'm looking for any
9248s sort of
9250s pumpkins and it's not hard to find you
9254s get up the steps you're expecting to see
9256s a down pallet that just going to easily
9258s parkour over but it doesn't
9260s exist but in the corner where two
9263s railings connect you just see a small
9265s little glowing pumpkin it's almost
9267s inviting you staring at you though it
9269s doesn't have
9270s eyes well head on over to it and uh I'm
9273s still in a bit of a mood about getting
9275s hurt so I'm going to punch it really
9278s hard yeah your fist connect with it
9281s easily just making it just like
9284s compressed within itself and as you
9285s connect with it
9287s again you find
9289s yourself hearing first the soft murmur
9293s of patrons in a
9296s pub you see yourself
9299s sitting upon a stool the bar top your
9303s home away from home in a
9305s way your hands as you look down are
9308s bloody and bruised perhaps you just got
9310s done fighting just got done in
9313s about the beer it's fry is still uh
9320s untouched why it's been about 20 minutes
9324s but you're sitting
9326s there Friends next to you trying to
9330s cheer you up it's all right pal you'll
9333s be fine friend
9335s Rick he is um a
9338s confidant someone you can always trust
9341s and believe
9342s in but even he doesn't get it sometimes
9347s you see when you fight you fight for a
9348s reason you never fight just to let blood
9351s fly let rage unfold you fight because
9354s you have to you fight because you have
9356s to survive but what do you David King
9359s have to
9360s survive life's easy you get by you get a
9365s drink rinse and
9367s repeat but the world doesn't understand
9370s you and perhaps it doesn't understand
9372s you because you aren't allowing yourself
9375s to be understood
9377s your mind kind of lingers a certain
9380s individual named
9382s Tristan the one where if life were
9386s perfect you all could
9388s be just
9391s be but that's not the life for someone
9393s like
9394s you whether you force yourself to
9396s believe that whether that's actually
9398s truth
9399s itself it's not going to
9402s happen you find yourself knocking over
9405s that glass hitting a Haram Patron who
9409s rightfully so gets angry and then
9411s suddenly there's a bar
9413s fight Rick's like hey man calm down
9416s you're
9418s fine no it's too much too
9422s much no one's ever going to get it and
9426s if I need to just be this brute and
9430s that's what I'll
9433s be you find yourself stepping outside
9437s how do you
9440s feel I mean I'm
9442s obviously incensed but I have that
9445s disconnect with myself where I don't
9446s even fully understand what I'm mad about
9449s there's just this like burning
9452s inside especially because I was thinking
9454s of
9455s Tristan um just kind of heading out
9460s walking trying not to Punch walls and
9463s blow off a little steam I know I'm going
9465s to have to apologize to Rick later
9466s because he doesn't like it when I [ __ ]
9468s up his bar but I [ __ ] up his bar again
9471s that's what I'm
9472s thinking and you
9474s walking days become
9478s weeks but it was that moment that moment
9481s of not letting yourself really
9484s understand not letting yourself love
9487s that sparked the timeline the the trials
9491s and tribulations that eventually LED you
9494s into the fog itself
9498s you come back
9500s out you can see Claud Eden Dwight
9504s starting to head back towards the Chalet
9509s proper I'm GNA probably do the same we
9512s just nod to them and
9513s then kind of head yeah I take my time
9518s though cuz I got to get my focus back
9522s and that did shake me a little bit so of
9524s course heading back to them but uh a
9526s little slower than usual and hopefully
9529s nothing attacks them while I do
9532s that oh no I said
9536s it the camera pans once more and we head
9539s over to a small little storage area
9542s where we see graffiti artist
9545s Nia what are you doing in here what are
9547s you thinking about I'm just looking I'm
9549s looking around trying to see if I can
9551s see anything that looks familiar or see
9553s if I can see what we were looking for
9556s that
9557s glowing pumpkin pumpkin mhm you get
9561s inside of this uh storage area and you
9564s look through the open space you just
9567s kind of take in arm and you almost take
