over 2 years ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s hi everyone and welcome my name is may
7s my pronouns are she and her and i am an
9s influencer manager on dead by daylight
11s and i would like to officially welcome
13s you all to our second into the rainbow
16s for those of you who are new into the
18s rainbow is dead by daylight's pride
20s stream featuring all queer content
22s creators from all over the world two
24s teams of five are going to duke it out
25s round robin style all for your
27s entertainment and in the name of charity
30s this year's into the rainbow is in
31s support of stream for a cause for those
34s of you who don't know stream for a cause
36s is a charity that supports smaller local
39s grassroots charities all over the world
41s giving them micro grants so they can
43s have a real impact in the communities
45s they serve
46s this year we've chosen nine that
48s represent the queer community
50s internationally and you'll hear more
52s about them during the stream not only
55s are we supporting this amazing cause but
57s behaviorist pledged to match all
59s donations up to five thousand dollars to
61s a local charity here in montreal known
63s as prajedsis
65s i'm just one person but i'm honored to
68s speak on behalf of the team
70s people from every single department came
73s together to make this possible to truly
75s celebrate pride with this community that
77s we love
78s i'm so excited for you to see what we
81s have in store for you
82s so let's kick off those sacrifices and
84s raise some money for queer communities
86s all over the world it is my absolute
89s pleasure to hand it off to the hosts so
91s let the games begin
95s hello and welcome everyone
98s to into the rainbow i am so happy to be
102s back for 2022
105s uh joined by my incredible co-host bosco
108s bosco it's so good to see you
110s so good to see you too em thank you for
112s having me
113s i am so excited if you don't know me uh
117s my name is m montgomery you might know
119s me better in the fog by my username here
122s on twitch nekorix uh and bosco would you
125s like to tell chad a little bit about
126s yourself as well yeah i um recently lost
131s a reality television competition and um
134s people like my laugh and i
137s am a full-time woman
140s yeah that i think that about covers it
142s that's the full um linkedin
144s it's the most succinct co-hosting intro
147s i've ever heard
148s you you've nailed your own elevator
151s pitch and i love it
152s thank you i'm kind of like myself
155s honestly that was
157s chef's kiss
158s uh and of course we i mean as much as it
161s would be nice to be here just to hang
162s out and chat all things dvd today uh
165s we're here for a little bit more than
166s that obviously as you heard may say in
169s the intro video today we are fundraising
172s for stream for a cause i know the thing
175s that resonates with me most about that
177s is that your support is going to not
179s just one but nine incredible incredible
182s international organizations
185s and all of these donations are going to
186s be happening to unlock some incredible
189s in-game rewards while we're watching
191s people play the game which i'm pretty
193s stoked for
194s i'm so excited as gay people we get to
197s choose the gay people that we sometimes
199s support and i'm really excited to be
201s partnering with you on that
203s this is really really fun um
205s i
206s am absolutely um
208s a huge like the stereotype of the gamer
212s girl that doesn't know anything that's
213s not true for most people i am that
215s stereotype so i'm really excited to um
219s learn to see
221s um to um take all of your money no i'm
223s just kidding i don't get any of the
224s money but i'm i'm so excited to be here
227s this is gonna be so fun em i'm
230s so excited chat please join me in
232s helping show bosco the ropes uh as we go
235s into the rainbow today uh but before we
238s get started why don't we take a second
239s to kind of talk about what we have in
241s store for everyone
243s uh we
244s are going to be having two groups teams
247s of five they're gonna be battling it out
250s round robin style so each and every
253s member of these two groups will have a
255s chance to play killer uh and it's it's
258s all for a great cause we're here to have
260s a good time
261s and i'm pretty excited to show y'all who
264s our first group is
266s should we take a look at the the
268s competitors bosco let's do it let's do
271s it give me the breakdown ooh
274s i know
275s look at the looks
277s so we will be kicking off the event with
280s evo playing killer against four
283s survivors currently played by ready set
286s ben hale evidius
288s and critical bard i am
291s so excited to see
294s who evo is gonna be playing as today uh
296s but before we dive into the matches
299s themselves uh i think we should
302s check out a little bit of the intro on
304s evo what do you think moscow oh i'm so
307s into that look at that face i need to
308s know more i need to know more
312s hi everyone my name is evo i am a drag
315s queen from portugal
321s [Applause]
324s [Music]
326s [Applause]
334s him out of drag but if it comes with
336s respect you can call the divinity
338s goddess gorgina you choose it babes with
341s respect hold on
346s [Laughter]
349s i am a gay cisgendered male and i
352s present myself with the art of drag on
355s my channel most of the times so
357s basically i am what they call a man in a
359s way if you dodge irl as you are dodging
363s in game you have 50 chance to actually
367s i love the art and i hope to find other
371s like-minded people who enjoy
374s the visual the art behind it i am also
378s one of the many faces representing that
379s by daylight aka i'm a fog whisperer i am
383s generally a main survivor main broccoli
386s nancy yes i wear the controversial wig
397s [Laughter]
400s there's nothing that can move me from
402s that way i am so sorry besties during
404s this pride month i want to remember
406s everybody that not only during the pride
408s month but beyond it before and after you
412s matter you are seen and you are
415s important to the world but most
417s importantly to yourself don't forget
420s your own self value thanks to that by
422s daylight for giving us another chance
425s this year to
426s showcase what we do best which is
428s entertain the audience play that by
430s daylight and honestly
432s just live like any other human being but
435s a little bit more colorful i'll see you
438s in the vlog
442s okay
445s i have to say i know chat could not see
448s the look on bosco's face when the
450s broccoli nancy wig came up
453s and let me just say the joy
455s the joy that i have in us having that
457s moment together broccoli nancy is a
460s community favorite bosco it is it is a
463s look it is an iconic moment in dvd
466s i can
467s absolutely understand why i love a wig
470s that um there is no front there's no
472s back it's just only options
475s love that we love a good option
477s and like i am like as you can see i love
481s a questionable wig choice like that is
484s my moment this is my favorite wig i've
486s ever owned it was twelve dollars it was
488s off of a wish five years ago and
490s the way that this this is the wig that i
493s was wearing when i got the golden
494s chocolate bar this is the wig that i was
496s wearing when i won my first challenge
497s like this wig has good juju so i
500s understand the power of a bad wig
503s uh and speaking of
505s the power of wigs in general i i'd like
508s to just take a second to mention the
509s power of evo because while that video
511s was playing we got a thousand dollar
515s donation stop that i'm like how are we
518s already at the first checkpoint that's
520s crazy that is from air dragon one air
524s dragon one you just single-handedly
527s unlocked our first
529s reward
530s for chat for hitting the thousand dollar
533s milestone that's amazing
535s wow
536s wow wow wow
537s i don't know how many people in chat
539s knew exactly what was on the line today
541s but uh for reaching that milestone we're
544s gonna be giving out
546s a hundred thousand blood points how does
548s that sound
550s you know i i i don't know um i don't no
554s but it sounds great it sounds like it's
555s a lot of it um as somebody who didn't
557s win a hundred thousand anything i'm so
559s happy that y'all get to win a hundred
561s thousand something um yeah giving back
564s there you go truly truly giving back to
567s the community in more ways than one
568s today
569s uh thank you so much chap for making
572s that happen don't forget we have other
574s milestones our next big one is coming up
576s at 3k raised and as incredible as it is
580s to reach 1k through one donation uh the
584s rest of these milestones i i swear every
587s dollar goes a long way
589s it all adds up it's a community effort
591s so thank you so much to everyone who is
593s giving so generously already
596s uh it is a truly incredible cause that
599s we are fundraising for we chatted about
601s it a little bit earlier but stream for a
603s cause is really unique in that when you
605s support them
607s you're supporting
609s their mission and their uh
613s i mean what they do is connecting
616s streamers and content creators
619s with
620s smaller international non-profits around
622s the world that they can provide micro
624s grants to
625s so it's not just one big
628s non-profit we're giving to today this is
630s going to help so many different
631s charities internationally and uh we're
634s gonna spend a little bit of time today
635s kind of getting to know some of these
637s charities better so
640s uh should we maybe take a minute and
642s learn about one of them real quick i
644s could get into that i think it's so cool
646s that rather than just going to like this
648s like there's a lot of really really good
650s big charities but like you throw money
651s at them and you're like i don't know
653s where who that went to what that went to
655s like why that went to so like it's cool
658s that like we get to put like a name and
660s a face to like what this money is
662s helping out
663s exactly um
664s i've got a i think i've got a list do
666s you have a list in front of you like who
668s who do you want to talk about
671s that is an excellent question i think
673s for kicking it off we actually have a
676s video that somebody sent in to play so
679s we could start there oh my god that
680s makes my job so much easier
685s hi my name is mitchell ray i'm the
687s executive director here at project tech
689s we're a non-profit community
690s organization that works with 2s lgbtqia
693s youth between the ages of 14 and 25 in
695s montreal which is in quebec canada i'm
697s super excited today to be thanking
699s street for calls and their partners with
701s into the rainbow for providing us with a
703s grant that's going to help forward our
704s mission and more specifically our move
706s because yeah project 10 is moving we're
708s super excited about it it's been over
710s eight years in our current space and
712s while it's served us well we've outgrown
713s it and we're super excited to be
714s expanding into a bigger space a better
717s space where we're going to be able to
718s increase capacity and continue to serve
720s the communities that we're dedicated to
721s working with every single day so with a
723s grant like this from streamforce and
725s their partners into the rainbow we're
727s going to be able to
728s serve even more youth in our new space
730s and it's something we're so so excited
731s to be able to do so thank you all once
734s again and we're super excited to be able
735s to show you what we can do with this
737s money
740s thank you so much
742s to the team for making that video
744s everyone honestly all day long y'all i'm
747s gonna be getting emotional uh and i'm
749s sure you will too now that you're seeing
751s a hundred thousand blood points code up
753s on the screen chat
755s if you are listening and lurking rush to
758s your screen immediately the code is
760s blood bank you're going to want to
763s pop that in to the redeem code section
765s of the store and get yourself some free
767s blood points congratulations
771s look at that
773s good good for them so for them this is
776s um this is um for my benefit but also
778s possibly anybody else in the chat what
780s can you buy with a hundred thousand
781s blood bank points what is that that what
784s does that do
785s bosco the better question is what
786s couldn't you get with 100 000 points wow
790s you better get it okay uh we'll we'll
793s kind of we'll do some uh some dvd 101
796s stuff as we as we dive into the match
798s actually that's probably a perfect time
800s to talk about
801s what you can be getting with those blood
803s points uh
804s but wait there's more but wait there's
807s more
808s why don't we kick it off with our i mean
811s are we ready chat are we ready for the
812s first match
815s i feel pretty good about it
817s i've
818s i feel like maybe we can
819s i don't know teach bosco a couple things
822s as we dive into gameplay itself oh my
825s god i would love that i would love that
827s i'm um very dumb so we'll have to talk
830s very slowly
831s but
832s so far
834s so far so good okay so there's the
836s points there's a bunch of points yes
839s chat
840s join me with this i would say hit me
842s with your best kind of like you have a
844s friend who's new to dvd and they like
846s what they see and they're excited about
848s it
849s but where to start like what's a good
851s beginner tip or a good thing that you
853s kind of help your newer friends with um
857s so
857s so real quick since blood points are
859s something that we're giving away today
861s um blood points are what you would use
864s in what's called dvd's blood web and
866s it's what allows you it was super
868s powerful powerful when you're starting
870s out as well when you're starting out
872s all of your characters need to be built
874s up and you know you need to unlock all
876s the different perks on them which is
878s going to be one of the things that we're
879s going to be seeing today from these five
883s titans of the dvd
885s you know community here on twitch
887s they're gonna come in having unlocked
888s everything they're gonna have access to
891s absolutely everything
893s and we'll get to see hopefully some
895s really interesting builds of them mix
898s and matching their perks their offerings
901s their items
903s and that's what blood points gets you in
906s the game it allows you to unlock those
908s offerings that you'll bring in that can
910s influence which map you go to or
913s uh
914s items so you can annoy the killer and
917s flashlight stun them over and over
920s things like that
923s all right okay well that helpful at all
926s or did i absolutely no no no i'm i'm
928s i'm still here i'm i'm still following i
931s get it i get it all right okay no so
933s that so everybody should be very very
935s thankful that we're already at that
937s first checkpoint good for us yes
940s absolutely
942s yeah so chat give yourself a pat on the
943s back for the fact that you already
946s smashed through that first goal uh don't
948s forget at
949s 3 000
951s raised for stream for a cause uh our
954s next milestone
955s um which i'm gonna
958s make sure you can see this on your end
960s you can you get ten rift fragments
963s i got so nervous for a second i was like
965s i hope i'm not spoiling a secret but no
967s you know this you get 10 riff fragments
970s uh and every single dollar does go a
972s long way so thank you so so so much for
975s everyone who has already donated so
977s generously it really is appreciated and
980s i'm
982s very very excited to see by the time
985s the first match wraps
988s where we're at
990s you know like how much hype
993s comes through from our first match right
996s well we already started out pretty
997s strong seeing as we haven't even started
999s yet we're already at one checkpoint so i
1002s have a pretty good feeling about how
1003s this first match is gonna go
1005s we're gonna get hyped i can i can taste
1007s the hype
1010s honestly uh
1011s i love that phrase and i i love i love
1014s you for saying we can
1016s you can take it it's all yours
1019s i'm gonna check
1020s i'm i'm gonna check really quickly and
1023s just make sure um with our magic little
1025s ears in our
1028s magic little voices in our ears chat um
1030s are are we ready for our first match
1035s they don't know
1036s i don't know
1038s it's a mystery to us all
1040s good
1041s do you want to talk about your emotions
1042s because i want to talk about my feelings
1044s while we're waiting is that okay let's
1046s talk about how we're feeling today how
1048s are you feeling today thank you so much
1049s for asking i appreciate this so much and
1052s i swear i wasn't gonna get emotional on
1054s into the rainbow for the second year in
1056s a row uh
1059s i would love honestly
1061s so i'll introduce you a little bit to me
1064s from a content perspective because we
1066s were just briefly talking about this
1067s with chat but
1068s i have been playing dead by daylight for
1070s a couple years now i'm a dvd partner a
1073s fog whisperer
1074s uh and one of my favorite things is to
1077s help make the game
1078s seem
1080s approachable and friendly to newer
1082s players because i think it can be
1085s intimidating getting into a new game and
1087s feeling like there's so much to learn
1089s from what we were just talking about
1091s like what's the difference between the
1093s shards and rift fragments and flood
1096s points and
1097s what do i need to be leveling up and
1101s it is my favorite thing to help make
1104s that less
1106s intimidating for new people so
1109s i am so excited to get to do a little
1110s bit of that with you today
1112s uh
1114s let me know do you remember
1116s the last time you played who you played
1118s as
1119s am i putting you on the spot
1121s oh you're putting me on the spot to um
1124s disappoint everyone i have exclusively
1127s just watched my ex play this like twice
1129s three years ago so you could say that i
1131s am an expert
1133s um
1135s yeah i love that so much okay so chat
1139s especially um especially especially
1142s if you leave any donation messages when
1144s you donate because of course i will be
1146s reading those uh let me know let me know
1149s if you have any beginner tips that you
1151s would like to share uh there and thank
1154s you so much to everyone who has donated
1156s so far already space of souls jelly
1159s welly
1160s gamer troy evan laura y'all are the
1163s sweetest appreciate it so so so much
1166s and uh thank you paulie i'm happy to see
1169s you here it's incredible to see the dvd
1171s community really come out and come
1173s together for something like this
1175s and i appreciate that the entire time we
1178s have been chatting uh that bar has just
1181s been going ding ding ding ding ding i
1183s know
1184s y'all are crazy i love community oh my
1187s god gay people
1189s we're really cool sometimes
1191s we deserve nice things i think we
1193s deserve rights as a treat you know
1196s just like a splash like a sprinkle just
1198s a little sprinkling of rice you know for
1200s a month once a year
1202s yeah exactly yeah
1205s a rainbow bottle we're gonna be we're
1208s gonna be vibing
1209s can you taste the vibe
1211s i can you know what and i'm adopting
1213s that phrase after this i hope you don't
1215s mind refreshing absolutely
1217s wonderful
1218s uh
1219s so i'm trying to think if there's
1221s anything that i
1223s remember about evo's
1227s play style
1229s that i can go in with some predictions
1232s so
1233s this will be more absolutely love that
1235s yeah right i would love like before each
1237s match if i could kind of go i don't know
1239s i know this person plays that character
1242s but
1243s that's one of the beautiful things i
1245s will say about the dvd community on
1246s twitch is it so large
1249s that
1250s i there's just always going to be people
1251s that i'm still discovering so also my
1253s memory is garbage
1255s so chat let me know if you have any
