7 months ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s the anti-ace camp update is here but uh
6s so is the killer okay let me explain
9s what's going to happen here once the
11s killer has hooked a Survivor there will
13s now be a meter displayed underneath the
14s take a chance to unhook bar the killer
17s will then have a 7-second grace period
19s to leave the area of the hook before the
21s meter starts to build this is because
23s the meter builds depending on the
24s proximity of the killer the closer the
26s Killer is to the hook Survivor the
28s faster the meter will fill however there
30s are some exceptions if another Survivor
33s is close to the hook the meter will slow
34s to fill or not at all if the killer
37s hooks the Survivor and leaves their
38s proximity the meter will not fill once
41s the meter has filled the hook Survivor
44s will be able to unhook themselves
45s receiving all of the benefits of a
47s standard unhook such as haste and
49s endurance this also means that the
52s Survivor will have the chance to unhook
53s themselves during the first and second
55s hook
57s phases