9569s it in like it's a game like it's a
9572s thrill you know how to get in and out
9574s that's been your
9576s life and just for a moment just let that
9578s stay with you until coming into your
9581s peripheral somehow you missed it right
9583s next to the corner it's a small little
9585s pumpkin
9586s almost a little baby one like help me
9589s help
9592s me
9595s Smash so you smash
9598s it takes me a minute but
9601s yes as you let your foot connect with
9605s this
9606s thing you find yourself being taken to a
9610s place it's dark for a moment but then it
9613s settles you look around
9617s this is
9618s it your friends don't get it or you're
9621s tagging up all these places they say
9622s you're not
9624s really doing anything good with your
9626s life whether they say don't be a Rebel
9629s Without a Cause be a rebel with one but
9632s you know your cause you know that
9635s putting a light on these places even if
9638s it's a tag of your own it means
9640s something it means something to
9642s you and as you look up at this abandoned
9645s Asylum you can see the sign cotus print
9647s upon it you know that this is your is it
9652s a big
9653s break no it's not about Fame but it's
9657s something important to you you know you
9659s need to find the right spot the right
9663s space you step up those stairs you look
9667s around the
9669s um inner workings of this Asylum
9672s thinking about what could have gone
9674s wrong here what could have gone right
9676s what could have just existed you look
9679s for the perfect
9680s wall you get your paint can starting to
9683s shake them up thinking about the colors
9685s the the the story that you're going to
9688s tell with the Hues and the
9690s tones it's a great C so perhaps we could
9693s do something cooler some greens some
9695s purples maybe a touch of orange to shake
9697s it up a little
9699s bit what are you thinking about as
9702s you're preparing to tag this
9704s place how much much peace it brings me
9709s to do
9711s this and it's odd because it shouldn't
9714s bring peace when this is the literal
9716s definition of disrupting peace this
9719s place so untouched who are you to come
9721s in and damage it to dismantle it those
9727s words from your friends coming back in
9728s your mind again why are you doing this
9730s you think about the world those who
9732s don't get folk like you you're a
9734s graffiti artist art artist is there for
9736s a reason you are there to inspire to
9738s create to give back to show this place
9741s in a different light and no one gets it
9744s but they will once they see your tag
9747s your name on this wall and you begin to
9750s spray and your spraying and it's like a
9754s dance you know exactly the Highlight you
9756s know exactly where to Contour you know
9758s exactly how to make things pop how to
9760s make things shine and you're beginning
9762s and you know this is right you don't
9764s even see the the fog starting to trickle
9767s in it's mixed up with the smoke it's
9770s mixed up with the the spray itself
9772s you're in your element once this is done
9774s no one's ever going to doubt you but
9776s guess what no one's ever going to
9778s know you're
9782s back cold
9786s desolate but
9788s energy perhaps now meeting back with
9792s your friends you can get
9794s out
9797s and I would say I believe the five of
9799s you
9801s eventually convene back into the central
9805s Chalet area all of you almost having
9809s this glow about
9813s you a couple of you start to see haunts
9816s these decrepit figures but they don't
9818s seem to attack you they're almost like
9820s stuck not able toori realize but as you
9823s get close enough these orbs just kind of
9825s float off of them and come back to you
9826s collecting more energy as you get to
9829s this space this place is a graveyard
9833s you're not meant to be here it's time to
9837s go as you meet up you know that outside
9841s is a rift and all you have to do is
9844s place all that energy inside let's do
9847s this yeah let's get out of here you know
9850s how just let's just walk up to it yeah I
9853s was going to just go like this we I feel
9856s different now I can feel in my
9858s jellies I will pretend I understand and
9862s let's go do
9863s those let's do this yeah we're all going
9866s to step outside and go towards the
9868s rift as you begin to step towards this
