5 months ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

9s we're obviously all horror fans here at
12s super massive and massive fans of dead
14s by daylight now we're thrilled to be
17s collaborating with behavior on a brand
19s new single player interactive Story game
22s set in the terrifying Omniverse of dead
25s by daylight we've been working hard to
27s blend attention agency and branching
29s storytelling of a super massive game
31s together with dead by Daylight's
33s mythology to create an intense narrative
35s experience filled with powerful life or
37s death choices our game will be set
39s outside the entity's realm and feature
41s the story of a new cast of characters
43s who players will follow for an
44s unprecedented experience beyond the fog
47s this is a whole new way for horror fans
50s to experience dead by daylight and we
52s couldn't be more excited to share it
54s with the world so stay tuned we'll have
57s more to reveal later this year