1257s predictions of who we might see evo
1260s kicking today's event off uh playing as
1263s killer
1265s i feel like i should probably just take
1266s a stab in the dark
1268s i think you should i also enjoyed the
1269s phrasing of staff in the dark for this
1271s game i think that was a really good pun
1273s on your point so thank you
1277s it was like completely unintentional i
1279s wish i could take credit for it but
1281s that's apparently just the way that i
1284s speak oh my god you're just learning
1287s thank you so much and speaking of being
1289s a natural uh i hope whoever we're about
1292s to see evo play is somebody that they're
1294s a natural at or
1296s honestly uh even if not we're in for
1299s some fun games i'm excited to see what's
1301s about to happen should we check in with
1303s our players we could do that well i
1305s think i remember from evo's um her video
1308s she said she was mainly a survivor does
1309s that
1310s like that was like the main role that
1312s she likes to do does that was unfamiliar
1315s that was definitely the main role that
1316s was featured in those clips and
1318s everything for sure
1320s so
1321s i if i remember correctly i think evo
1324s can crush it as both but that's a very
1326s good point we might be seeing some
1327s survivor mains today playing shoes i
1330s think that's the question like who is
1332s verse who is who is killer who is
1335s versatile very true very true exactly
1338s i
1339s you're so welcome for this commentary i
1341s don't know how i'm doing it i'm so good
1343s at this you're doing wonderful and i
1346s guess i mean we
1348s are about to find out who he was playing
1350s as uh chat this is group a
1354s we're gonna have two groups of five
1355s today um right now
1359s i feel like we
1361s had a glimpse of yep we got a nice
1365s little stompy boy
1367s uh who's gonna be running around the map
1370s with hopefully some zombie friends in
1372s tow keeping things chaotic in the
1374s background
1375s so
1377s thank you so much everyone who's
1379s continuing to keep those donors going
1381s i'm seeing them popping up and it is
1382s just
1384s incredible to see the same time as evo
1387s is
1389s looking for uh looking for some little
1393s urban evaders hiding and stealthing
1395s their way around the map so
1397s bosco something about this map which
1400s you'll notice
1401s evo playing this pillar nemesis from the
1404s resident evil chapter
1406s uh
1408s the shrubbery the foliage
1411s is really really really good for
1413s stealthing here okay
1415s if you're playing a character that has
1417s any kind of natural tones
1419s in terms of like their hairs and their
1422s wardrobe i play nancy from
1424s uh from stranger things and she has
1427s brown hair she has a kind of greenish
1429s sweater completely completely just
1434s you lose her
1435s you lose her which is why evo just
1437s walked up and kind of stood and stared
1439s at a bush
1440s for a moment before
1442s fair enough
1444s gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha so
1446s stealth heavy people are going to
1448s succeed in this this
1450s they could definitely have a lot of fun
1452s here and there as long as they're not
1454s spending the entire match stealthing
1455s around
1456s uh
1457s they could definitely have a lot of fun
1459s with it it is one of my favorite ways to
1461s sneakily pretend that i have not been on
1464s a generator that i really
1466s was just on
1467s which
1468s honestly
1469s evo is is getting in there and kind of
1472s mixing things up before
1475s i've seen much gen progress
1478s correct me if i'm wrong chat
1481s i know they haven't popped their first
1483s gen yet but i'm not sure
1485s if we've seen
1486s much progress yet
1488s so far evos really make you know getting
1491s in there spicing things up keeping them
1493s busy
1495s for her
1496s good for her she
1499s is maybe she could do it i i knew a face
1502s like that that that beautiful
1504s could only be filled with talent and
1506s like she's really proving it really
1508s proving
1509s she nailed it okay okay
1511s yeah
1513s okay yep hail's on it
1516s uh it looks like ben's getting ready to
1518s go for the save and
1521s critical bard i love you you're doing
1523s great first hook of the match
1527s and i love y'all if you have not
1530s noticed this this is something i'll
1532s point out to you bosco
1535s yeah there are so many yeah
1537s yeah
1538s on the hook uh killers can set those
1541s uniquely for themselves
1543s so you can have those year-round you can
1545s just say that's the charm that i always
1546s want on my
1549s book so that's what i do
1550s yeah
1551s isn't that fun that is that's so festive
1555s you mean that i have to be gay more than
1556s once a year
1559s i i truly thought we could stop putting
1560s the work in after the month of june but
1562s at last absolutely i'm clocking out i'm
1564s hanging out my gay badge and gun at the
1567s door once we get to july
1570s you're done oh yeah oh yeah seasonal
1573s employee at best
1575s uh evie is
1577s given
1579s evo the run around here my goodness
1582s uh i know another jen just kicked and
1584s we've here we
1587s got our second down here
1591s i have to say i'm always
1593s very very
1594s jealous of
1596s people who can play nemesis please let
1598s me know in the chat y'all if anybody
1600s else feels similarly
1602s he's so stompy
1604s i love watching matches of him because
1606s it's one and done but if i have to play
1608s as him i swear my heart rate starts to
1611s go up and i'm not
1612s even playing against him the stomping
1615s starts to like
1616s keep my tension high i don't know what
1618s it is
1620s so what is his play style what what does
1622s he um excel at
1624s why would i want to choose him over any
1625s of the other killers oh that is a really
1628s really really good question
1630s uh
1630s so
1631s nemesis has an interesting kind of split
1634s with his abilities because obviously he
1636s has
1637s uh the tentacle that you're seeing he
1639s does that little pinnacle whip
1641s um which yeah right there that little
1644s blue one um
1646s and he is uh as what i commonly refer to
1650s some of the killers as a
1651s large stompy boy
1653s so it's not like his movement speed is
1655s super fast it's not like what he excels
1657s at is from going from one point of the
1659s map to the other but you might notice uh
1661s behind our survivor hail here there was
1664s just a zombie
1667s no those
1668s yeah those are all over the map
1672s so
1673s they can be
1675s they can be messing things up for the
1677s survivors essentially you know they can
1678s be
1679s um
1681s bopping them off against just through
1682s the threat of them kind of walking
1684s around survivors can get rid of the
1685s zombies uh
1687s in a couple ways but it's not as easy as
1690s you know walking up to them and pooping
1692s them on the nose
1693s so
1694s so what we're seeing right here the jane
1697s not just able to stay on the gen because
1700s there was a zombie on the other side of
1702s it
1703s um
1704s and personally i love
1707s i love killers that have something like
1710s that something outside of them that
1712s applies pressure in some way that
1714s doesn't rely on them
1716s uh
1718s m wanting or whatever it might be does
1720s that make sense
1721s yeah yeah yeah
1723s but also i will say one of my favorite
1726s things about the zombies i love a killer
1728s that has an ability that lets you get
1730s silly
1731s and the zombies can kind of dock
1733s survivors
1734s because they'll walk in the direction of
1736s the survivor with their arms out
1740s kind of uh just
1742s making noises and going in their general
1744s direction and so as a killer you can use
1747s that as information to figure out where
1748s a survivor is and when i first started
1750s playing against nemesis i didn't know
1753s they could do that i got in a locker for
1755s a moment and the zombie
1758s docks me and basically pointed out that
1761s i was in the locker so nemesis knew
1763s right where to get me and i love silly
1765s things like that they don't happen all
1767s the time it's not it's not like a
1768s reliable thing to fall back on but when
1770s it happens in matches it's funny
1776s that's a really interesting play style
1777s okay
1778s yeah
1779s fine
1780s so there's a nice mix and there's a
1782s mechanic where
1784s uh nemesis can
1786s infect them so you'll see on the left
1789s for instance hale's portrait
1791s um just kind of has the
1794s fog behind it whereas ready set bends
1797s and evs have the kind of blue background
1801s that's to represent that they've
1803s gotten infected
1805s so there's there's a couple little
1806s layers to nemesis
1809s what does the infection do exactly
1811s uh well
1813s hopefully not not to sidestep your
1815s question but hopefully it's not gonna do
1817s much of anything right now because they
1819s finished all of their gens we have
1824s only one player dead on hook right now
1826s these books have been pretty evenly
1828s divided
1830s and
1830s we already have somebody more than
1832s halfway on the door
1834s how how are we feeling about the odds of
1837s survival here for all four of our
1839s survivors
1842s um
1843s you feeling optimistic i'm feeling
1845s pretty optimistic at the moment
1847s [Music]
1856s i think uh we're gonna go to a listen in
1858s real quick so y'all can
1859s hear firsthand
1872s oh
1875s [Laughter]
1886s that looked like a massive adrenaline
1890s rush from the players at the end there i
1892s can't even imagine
1894s it was fun being able to listen into
1895s them
1896s all
1898s four of them got out and if i'm being
1900s honest i loved the optimism i was i was
1902s nervous i was nervous that at least one
1904s of them were gonna
1906s not make it but man i could feel it in
1908s my heart they're survivors
1910s i was gonna say you know what i'm gonna
1912s default to asking you that every match
1913s now we're not gonna go with my
1915s predictions you're our lucky charm when
1917s it comes to knowing if the survivors are
1920s gonna get out or not
1921s i'm sure i'm gonna be wrong a lot
1925s honestly isn't that part of the fun
1927s though
1928s i think so i think so i'm used to being
1929s wrong too i'm really good at it yeah you
1932s and me both it's it's it's why we're
1934s doing this together today exactly two
1936s wrongs make a right yeah
1938s no that was such a fun match uh
1941s my my brain is
1943s split so many different directions right
1945s now because i would love to spend an
1946s entire day just talking
1950s about dead by daylight with you and just
1952s like
1953s doing a 101 stream because this is so
1955s much fun and my brain was also
1958s a million little things firing because
1961s we have already gotten up to seventeen
1963s hundred dollars raised
1965s just during that match
1967s dang
1968s dang it
1971s that is more than halfway
1974s to our next milestone which is
1977s three thousand dollars raised we'll
1978s unlock ten rift fragments for the
1981s community so
1983s we're getting real close to those
1984s fragments y'all
1986s right it pays to be gay
1989s to be
1992s because i don't know anything about
1994s anything
1995s honestly
1997s honestly it is a vibe and i'm having so
1999s much fun thank you
2001s uh
2003s i'm going to try and predict with our
2007s next match let's predict with me chat
2009s ready set ben is our next killer
2013s does anybody know
2014s do we have
2016s i know right i love that and i'm loving
2019s the makeup too absolutely
2022s if anybody
2023s knows who ben mayne's let me know in the
2026s chat please and thank you uh so now evo
2028s is going to swap on out to play survivor
2031s hopefully we'll see
2033s a solid nancy look from evo
2037s and and then we're joined again by hale
2040s evie and critical bard
2043s [Music]
2056s happy times on everybody my name is ben
2058s from the twitch channel ready set ben
2061s and i do
2062s twitch
2063s things
2064s on twitch like streaming and stuff
2069s [Music]
2072s stalker it's gotta be ghostface
2078s nah nah it's not funny i've got school
2082s my name is ben i'm a black queer content
2085s creator pronouns he they and i'm
2087s pansexual and no that does not mean i'm
2090s sexually attracted to kitchenware wreck
2092s it raven hello my love how are you it's
2094s not the vibe stop
2097s like most people's journey within dead
2099s by daylight mine started at 4am joining
2102s the rainbow arcade stream team members
2104s just having a laugh at a giggle playing
2106s a few games and then it was buying
2109s everything on the steam store and then
2111s in game because i have a crippling
2113s addiction when it comes to spending
2115s money on costumes for characters that i
2117s do not play one of the main reasons i
2119s love dead by daylight to begin with is
2120s the fact that it's always been very
2122s open-minded and forward-thinking when it
2123s comes to inclusion and diversity uh this
2127s year i featured as part of their black
2129s history month segment which featured
2132s other creators which was amazing and i
2134s also got to do their previous pride
2137s activation which was absolutely
2138s wonderful so you can imagine my face as
2140s i'm back once again
2142s to be everybody with
2144s uh well actually i play legion so it's
2146s more than likely i'm gonna chase but um
2149s yep we're just gonna do that but i want
2151s to keep it short and sweet
2153s thank you for listening to me if you
2154s want to find me i'm ready set ben on
2156s every platform quite loud quite larry
2160s and i'm also
2162s a bit of a mess but we do like to have
2164s fun though thank you
2166s bye
2172s there's so many things to appreciate
2174s about ben
2176s can we start with the money i'm
2177s appreciating the accent a lot
2179s right
2181s the accent
2184s the the sense of humor the comedic
2186s timing i also have to call out though
2188s how much i appreciate ben
2190s telling me
2192s i'm probably going to play legion
2194s round of applause for ben because i love
2197s going in with information snaps in the
2199s chat for ben thank you doing our
2201s homework for us
2203s appreciate it um i'm gonna make an
2205s informed um call i think he's gonna play
2207s legion what do you what do you think
2208s about that oh you know what
2211s bosco i would just like to say i've seen
2213s you grow leaps and bounds since we
2215s started today in terms of natural
2217s your dead by daylight knowledge has just
2220s like 200 percent like through the roof
2223s i'm
2224s i'm learning so much from you i know um
2226s the role is really really swapped in
2228s this whole thing so i'll be doing the
2230s majority of the um hosting for the rest
2232s of this stream um thank you so much for
2234s joining me um
2236s uh you can clock out for the rest of the
2238s day i'm sure i got this covered
2242s so i guess that was a great time to
2244s mention um
2246s we're gonna be spotlighting a ton of
2247s wonderful creators today you know we're
2249s chatting about how
2251s fantastic ben is um but we are also
2253s going to be spotlighting some creators
2256s who are not in the next match that
2258s you're about to see um and so i believe
2260s we have a little something that we can
2261s show y'all for one of my favorite people
2265s on the face of this earth
2266s dear
2268s dear's pronouns are she her and i highly
2271s recommend y'all check out her content
2275s incredible
2277s incredible performer here on twitch and
2279s uh fellow fog whisperer
2282s fabulous picture i love her drag
2285s love love love the mug and the hair
2288s and that is a
2290s cosplay of one of the wearable cosmetics
2294s in the game as well so that is not just
2295s like great drag but that's great drag
2298s mixed with great cosplay of this game
2301s there's so many layers you better work
2303s binch i love that
2305s um so her most used emoji is the
2308s glistening the glitter um
2311s love that very gay very gay lovely and
2314s what superpower would you love to get
2316s slowing down time that sounds a little
2317s bit overpowered but i suppose we'll
2319s allow it because she looks great
2321s yes i i do think we'll have to give that
2323s to her i think so
2325s i
2327s my concern was slowing down time
2329s i always worry that it's going to be a
2330s monkey pause situation and it's going to
2332s be like
2333s you're you're slowed down
2336s in time
2337s with time itself and then you can't
2338s unslow it
2340s that's my fortunate my other fear is
2342s like maybe you're slowing down time for
2344s everybody else but you're not slowing it
2346s down for you so you're aging faster than
2348s everybody else you know what i mean so
2350s you have to really consider when you
2352s think about using that i i'm gonna have
2355s so many questions for deer next time we
2357s talk honestly maybe we'll have to make
2358s her change her mind should have picked
2360s super speed
2361s so i was gonna say sorry what's your
2363s answer to that question than bosco
2366s ooh
2367s um i'm almost always like
2369s like transformation mystique kind of gal
2371s like
2372s functionality
2374s b um just like hot girl things and then
2378s i don't know that or
2380s i love anything like gravity related i
2383s think those are always really really
2384s cool powers love that love that
2388s that is so that is such a cool idea for
2392s some reason my my brain immediately went
2395s to like um the fizzy lifting drink roald
2398s dahl you know where they in um
2402s thank you yes and they float you said
2404s gravity and my brain
2406s that's the scene that my brain went to
2408s so i just went straight to wicked
2411s because yeah okay but
2413s um
2414s yeah i i always thought that that would
2417s be like one of those ones where like i
2418s can just say whatever and i can pretend
2420s it's gravity like force fields sure
2421s gravity why not flying gravity um what
2424s about you
2425s that that's a very good point actually i
2427s was talking about this the other day
2430s and i liked this one
2432s i i heard somebody say
2435s make any food taste like any other type
2438s of food
2439s and i love that so much
2440s it does not matter what you're shooting
2442s for the stars with these super powers
2444s aren't you i i heard that and i was like
2447s why have i never thought of this before
2449s that is the best
2451s best idea ever nothing will top it
2455s y'all
2456s we are back on
2459s we're back and we're back on the same
2461s map as well so i'm gonna be kind of
2464s curious to see if uh
2467s broccoli nancy it's broccoli nancy there
2469s you go look at the hair look at the
2471s material
2473s and evo just looking like an absolute
2476s angel in that webcam a second ago my
2479s goodness gracious
2480s uh so everyone who's in full drag right
2483s now
2487s so interestingly enough
2490s ready set ben was a little cheeky and is
2493s not playing legion
2495s i feel misled
2497s i feel like too um i feel taken
2499s advantage of there's there's a trust
2502s there's a trust that has been broken in
2504s my heart but i will say and it's a
2506s gaslighter um confirmed i am immediately
2509s forgiving ben for uh
2512s for leading us astray making me think
2514s that they were gonna play legion because
2516s this means we get some dredge gameplay
2518s uh so in case you did not know bosco
2521s because this happened very recently
2522s dredge is our newest killer who just
2526s like came out this week basically oh wow
2530s yeah is it like a pretty like brave move
2532s to be doing a competitive
2534s situation with a brand new character
2536s that hasn't really been like established
2538s well you know luckily we're we're here
2541s for a fun time more than a sweaty time
2544s so
2545s i do think bold choice we love a bold
2548s choice okay um what i will say is i'm
2552s curious if it means our survivors are
2554s not going to be as
2556s confident or knowledgeable
2558s in terms of their strategy if they
2561s haven't had a lot of time against dredge
2563s right it's totally the double-edged