9871s Rift it is about 10t in front of you all
9874s you have to do is touch and this power
9877s is going to eminate and escape and fill
9880s in and and hopefully become what you
9884s need but before you can get
9887s [Laughter]
9889s there you feel the ground suddenly begin
9892s to
9896s shift almost like something breathing in
9899s and
9902s out you feel that emanating from the
9905s grounded cell you start to see these
9908s whsp of smok and these um emaciated
9913s forms or beckoning and form in out of
9919s nothingness suddenly forming in front of
9923s you is this giant
9926s creature these long spider-like
9929s legs jutting into the
9932s ground very familiar to most of you yeah
9935s but as you look upon it you see
9937s something else it's like it's emanating
9940s your worst fears Dwight as you look at
9943s it you see your boss staring directly at
9945s you hag you see your captors one by one
9949s wanting to eat you literally Nia you
9952s start to see your friend doubting you
9955s smoke cans in your face you see your
9957s mother not understanding why you love
9960s the things you love you see Tristan
9963s backing away knowing that you can't be
9965s with him this thing is a amalgamation of
9969s your worst fears you thought you were
9971s getting out here without a fight you're
9974s funny and to show this we got a little
9977s spider
9982s Bo okay everyone roll now unfortunately
9986s for you uh I don't have an army it's
9989s okay um one one th one die I get the
9992s roll yes yes I get the roll
9995s twice o that's a five that's a f anybody
9998s get over a five I got five you got five
10001s wait what are we rolling for just one
10002s die just one die it's for the oh one for
10005s it's not initiative oh Sor just roll one
10008s D that's a six thank you and you too
10013s good you got sixes you all beat my five
10015s you all get to go first you see these
10017s long limbs um on the physical form um
10022s everything else is almost
10024s like if I can describe it in a way that
10026s players can get it you know how dredge
10028s looks like it's kind of look like
10029s amalgamation of stuff the physical parts
10031s are these spider legs uh perhaps that's
10034s what you need to strike uh in order to
10036s take this thing down you all get to go
10038s first who would like to go and what do
10040s you do this thing is not going to be
10042s kind to you K oh can I ask a general
10046s question I would love to ask a general
10047s question do we have to fight it I would
10051s say that you at least need to
10052s incapacitate it okay uh it does not look
10055s like it's going to let you go willingly
10056s and perhaps as you look for it look into
10059s it you almost see this glowing energy
10060s inside perhaps it has what you need left
10063s to get up but he's blocking the blocking
10065s it yeah but my
10068s tront it is in front of it so I could be
10070s behind him you could um but you think
10074s I'm going just give you this
10075s friendly it might have the rest of what
10078s you need to get out juice
10081s perhaps I was like yo we're out bye
10087s out um I would like
10091s to I want to fight it that's for sure I
10094s want to use third steal
10096s okay yes you're going to use your uh
10099s your one of your hex's uh that's going
10101s to be good third seal
10104s uh yes uh please roll
10110s maob um I have 11 that is amazing as you
10116s place this hex upon them um it doesn't
10119s have eyes but you can tell that it is
10121s watching and suddenly you can see this
10124s essence of your energy this green this
10126s power just suddenly overtaken for the
10129s rest of this fight it's going to have a
10131s -2 to its brute and resolve
10134s rool that is good that means it might
10136s not hit you uh who's next are we going
10139s numerically based on it how how how you
10142s want to go okay well I want to um
10144s activate him either yep um so I don't
10148s know if that takes a whole action but
10149s I'm going to do that you just activate
10151s it okay and then I'm basically going to
10153s stand in front of it kind of almost
10154s making it Shield between me and my
10156s friends and when it hits me I'll dead
10157s hard great amazing uh and just so you
10160s all know uh with no either she's
10161s immediately taking three harm and if she
10163s ever goes down to zero she's going to be
