5 months ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s main power is called the heidy ho mode
2s where he can kind of vanish heidy ho
4s heidy ho yeah his little his little line
7s so the goal was really to to make sure
10s that you could surprise and scare the
12s hell out of the survivors uh Chucky is
15s really about creating those uh like
17s those big oh jump scare moments and
19s we wanted to kind of embrace that and
21s that was kind of our main experience
23s pillar as I mentioned
25s before you you know he's kind of around
28s but you don't know where and it's kind
30s of his terms where he when he's going to
31s let you know and by the time you do know
33s you're kind of
34s screwed um kind of a meta thing right
37s now I'm feeling what you're saying as I
39s noticed that the
40s uh Chucky has has vacated his box so I
45s hope I'm not screwed