2564s sword of like well does he have enough
2566s time to have like learned a strategy
2568s with it and like also with them like
2570s have they learned a strategy of how to
2571s play around it
2573s this is the uh nancy hiding in the
2575s bushes strategy i was telling you about
2577s earlier that's what
2578s the wig is unclockable with the brush
2581s absolutely
2583s unclockable i'm telling you
2586s chat thank you so so so much for keeping
2588s these donations coming through by the
2590s way we see you thank you death by
2593s giggles uh rye magic trust the dream dr
2596s gerbil y'all are
2599s way too generous and it is helping us so
2602s very much we are only 50 away
2604s from
2610s if you all did not know uh stream for a
2613s cause
2614s is not just one organization that you're
2617s supporting they basically allow how
2619s content creators to
2621s fundraise uh for
2623s organizations all around the world to
2625s provide them with micro grants so they
2627s can
2628s have really you know
2631s tangible results of where our support
2635s goes you know you're you're supporting
2636s someone smaller and more grassroots and
2639s i think bosco that was something that
2640s when we were chatting earlier you were
2642s saying
2643s uh
2644s is so special about them and i think why
2646s we are so excited i did for this it is
2649s special like i it's it's cool how many
2651s great um charities are out there but
2653s sometimes it just feels like you're like
2655s throwing your money into this giant lump
2657s and you don't know where it's going or
2658s how it's being utilized and with these
2660s micro grants it feels a lot more
2662s personal you can like see the impact um
2665s so much easier
2666s and you just know that the money is
2668s getting to the people that need it
2671s i am not even playing killer right now
2673s and i feel personally attacked by evo
2676s doing these broccoli nancy stealth moves
2678s it feels disrespectful and i'm so into
2681s it i want to be disrespected by this
2683s nancy wig
2685s jack can we please get some hype we just
2688s had
2689s a incredibly kind donation come through
2692s from mandy that pushed us over the two
2694s thousand dollar mark
2697s we have raised more than two
2699s thousand dollars for stream for a cause
2703s and
2704s we have we have another milestone coming
2706s up pretty soon don't we
2708s yeah we're going to be hitting next
2709s milestone at three and i am allegedly
2712s being told that that is
2715s ten right i don't even
2718s ten rip fragments i'm sure that's a
2720s really good thing i'm sure that's
2722s incredible it is very exciting so thank
2724s you so much everyone in chat for helping
2726s us get there
2728s and
2729s these survivors are just
2733s crushing it my goodness gracious
2735s uh
2736s for anybody this will be kind of a nice
2738s moment you know because bosco we've
2740s chatted about the fact that you're newer
2741s but this is the newer killer so chad if
2744s if anybody's a little behind on the
2746s times um dredge just released this week
2749s with the um roots of dread dlc and is
2754s this really cool concept and i apologize
2756s if i
2758s like butcher the way i described it the
2759s dredge is kind of supposed to be like
2762s the monster under your bed or like the
2764s monster in your closet this kind of cool
2767s yeah this kind of um
2771s i was getting very like eldritch terror
2773s very nice
2775s like lovecraftian boogeyman situation
2778s exactly thank you that was the word i
2779s was looking for the boogeyman
2781s essentially
2782s uh
2783s and
2785s i oh
2786s the dredge very much uh
2788s freaking guys all get out
2790s i think should we should we see if we
2792s can listen in on our yeah
2795s thinking about playing against dredge
2798s two
2799s one
2800s watch out for nowhere
2803s oh my god imagine the no head
2808s i would
2809s i would scream
2811s no ma'am
2813s i'm opening this door and i am leaving
2820s there was like a totem around here
2821s because i saw it
2824s no no that's good
2826s oh okay cool oh i actually hate this
2829s wait where are you where are you stevie
2831s where are you at i'm dying um i'm going
2834s to stop saving you i'm i got you don't
2835s worry i'm very scared
2837s we're acting very close to each other
2839s he's still on me
2840s all right mom can you go pick me up
2844s oh oh no ma'am no ma'am has this gonna
2847s be news already
2849s i can't see anything cb where are you
2851s i'm coming to hell i see ccb
2853s oh my god
2854s i did rather save guys
2857s oh
2858s i'm gonna throw you my wig and you you
2860s put it on no he's going the other way
2863s it's fine it's fine this is first look i
2865s died it's okay we're fine we're fine
2869s [Music]
2873s i'm behind some boxes
2878s i
2879s am obsessed with each and every one of
2881s them
2881s they sound like they're having so much
2883s fun and i want to see them all wear that
2885s wig i hope everybody gets a chance to
2887s wear that wig
2889s i really really really in the back of my
2891s mind was like man
2893s i get having your favorite survivor i
2895s get playing who you want to play but i
2896s wanted to see a flight a fleet of
2899s broccoli nancy's just rush
2902s oh if i don't see that at least once
2905s today i'm i'm gonna go home i'm gonna
2908s turn off my webcam i need to see the
2910s full nancy army
2913s i hope our uh competitors if not the
2915s ones currently flying i hope our group b
2918s are listening and uh hopefully knowing
2920s what we expect of them from later in the
2922s day of disrespect that is happening
2927s [Music]
2929s wow
2930s i know
2931s [Music]
2933s but you know what look at ready set ben
2934s being a good sport about it and
2937s utilizing i'm not kidding y'all i was
2939s talking about this on stream this week
2941s that cosmetic for dredge
2945s i don't we made it
2948s we made it how many years in dead by
2949s daylight without having a like
2952s creepy multiple
2955s porcelain doll all over a killer's body
2958s cosmetic came out i lived in in comfort
2962s for that many years of my life and now i
2964s will no fear every day i boot up this
2967s game
2968s i'm sleeping again
2970s never sleeping again
2971s and i know you didn't get to see it very
2973s much because we mostly saw it from
2975s dredges hands on either side but the bit
2978s at the front is one that like splits in
2980s half and kind of bobs and moves
2983s oh
2985s oh thank you
2986s absolutely not
2988s i'm looking up the full character model
2989s right now just so i can see like what it
2991s looks like
2992s oh wow oh wow
2994s yeah
2996s yeah
2997s oh yeah
2998s and so picture that
3000s chasing you
3002s i prefer not to i'd like to leave it on
3004s please
3005s all right oh we'll we'll get that tab
3007s closed uh but honestly gigi's to ready
3010s set ben for tackling the newest killer
3014s days after his release against a
3016s seriously stacked lobby of survivors
3018s that was
3019s really really fun to watch
3022s it was rest in peace is ben um i
3024s appreciate the bravery
3028s and the choices yes exactly
3031s i'm really excited to see our next group
3035s as well
3036s uh we are now going to be looking at our
3041s third pairing um our killer is going to
3044s be hail
3045s and now
3046s with our uh returning survivors evo
3049s ready set ben evie and critical bard we
3053s have more broccoli nancy
3055s we better get more broccoli nancy i am
3058s hoping that maybe this is the round that
3060s the killer wins i'm i'm fingers crossed
3062s for a killer win is that possible can we
3065s you know i have a vibe right now yes
3068s i've i've seen some of hale's killer
3070s games i don't think it's out of the
3072s realm of possibility i'm just putting it
3074s out there but why don't why don't we let
3076s hale uh introduce himself
3080s hey guys my name is hale and i'm a
3081s twitch streamer one of your dvd fod
3083s whisperers uh my pronouns are he and him
3086s and i'm so excited to be participating
3088s in the second annual into the rainbow
3091s event to celebrate pride month
3093s um dvd
3095s is one of the most important games to me
3097s i stream it every every day um and i'm
3101s one of your typical filthy nurse mains
3104s um and more importantly it's been it
3106s played such a large role in my
3108s relationship um we play it all the time
3111s and it's a way that we bond and so i
3113s wanted to introduce
3115s my now husband i just got married here
3118s is frankie
3119s oh magic i appeared and so did our lives
3123s oh my god i didn't know i could summon
3124s him too here insane and we're so so
3127s happy and so excited to be celebrating
3129s pride this year as husbands
3132s and so excited i'm also excited that he
3135s is participating in this event because
3137s we all love dead by daylight so so so
3140s much and we do play it all the time as a
3143s couple and now as a married couple yeah
3146s i'm really excited to introduce my
3149s husband's
3151s insane nurse
3155s roll those clips
3156s did eyes first let's see where she went
3158s to the right
3160s so she knows
3165s what
3171s oh baby that was a [ __ ] balloon baby
3175s [Music]
3185s [Music]
3186s oh
3191s [Music]
3205s i taught her outside
3207s guys i literally touched about a little
3209s corner outside my dead
3212s [Laughter]
3220s [Laughter]
3226s [Music]
3227s [Laughter]
3234s i just uh for context
3239s nurse has a very high skill level in
3242s terms of like uh learning to play her
3244s can take a bit for new players so
3247s i sat here the entire time watching that
3249s with my hands
3250s like on my forehead shaking my head like
3253s i could never i could never
3256s those hits were so impressive
3259s so clean i was reading i'm a little bit
3260s about nurse because obviously like i'm
3262s kind of educating myself as i go so i'm
3264s reading that like she's like a blinking
3266s champion i'm not champion but killer and
3268s that she has like the lowest like
3270s movement speed
3272s out of any of the killers so it sounds
3274s like you really have to be able to like
3275s predict where you're gonna go have like
3277s a plan and a little bit of luck to
3279s really pull off this character yes it's
3282s very
3283s much uh knowledge of how survivors are
3287s going to
3288s move how they're going to loop you
3290s and kind of cutting them off where
3293s they're going to end up and it's a lot
3295s of mind games which
3297s i love i love a killer that's about mind
3299s games and
3300s you know thinking two steps ahead so i'm
3303s really excited to see this matchup
3306s i'm obsessed and like i'm a huge silent
3309s hill fan so i don't know if this is like
3311s a silent hill based character but like
3313s that's the vibe that i'm getting totally
3315s like from like the nurses from that
3316s franchise yeah it's uh so the nurse
3320s herself is an original character for dvd
3323s but
3323s we do have pyramid head from the silent
3326s hill chapter it'll work
3328s yeah so maybe we'll see a pyramid head
3330s at some point today
3331s uh
3333s of course as anticipated
3336s uh we have a nurse
3339s nurse
3341s i'm
3344s very curious
3346s about what was just going on there i
3348s feel like we missed some kind of
3349s survivor communication
3353s but as a killer main i think i always
3355s look at survivors
3356s and feel like i missed a crucial piece
3359s of information to understand what
3360s they're doing
3361s we already have our first down of the
3363s nashville oh
3365s absolutely ridiculous my goodness
3367s gracious i think i've called it with the
3369s first killer one of the day i think this
3371s might be it
3373s i
3375s am gonna be fascinated to see how this
3377s goes down and thank you so so so much
3381s chat uh everybody who has been giving so
3384s generously today as we fundraise bring
3387s into the rainbow i appreciate those two
3390s uh back-to-back 69 don't know uh thank
3394s you so very much for getting us just a
3397s little over 900 away from our next
3400s milestone of unlocking 10 risk fragments
3403s for the community
3413s wow we don't have any gems
3416s done yet but we do have
3419s two hooks
3422s dang
3423s oh wow
3425s that that dead heart unfortunately
3428s uh only got critical barred so far for a
3430s minute enough
3433s hail caught up
3435s fast here three hooks
3438s done
3439s uh evo as it stands right now is the
3442s only one who has not been hooked yet but
3445s how long can broccoli nancy
3448s make that last i guess we're about to
3450s find out
3453s i do believe in the power of the
3455s broccoli nancy i do
3457s um but hale is kicking some major butt
3460s wow yeah
3461s yeah a pretty pretty uh
3464s intimidating
3466s nurse mane i i would be very nervous if
3469s i
3471s went up against hail in a public lobby
3473s i think
3476s for me in general i don't get nervous
3480s against killers anymore thank you i've
3482s graduated from being a dvd baby uh
3485s unless you're stealth killer ghost face
3488s i might i can't do it i absolutely i
3490s can't i can't handle stealth killer
3494s makes for great content of me being
3495s terrified uh
3498s that's fun for me people be scared
3501s truly truly
3504s so close to the wiggle out
3506s so so so close for poor broccoli nancy
3509s uh thank you so much everyone for those
3511s beautiful donuts coming through during
3513s this absolute
3514s slaughter blood pass
3518s anonymous with that incredibly good
3520s incredibly kind five dollar dono and
3523s another anonymous donator the 100
3526s donation
3527s thank you thank you thank you so much
3529s y'all are making such a big difference
3532s and thank you for being here for
3534s into the rainbow
3536s it's the second year we've done it
3543s wow our first
3546s kill
3549s wow
3550s oh
3552s f's f's in chat in my heart y'all uh
3555s ready pieces
3557s ready set ben
3559s is gone uh critical hard
3563s just got unhooked so evo is doing some
3565s work
3566s but ev is about to get hooked and i'm
3571s pretty sure correct me if i'm wrong is
3573s this also death hook no second okay
3578s wow
3579s all skill at five gems my goodness this
3582s has been
3583s a slaughter
3590s cb blending perfectly with that cosmetic
3593s look and look at that little cactus
3596s green vest
3597s perfect it could use the wig um i'm
3600s missing out on the wig however
3604s wow there's that wig
3606s yeah
3608s i would love
3609s love love love a world in which every
3612s survivor has that
3615s head available to them that hair you
3617s know
3618s i think we should petition we should
3619s sign um we should start petitioning
3622s i i would sign that petition and i would
3625s support it
3626s [Music]
3627s absolutely
3628s that should be our april fool's day joke
3633s um
3636s i gotta say this match has been a bit of
3640s a roller coaster i'm kind of curious to
3642s hear what our players are thinking
3644s y'all are right down there
3646s wait what why not i'm stuck
3649s i'm actually
3652s oh my god
3654s oh my god
3659s [Music]
3661s oh my god this is actual homophobia we
3665s literally got murdered by a nurse in a
3667s bin bag
3677s there's a chance there's a chance
3679s there's a taste i can feel it
3682s [Music]
3691s [Laughter]
3698s oh that's not when hell uh they don't
3699s have barbecue too
3702s evil you don't know they got spies
3703s that's the real reason they got five
3705s they probably got spies yeah
3707s oh my gosh that's terrifying
3716s [Music]
3722s [Music]
3725s oh found the hatch
3728s we had we had a brief moment
3730s wherein it seemed maybe broccoli nancy
3733s might find the hatch which would give
3736s her a
3737s quick and immediate escape from hale's
3741s uh terrifying nurse
3744s and
3745s you know i'm rooting for you evo i'm
3747s rooting for you to to make one of those
3749s exit gates work you got this
3752s or to
3754s play hide and seek until the entity
3755s takes you either either one either one's
3757s great there's no wrong choices here
3759s sweetie truly love that for you
3764s look at the stuff
3766s i would always rather be entertained in
3768s the end game match and if i saw a
3770s survivor doing this i kind of feel like
3772s i would give them the door just
3773s for entertaining me
3776s seeing her
3778s seeing her run from just bush to bush
3780s over and over
3785s well
3789s the survivors were speculating earlier
3791s they seem to think hale was running
3792s spies from the shadows but
3794s that is actually not on hale's perk list
3797s interesting
3799s i wonder
3800s i wonder if that was just hail
3803s being really on top of it with the
3804s blinks in terms of
3806s having a great sense of where well
3809s constantly getting those hooks i guess
3812s with the uh
3813s perks that he's running and
3816s would also be helpful with auras that
3819s was a solid build
3821s and an incredible match my goodness
3825s yeah hill's not messing around when he
3826s said that he was a nurse maid
3828s [Music]
3832s i know that
3833s chat you can't see what we look like
3835s when we're watching these games but my
3838s jaw was dropped the entire time
3842s i think they were feeling it too because
3844s some money rolled in during that people
3846s were so lovely and generous dang
3850s we're only 500 away from our next
3852s checkpoint
3854s we had some donors come through um mike
3857s with the 20. thank you so much anonymous
3860s back to back with the 15 and the 20. and
3863s then i apologize your username got cut
3865s off the lightest thank you so much for
3866s that incredibly generous 200 donation
3870s how far away are we from our next
3872s milestone now
3874s we are uh
3876s 500 501
3878s away from our next milestone
3881s and at that milestone we'll be giving
3882s away 10 riff fragments
3885s dang y'all are cooking through these
3887s checkpoints like this is only game three
3889s four
3890s i can't count three
3892s yes that was game three we will be
3894s entering game four
3895s i
3896s have to say one of the things that i am
3898s most excited about today and most
3900s grateful for is that behavior is
3902s matching donations up to five thousand
3904s dollars
3905s so don't forget you know if you're
3907s giving ten dollars
3909s that is twenty dollars going to
3912s nonprofits that need it um
3914s so thank you so much to behavior for
3916s doing that match and thank you each and
3919s every one of you i know it's not always
3920s easy to be able to give so generously
3923s but the fact that you do makes the world
3925s a better place and what better time to
3928s to do something good for our community
3929s than pride
3931s you only have to do it once a year this
3933s is the only month that you have to care
3935s about gay people and then you're good
3937s you're good once july comes around no
3939s one cares you're fine put the rainbows
3942s in the closet but it's this month this
3944s month is a month
3946s this month is our month
3950s uh i'm really excited to check out the
3953s next group do you want to walk us
3954s through who's up next for killer
3957s i would love to um let's make this large
3960s enough so i can read so avidius is that
3963s how we say their name yeah or evie for
3965s short evie for short a
3968s so beautiful look at the mug look at the
3970s materials look at the wig
3972s um do you know anything about evie's
3974s playstyle um do you know what killers
3976s they like to play
3977s i don't so i'm ready to be surprised
3980s here this is kind of a wild card match
3981s for me
3983s i'm obsessed
3985s and i'm very curious to see uh
3990s i i wish that we could listen in to our
3993s players you know we won't they're
3994s getting ready but i would have loved to
3996s hear hale rejoining the survivor side
3999s after that
4000s match how that went
4003s after just eating them alive that round
4006s yeah i'm guessing that conversation was
4009s interesting but uh
4011s moving right along y'all i'm so excited
4014s uh to get to know evie a little bit
4016s better so why don't we check out this
4018s intro
4019s i can't wait
4022s hi there my name is avidia so feel free
4024s to call me evie my pronouns and drag are
4026s she or they
4027s as you can tell from the scrap of my