10165s have an ability to regain some health
10166s immediately and I also have the two from
10168s before so I'm actually oh okay not it
10171s not it good to know that's why I'm doing
10173s it yep let's start hidden this thing
10175s who's next you want to hit it I would
10177s like to hit it kick it punch it slap it
10180s I don't care what I do amazing yeah give
10182s me a knuckle
10184s up
10190s wait plus brute brute thank you yep uh I
10193s can't math right now easily uh how do
10196s you literally take one of these legs and
10198s just like take it off of me how what do
10200s you do to to take this leg and destroy
10203s it one of them at
10205s least okay getting into it okay I would
10209s very much like to kick it so then I can
10212s grab one of its legs Yank It Off yep you
10215s kick it immediately I mean you're you're
10217s getting back into your element you know
10218s you know how to um evade very very uh
10221s well uh as you do just taking just yank
10224s off he just reaches out in Terror uh one
10227s leg
10228s gone I want to search and study I'm
10230s looking for a we point O nice nice
10235s claudette's going to
10237s Claudette oh oh uh yeah about that
10244s um okay yeah um sure uh if you sacrifice
10249s one of your abilities to use a perk I'll
10250s let you reroll one of those
10252s dice uh sacrifice one of my abilities
10255s one of your perks one of my perks that
10256s you're not going to use um boty
10259s knowledge great re roll one of the day R
10262s the low one yeah you go here's my perk
10264s yep thank you per my perk we hardly knew
10268s amazing um definitely it's legs and the
10271s joints uh get the joints RI it off like
10273s a good set of crab legs
10276s see look at the joints definitely weak
10279s on the joints aim for the joints
10280s everyone I'm going to grab the empty
10283s first aid kid that I kept because it's
10285s comforting and I'm going to Chuck it at
10287s the Joint as as I can do it it yes
10290s please
10291s do there you go it's 11- one 10 he
10296s easily you find that resolve within you
10298s and you just ye it and somehow it hits
10300s it right where it goes just just pops
10303s clean off hit in the ground almost kind
10304s of withering before it dissolves into
10306s nothingness yes it's still standing
10309s couple more hits and get it o so I'm
10313s good to go I I'm okay with continuing
10315s yep yeah get hit it yep uh you could
10317s tell that even if
10321s I it's two all of you take one health or
10325s one harm uh as he get slashes out and
10327s hits you all at once um but it's it's
10330s barely hanging on that blinding and
10333s finding his weak spots is exactly what
10334s you need do everybody give me one more
10336s round of
10338s attacks um I want to use um mag
10342s yep sorry the harm that I took does it
10345s count as an
10348s attack no no no yeah unless need does it
10351s need to H does it need to well I was um
10354s I was basically being a meat Shield to
10356s dead hard but I I have to be attacked to
10358s do the brute response oh yeah yeah yeah
10360s no that would that would count yeah
10363s sorry I was I'll let how I have a moment
10365s and then then I'll do that mhm um we're
10368s fighting we're fighting this in the
10370s Chalet uh outside of the Chalet sorry
10372s outside the sh out front yep right next
10374s to the um to the to the um uh Rift right
10377s next to the rift okay um is the
10380s bulldozer there it is Ooh Girl
10384s nice um so I have eight amazing uh how
10388s do you how do you harm this thing with
10390s your magic um I want to I want to summon
10393s more Vines
10395s oh yeah and rip one of its legs off as a
10397s matter of fact you take one and somehow
10399s you have just enough energy to grab
10400s another one and just like rip them off
10402s like you're ripping off the arms of a
10404s Barbie doll hi Barbie um hi
10407s Barbie amazing okay um all right so uh I
10411s know that the uh the it's it's a
10413s bulldozer right I'm pretty sure it is
10415s yeah the bulldozer there um I want to go
10417s uh run up into it mhm and um I want to
10421s see if I can get it working okay give me
10424s a witch Teck give me witch Teck yeah
10429s um that's a 12 that something yep it's a
10433s lot uh what's your power what's your
10436s what's your it's not that you're getting
