about 2 years
ago -
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- The Bone Chill Event returns on December 8th, bringing holiday atmosphere, dark and fantastical Cosmetics, a few familiar visitors, and much more.
- BUFF: When Guards damage Generators, they now apply the Killer’s default 2.5% regression loss. This regression is not affected by Perks.
- Players will no longer be stuck with an analog cursor in-game.
- The Knight’s Enchanted Plates Outfit now plays the correct sound in the menu.
- The Knight no longer crosses small obstacles after using Guardia Compagnia.
- Fixed an animation issue when The Knight’s guards hit a Survivor during a locker search.
- The Knight’s Guards no longer get stuck when creating a Patrol Path in select corners.
- Fixed an issue where The Knight could not order Guards to destroy select Breakable Walls.
- The Knight’s Patrol Path Orb no longer triggers Make Your Choice or Hex: Devour Hope.
- The Oni’s weapon no longer disappears during the Match Results screen.
- The Knight’s Guardia Compagnia no longer makes the Terror Radius indicator disappear from the Spine Chill icon.
- Spine Chill no longer grants a repair bonus when a Survivor is in the line of sight of The Knight’s Path Drawing Orb.
- Beef Tallow Mixture (Map Offering for The Decimated Borgo Realm) has been re-enabled.
- A hook-free dead zone in one corner of the Temple of Purgation Map has been fixed.
- A Totem no longer accidentally spawns inside a Locker in The Game Map.
- Removed impassable spaces on the Ironworks of Misery.
- An invisible collision spot in the Autohaven Wrecker's Realm has been fixed.
- Fixed an irregular Pallet spawn issue in the Autohaven Wrecker's Realm.
- Removed spaces where Killers could not pass between objects (trees, rocks) on the Crotus Prenn Asylum Map.
- A maze tile on the Garden of Joy Map no longer accidentally spawns without windows.
- Reduced the number of Pallets in The Shattered Square Map.
- Fixed an issue where two Pallets spawned at the same time in The Shattered Square Map.
- Edge objects now spawn as intended in The Shattered Square Map.
- Survivors no longer suffer from distorted lips during select actions.
- The Killer’s loadout no longer displays while spectating a Survivor during a custom game.
- The Knight’s feet have no animation when looking down during an Attack.
- The Killer’s Aura does not properly appear while Kindred is active if the Hooked Survivor did not equip the Perk.