8 months ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s problems can be found in almost all
2s areas of the map but our finite number
4s this means both survivors and Killers
6s will want to be strategic when it comes
8s to the Palace remaining within the trial
9s for instance there will always be a
12s palette at killer Shack which makes it
13s one of the most important palettes on
15s the map therefore it's important for
17s survivors to use it as a last resort or
19s for Killers they'll want to break it as
21s soon as possible but what are pilots
23s even used for well pallets are primarily
26s used to create space during the loop
27s stun the killer or to cause the killer
29s to drop a carried Survivor once a pallet
32s has been dropped survivors can Vault
33s over the palate to gain more distance
35s while certain Killers can Vault the
37s palate to close it either way survivors
39s will want to be careful here as killers
41s could possibly hit or grab survivors
43s while they're vaulting if they're close
45s enough
45s ultimately the killer can simply break
47s the drop pallet and remove it from play
49s and limit the survivor's options
51s so here's a question for our killer
53s players do you take the time to break
55s pallets let us know in the comments and
57s I'll see you in the next one