4029s face i'm a bearded drag queen i identify
4031s as a gender fluid individual which in
4033s labor turns just means sometimes you'll
4035s see me like this and sometimes you won't
4038s me my dragon expression is a little bit
4040s different than a typical performer
4042s my dragon my expression is a part of my
4044s identity when i'm performing as a video
4047s so it lets part of myself come out that
4049s um sometimes i don't have the liberty or
4052s i'm just not used to expressing day to
4053s day so i'm hoping that what you're able
4056s to do during this into the rainbow event
4058s and
4058s during this pride season is explore a
4061s little bit
4062s and listen to other people other sexual
4064s orientations other gender identities
4066s meet people and have conversations
4068s that's where we become more educated we
4070s become more loving and we become more
4072s compassionate to the needs of others i
4074s hope
4075s this pride season you're able to love
4077s yourself a little bit more and also love
4079s others
4080s because as i say at the end of every
4082s stream people may be going through
4083s something that you have no clue what
4084s they're going through
4086s so always always always
4088s leave with kindness
4090s and that includes being kind to yourself
4097s oh lovely so so lovely
4100s what what a nice message wouldn't just
4102s like lovely thing to share with us and
4104s also she's gorgeous that face that
4107s makeup oh i'm i'm in love with her i'm
4110s obsessed
4112s i did not expect a player intro video
4115s today to get me teary-eyed but that was
4118s so
4119s heartfelt
4120s and
4121s so like resonated with me so much and
4124s was such a beautiful reminder
4126s of
4127s why it is
4128s i love so much that we get to do this
4130s event and to come together as a
4131s community
4134s for pride
4136s we have such an incredibly strong
4137s lgbtqia
4139s plus community here in
4142s overlapping with the dead by daylight
4144s community online and
4145s to spend some time
4147s celebrating
4148s uh that that little
4150s center of us in the venn diagram is just
4153s really incredible and i'm so grateful to
4154s be here with you all today thank you so
4156s much
4158s same here um that was so so lovely and
4160s also what i loved about that not only
4161s was it heartfelt it also was not helpful
4164s in me figuring out anything about what
4166s she's going to be doing in that match so
4168s i'm right into that
4170s like simultaneously pulling on the
4172s heartstrings keeping us in the dark i
4174s love it i'm into it
4177s we love it uh it'll be more surprises
4179s for you all day long
4181s speaking of surprises i was going to say
4185s i wanted us to chit-chat about something
4187s else but chat had other ideas in mind
4191s do you see what our totals at
4194s oh my god
4197s since when
4198s who did that
4200s how did they do
4201s that was so fast
4203s i'm telling you the power of these
4205s player intro videos people speaking from
4207s the heart y'all are
4210s making me want to cry 100 times more so
4213s stop being so nice to me
4215s uh we just back to back to back to back
4218s to back these don't
4222s um oh my god what
4225s what
4228s are you kidding me
4232s which is insane
4234s we just had an anonymous donation of 1
4238s 500
4240s dollars
4245s snaps in the chat that is in
4249s sanity
4250s our goal today is five thousand dollars
4253s we are currently at
4255s four thousand seven hundred dollars
4257s we're not even halfway done with today
4260s and y'all are almost already meeting our
4262s goal which will be matched by the way so
4265s by the time we finish this and we hit
4267s our goal
4268s ten thousand dollars of micro grants
4270s going to these queer creators that's
4273s insane
4275s it it
4276s cannot be stressed enough how
4279s impactful
4280s the work of each and every one of the
4283s organizations being supported by today's
4285s fundraiser
4287s is each of them do
4290s unique things around the world but the
4291s connective tissue is that they support
4294s the lgbtqia two plus community um
4297s they're all around the world we have
4299s ones that are working in egypt korea the
4302s philippines australia the uk like brazil
4307s it's it's so international
4309s um and the fact that
4311s y'all are making it possible to support
4314s them
4316s and
4317s to give double the support with the
4318s matching that we're gonna get i i'm
4321s i knew that we were gonna do great today
4323s i did not expect before the first group
4325s was even over that we were gonna be 250
4328s away from our goal no we're now a
4331s hundred dollars away from our goal
4332s somebody just dropped another 150 we're
4336s at 4 900 right now we are less than a
4339s hundred dollars away from our goal today
4342s y'all lit y'all we're gonna build it
4347s uh
4348s uh i have thoughts here oh hi i'm gonna
4352s take a second to collect myself why
4353s don't we why don't we pull up another
4355s spotlight of another creator that we
4357s want to
4358s uh shine a light on today while i panic
4361s would you like to talk to chad about
4362s drag trash lee
4364s i want to talk first about this name
4366s what a name to have do i crashly
4369s hell yeah she looks beautiful i love a
4372s beret um
4374s god she is gorgeous isn't she
4376s um so she is telling us about what makes
4378s her feel empowered putting on lipstick
4380s and a wig makes me feel invincible drag
4382s crashly says i can relate um the power
4386s of makeup and hair
4388s you can't beat it
4390s what is her most used emoji oh it's the
4393s loved face because there's so much
4395s around her to love
4397s well she seems like a nice girl that
4398s knows how to apply cosmeceuticals and i
4400s like that about her and i like how small
4402s she's able to make her nose look
4405s dang you like okay that no you could not
4408s even smell out of that nose good for you
4410s good for you drag trashly mugged and
4413s lovely
4414s i'm i'm just putting it out there that i
4416s would love for you to do all of the
4418s intros moving forward because i felt
4420s like i was being complimented and i
4422s wasn't even the one being talked about
4424s there that
4425s was a show of hands in chat who wants
4428s bosco to be their personal like
4431s i will hype you up i'm also a little bit
4433s of a hater um so i'll probably also
4436s break it down
4437s but
4438s she's so beautiful is there what is
4440s there to hate about nothing she's
4441s gorgeous i just love drag i love drag
4444s drag um and she's really really good at
4446s drake
4448s oh and her pronouns are she her
4449s ding dong
4451s thank thank you so so so much for uh
4455s making this
4457s possible chat
4458s we
4460s have 10 riff fragments to give away the
4463s code is get that bag so make sure you
4466s have your game up go on in and pop that
4470s code into the store get you some rift
4472s fragments thank you so so so much in the
4475s past
4476s amount in the past two minutes that it
4478s took for bosco to give some of the best
4480s compliments i've ever heard in my entire
4481s life we
4482s just hit
4485s 5086 dollars raised first stream for a
4488s cause
4489s and it keeps on going up people y'all
4492s are still giving oh my god
4495s oh my god
4497s wow
4500s thank you
4501s thank you thank you
4504s i i
4507s i swear it doesn't matter how long i've
4508s been on the internet it doesn't matter
4510s how long i've been streaming been
4511s fundraising been hosting
4513s it is so hard to describe
4515s the feeling of and i swear i'm not
4518s saying this to try and do a dad joke
4520s thing but the feeling of pride when you
4522s see a community come together to crush a
4524s goal
4525s unintentional dad jokes are the best
4527s ones
4528s i tried so hard not to make it i was
4531s thinking i was thinking of synonyms of
4533s pride and i was like you know what it
4534s just
4535s that's the word i'm trying to use but
4538s from the bottom pride
4540s from the bottom of our hearts thank you
4543s so so so very much for crushing that and
4545s continuing to donate uh
4548s i
4549s am
4551s blown away and i'm going to take uh
4555s a second to let my brain piece itself
4556s back together while we kick this match
4559s off
4562s do you want to
4564s freak out with me for a moment bosco and
4567s we'll kind of give it to our players
4568s yeah yeah let's let's let them talk
4570s about what they're doing right now we
4571s need to talk about how we just hit over
4574s 5000 500 5000 that's crazy i need to
4577s calm down
4593s my
4605s no she can be sick on me
4613s damn good
4614s haha the tree oh no the tree didn't work
4620s well i refuse to get sick this entire
4621s match just so you guys know if you want
4623s me to save you i'm not going to happen
4625s i treat you it's one of my it's one of
4627s my philosophies oh she
4629s she knew she looked new
4632s so for the establishment let's [ __ ]
4633s do it
4634s yes
4638s you juiced us
4640s michaela save me i can't oh no oh
4644s i tried i'm so sorry i failed you okay
4646s yeah the worst part is i was oh i don't
4648s have borrow time but i can yeah i don't
4650s mind um
4652s they
4653s i mean i was right here i didn't know
4654s y'all you should've went to the other
4655s one we would've had it damn
4657s all right let's come over here okay guys
4659s i'm doing a generator oh never mind no
4662s not thank you for your contribution
4666s oh no that's the balloon right here wait
4667s what's the bonus oh here it is i'm a
4669s blessing real quick and i hear you
4671s guys this is not looking good for us
4673s no that's fine it's fine it's fine
4676s this is the beginning all right yeah
4677s yeah sorry i love it i'm back on the
4679s journey we were going back to the agenda
4681s yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm here too oh no
4682s it sticks so i can't touch it
4685s oh god i was like in a very difficult
4687s situation and like i i thought something
4690s else
4691s let's just let's just finish oh we can't
4693s no never mind i'm going for save you
4695s guys do the gem okay
4697s get stick let's do it
4699s i just like hands it's like it's just
4701s triggering for me now
4703s can we get some um some skins for chris
4705s please thank you
4708s oh my god crazy bread filled yes right
4710s is the table i love how we bought a
4711s healing boon but then we i know i know i
4715s know
4722s where is she
4723s behind you damn it
4726s no she's i think she's on me oh [ __ ]
4727s yeah she's heading towards the tractor
4731s are we clown we're cleansing or we're
4732s just gonna
4747s sick then i may i shouldn't have
4748s cleansed then
4752s okay
4754s i
4756s love
4758s how
4759s much fun it is to listen in when it's
4761s not just great dvd players but great
4763s content creators
4765s like don't get me wrong i'm so happy we
4767s get to commentate and chat but i forgot
4770s for a minute that we were at this event
4771s and i felt i was just like hanging out
4773s watching their streams that was so fun
4775s right they're having so much fun right
4777s now and they're fun to listen to
4780s so
4782s i'm gonna give you a a brief little
4784s little rundown of this killer if that's
4786s helpful if you be so delightful okay
4789s wonderful so
4790s our killer is currently playing the
4794s plague
4795s uh
4796s affectionately referred to by the
4798s community sometimes this balmy mommy
4802s so her power is what it sounds like it's
4805s vomit based
4807s that's gross
4808s it is yeah so you'll see
4812s um from evie's pov here
4815s uh
4816s plague kind of
4818s has that right arm up and then you see
4820s the head tilt back almost and uh that is
4824s the
4824s projectile vomit uh which basically
4829s infects the survivors so something that
4832s evie was doing was
4835s hitting the generator with it so now if
4838s a different survivor goes back to it
4839s they're going to get sick from touching
4842s something covered in uh
4844s disgusted disgusting
4848s puke
4849s for lacquer
4850s yeah fun huh
4852s good for her
4854s good for that's for her the best case
4856s scenario of like making lemons lemonade
4858s out of lemons like oh you have the
4860s plague why not become a serial killer
4862s with that and she's like yeah for sure
4864s good for her she's making it work
4868s after the entity made her
4870s uh so far we have
4873s two wow two hooks already on ready set
4876s ben one hook on evo and none so far for
4880s hale or critical guard
4882s so
4883s they're hanging in there but
4886s it
4887s might get a little rough if they lose
4889s ready set then right now that could be a
4893s big problem for him
4897s i believe in you ben you can do it ben
4899s you got this ben
4901s you can wiggle out them
4902s of your beautiful accent
4905s i believe in you
4906s oh
4908s so this may have been the power of
4910s teamwork and friendship uh we did have a
4913s hook
4914s sabotaged
4916s so it wasn't
4917s quite as easy to kill ready set ben but
4921s unfortunately it did still happen i was
4923s about to be so excited for the sappo
4925s play we love seeing
4928s teamwork coming from our competitors but
4933s our killer was too prepared
4936s dang evie knows her way around this
4938s earth this killer is obviously one of
4940s her favorites
4943s you know i don't i don't see plague
4946s players
4947s too too often so it's definitely uh
4950s a change of pace to see some play
4952s gameplay right now and
4955s man evie is
4958s crushing it
4961s something
4962s with uh
4966s with plagues kit which i'm curious i
4969s apologize chat i have been
4971s keeping an eye on those no-nos so i know
4973s exactly who to thank later um so i
4975s missed if evie has used any of the
4979s uh extra
4981s picky vomit
4983s as as i'm going to refer to it as
4985s there's different flavors
4987s there's different flavors
4990s two distinct flavors green and red
4996s so which one's the better one is red the
4998s extra extra flavor that is the extra
5001s favorite one yeah so
5003s what we're seeing right now is see how
5005s there's that like that nasty kind of
5007s like green
5008s fumes coming off of broccoli nancy here
5012s that's like regular generic store brand
5015s plate vomit
5017s gotcha
5018s the red one is gonna be like the bougie
5023s shopping at whole foods version i love
5026s that like notes of um
5029s amber
5030s and um citrus
5033s love that yeah
5035s what are the notes what are the notes i
5037s was gonna say chat please help us with
5039s this because never once in my life have
5040s i thought to myself what are the tasting
5042s notes of legs vomit
5045s and now i can't unsee it and i need to
5047s know
5050s the viewers are dying to know
5052s what does the vomit taste like
5055s i will say massive thank you chat we are
5058s only a hundred
5060s a hundred dollars and some change away
5062s from hitting six thousand dollars raised
5065s for stream for a cause
5067s absolute
5070s it insanity
5070s absolutely blows my mind thank you so so
5074s so much everyone every single dollar
5076s goes a long way and y'all are
5078s breezing through these goals my goodness
5081s uh we will be doing our
5083s giveaways for milestone number three
5086s which was 5k
5088s and i'm warn y'all now because it looks
5090s like this game is it's going places
5092s uh
5094s this one you might want to get your game
5096s up and ready for
5098s so with our blood point giveaways
5102s you're able to put those codes in
5105s at your own leisure
5108s with our next giveaways since we are
5111s going to be doing
5113s some
5114s as the tilt-by-page put it surprises fit
5118s for a king
5119s uh this is something that you're going
5120s to
5121s want to
5122s immediately activate because there are a
5125s limited number of them
5128s so the blood bank blood point code will
5132s work
5134s uh you know put it put it in put it in
5138s in a minute or two if you'd like you
5139s know less rush on that one but for this
5141s one
5142s y'all are going to want to have your
5143s games open and ready uh if you're on
5146s console or
5148s pc
5149s so don't say it in warn you chat i'm
5150s trying to help you out
5159s i am 100 with evie in that moment i feel
5164s like i'm
5165s the killer for a second as a killer main
5168s my brain just went where did the
5169s survivor go
5170s hello
5171s what alone hello here anyone here
5178s and oh there's a special flavor
5181s here's the special flavor
5184s it looks like cherry coke
5186s it actually does yeah it really wonders
5188s if those are the notes
5191s actually i think we've nailed it i think
5193s it is
5194s i think it's cherry coke
5197s oh gosh
5199s so
5200s that is the corrupt purge which will
5202s basically
5204s um
5206s knock survivors down
5208s essentially in that situation so rather
5210s than having to
5212s m1 and swing
5214s uh flag's right hand at them
5217s that puke kind of
5219s did a double duty for a minute there
5223s wow
5224s only my puke could be that useful
5226s alas it's for plague and plague alone
5230s and we have only one survivor left it
5233s has all come down to our
5235s nurse main hail
5238s who is
5241s so far
5244s doesn't look like evie has a good idea
5246s where hale could be
5248s and looking at evie's perks i think it's
5252s safe to say that if hale plays this
5254s right there's not a lot of extra
5255s information that evie can get outside of
5259s what any killer would have access to you
5261s know
5262s uh
5263s hale's not sick so we don't have to
5266s worry about noises or anything there and
5268s running spine shell so
5270s is there hope
5272s found him
5274s oh my gosh
5279s uh chat get your predictions
5282s patch game or a 4k
5285s and then bob i gotta ask what do you
5287s think i think evie's got this i do think
5290s he's got this yeah yeah
5293s i don't know hale's not making it easy
5294s for her though
5297s my goodness y'all must feel uh as
5301s motivated by the tense match we're
5304s watching as i do
5306s these donations coming through god
5309s thank you so much doma alfred dr black
5312s rose max
5314s we just passed six thousand one hundred
5318s and eleven dollars and sixty-nine cents
5322s raised for stream for a cause
5325s shout outs to 69 cents
5331s so far i mean hail managed to get away
5334s from
5335s evie
5337s impressive but does it looks like hale
5340s is infected now is that what i was
5341s hearing
5342s yes so hale is going to be making those
5345s coughing sounds
5346s which
5348s for me personally as killer i i really
5350s do like paying attention to
5352s sounds more than anything else i find i
5354s have an easier time with that than
5355s visuals
5356s nice little dodge that was an attempt to
5359s get a corrupt purge hit
5361s and
5363s hail is moving in the right direction
5368s directly towards the hatch
5375s wow
5377s was so
5378s close down to the last second that
5382s corrupt purge was like
5384s coming over
5386s in uh
5388s i did not think
5390s that hail was gonna get the hatch escape
5392s i thought i thought evie was gonna
5396s wow
5397s gg's y'all can we get some ggs in the
5399s chat for that absolutely give us the g's
5402s yeah um hale's mvp at this point like
5405s that was crazy
5407s i surely thought it was evie's game
5410s the synergy of this group i don't know
5413s if all of them have played together
5414s before but this has been so much fun i
5416s feel like they've been working really
5417s really well together
5419s and i'm super excited we only have one
5421s match with them left which will be
5423s critical bard playing uh killer if i'm
5425s not mistaken
5426s but i did want to take a second before
5428s we even like dive into next match stuff
5433s i don't know if you'll notice that our
5435s total has passed 5k
5439s so
5440s during that match we got word
5444s that
5444s we are able to raise our goal to
5449s 75k
5450s i'm sorry oh you're not no
5455s ignore me incorrect
5459s m is paying for the entire thing and
5462s yeah
5464s and we'll match the 75k
5466s and and then just sink into the floor a
5468s little bit
5469s 7.5 k is our new goal and i'm very
5473s excited to say behavior is going to
5476s continue to match up to 75.
