about 2 years
ago -
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Release Schedule
- All platforms: 11AM ET
- Updated Perk Repressed Alliance's description to indicate it cannot be activated if another Survivor is repairing the same generator
- Updated the Hex: Face the Darkness's description
- Fixed an issue that caused the screaming animation to loop constantly when doing a gesture
- Fixed an issue that caused The Huntress arm to clip through the camera when aiming up with a Hatchet
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight's attack trail to be misaligned in first person view
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight and The Spirit to see the Potential Energy VFX and Refined Serum VFX while in Path Creation Mode and Phase Walking
- Fixed an issue that caused the spikes on Oni's Armored Titan cosmetic to have the wrong texture during gameplay
- Fixed an issue that caused the mist to be missing in some tiles of Garden of Joy map
- Fixed an issue that caused the Shock Therapy's VFX to not match the power's collision with the "Interview Tape" add-on
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight to sometimes move at the speed of the Path Creation Wisp
- Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be able to blind The Knight's Path of Creation Wisp
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight to be able to unintentionally attack nearby Survivors after summoning a Guard
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight's Guards to be able to break walls located high off the ground
- Fixed an issue that caused Lethal Pursuer's additional aura reveal time to fail to apply to the Nowhere to Hide Perk
- Fixed an issue that caused Hex: Face the Darkness not to be triggered by The Trapper's Traps and The Plague's Vile Purge upon injuring a Survivor
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight's Guards to be able to break generators blocked by The Entity
- Fixed an issue that caused the achievement Speed Kills to not gain progress when using a non-basic attack to injure a Survivor afflicted with Haste
- Fixed an issue that caused a Survivor vaulting a pallet to be interrupted by a Guard ordered to break that pallet
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight's Guard break object orders to break objects out of sync with the corresponding animation
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight's Guards to sometimes start orders without confirmation
- Fixed an issue that caused highlights of Dream Pallets in the Shattered Square map to appear as regular pallets
- Fixed an issue that caused the power icon to not display a timer for the duration of The Knight's Guard performing a breaking order
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight to be unable to give orders when close to a breakable wall or a generator during Path Creation mode
- Fixed an issue that caused a Guard summoned by The Knight to get stuck on elevated objects
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight to be unable to summon Guards when using the order system immediately after entering patrol mode
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight to be unable to summon Guards for the rest of the Trial after power is used in quick succession
- Fixed an issue that caused No Challenge Available text to appear when hovering over the Archives area in the lobby
- Fixed an issue that caused the grunts of pain and screams from Vittorio to be louder than other Survivors
- Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect SFX to be played when the cage on the ground in the Shattered Square map is hit by projectiles
- Fixed an issue that caused the wrong SFX to be played when The Legion vaults a pallet
- Fixed an issue where Phantom Trap would fail to trigger quickly after teleporting to a triggered trap
- Fixed an issue where failing a Decisive Strike skill check would break the beta wiggle
- Fixed an issue where Lethal Pursuer additional aura reveal time would fail to be triggered by the Nowhere to Hide Perk
- Fixed an issue where the flash effect from flashbangs/firecrackers is canceled when thrown against a wall
- Fixed an issue where The Artist would not receive brutality score events for damaging Survivors with Crows
- Fixed an issue where the "Rebuild The Borgo" Achievement failed to unlock after the Killer disconnect at the same time as the generator in the main building is repaired
- Fixed an issue where the Killer was able to trap Survivors near one of the exit gates on Gideon Meat Plant map
- Fixed an issue where the Killer was unable to pass between a boat and a rock in Pale Rose map
- Fixed an issue that caused lighting to be too dark in the Dream World on certain maps when playing with The Nightmare
- Fixed an issue that caused Dream Pallets on Shattered Square map to turn into the generic pallet model upon being pulled down
- Fixed an issue that caused The Knight's Guards' flags to sometimes not disappear
- The Knight's feet do not animate in FPV when looking down while attacking