4 months
ago -
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The 8.3.0 Public Test Build (PTB) has come and gone. After spending some time reading through your feedback, we’ve made a series of adjustments before the 8.3.0 Update releases on all platforms. In this post, we’ll go through each of them and provide some additional context.
Mori Update
- [REVERTED] The Ivory & Ebony Memento Mori Offerings once again allow the Killer to kill Survivor(s) who have been hooked twice.
- [RETIRED] The Cypress Memento Mori Offering has been retired.
As a result, the Cypress Memento Mori Offering is now obsolete and will be retired. We will offer 1 Million Bloodpoints as compensation for any unused Offerings, which you can claim simply by logging in between October 8th and October 17th.
The Skull Merchant
- [NEW] The Skull Merchant gains 5% Haste when a Survivor is scanned within 5 seconds of placing a drone or changing its rotation.
- [CHANGE] Increased Hindered effect when scanned by a drone to 8% (was 5%).
- [CHANGE] Increased drone rotation speed to 95 degrees per second (was 85).
- [CHANGE] Decreased movement speed while deploying a drone or inspecting the radar to 4.4m/s (was 4.6m/s).
- [CHANGE] Fast vaults are no longer detected by drones.
We’ve also reintroduced the Haste effect for a short time after a drone is deployed or its rotation is swapped. This will reward the Killer for using their Power actively rather than setting and forgetting or randomly gaining Haste from Survivors across the map.
We intend to revisit The Skull Merchant in a future release for a larger rework.
The Hillbilly
- [CHANGE] Increased Overdrive Chainsaw movement speed to 12m/s (11.5m/s).
- [CHANGE] Reintroduced tokens. Tokens now recharge while in chase, up to a maximum of 2.
Zanshin Tactics
- [NEW] Survivors who drop a pallet have their aura revealed for 6/7/8 seconds.
- [CHANGE] Reintroduced aura reading for pallets & vaults within 32m.
- [REMOVED] No longer reveals the aura of Survivors near dropped pallets.
Constant aura reading around dropped pallets proved to be a little strong on the PTB, so we have replaced this with a temporary aura reveal after the pallet is dropped.
Corrective Action
- [CHANGE] Corrective Action once again turns missed skill checks into good skill checks.
- [NEW] When Corrective Action activates, reveal the aura of the Survivor who missed a skill check for a few seconds.
- [REMOVED] Corrective Action no longer has a range limit.
- [CHANGE] Effect now ends when losing a health state.
Until next time…
The Dead by Daylight team