5480s 7.5 k
5482s somebody stopped me
5485s the next time you say you have to front
5487s it you have to you're in charge of
5489s making sure that we get to 75k if i say
5491s it one more time i'm gonna have to do it
5494s myself so
5495s exactly
5497s chat
5498s i am so so so excited
5500s we do have a new milestone as well
5504s so if we reach
5505s uh seven thousand five hundred dollars
5508s as i'm going to refer to it uh we have
5511s more blood points on the line very
5513s excited about that
5516s thank you so much
5517s for 5k
5519s obliterated forever ago we are going to
5522s be giving away codes for some david king
5526s cosmetics if you are a pc player i want
5529s you to get these codes in
5531s to the redeem the redemption box as
5534s quickly as possible we only have 25 of
5537s them 25 hard man and 25 of david's
5541s heartbreakers suit
5543s check those codes out on the screen 25
5545s of each for our pc players only right
5548s now if you are a console player do not
5551s type these in it's not gonna work for
5553s you don't make more work for yourself
5556s and uh
5558s share that hype in the chat if you are
5560s able to redeem it let us know so we can
5562s celebrate with you
5565s for our console friends
5568s these are your codes quickly quickly
5571s quickly quickly i know it's tough to
5573s type codes in fast on console so i hope
5577s the heads up i gave y'all a couple
5578s minutes earlier in game is helpful again
5582s we have 25 of david's heartbreakers suit
5585s and 25 part man david is getting a lot
5589s of love today
5591s good for david david deserves it
5594s so do you happen to know uh
5598s i know very little why we are perhaps
5601s spotlighting david in particular today
5603s is david gay
5605s david is dead by daylight's first
5608s confirmed canon gay character yes oh my
5611s god yay
5613s david one of the killers
5614s these are killer survivors
5617s uh okay i was hoping he was like dahmer
5619s who is um canonically gay
5621s i'm you know what killers pride you know
5625s i'm selfishly hoping like of the killers
5628s maybe like huntress will
5630s be our fruit i don't know i don't know
5632s i'm
5633s let me know in the chat who you're
5635s secretly hoping uh is in the lgbtqia two
5638s plus community that can't just be me
5640s that wants huntress to
5642s know anyone is she hot
5644s is she hot yeah yeah yeah
5647s okay
5648s maybe someone will play as her later
5649s today and we can see but
5654s we'll talk about it
5655s uh just as a heads up though everyone do
5658s not panic uh my friends on pc uh
5662s we we may have a slight hiccup with some
5664s of our codes right now but we are here
5668s to help and if anything's not working uh
5670s we're getting it sorted on the back end
5672s so don't worry we are fortunate enough
5674s that we'll get nice little voices in our
5676s ear giving you all the solution whenever
5678s we have them so in the meantime
5681s uh you get to chill and hang out with us
5683s as we get things fixed and we
5686s get to celebrate the last
5689s match of our first group
5692s right and we have critical bard as our
5694s killer do you know anything about
5696s critical bard's preferred play style
5698s does he main killers is he usually a
5699s survivor
5701s so critical bard i've
5704s been fortunate enough to know for quite
5706s some time now uh really really really
5708s great player and even better person and
5711s i feel like i've seen a decent variety
5714s when i've popped by cb stream the last
5716s kit killer that i remember watching
5718s critical bard play was spirit
5720s okay so
5721s you know
5722s jury's out on if that's like indicative
5725s of who we might see them play today
5727s maybe maybe they're a wild card and
5730s gonna show us something totally
5731s different that we haven't seen yet but
5734s i do remember seeing some spirit and
5737s highly recommend y'all uh aside from the
5740s fact that each and every one of these
5742s creators you know we're keeping their
5744s usernames up on screen as many times as
5746s possible so you can go check them out
5748s follow their streams uh see what they
5750s get up to in the fog when we're not here
5753s cb does quite a bit of cosplay as uh
5757s some really really really incredible
5759s characters and i love watching people
5761s play the game in cosplay so
5764s rubbing that out there
5765s i am well i hope in like the the player
5768s video that we're about to watch maybe we
5770s get to see a little bit of that cosplay
5771s that would be really exciting for me
5772s because cosplay is just like it's just
5774s dragged to me so i love cosplay
5780s hey friends my name is omega jones also
5782s known as the critical bard my pronouns
5784s are he and they and i am a professional
5785s actor vocalist tabletop professional
5788s content creator all of the above i say
5790s i'm a jack of all trades master of like
5792s three of them and i am a fog whisperer
5795s what that basically means is i struggle
5796s playing a dvd for the world to see and
5799s what i mean by that is simply this
5802s hatch come to me my angel of music
5815s how am i doing that hatch where are you
5818s how about we just don't talk about that
5820s in actuality i'm just a content creator
5822s trying to lift up and inspire as best as
5824s i can i didn't have someone like me
5826s growing up i am a queer content creator
5828s but not just that i'm a black content
5829s creator i'm a dimmy gender content
5831s creator there's a lot that makes up who
5833s i am and i didn't have someone like me
5836s growing up and it's important for me to
5838s not necessarily be the face of those
5841s like me but if at least one person can
5844s look at my content and go oh i can do
5846s that too or just feel a little inspired
5848s and and reassured that they're doing
5851s what they need to do then i've done my
5852s job right i play this game because i
5855s love this game but i also have put
5857s myself in this position you know
5859s accepting the fog whisperer position for
5861s lack of a better word i accepted that
5863s because i knew that having more
5865s visibility is important and i'm happy
5867s that i have the chance to do that thank
5869s you behavior for the opportunity even
5871s though i struggle with all of my hatchet
5872s throws and you're probably going to see
5874s a little bit of that today it's fine
5876s because we're all here to have a good
5877s time and lift each other out so thank
5879s you so much and if you like what you see
5882s then this is what i am in my community i
5884s always end my my streams with the
5886s following keep making trouble wherever
5888s you go
5890s because it's up to us to shake up this
5891s system one troublemaker at a time
5895s [Applause]
5896s [Laughter]
5899s oh
5906s [Applause]
5911s [Laughter]
5913s [Music]
5914s oh that was so good
5920s what a joy what a light he's so lovely
5924s for context uh the killer that throws
5927s those hatches is
5929s huntress
5930s oh my god you really manifested this i
5934s feel like this is you can do it
5936s this is your doing i feel like cb and i
5938s are are
5940s linked mentally somehow in that my brain
5943s went to huntress
5944s right as i was saying i'm not sure if i
5946s know who critical barred means
5948s you know who i like my country
5952s well i'm excited to see who is
5955s um according to m the next gay icon of
5959s the franchise huntress in action
5963s hopefully um we get to see this lesbian
5965s icon um take over and um take the win i
5970s i would love that i'm pride june
5973s thank you anybody who uh backs us up on
5977s this can we get some pride emotes in the
5979s chat to just
5981s who who's on team huntress with me who
5984s also thinks this needs to happen
5986s i'm absolutely there with you i think
5988s there just needs to be more queer people
5990s and i'm looking at punches right now and
5992s you know what you're right i can't
5994s answer you
5995s right not deny
5997s she's
5998s yes
6000s yep we'll we'll talk about it when we
6002s see the match
6005s i would also like to say real quick chat
6007s we are
6009s 1050
6011s [Music]
6013s away give or take from unlocking those
6015s next blood points at
6018s 7.5 k and
6020s that is unbelievable to me thank you so
6023s much
6024s it's insane that we're basically 1500
6027s over
6028s our original goal for the day a goal
6031s which was matched and it did so well
6033s that we now have a new goal which will
6035s also be matched
6036s and wow wow wow
6039s money community gay people
6042s we have it all here pride
6044s bosco the trust issues i'm gonna have
6047s with this group after today
6049s uh critical board is not playing
6051s huntress critical bard
6053s made a cheeky little move
6055s and and said huntress huntress huntress
6058s and then gave us the only killer in this
6061s entire game that genuinely scares me
6063s ghostface
6065s wow
6068s that is happening during these games
6070s it's unreal personally attacked
6073s it started with ben right
6075s and
6077s um so tell me what goes this is the
6080s singular killer that still scares you in
6082s this game yes so ghostface
6086s is i i would say there's a couple
6088s stealth killers in dead by daylight uh
6091s the two that get to me on a on a deep
6094s deep level are mikey michael myers uh
6098s from halloween and then we have ghost
6100s space here
6101s and both of their abilities are
6104s structured around the concept of
6106s stalking
6108s so they're at their best when they are
6110s at a distance
6112s watching you from afar
6114s building up stop
6117s which uh if we do see it build up all
6119s kind of pointed out
6121s to you so you can see what it looks like
6123s around the survivor portraits on the
6124s left-hand side and basically
6127s it gives a brief window of time in which
6130s the killer is able to
6132s instantly down the survivor
6135s so normally if if we're just running
6138s around killer and survivor uh and the
6140s killer is just bopping you with a click
6142s of their mouse button doing a little m1
6145s it would take two
6147s hits you go from healthy to injured
6149s injured to downed
6151s but if you are utilizing ghost face
6154s power for instance and you stalk a
6156s survivor
6158s once you stalk them for a certain amount
6160s of time it'll give you a
6162s a little countdown
6163s window of when you just have to hit them
6165s once and then they're ready to be hooked
6169s wow that sounds really irritating to
6171s play against if you're up against a good
6173s one
6175s the good news is survivors do have
6177s tools at their disposal to
6179s break that stalk
6181s um so it's not necessarily a death
6184s sentence but if you're somebody who is
6187s jumpy like me
6189s see how ghost face height just went
6192s and now he's crouching
6194s so
6195s he is that that's not a common thing
6198s that killers can do in this game
6200s most killers in the game their height is
6203s their height and they can't change it no
6205s matter what so it's it's very unique
6207s that he can do that and it means most of
6209s the time i'm not prepared
6211s to see a
6214s squatting ghost face peering his
6216s little head around a corner staring at
6218s me and it makes me
6220s scream almost every time
6223s and it's hard to play when you're being
6225s consistently unnerved as well like it's
6227s pretty hard to focus when you're getting
6228s jump scared
6230s yeah i'm i'm a killer mane and a pretty
6233s garbage survivor but here's a great
6235s example the top left corner uh see how
6237s there was that brief
6239s red ring around ready set ben's icon and
6243s then it changed to ben being downed that
6246s was showing that ghostface had stalked
6249s ben long enough that ben was one shot
6251s and then like instantly it changed
6253s instantly turned into a down into a hook
6255s which is
6256s great because they only have one
6259s generator left they've already managed
6262s to get four gens done before the first
6264s hook
6265s so
6266s the coordination
6269s the coordination from this team has been
6270s great evo tried to get away with that uh
6274s hiding in plain sight kind of stealth
6276s but
6277s it wasn't quite as effective on this map
6280s as it was
6281s um in previous maps
6282s not why broccoli nancy uh works a little
6286s better on the other map but
6290s still
6291s i still do love
6292s watching survivors
6294s pull off cheeky plays you know getting
6296s away with something that
6298s isn't even necessarily optimal but just
6300s is fun to see
6303s i enjoy anything that's just like
6305s actively disrespecting the other
6307s characters that's that's always fun for
6309s me i love a cheeky
6311s little in your face um
6313s takes me back to like being tea bagged
6315s in halo by my um brother it's very
6319s i love that love that love being tea
6321s bagged
6322s well we did kind of get definitely not
6325s tea bagging but that was a pretty fun
6327s little play we just got there where
6329s uh we were about to have another hook on
6332s our hands for critical bard and one of
6335s the survivors stepped in at last minute
6337s and sabotaged the
6340s hook
6341s that was the stealth mechanic by the way
6343s so ghost face the killers
6346s normally you hear a heartbeat when
6348s they're coming up behind you it's their
6349s terror radius that gives the survivors a
6352s fighting chance when ghostface is
6354s talking like that you don't get a
6355s heartbeat if you're not kind of
6357s swiveling your camera around you might
6358s not know he's there which is exactly
6360s what just happened to evie so we're
6362s going to see that
6363s red ring around evie's portrait go down
6366s and hopefully
6368s hopefully for the killer
6370s we'll see critical bard catch up before
6373s that goes away
6375s gotcha oh there we go there we are
6379s so unless somebody comes along sneakily
6382s out of nowhere with a sabotage like they
6385s did a second ago
6388s they are they are being pretty
6391s sticking pretty close by one another so
6394s they're definitely going for these safes
6396s and it looks like we're about to have
6400s another wiggle out
6402s bang
6403s speaking of things that uh
6407s killers love
6409s i am i'm amazed they did two of these
6412s back to back
6414s wow
6416s all right what's good teamwork
6419s they are
6420s coordinating really really really well
6422s i'm i'm actually curious um can we can
6425s we listen in on them i'd love to hear
6427s them
6428s think through this
6429s i get it it's fine no i'm not i'm like a
6431s little bit sorry sorry sorry i'm flipper
6433s i get it i got it
6436s let's get out of the side of the ocean
6437s it's fine oh my gosh
6440s they expose me but they're leaving me
6445s and if i were them i would leave too i
6446s am very threatening
6448s i have no idea can you leave me to the
6449s answer
6451s evo
6452s no i don't remember where they are over
6454s here over
6455s here do it
6456s all right all right we gotta get some
6458s saves a year baby
6459s okay
6461s i mean i just can't remember where the
6464s doors are
6465s oh i never see them my eyes cannot
6468s collect that information
6470s oh there's one there over there look i'm
6472s pointing
6475s um
6477s i'm gonna go 99 um
6480s evie
6481s um should i save your uh i'll just get
6483s your save first i'm cool i'm just
6484s hanging out in your face they're in the
6485s house that's really nice they're in the
6487s house they're coming for my wig
6489s i got you
6490s all right the door over there he's not
6491s gonna chase you uh i would go over there
6493s to the door
6494s oh guys i'm gonna get hooked
6496s i might die no no i don't want to do it
6499s you won't die i'll do it yeah go to the
6501s date
6502s which expert they're taking you out of
6505s the basement actually
6507s oh not the face
6509s i'm telling you he's not going to make a
6510s basement he's not going to make it i
6511s have bt too so
6515s i'm going to prep the door
6516s i'm almost done yes we did it over here
6519s over here to the gate oh is that night
6521s night cool
6525s no go right to the gate all right i love
6527s it
6528s okay never mind
6530s don't worry i got it don't worry i got
6532s you're a pro you're a pro you're a pro
6533s don't worry i got it i'm doing my
6535s abilities look blended
6539s i'm doing my bro i don't get blood
6541s points never mind oh yeah we don't have
6543s points
6544s i was like oh maybe they want this point
6547s evo are you good
6548s yeah yeah yeah i'm recovering my my dead
6551s heart
6554s oh my god are you good are you doing
6557s yeah i am okay
6560s okay i gotta die
6564s happy nervous are you not here you
6567s juicy hold on
6572s bye mr ghostface god good job everybody
6579s what great teamwork they really really
6582s were ready that time they had a plan and
6584s they followed through
6586s it's been really interesting seeing
6589s this is this is what i love about doing
6591s like one team round robin style where
6594s everyone gets to play killer once i love
6596s seeing
6597s how that dynamic evolves the more people
6599s play together you know
6601s and that by that last game the fifth
6603s game they really had it figured out and
6604s like who's gonna what where yeah that
6607s was great that was great unfortunately
6609s for the killer they worked really really
6611s well together
6612s yeah unfortunately uh that was our
6616s last
6617s match with these five incredible
6621s creators i hope you all enjoyed watching
6624s their game play as much as we did that i
6626s mean i felt like there was something
6628s fun and surprising in every one of those
6631s matches we got to watch
6632s especially when they told us told us
6634s that they were going to be playing one
6635s character and then they didn't
6637s i liked that part yeah um yeah that was
6640s fabulous
6641s what a great showing everybody
6644s i feel like uh you'll have to restart
6647s your camera we're gonna have some
6649s questions
6653s we're definitely gonna have some
6654s questions for them later uh absolutely
6657s and i love
6659s i love that we get to
6662s check out some of the best moments from
6663s this uh even if it means i have to look
6666s at dredge's little doll leg fingers
6669s again oh
6670s the arm fingers are really they're a lot
6673s they're a lot somebody had to do but
6675s they're a lot
6677s [Music]
6690s i
6692s completely missed the start of that
6695s moment when
6696s it actually happened i didn't realize
6698s that was how broccoli nancy got found
6700s out
6722s yeah i'm back
6724s truly the power of broccoli nancy
6727s never to be underestimated or overstated
6730s the stealth at the end there i can't i
6734s y'all if you're not already following uh
6737s go go follow each and every one of the
6740s creators that you just got to watch play
6742s because
6743s aside from the talent of each and every
6745s one of them i feel like we all need more
6747s broccoli nancy in our lives
6749s absolutely i hope the next heat could
6752s hear us and have will be hearing and
6754s respecting our plea for an all broccoli
6757s nancy set of survivors yes fingers
6760s crossed
6761s i hope so uh and well you know what this
6764s is actually
6765s a good time maybe we'll take a minute
6768s make sure that the second group has
6769s enough time to get into full broccoli
6771s nancy garb and maybe we can take a
6774s minute to chat with some of
6775s uh maybe one of our contestants from our
6777s last match maybe
6779s i would love and adore that that'd be so
6782s so funny yes yes yes all right i think
6784s we're gonna bring on hail from group a
6788s aka our first 4k of the day
6793s rocking it as nurse how's it going hale
6795s yo what is up hi it's a pleasure to see
6798s you
6799s we talked a little bit it's so nice to
6800s see your face i know i'm so happy i know
6804s i know
6805s when your card popped up bosco was
6807s asking like so do we know who anyone's
6809s going to play and i was like well
6811s i think we're going to see hail
6813s nurse possibly maybe
6817s that was
6819s intense how are you feeling
6820s i'm good i always get so nervous for
6822s this stuff i'm like really sweaty i have
6824s to pee so damn bad but you know like
6826s [ __ ] i don't know it's good i just hope
6828s that like nobody hates me after that
6831s because i don't know
6833s we were fully wondering we're like oh we
6835s want to listen to the in-game chat of
6836s the survivors of the next round after
6838s you absolutely like it was a bloodbath
6840s like were they angry at you were they
6842s impressed how are they feeling after all
6844s that they're cute everyone's so [ __ ]
6846s cute everyone knows we're here to
6848s celebrate pride i'm the only like toxic
6850s one i would like sabo and hudson stuff i
6852s gotta go to like therapy or something
6853s like that i don't know what i need to do
6854s i gotta go um also by the way boss so
6856s it's a pleasure to meet you
6857s guys baby great job
6859s thank you i appreciate it thank you it's
6861s an amazing time it was super super fun
6863s i'm so honored to be here um i'm honored
6866s to play my nurse i don't know
6868s just so i don't know it's such a fun
6869s it's such a good day such a good day
6871s i'm so so so happy so i know
6875s uh you are a nurse maine as your stream
6877s title normally says
6879s um
6880s well while we have you here and we get
6881s to chat for a little bit i would love to
6883s kind of chitchat for a minute if you
6885s don't mind just about uh what what it is
6889s you love about dvd and being a part of
6891s the lgbtqia two plus community within
6894s the dvd community as well
6896s yeah um well db alone out i connected to
6899s it right away i think it's just like the
6900s coolest game i love horror
6902s and like especially after this latest um
6905s this latest dlc like this the the dressy
6908s i told him jesse i don't know how to say
6909s that on stream oopsies um the dredge um
6912s he is the scariest thing ever to exist
6915s and it brought back such a horror factor
6917s to this game like this game is
6918s everything to me i'm obsessed with it
6920s it's so good and on par with like why
6922s this is also so cool with our community
6925s is that like we have this this game has
6927s so many community members that play it
6929s because i don't know there might be some
6930s weird thing that happened when we were
6932s younger that we love all scary [ __ ] and
6933s just want to like die and game or kill
6934s someone i don't really know what it is
6935s but like
6936s i don't know maybe we all need therapy
6938s i think we definitely all need therapy
6942s uh if i had more water in my water
6944s bottle i would cheers you to that
6947s yeah
6948s i i know i love that you bring that up
6950s though because i do think that there's
6952s something that this community in
6954s particular connects with when it comes
6955s to horror and when it comes to a lot of
