9 months ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
9 months ago - Peanits - Direct link

Content Environment/Maps
  • In the Forgotten Ruins Map, at least 4 hooks will now always be available in the dungeon section of the map.
  • In the Forgotten Ruins Map, Passage locations have been adjusted to avoid being directly beside vaults and pallets.
  • Passage interaction time has been extended by 0.15 seconds for Survivors and shortened by 0.25 seconds for Killers.

Characters The Lich
  • Increased Mage Hand pallet lifting time from 0.35 seconds to 0.5 seconds.
  • Increased the volume on Flight of the Damned skeleton spawn to give better awareness to Survivors.
  • Addon Ring of Telekinesis: Activating Mage Hand on an Upward pallet increases your general vault Speed by 10% for the next 8 seconds.
  • Addon Vorpal Sword: Increasing time to break pallet from 2.2 seconds to 3.2 seconds.

Bug Fixes Anniversary
  • Fixed an issue that caused some VFXs to appear late when a Player that was far away approaches the location where they appeared
  • Cancelling an Invitation Pillar interaction no longer causes the gold glitter VFX to linger and fail to respawn the scroll atop the Pillar.
  • The Dancing Marionettes no longer clip with the ceilings of the Underground Complex.
  • Survivor's pools of blood no longer disappear very rapidly after the effect of the "Quiet Mode" ability is over
  • Fixed an issue where progress could not be made with some iterations of the Bronze Age challenge.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple recent Tomes were using the same cover color in the Compendium screen of The Archives.
  • Fixed an issue where the Lich's hand teleports away from the survivor for a frame at the end of the assimilate animation.
  • Fixed an issue where the The Lich can be seen entering the Passage during the selection animation.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a few Killers' motion trail VFX to not play correctly.
  • The Lich's Spell Indicator VFX no longer becomes distorted when players change the First Person FOV while Full Screen/Windowed Full Screen on an Ultra Wide Monitor
  • The Hand of Vecna's Locker Smoke VFX no longer appears before the locker doors open when Survivors fast-exit a destination locker after teleporting
  • Survivors no longer obtain items from The Lich's chest in the dying state
  • It is no longer possible for a Survivor to teleport into the locked room on Temple of Purgation with the Hand of Vecna
  • The assimilated Hand of Vecna no longer jitters and becomes desynced with the Survivors arm when moving
  • The animation of The Lich's chest can no longer be skipped if the Survivor presses the interaction button while the animation is playing.
  • Fixed an issue where the Blight might not enter the fatigue state after destroying a wall or pallet with a rushed attack.
  • Fixed an issue in Garden of Joy where a Survivor could climb on the rock on the edge of the map
  • Fixed an issue in the Temple of Purgation where content of the map could block the collision of the Killers only
  • Fixed an issue in Lery's Hospital where the Killer could not pick up a Survivor that was crawling against a blocker
  • Fixed an issue in the Forgotten Ruins where a placeholder tile would appear in the environment
  • Fixed an issue in Decimated Borgo where a blocker would prevent the Killer from passing
  • Fixed an issue in Lery's Hospital where a Survivor on hook would prevent the Killer from navigating
  • Fixed an issue in Toba Landing where the Survivors could run on the railing of the stairs
  • Survivors entering a Passage at the same time no longer get stuck
  • Entry into a Passage is no longer cancelled when Victor Pounces on a Survivor entering a Passage
  • Survivors no longer get stuck in the Killer's collision when a Killer waits for Survivors at a Passage's exit.
  • The camera no longer gets stuck on the Spectator's POV when the in-match Survivor uses the Passage while the Spectator was being mori'd
  • Illusions spawned by the Mirrored Illusion perk now correctly despawn when the Killer walks through it
  • The Mirrored Illusion perk no longer charges when an Illusion is already active.
  • The Dark Arrogance perk's bonus vault effect no longer incorrectly applies to other Killer abilities.
  • Medkits now fully deplete when self-healing to 100% with no add-ons
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Entity window blocking effects not to block a window that was just unblocked after 3 consecutive rushed vaults
  • Survivors no longer get stuck in the hooked state when the killer is interrupted