5 months ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s windows can be found throughout the
2s entire map and act similarly to drop
4s pallets but with a Twist both survivors
6s and killers are free to Vault through
8s Windows however if a Survivor evolves
9s the same window three times in Chase The
12s Entity will intervene and block the
13s window for the next 30 seconds for that
15s Survivor if after the 30 seconds the
17s Survivor chooses to Vault the same
19s window again the window will immediately
21s block once more therefore survivors
23s should wait an additional 30 seconds
25s after the entity has unblocked a window
27s to reset the Vault counter for that
28s specific window while killers should try
30s to keep survivors Within These block
32s spaces to get an added Advantage
34s survivors must also be mindful that just
36s like with pallets the killer can injure
38s them while they try to make their vault
40s attempt or grab them if they're already
42s injured in making a slow or medium Vault
44s but we'll talk more about rushed actions
47s later so we hope this helps and we'll
49s see you in the
51s fog