6957s the themes of horror and also is the
6959s baby doll skin for the dredge not the
6961s most terrific
6963s because i was losing it oh no it's so
6966s sick they killed no like i play i'm just
6968s going to to my own horn here i play a
6970s mean ass dredge like because i kind of
6972s use my nurse steals when i play dredge
6974s because i kind of like okay mind game
6975s teleport where am i going where am i
6976s going i teleport to locker instead and
6978s like i use that i use that creepy doll
6980s skin and it is like the amount of jump
6982s scares i get for people who come in to
6983s chat afterwards like holy [ __ ] you
6985s scared the crap
6986s oh my god it makes me it's the best it's
6988s the it's
6990s sorry so excited
6992s i i was talking to bosco about which
6996s killers really get to me in this game
6997s because
6998s once you've played it for long enough i
7000s think
7001s a lot of it you're desensitized too you
7002s know you get used to it and i was saying
7005s anything
7006s like stealth killers that can jump scare
7008s me are what really get me and so i was i
7011s didn't anticipate dredge doing that
7014s because i didn't really think of dredge
7016s as like a stealth killer that was going
7018s to stalk me and surprise me but the jump
7020s scares have been
7022s insane like embarrassing embarrassing oh
7025s life scary so embarrassing if there's a
7027s locker next to a gen i'm not doing it
7030s sorry but it's like i'm not doing this i
7032s don't care yeah no that's not me
7035s not me
7038s so what
7039s can we kind of expect for for anyone
7042s here who might not know you hail um i
7044s know we got to see a very brief
7047s uh video kind of showing off a lot of
7049s your skills aside from being a nurse man
7051s do you play survivor do you play any
7053s other killers or yeah um i play
7055s everything um i i play a lot of survivor
7058s i'm actually a soul guard main just in
7059s case for all those soul dark people out
7061s there we love we love to do the ds soul
7063s guard game play to get the killers and
7064s pissed off and stuff yeah um but you
7066s know my name is hale it's a pleasure to
7068s meet you while i do mean nurse i i
7071s actually find the new killer so much
7073s more fun than nurse i actually find
7074s pinhead so much more fun than nurse um
7076s so i i play pretty much every killer
7078s besides freaking ghostface i don't
7080s understand the concept of stalking
7082s people and being slow and being creepy
7084s like i'm like when i play on my back
7086s you know what i mean like you saw my
7087s nurse my camera's like
7089s so yeah i don't really understand that
7091s concept but yeah i play everything i
7093s play with my viewers too whenever i play
7096s um survivor which is so much fun
7098s um yeah we just have a good time here i
7100s always want to keep it positive i always
7101s want to respect make sure that um as a
7103s killer i always want to respect that all
7105s the survivors are having a good time and
7106s i always um
7108s have an honor system and stuff like that
7109s and when i'm playing survivor i always
7111s want to make sure the killer's having a
7112s good time and i never like i don't
7114s teabag or anything like that either so i
7115s made sure like it's a very healthy
7116s community here that everyone feels like
7118s they're having a fun time because if i
7120s want to play taylor i gotta make sure i
7122s have top tier survivors that converse my
7124s nurse and i want them to be happy so
7125s that's a big philosophy for me i want to
7127s make sure everyone is having a great
7129s time in this game so yeah
7132s the vibes have been so
7135s i was about to say unexpectedly
7137s wholesome today but i know it's crazy i
7140s i feel like it's kind of fitting i think
7142s people look at a horror game and they
7144s assume that the community is not going
7145s to be like
7147s sunshine and rainbows and wholesomeness
7148s but today has just been like me
7150s a half a s
7152s like half a step away from ugly crying
7153s in any given moment just do it just let
7155s it go i want to see it i want to see it
7157s myself just let it go i'm gonna at some
7159s point today i mean honestly the fact
7161s that we've been just breaking all of
7164s these goals these milestones for
7166s charity is enough to make me
7169s start to cry so um i think i'm probably
7173s gonna need a break to go do that in a
7174s minute i don't know about you bosco
7177s oh absolutely also bathroom i've had a
7180s lot of cold brew and i've been sitting
7182s for a long time and um
7185s either not do that on camera that's not
7187s that kind of show today or is it or it
7190s could be
7191s not that i'm just getting it i'm so i'm
7193s just kidding right yes and you're right
7195s improv
7197s yeah yeah
7199s no it's been such lovely vibes
7200s everyone's been so so just like nice and
7203s fun and just like full of joy this
7205s entire day and
7207s full of just like giving like wow wow
7209s wow i wasn't super familiar with the
7211s community behind dvd before but like now
7213s i'm just like
7214s oh my god oh my god horror nerds are
7217s nice people and are queer i love that
7220s you bad [ __ ] exactly yeah just a
7223s little intersection
7225s and and also queer gamers can be bad
7227s [ __ ] too we're good at this game
7229s let's go
7230s let's go we can do anything we can do
7232s literally anything
7234s clip it quote it
7236s that's the that's my tagline for today's
7239s stream amen
7240s uh is there anything you know as we
7244s obviously have to take a very brief
7245s crying break uh before we say goodbye to
7247s you hail where can viewers find you and
7251s is there anything that you want to shout
7252s out do you have any events coming up
7253s anything cool you want to share with us
7255s um oh god i have to sell promote here
7258s um you can find me at just twitch tv
7261s slash hail it's just h-a-l-e um i'm just
7264s i don't have any events coming up i but
7266s i stream monday tuesday thursday friday
7268s at um 12. oh my god i messed up every
7271s time 12 p.m
7273s pst 3 a nope 12 p.m psd 3 p.m est
7278s [ __ ] nailed it okay nice um that's
7280s when i stream uh we have a beautiful
7282s community here i i really
7284s uh not made sure i mean i've been
7286s gifted this gorgeous community that's so
7288s wholesome so beautiful so time so in
7290s love with this game and um yeah we love
7292s anyone who comes in and then comes
7293s through and just says hi um so it'll be
7295s nice to meet you all um and thank you
7297s for giving me this freaking honor for
7299s coming on here and saying hi to you all
7300s it's crazy i'm so i can't even tell you
7302s i'm flabbergasted this was such an honor
7304s to do all this it really was and i'm so
7305s sorry for the cyber save don't hate me
7306s mom
7309s all of your matches were incredible i'm
7311s sure everybody uh respects the sabo for
7314s for a good gay cause today okay we're
7316s here fundraise for stream for a cause we
7319s can take a sabbah or two it's only
7322s appropriate during the month of june in
7323s july no you you [ __ ] talked abusable
7326s outside of july i mean outside of junior
7328s get out of here
7329s you're not an ally then so sorry i don't
7331s make the rules
7333s hail thank you so so so much for joining
7335s us and for uh crushing it as nurse today
7339s chad we are going to be back in just a
7342s bit when we return we will have
7344s our second group uh we will be joined by
7348s another five incredible content creators
7350s and we're gonna see we're gonna see what
7352s they can bring to the table so stick
7355s around
7356s the fun is still going for a while and
7359s uh we're still working towards our next
7362s goal we are matching donations thanks to
7365s behavior up to seven thousand five
7367s hundred dollars and we are
7369s seven hundred dollars away give or take
7372s uh to unlocking more blood points which
7374s i wanna see happen for y'all
7376s so
7377s stick around don't go anywhere and we
7379s will be back in
7380s just a few minutes with the return of
7382s into the rainbow
7385s hey there i'm brock soicher gameplay
7387s programmer for dead by daylight i just
7388s want to wish everyone a happy pride
7391s i think it's great that we all have this
7392s weird niche interest in horror and video
7396s games and yet we can still be a part of
7397s a community where everyone feels
7399s involved like we belong it's a great
7402s feeling so yeah hope everyone has a lot
7403s of fun out there bye
7428s so
7432s [Music]
7443s so
7455s [Music]
7477s [Music]
7491s [Music]
7494s hey everyone i'm melissa i am a qa
7496s tester on that by delight and i just
7498s wanted to wish you all a super happy
7500s friday
7502s [Music]
7544s [Music]
7552s [Music]
7561s [Music]
7574s hi everyone my name is marie landshoni
7576s and i'm chief executive officer at
7577s queertygamers a 501c3 lgbtqia
7581s gamer non-profit
7583s and we champion the inclusion and
7585s visibility of lgbtqia plus folks in the
7588s gaming community and industry we do that
7590s through several different programs like
7591s the victoria kennedy micro grant program
7594s which provides funds to game developers
7597s and content creators on their projects
7599s we also have an ambassador program and
7601s we also have community nights every
7603s thursday at 7 pm pt where we play
7605s different kinds of games
7607s including dead by daylight apex legends
7609s and we also try and support lgbtqia
7612s games that are multiplayer of course we
7615s do also highlight different
7617s single-player games before community
7619s night and we're super excited for this
7621s grant from stream for a cause which is
7622s going to help support our community
7624s nights which get folks into the door and
7626s learn more about us we also do giveaways
7628s for the games for folks who might not be
7630s able to afford the games that we are
7631s playing so make sure to check us out at
7633s queertygamers.org thanks
7715s happy pride everyone i'm a game designer
7717s and dead by daylight and pride is very
7719s important to me because it's a great
7720s reminder that we all deserve love and
7723s acceptance for simply being
7804s hello everyone i'm a 3d artist from dead
7807s by daylight and i want to wish you happy
7809s pride
7878s so
7889s hello hello how was your break bosco
7895s oh no i can't hear you
7900s am i still muted
7901s you're not
7902s okay
7904s uh you're so expressive when you talk i
7905s felt like i knew what you were saying
7906s anyway it was magical i'm italian what
7909s do you think i was saying
7910s what do you think i was talking about in
7912s that i thought you were saying um that
7914s you got a great snack and it was
7916s wonderful and the only downside to the
7917s break was how much you missed being here
7920s oh yeah i miss talking to you so much i
7922s actively broke into tears several times
7924s during that break because i'm like where
7927s am
7928s i i didn't want to ask i didn't want to
7930s presume you know but i i hoped i hoped
7933s that was the case
7934s you're you're so right um we followed
7936s each other on twitter which is a lovely
7938s development good for us
7941s it's not good for us wait can we try it
7943s now can we try to do like a high five on
7945s the front yeah
7947s oh wait hold on it goes up here
7950s okay
7951s okay this was a moment for us thank you
7953s for being here for a chat exactly um
7955s yeah i did get a little pokeball
7957s situation going on so we are munching
7959s which is lovely
7960s and then i also enjoyed the little
7962s slideshow of queer talent that we were
7963s like able to enjoy that fan art was so
7967s cute
7968s i'm obsessed with fan art
7970s i'm
7972s fan artists deserve the world
7974s uh i'm obsessed i wish that i could make
7978s some myself uh the best i can do is an
7980s occasional scuffed cosplay
7983s i
7984s apologize i just got so distracted um
7987s did you notice what our total is yeah i
7989s was looking at that right before they
7991s told us that the break was over
7993s nutty professor.com.org
7996s wow
7997s wow wow wow
8000s so our last goal that we had set was not
8003s 75 000 as m had said several times but
8007s 7
8009s 500. and we have not only just made it
8012s to that goal
8014s we are currently at nine thousand four
8017s hundred eighty one dollars and sixty
8020s nine cents
8022s of that
8024s 500 of that is matched
8026s we are giving
8028s money to these micro brands today this
8030s is crazy
8034s i
8035s am
8036s absolutely blown away i
8039s have so many things like so many uh
8042s practical things that i want to say
8044s because we're in the middle of an event
8045s and i should be delivering information
8048s but my heart just grew 10 sizes
8051s doing a double take at that i cannot
8053s believe the generosity of this community
8055s um we're gonna have a quick announcement
8057s to make but i think we have some
8059s giveaways
8060s to do if i'm not mistaken uh we have
8064s fixed our little
8066s code error from earlier so for my pc
8068s friends
8069s get that hardman cosmetic type this code
8072s in to your
8074s uh
8076s into the redemption box in the in-game
8079s store
8081s and get you something to celebrate pride
8083s for david
8094s console pals now is your turn
8098s do the same and good luck to you i know
8100s typing and getting codes inputted on
8103s console is not the easiest thing in the
8105s world so uh you have my sympathies but i
8108s believe
8109s act quickly get that hard man cosmetic
8113s for david
8115s celebrate pride because uh
8118s let me tell you y'all when they made
8120s that announcement for david
8123s which i think was maybe a month or two
8124s ago um openly wept like just immediately
8129s burst into tears and
8133s it brings me so much joy that we get to
8135s give a little something extra to david
8136s today you know
8138s you go david he's the whole month
8143s it's his month and his alone
8147s yeah exclusively this is it's pride for
8149s david we did just get some
8152s very very very good news which i'm so
8155s excited to say
8157s we are going to get to increase our goal
8160s one last time and behavior has been
8164s generous enough
8165s to offer to continue to match up to ten
8169s thousand dollars raised for stream for a
8172s cause
8172s we are going to bump that goal one last
8175s time to 10k
8177s right now we are at
8181s 9506.69 and we have not even introduced
8185s our next group i am
8189s blown away i don't have words
8191s it's insane it's absolutely insane like
8195s our original goal today was five
8197s thousand
8198s we're almost at double that before we're
8200s even halfway done with this
8203s i
8204s absolutely cannot believe it uh thank
8207s you so much everyone who's been kind
8209s enough to donate congratulations to
8211s everyone who was able to grab one of
8213s those david cosmetics those were the
8216s only thing that we were giving away
8217s today that was in like super limited
8220s supply
8221s so i hope you enjoy them and treasure
8224s them and hopefully it's a it's a happy
8226s memory that you got them here during
8228s into the rainbow 2022. we do have
8232s as a big old thank you for passing seven
8235s thousand five hundred dollars raised we
8237s will be uh giving away some more blood
8240s points as promised um but i think if i'm
8243s not mistaken should we maybe check out
8246s our next batch of five oh my god yes
8249s here they are
8251s oh that violin chick
8254s love that not just any violin chick it's
8256s that one
8260s love the hair
8262s we love a good question piercing
8264s we do love a good septum piercing is
8266s your septum pierced
8267s are you part of the
8268s i wish i i just have right nostril but
8272s i have a right nostril too
8274s wow i gotta catch up and get a septum as
8276s well i promise it's really not painful
8279s it's like the easiest piercing i ever
8280s got okay that that does make me feel
8283s better and
8285s i am officially adding that to my pride
8288s treat yourself list for this month
8292s i'm really excited i will say i'm
8294s familiar with that violin chick as a
8297s creator but not as a
8299s killer so i have no clue what we are in
8302s store for i am thrilled to see our four
8305s survivors are going to be granny drag
8308s trash lee
8309s deer
8310s and meg turney uh and meg thank you
8312s again for that incredibly kind donation
8315s earlier yeah absolute tekken angel uh
8319s thank you so so so much
8323s really and truly each and every one of
8324s y'all um i'm
8326s ridiculously excited for this match
8328s because i have no idea what to expect
8331s i'm so excited as well
8333s um do you want to take out check out a
8335s quick moment about that violin chick see
8337s what she's up to yeah let's do it okay
8341s hi i'm that violin chick or tvc and i'm
8344s a full-time music and dead by daylight
8346s streamer on twitch
8347s [Music]
8355s i've been part of the fog whisperer
8356s program for three years and my time in
8358s the game has introduced me to some
8360s amazing people
8361s [Music]
8373s yeah good job high five
8375s [Music]
8379s with the support and encouragement of
8381s the people around me i came out as
8383s bisexual in 2020 and it's been a
8385s whirlwind of amazing support since then
8388s [Music]
8394s he's not very past me trying to moonwalk
8398s he did it again
8400s i love dead by daylight and focus on
8402s community and non-toxicity as we
8404s endeavor to improve our gameplay and
8405s have fun
8406s [Music]
8410s [Applause]
8413s oh no
8416s no
8417s [Music]
8423s no
8425s no
8427s no
8432s you can find me at twitch.tv forward
8434s slash that violent gym
8436s you're running into a wall you are
8438s literally running into
8440s a wall
8442s stop it
8445s you
8447s are my worst employee
8450s [Music]
8465s see you in the fog
8469s [Music]
8484s that was such a great intro video
8487s i love that
8489s fabulous violin player as well like
8491s so so cool
8493s um i'm so happy that they're part of
8494s this community um it's so cool that like
8497s it feels like she came out as bisexual
8499s in 2020 and then like that part of like
8502s her identity also like built into like
8505s bringing her to this point where she
8506s gets to be part of into the pride with
8508s ed by daylight it just seems like a very
8510s full circle moment
8512s i was gonna say i i think it
8515s everybody has their own journey when it
8517s comes to coming out everyone's path
8519s looks different and to hear from
8522s somebody who
8523s shares that
8525s it's partially you know feeling
8528s comfortable and included and accepted by
8531s their community online to have that like
8534s trust and comfort enough to be able to
8537s come out i just think is such a
8538s beautiful reminder of why
8540s online communities can have so much
8543s meaning and and purpose and it's
8547s really a beautiful reminder of why it's
8549s so special that we're here together
8551s today you know
8553s it really is like um they really can't
8555s be understated like how important like
8557s online community is to queer people
8560s because like we're people like
8561s usually in person do best in like cities
8564s but not everybody has like the luxury of
8566s living in a large city where they're
8568s surrounded by other queer people so for
8570s a lot of people
8571s online community is their only community
8574s so i'm just happy that we get to be part
8576s of that in this moment
8577s me too and
8579s you know we've talked a lot today about
8582s how we're absolutely destroying these
8583s goals which you are chat uh you're
8586s blowing my mind i
8588s did not expect to be where we are at
8590s this point so thank you so much for that
8592s um and i think it's important to
8594s remember one of the things that we were
8596s talking about with fundraising for
8598s stream for a cause is it's not about the
8601s funds going to just one organization
8604s they support many many many many many
8607s non-profits and basically allow
8610s content creators and streamers to
8613s fundraise in a way that gives micro
8616s grants to
8617s different smaller nonprofits around the
8620s world so we are fortunate enough that we
8623s are fundraising for nine different ones
8625s today and we're going to take a minute
8627s to spotlight one in particular to help
8630s you all know who you're supporting with
8632s your donations
8634s grants are distributed to all these
8636s different fundraisers and charities
8637s throughout the world and also like you
8639s could tell that
8640s they really loved this game as well like
8642s the whole
8643s that was so fun
8646s michael asks pyramid head instead
8649s beautiful
8651s masterful
8652s y'all
8653s we have officially passed ten thousand
8657s dollars raised
8659s first
8663s that's crazy and that's match that's
8665s matched right that is match which means
8668s total today
8674s oh my god
8676s can we please
8678s get some hearts in the chat for behavior
8680s matching ten thousand dollars today
8683s that is
8686s genuinely blew my mind when i learned
8688s that that was gonna be happening today
8690s and it is something that
8692s as somebody who does a lot of charity
8694s fundraisers it's always so meaningful to
8696s me when you can say it's not just a
8698s dollar you gave it's two dollars of good
8701s in the world it's not just the twenty
8702s dollars that you could provide that's
8704s forty dollars total
8706s it adds up so much and whether you were
8709s able to donate or just be here lurking
8713s chatting cheering on our players getting
8715s the word out on social media sharing the
8717s links online whatever it might be thank
8719s you for being a part of making into the
8722s rainbow a massive success
8725s when we're only halfway through it i
8727s don't i don't even have words
8729s honestly like support builds momentum
8731s and momentum like brings change and like
8734s that's what we're doing right now
8736s and also like there's some rewards for
8738s being so so gentle because
8740s yeah
8741s wow so we have
8743s hidden reward we weren't going to tell
8745s you about this
8746s but but we ended up we did what if we
8748s ended up doing it because you all ended
8750s up doing it for us so we have 200 000
8753s blood points available for you um you
8755s can see the code right there double
8757s rainbow as it should be
8759s um because gay and two um june
8762s so
8763s make sure you snatch up that code get
8766s those blood points if you've been
8767s hanging out this entire time how many
8769s blood points
8770s if somebody's been watching this entire
8772s stream how many blood points do they
8773s have now
8774s you've been gay
8776s they would have been given 300 000 blood
8779s points today
8781s and 10 rift fragments that's at least
8783s more than 12. yeah
8785s that is at least more than 12.