10437s it to work but in this world nothing
10440s makes sense and you're able to find a
10441s lever and just hit it and suddenly it
10444s just uh kind of like Scoops this thing
10446s up and tosses it in air and as it hits
10448s the ground there's only one uh uh Spider
10452s leg left who wants to final BL
10455s hit me with
10459s it damn
10461s it that's a four blow it a
10464s kiss if you sacrifice one of your per
10467s your your blood points I'll let you roll
10468s reroll that one let's go Street ways do
10472s it
10480s yeah you know what it's it I think
10483s that's pretty good enough
10485s I do uh it's it's it's going to hurt a
10488s little bit you're going to take some
10489s damage but it's just enough as you just
10491s knock this thing into the side and it
10493s almost becomes uh so uh confused as it
10496s has nothing else to stand on and it's
10498s just starting to ride
10500s before and it gets implodes in itself
10503s leaving a a burst of energy that hits it
10506s all get the juice yep you're going to
10508s put it all into the uh the rift oh yeah
10510s yeah as you put it in the rift suddenly
10513s this Rift starts to begin to evolve only
10515s becoming tornadic uh it doesn't look
10517s like it's going to stabilize forever
10518s this is your one chance are you all
10520s getting out oh yeah come on everybody
10522s teleport can I teleport to it you're
10524s right next to it a man use my teleport
10528s oh yes gladly easily easily you do you
10532s do you do 100% like you all next to her
10534s and she hold on one second she steps
10536s back and
10538s just and as you all step into
10541s it
10543s Darkness before you find yourself back
10546s at the
10547s campfire you back into the forest
10550s watching them the four of you waiting
10553s for whatever is to come
10555s next but you don't remember what just
10560s happened the camera begins to pan away
10564s and it goes into this base this black
10569s area a
10572s voice comes rushing in
10575s it begins to
10578s speak it has been
10581s done they are
10583s back unaware of the
10586s truth to see them squirm
10590s run I do hope that it saakes
10596s you I believe Ace Meg Jonah
10602s Jane and the twin
10605s are next to come to
10607s you they must be reminded of their place
10611s your
10613s place I do
10615s hope they find you
10621s well as the blight laughs with an
10623s unknown Force ready for the next round
10627s of weary Travelers into the land of the
10630s void that has been our one shot
10637s that was awesome thank you all so much
10639s for joining us tonight it has been such
10642s a blast thank you so much to everyone
10643s here playing uh thanks to you those
10645s thanks to you at home for watching uh we
10648s really do hope you enjoyed it uh a huge
10650s thank you to dead by daylight as a whole
10652s for letting us play with your game's
10653s characters and your realm allow me to
10656s spice it up in a way that I wanted to to
10658s tell a more fulfilling story in the way
10661s that we do with tabletop role playing
10662s games just one last Point again again
10665s none of this was Canon none of the
10666s original uh Survivor and Killers uh none
10669s of the ha well some of the haunts uh but
10671s most of the things are not in in any way
10673s shape or form uh but we really do
10675s appreciate the team for allowing us to
10677s have the freedom uh to tell the story in
10679s the way that we wanted uh so thank you
10680s again I'm going toss it over to you well
10682s I mean yeah I'm still shocked but this
10685s was super fun I I didn't expect this to
10688s be this great Soul thank you everybody
10690s for joining in thank you for everybody
10693s for organizing this that was a great
10695s idea and uh yeah thanks everybody at
10698s home for watching uh this event with us
10701s and I hope you enjoy the rest of the
10703s Haunted by daylight event out there uh
10705s I'm signing off but on behalf of our
10707s hosts uh Eric and dork uh we thank you
10711s again for this there are more streams
10713s coming so uh stay tuned for the chapter
10716s live stream that's going to happen very
10718s soon and uh that's it happy Halloween
10721s everyone yay yeah happy Halloween happy
10723s Halloween
10725s [Laughter]
10728s [Music]
10753s bye
10783s for
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