8788s incredible
8789s math
8790s no we're good at math we're so good at
8793s math yeah
8795s thank you so so so much everyone i am
8799s absolutely blown away uh and
8802s definitely as i have many times today
8805s actually needed a second to collect
8806s myself so i think now is a good time
8808s maybe we can check out a spotlight on
8810s one of our players i would love that oh
8813s my god it's our girl evie
8815s so evie was in our last heat fabulous
8818s fabulous player
8819s one of the most touching meet the player
8821s videos as well that we had um so so
8824s sweet so gorgeous let's take a look at
8826s what she has to say so what makes you
8828s feel the most like yourself evie says
8830s being able to perform on stage i would
8832s love to see you perform evie that would
8834s be so so fun
8835s and what is your favorite random fact
8838s the moon has moonquakes
8841s what's neato okay i suppose that makes
8844s sense
8845s i suppose that makes sense i don't know
8847s much about science or things but i think
8849s that makes sense
8851s um why do you know that evie is my
8853s question
8854s i feel like evie would be great at bar
8857s trivia
8858s oh absolutely are you any good at bar
8859s trivia i am
8861s terrible unless it's like music or pop
8864s trivia i'm good at those i'm terrible at
8866s history
8867s so what i've found is i'm actually
8869s really good at
8870s bar trivia
8872s what i've learned recently is i'm not
8874s good at doing trivia like on stream or
8876s on camera because i immediately get in
8878s my own head about the fact that it's
8880s being watched you know um i say this not
8885s not because i'm currently
8887s doing a serious
8889s job
8890s yeah no every every week right now i'm
8892s participating in something where i we
8894s kick it off with a trivia round and i
8895s say this to say i swear i'm good at
8897s trivia i swear i actually am i'm good at
8900s it
8900s uh i tend to be pretty good at filling
8903s in the like
8906s literature you know pop culture
8910s some obscure history
8912s i'm not good it's surprising absolutely
8914s no one here um sports history i don't
8916s know anything about i literally don't
8918s even know how to play sports let alone
8920s the history of it so
8921s i just really share with you i just
8924s throw my hands in the air and yell gold
8925s every time a sports question comes up
8927s and um whoever laughs at it i'd buy a
8929s drink
8931s that's the rule
8932s thank you to dissociate for the um
8935s one dollar and one cent which is
8937s actually
8938s which took us from
8940s our 69 cents and you ruined that on
8942s purpose and i appreciate that for you
8944s thank you so much you saw the
8946s opportunity and you took it
8948s yeah we're we're mixing it up getting
8950s some chaos in the mix as we kick off
8952s this match
8954s we're in what uh is this a broccoli
8956s nancy did you see the broccoli nancy
8958s here i did i thought i did i hope they
8961s were listening to us they were in the
8962s chat i i know several of these players
8964s were in the chat earlier so i'm hoping
8967s that we get our broccoli nancy
8970s on granny to bring broccoli nancy granny
8975s uh after my own heart i am so excited
8978s because this is our
8981s not most recent killer but um second
8984s most recent sadako who comes from ringu
8988s the
8989s japanese original
8991s that the american the ring was based on
8994s and
8995s i am completely biased here because i've
8997s recently become assad command and she
9000s doesn't get a lot of love in terms of
9002s people don't always think she's the
9004s strongest but she's my girl and i'm very
9006s excited to see her being played so tell
9008s me a little bit about this killer what
9009s is um her play style what does she excel
9011s at why is why are you
9014s uh maining her now
9015s that's a great question so
9018s what you're noticing right now
9020s um as they were kind of looping there
9022s she's not really the strongest in chase
9025s doesn't really have abilities that kind
9026s of help her
9028s close loops very
9031s efficiently uh which is why a lot of
9033s people aren't uh
9035s playing her all the time what i love my
9038s favorite killers
9039s are teleport-based killers so we have a
9041s couple in the game
9043s the first one that i tried was freddy
9047s who
9048s nightmare on elm street he can
9051s teleport through generators
9054s uh
9054s put survivors to sleep et cetera et
9057s cetera then i tried hagg who is an
9059s original character for dvd who sets
9062s traps on the ground and if survivors run
9065s over them within a certain radius she
9066s can basically just pop out of them
9068s so that's kind of like that fun mix of
9071s sort of stealth killer sort of you know
9073s teleportation based abilities lots of
9075s jump scaring survivors and with sarako
9079s what we're seeing here that
9080s demanifesting and then that wipe is her
9084s emerging out of a tv she crawls out of
9087s the tv the way she does in the movie
9089s i'm obsessed with that yeah absolutely
9093s i'm a sucker for
9096s a really really really well done
9098s translation of the lore of a killer from
9101s their
9103s property that they come from like their
9104s movie or tv show or other video game
9106s whatever it might be and translating
9108s that in a way that
9109s works with dead by daylight and still
9111s feels like it's owned by day like killer
9113s but feels
9116s like there's synergy and it is an
9118s accurate representation something you'll
9120s notice around the
9123s player icons so you'll see it most
9125s prominently it was on granny's
9128s when we're not in the killer pov um
9131s survivors can interact with the
9132s videotapes just like the characters in
9134s the ring do
9135s and it builds up seven
9138s days
9139s worth of
9141s condemnation essentially which is
9144s similar to earlier when we were talking
9146s about like how ghosts faced stalks and a
9148s certain amount of time then allows him
9150s to
9151s insta down somebody
9152s um
9153s sarako has an ability to do a very
9157s special instant kill
9160s if she can
9162s catch somebody who has
9165s not
9166s gotten rid of their videotape
9169s based
9170s condemned status for seven days worth
9173s which i love because that's
9175s you know in the the lore of
9177s the book and the movie
9179s if you've seen the tape you have seven
9180s days to copy it
9182s that folks that behavior knew what they
9184s were doing oh yeah i love the fact that
9187s they're able to like create an entire
9189s play style based around the mythology of
9191s one character and this seems like really
9193s really well fleshed out and our our girl
9196s like that violin chick is doing some
9198s work she is doing she is putting in work
9201s this round
9203s oh my goodness speaking of putting in
9204s work i don't know if anybody else
9206s noticed but uh
9209s we have donations coming through
9211s specifically trying to get the amount of
9213s cents at the end of our total to 69
9217s cents and we're getting close again
9219s we're getting close again
9221s people are going backwards and forwards
9223s backwards and forwards uh i feel like
9225s this always happens during fundraisers
9227s there's team aud and team even
9229s in terms of if you hate seeing odd
9231s numbers at the end
9233s let me know in chat uh team otter team
9236s even
9237s hit me with it but
9239s man
9240s we are looking at a
9243s fairly even distribution of hooks so far
9246s the only one who hasn't been hooked yet
9247s is dear who is our obsession
9250s uh and everyone else
9253s i believe everyone has one hook except
9256s for meg who is on hook number two and
9258s they have about two gens to go
9262s how do you think this is gonna play out
9264s well
9266s it's not the best map for sadako
9269s she
9270s can do really well with maps where line
9272s of sight is
9274s obscured for survivors because part of
9276s her ability
9278s you know with a teleport killer bopping
9280s around the map especially with her
9283s having this kind of flicker from far
9285s away
9286s she can do pretty well coming out of a
9288s tv and rounding a corner for instance on
9291s an indoor map where survivors can't see
9293s that she's
9294s coming from another room away for
9296s instance
9298s visibility on this isn't really in her
9300s favor
9301s so
9303s i i think it's gonna it's gonna take
9304s some work to pull off a killer win in
9308s this instance but i believe in that
9310s violin chick i want i want to see her do
9312s it
9313s for all three of us sadiko mains out
9315s there
9316s [Music]
9317s and she's one of them
9319s she's one of them i'm the other
9321s make us proud show us what can be done
9324s with her but yeah ultimately the nice
9327s thing is
9328s everyone is
9330s here for a good time and
9332s not a particularly sweaty time so far we
9335s haven't seen too much of
9337s really serious
9339s uh
9341s super super like nasty builds or
9343s anything
9344s or correct me if i'm wrong chat uh
9347s so i feel like i feel like it's been a
9349s good balance so far and dear my gosh in
9352s that nia cosplay um i don't know if you
9355s can tell
9356s i don't know if you can tell from the
9357s angle because you know it's third person
9360s and obviously we're seeing deer face on
9362s but deer is cosplaying in the outfit
9364s that her character is wearing
9367s i love that
9369s dedication to the craft commitment
9372s we love to see it
9375s it looks like this just got a lot more
9379s interesting for that violin chick so the
9381s last two gems did
9383s kick
9384s that would have been
9385s a good time to get a hit but
9388s unfortunately
9390s i have felt the pain of wanting to get a
9392s hit in and realizing that you are d
9394s manifested uh
9397s looks like yep we're still at one hook
9400s for drag trashly and granny
9403s two for meg
9405s and
9406s looks like they are
9409s likely
9411s all gonna get out
9412s it all depends on how that violin chick
9414s plays it
9416s yep and deer is our last survivor out
9419s that was a
9422s escape across the board my goodness
9426s well um you and the two other mains may
9429s remain disappointed however i thought
9432s that that violent chick did a great job
9435s um it was nice to be able to see that
9437s killer in action
9438s yeah honestly
9440s i would love to hear from anybody in
9442s chat who may or may not feel differently
9444s for me
9445s it's not about like necessarily my my
9448s favorite killer isn't gonna be the most
9450s powerful killer in the game you know
9451s it's going to be the one that i have the
9452s most fun with match after match and
9455s sometimes i think i like playing
9456s underdogs because it feels like more of
9459s a challenge like when you do
9461s get a four kill and you're dominating in
9464s chase you know that nobody can blame it
9466s on like oh the killer's overpowered
9469s you know yeah it's like player skill
9471s type of situation and like who wants to
9473s be like
9474s who wants to main everyone's favorite
9476s character that just doesn't feel special
9477s to me and like as a queer person i like
9480s to make things about me as much as
9482s possible and
9484s [Laughter]
9485s so i totally get it i totally get it
9488s pride
9490s that's the realest thing i've ever heard
9492s and i'm so happy you're co-hosting with
9494s me i'm i'm having such a good time this
9496s is so much fun
9498s uh should we check out our who our next
9501s killer is going to be should we stay
9502s next yes oh we have granny
9505s what a great picture by the way so i'm
9507s going to assume granny does um
9510s granny-esque drag
9512s is that the usual okay
9514s i'm so smart wow um she looks fabulous
9518s do you know anything about granny's
9520s playstyle are you familiar with granny i
9522s do yes so i actually competed in a
9526s twitch rivals tournament which which
9528s rivals is like our esports
9531s thing here on twitch uh we're dead by
9533s daylight and we did it similar to this
9535s where it was just a group of us and we
9537s just took turns playing killer survivor
9539s and granny cleaned the floor with us
9542s like
9543s we
9545s i i say this with all the love in my
9547s heart for myself and the skills of my
9550s self and my teammates did not stand a
9551s chance against granny granny wow
9554s dominated i think i blinked and we were
9557s on death hook i am so excited to see
9560s what granny is going to be bringing to
9562s the table and also y'all shout out to
9564s granny
9565s in a
9566s completely different time zone um if i'm
9570s not mistaken i believe granny is in new
9572s zealand and
9573s the
9575s i don't even want to think about what
9576s time it is like tomorrow for granny so
9579s much love thank you
9581s there good for her
9582s thank you for coming on through for a
9584s good cause granny and let's let's get to
9586s know granny a little better why don't we
9588s i'm so excited you really talked her up
9590s let's see what she's got
9598s well hello and welcome to my hobbit home
9601s my name is granny and i definitely
9603s wasn't expecting any visitors my
9605s pronouns are hershey like the chocolate
9607s and i'm not quite as sweet but i'm
9609s working on it i've been playing dead
9611s before daylight for oh my goodness about
9614s two and a half years or so now on and
9616s just very much enjoy repairing the ice
9618s cream machines and oh you know running
9621s away from all your favorite characters
9623s bing bong man and i'd the one with the
9626s you there was that one chill the dribbly
9629s wizard is one of my favorites what a
9632s little bastard he is i know
9634s something about a man with no jaw
9636s there's i just want to say it's a
9639s absolute honor to be a part of this
9642s tournament i'm going to do my break do
9644s my do my do my best and i hope you all
9647s have fun because this is all for a good
9649s cause and dears if there's one thing
9652s queer people know just like in video
9655s games if you are encountering enemies
9658s you know you're going in the right
9660s direction i love you lots tears you're
9662s all doing so well bless your hearts
9667s [Music]
9675s oh
9676s my god i know you didn't tell me that
9679s she was also a comedic genius
9681s yeah i figured i would let the videos
9683s speak for itself my pronouns are her she
9687s like the chocolate
9688s yeah consider that stolen [ __ ]
9691s oh my god
9694s that's i'm so sorry that's ours now that
9697s is
9699s incredible
9701s oh wow no she was everything in like the
9704s hobbit hall because she's from new
9705s zealand yeah wow
9708s wow just so funny
9711s and i i genuinely just my favorite thing
9714s about into the rainbow is
9716s getting to spotlight so many incredible
9718s creators who no two videos have been
9720s alike today no two players have given
9722s the exact same type of content and it
9725s it's just brought me so much joy
9727s especially to get to see you discover so
9729s many incredible creators as well i am
9733s really really really excited to see how
9735s this match shakes up but i think before
9738s we do since we are enjoying getting to
9740s know everyone so much uh why don't we
9743s maybe do
9744s a another little spotlight on somebody
9746s that we met earlier
9748s i would love and also adore that yeah
9751s who do we who are we spotlighting
9754s oh it is our nurse main from our first
9757s heat it's hail
9758s so hails pronouns are he and him
9761s he wants to let you know if you could
9762s add your own words to the dictionary
9764s what would it be and
9766s what would it mean
9767s bubosexual
9769s the often confusing realization that
9771s bubba is the cutest killer with the
9773s nicest booty and that you love him i'll
9775s be looking up bubba so i can understand
9777s this reference i'm going to assume that
9780s is it is it controversial for him to say
9782s that it's a it's a hot take it is one of
9785s the hottest of dvd takes
9787s all right
9788s i'm excited
9790s um and then what field makes them feel
9792s the most in power is destroying everyone
9794s a nurse
9795s kidding that's cruel destroying trolls
9796s on nurse well after what we saw he
9799s really does destroy everyone with nurse
9802s that was
9803s a pretty insane game when we had him on
9805s earth so i get it i get it
9808s i gotta say i
9810s would love to hear your thoughts next
9812s time you get a chance boot up the game
9815s and just try nurse once
9818s it will give you such a deeper
9819s appreciation for
9821s even when you're watching nurse players
9823s you're like wow that takes skill and
9825s then if you try it the first time
9826s yourself you go wow i did yeah my it
9829s took so much more skill than i thought
9832s i
9833s it did not look easy to watch no
9836s and it is even harder in practice so i
9840s am
9841s very very very excited y'all it looks
9843s like we're getting another dredge match
9845s i saw that
9847s kate immediately yep
9849s lock a locker so
9851s bosco we did see dredge earlier today
9855s we did we did we did this is our newest
9858s killer who just came out this past week
9860s actually um who has this is the
9862s boogeyman concept character who can
9865s teleport through the lockers which is
9867s what we're seeing right now
9868s what a cool concept and a fun idea for
9871s play
9872s um yeah i'm i'm considering myself a
9874s dredge sexual i think he has the finest
9877s booty in um the games i have seen so far
9879s just because he has several of them um
9882s he's covered in booties because he is
9884s some sort of eldritch horror
9886s and i love that for him um the last skin
9888s that we saw included um a lot of baby
9890s doll limbs yes so i'm glad i don't have
9893s to look at that right now because that
9894s was a little bit overpowering
9896s yes let's all collectively thank granny
9899s for using a
9902s not less frightening dredge skin but a
9905s effective in a different way one uh
9907s because i still find the movement of his
9909s arm just very very oh deeply nope
9915s across the board yep wait until you get
9917s a clear shot if one of these survivors
9919s is looking over their shoulder
9920s i am gonna be living for your reactions
9923s to what dredge looks like head on and
9926s i'm hoping
9927s we will get to see one of two things in
9929s this match because
9931s i'm a sucker for like
9934s cinematics in games so i love
9938s love love love each killer has a unique
9941s kill that they can do to a survivor if
9944s certain conditions are met and it's
9945s called a mori
9947s and so rather than having to hook
9948s someone over and over until they
9950s eventually die
9952s on the meat hook
9953s it's a
9955s less frequently occurring
9958s uh way to get a kill and they come with
9961s custom
9963s cinematics
9964s that fit the type of weapon of the
9967s killer in question and
9969s dredge has a great one so if you can
9972s hear me out there somehow granny
9975s i hope we get to see maury
9977s i would be obsessed and granny's really
9979s showing us how to use stretch so you
9981s told us that dredge is the newest killer
9984s but she seems like she knows what she's
9986s doing with this guy
9988s she's taking some absolute butt she is
9990s really really using like the most of
9992s that mechanic with getting through the
9993s different lockers
9994s um wow
9996s she's great i love seeing because i'm
9998s still learning how to play dredge so for
10000s me i'm also mentally taking notes
10003s you'll notice when granny's teleporting
10005s to those lockers
10006s she's not just
10007s teleporting and then exiting teleporting
10009s and then exiting she's really using it
10010s to gather information
10012s and
10013s is really really really maximizing the
10016s value it seems uh
10019s which
10020s brings us to something that i think we
10022s didn't really get to talk about last
10023s time but this is something that i think
10025s you'll probably find really cool about
10027s dredge uh
10029s part of dredge's
10031s face kit so something that happens
10033s regardless of what perks you run on
10036s dredge is called nightfall and it's
10038s something that builds
10040s by essentially getting hits on survivors
10043s uh brings about
10045s nightfall faster
10047s and when we see it next on the survivor
10050s pov i'll point it out because you'll
10051s notice
10052s it becomes really difficult for the
10054s survivors to see everything in the
10057s background kind of goes very very very
10059s dark
10060s and i love it because it's the first
10062s time in the game we've had a mechanic
10063s like that and so it's
10065s just fun to kind of experience something
10067s different and and have the meta mixed up
10069s a little bit we love a good shakeup but
10072s it's also really cool thematically
10074s knowing
10075s the inspiration of dredge as being like
10077s the boogeyman and and the manifestation
10080s of a small town's kind of like dark
10082s secrets and underbelly
10084s right like whatever's hiding in your
10086s closet
10087s yeah girls don't eat don't eat
10091s i don't know if you happen to catch art
10093s total as well but we are less than five
10097s dollars away from hitting 11 000
10100s raised
10101s wow
10103s that's insane
10104s that's so so crazy because 10 of that is
10107s matched so we're almost at 21 000
10111s for the day and we still have four games
10114s to go there's still so much time
10116s this community is crazy y'all are filled
10119s with so much love and money or at least
10121s you used to be filled with money now we
10123s have your money thank you
10125s thank you so so so much everyone for
10128s giving so generously and for for being
10130s here to support our players as well
10133s i am
10134s really impressed on both sides honestly
10137s we're at three gens we have about to be
10140s four hooks now
10143s and
10144s what's interesting is they're completely
10146s evenly dispersed each and every survivor
10148s has been hooked
10150s only once
10152s which
10153s you know for for us being here having
10155s fun right now is is wonderful because
10157s it's a nice pace relaxed
10160s uh
10161s we're not we're not playing with high
10164s stakes on the line in which case the
10166s killer may have taken a different
10168s approach so it's kind of nice to see
10170s things progress evenly
10173s no it seems like everybody's kind of on
10175s the same wavelength for the day like
10176s we're doing this for a good cause we're
10178s here to have fun
10179s um
10181s i'm wondering if at some point this game
10183s do you think we'll be able to like tune
10184s in to hear what the players are thinking
10186s are they in the chat right now or do we
10188s get to listen into them
10190s yeah we do
10192s if
10193s if you didn't know in chat everyone uh
10195s our players are in a call with one
10197s another uh and we you know like to keep
10200s them on our toes and give them a little
10201s bit of privacy to brainstorm and
10203s strategize together but
10206s i kind of like hearing what's going
10207s through their minds to figure out how
10209s they're coordinating
10211s uh
10212s can we can we listen on in for a minute
10220s violin i will get you okay
10227s oh no
10231s that gun was so close to the piano room
10233s jet well i'm being hooked by it so
10235s they'll probably stomp it
10239s so scary
10240s [Music]
10241s so scurry
10243s i'll go over there
10246s i think they left
10254s going upstairs to meet you
10259s i have a bad feeling
10262s why are you feeling
10263s terrible by me a feeling of terror just
10267s do you have a feeling of dread
10270s yeah oh no
10272s can you feel me again
10278s uh oh my god oh no
10281s you stay on that i'm gonna lock these
10286s okay
10299s i just have decisive left and i'm like i
10302s need to
10305s in case she comes back
10307s i'm dead goodbye
10309s i'm finishing this jen trashley
10312s yeah i'm almost done with mine
10314s love that
10317s uh do you wanna wait violin you're dead
10319s you're dying
10323s no
10324s he'll
10325s i almost wiggled down
10327s no
10332s only one more gen left which is like 75
10335s that i'm on
10336s i believe uh do you know where it is
10338s yeah it's like uh it's one of the
10340s entrances to the courtyard
10342s okay first floor
10347s oh granny sees me i'm gonna try to keep
10349s her on the second floor okay
10351s yes welcome
10357s yes
10358s okay perfect
10365s i'm gonna go to the store i guess
10368s run trashley
10370s is she coming no yes he's right behind
10373s me
10375s oh my god she knew where i was going she
10377s read my mind
10379s oh my goodness
10380s wait
10386s [Music]
10388s here is that door open
10391s actually you might need to do the safe
10392s since i took a hit
10394s stupid okay i can take a i mean i can go
10397s for the save
10400s i don't have borrowed time though
10406s [Music]
10408s oh i do have borrowed time i mean we
10410s could heal maybe
10412s is she after you
10413s no i'm gonna put a totem back up
10424s oh
10425s do you want to heal i'm not i'm up above
10427s no [ __ ] she's ready i'm putting it i'm
10428s putting a totem in the library
10437s i'm dead
10438s live save yourself here i would start
10440s opening the other door oh she's
10442s recover just recover yeah
10448s wow that
10449s was
10450s a bit of a turn honestly i i don't know
10454s how i was expecting to play
10456s that this would play out in the end but
10459s i'm genuinely not sure how many of them
10462s are gonna make it out now
10464s i'm excited you are really talking up
10466s granny and like i'm excited to see that
10468s she did not disappoint she's playing her
10470s face off right now i'm also really
10472s excited just like be able to see like a
10474s bit more gameplay from this new killer
10478s yeah definitely and hopefully we'll see
10480s somebody else play dredge again later
10482s because i
10484s you know am an aforementioned sucker for
10487s maurice and i would love
10489s for you to get to see one uh but if you
10492s have any questions as well
10494s i'm sure
10495s we always have
10497s players who are newer watching these
10499s events in which case hi welcome to the
10502s dvd community we're so happy you're here
10504s and i like to keep things as beginner
10506s friendly as possible so my rule of thumb
10509s is usually like if you have a question
10511s somebody else probably has the same one
10513s you know
10514s fair enough yeah you've been super duper
10515s helpful with keeping me like pretty
10518s um updated and like in the loop as far
10521s as like exactly what we're doing what
10523s we're looking at what the play styles
10524s are from what i'm understanding like
10526s with this new killer the the idea to
10529s play around him is to block off the
10532s lockers it just kind of like shut off
10534s the way that he can teleport around the
10536s map is that what i'm understanding yeah
10538s that's a huge part of it uh
10540s he can break through those locks but it
10545s makes the amount of time it takes
10548s for the dredge to pop out of the locker
10551s longer so it slows them down essentially
10555s um
10556s and then unfortunately once they've
10558s broken a lock
10560s you can't lock it again so you do also
10562s have to kind of be thinking about how
10564s you're planning which gems you're on and
10566s you know thinking
10568s hopefully more than one step in advance
10571s okay so it sounds like it's mind games
10572s on like everyone's part
10574s which i love yeah i know i've mentioned
10576s earlier but i love a good mind game it's
10579s that's my favorite part of dvd
10582s yeah the planning ahead seems really
10583s really fun and important with like these
10585s types of characters um
10587s it's not just like running after them um
10589s there has to be like some sort of like
10590s game plan and like chasing them into a
10592s corner and
10594s really well done um
10596s awesome is there any killers that we
10598s haven't seen today that you really want
10599s to see um i want to see hunter's gay
10602s icon
10603s um just because you had like mentioned
10605s before
10606s so um she's on my list who who's on your
10608s list
10609s i would love to see huntress just
10611s because i want you to
10613s understand huntress
10615s that that's just i wouldn't understand
10617s huntress too yeah
10618s now now it means uh it has an extra
10620s meaning to me to get to uh gaze upon
10624s her beauty uh
10626s no i think my big thing is i like seeing
10631s unexpected pics i like seeing stuff
10633s that's not necessarily the meta not
10635s necessarily the strongest killer i would
10638s love to see people
10640s maybe challenge themselves since this is
10642s for fun and for a good cause to
10645s pick from the perspective of fun content
10648s in mind more so than like
10651s totally dominating because sometimes fun
10653s content comes from
10655s absolutely mopping the floor with a team
10657s of survivors and that is amazing to
10659s watch and sometimes it's really fun to
10661s watch somebody play a killer that is
10664s underpowered
10665s not necessarily
10667s you know going to be the strongest i
10669s would love to see some wild cards so
10674s that's right you cowards you heard it
10676s here first play bad characters for our
10678s amusement and entertainment
10681s i would love to use
10684s okay
10685s that's my that's my final answer and i'm
10687s sticking to it that's right okay i'm
10689s gonna stick with huntress just because
10690s um
10691s i want to see the lesbian icon but i
10693s would be excited to see clown as well
10696s um yeah whatever they want to do to
10698s amuse us and possibly lose the match for
10701s themselves yeah i'm really into we're on
10704s boardwalk oh have you been um taking a
10707s look at where our current tally is as
10708s far as our donations
10711s i have uh the fact that we have passed
10714s 11
10715s 000
10716s dollars insanity
10719s mind-boggling
10721s to me absolutely mind-boggling to me i
10725s i don't understand how this community
10728s has come together to do so much in such
10730s a short period of time we only have
10733s i want to say four matches left
10736s right three three because we did five
10739s check and then we did granny
10740s three matches left and i think
10744s you know we
10746s have come together to do so much good
10748s today i would love love love to see if
10751s we could crush one more goal we have
10754s nine
10755s amazing causes that are
10758s all over the world being supported um to
10762s hopefully make as much of an impact on
10764s local lgbtqia two-plus communities as we
10767s possibly can um
10769s some of these organizations were
10770s supporting work in egypt korea the
10773s philippines
10774s uh australia
10776s so so many different places and i think
10778s it's a beautiful reflection of the
10781s diversity and
10782s how international the dead by daylight
10785s community is so we're going to have
10788s one
10789s last raising of the goal
10791s i don't i'm i'm done saying the numbers
10793s because apparently i inflate them every
10796s time i try so bosco would you like to
10798s explain what it is now
10800s well it looks like we have raised our
10802s final goal for the day
10804s to
10805s not 125 000 as m might like to say 12
10809s 500. so that is going to be matched
10813s which is that's insane that is insane
10816s that's 25 000
10818s which is still more than 12 as i am told
10822s so that is just a huge amount of money
10824s we're going to be um
10826s it's not going to a make a charity it's
10829s going to these micro grants so these are
10830s this is a very tangible thing that is
10832s being given and i'm i'm so excited that
10835s we get to be a part of this um i am
10839s beyond thrilled and i'm so so so
10842s grateful that behavior was able to match
10844s that first 10k which means regardless of
10848s how far we go beyond that um thanks to
10851s behaviors matching
10852s that's 20 000 guaranteed anything we
10856s raise beyond that 10k is on us and the
10858s strength of the community uh so every
10862s single dollar beyond that is
10864s is really incredible to see us just
10869s continuing to do good
10871s uh despite not having planned these
10874s goals ahead of time we i mean to do good
10878s we we did not plan those at all so thank
10880s you again so much to behavior for
10881s matching up to the first 10k in
10884s donations which we
10886s incredibly passed and thank you to this
10889s community for not letting the fact that
10891s we have no more matching stop you from
10893s continuing to donate you are crushing it
10896s i'm seeing those numbers go up even just
10898s as we
10899s talk right now and that the ah the size
10903s of the hearts of this community uh make
10905s me want to throw up rainbows and
10906s sparkles and cry myself to sleep so
10909s appreciate you
10911s thank you i'm gonna go be mushy
10913s elsewhere maybe we should introduce our
10916s next uh killer
10918s yeah let's take a look oh we have drake
10920s trashley once again what a fabulous name
10924s the look is right um we saw her on
10926s stream in full geesh moments ago
10929s um shout outs to other people who are
10931s currently in drag
10932s um
10934s fantastic um do you know anything about
10936s drag crashly's playstyle have you played
10938s with them um
10942s i know drag trashly is an icon and a joy
10946s and someone whose content i've enjoyed
10948s and i have no memory
10951s of
10952s who they like to play us
10954s so
10955s this is gonna be i was gonna say
10958s my favorite thing going in completely
10960s surprised so maybe after how about after
10962s we watch the intro video we can make
10964s predictions on who we think the killer
10966s will be i'm obsessed yes let's
10968s absolutely do that let's do it
10971s hi i'm trashley my pronouns are she
10973s slash her and drag and i have a feeling
10976s you've seen me around the fog before
10981s [Music]
11013s so
11014s [Music]
11026s i hope you all have a happy pride in the
11029s fog especially you gay david
11037s yes with the david shout out at the end
11040s we love you better work you better work
11042s those were such good looks oh my god
11046s i was gonna say crazy as soon as that
11048s started i was like i'm already so
11049s excited to hear what bosco thinks
11051s because i remembered you were saying how
11053s much you enjoy seeing these cosplays and
11056s something that drag trashley does
11058s phenomenally well
11060s is create these looks inspired by the
11063s new killers as they release
11065s so
11065s not only are they like just incredibly
11068s iconic looks on their own i love the way
11071s that she ties them into
11074s making it her own from the killer's
11076s design you know it's the talent just
11078s astounds me oh she is a drag technician
11082s those are great looks my personal
11083s favorite was pinhead because she decided
11086s to take the liberty of adding pin boobs
11088s yup and you know what it's the attention
11090s to detail for me
11092s yes uh the attention to detail and
11094s really what i would call like elevating
11096s the material you know oh embracing and
11099s then elevating the material she took
11102s something that was a 10 out of 10 and
11105s made it an 11 out of 10. honestly if
11107s clive barker had had the forethought of
11109s giving pinhead pin boobs
11112s we'd be living in the future right now
11114s we would absolutely be in like 3008 but
11117s instead we're in 2008 like that was so
11121s smart so so smart so funny um kudos to
11124s you drug freshly i live
11126s i also just i would be remiss if i did
11129s not mention that i want that tiny little
11131s uh pyramid head hat can we talk about
11134s that
11134s i think we missed you i think we might
11137s i
11138s like if those were for sale i would buy
11140s one
11141s is how badly i want that so
11144s trashly uh you're an angel i appreciate
11147s you
11148s and i am very very very excited to see
11154s a
11155s new killer for today's matches so we
11157s have not seen anyone pick pinhead yet
11160s this is a pinhead match oh my god i
11162s really manifested that by like talking
11164s of the
11165s cosplay you better work okay
11168s fabulous
11169s um i'm a huge hell racer fan it's one of
11172s my favorite franchises um regardless of
11175s how good it is
11178s um but like i've always loved the
11179s xenobytes so i'm really excited um can
11181s you tell me a little bit like what this
11183s killer's like mo is like what what does
11186s um pinhead do in this game
11188s yes so i have to say i
11190s will love to hear your thoughts as
11192s someone who's a fan because i have never
11195s seen hellraiser before
11197s so
11198s you will be able to speak to kind of
11200s like the translation of this more yeah
11203s i came
11206s sorry i had to pause for the most iconic
11207s voice line in dvd history out of respect
11210s uh absolutely so there's a couple
11212s mechanics with pinhead
11214s you have your chain which i
11217s i know you saw just a second ago we got
11219s a bit of a different camera view
11221s and the chain kind of
11223s um
11224s pushed forward on its own and
11227s the killer was directing it to hit a
11230s survivor which kind of temporarily
11233s holds them
11235s not like exactly in place but it keeps
11238s them busy for a moment as they have to
11239s break the chains before they can
11241s continue to move so that can be a nice
11243s little interruption
11245s um and then there is the puzzle box
11248s mechanic as well
11249s [Music]
11251s so
11252s that was what we were getting that sweet
11254s sweet voice line for a moment ago
11257s um and i'll kind of i'll kind of point
11260s out
11262s pinhead's mechanics as they're getting
11264s utilized
11265s because pinhead has a couple unique
11268s things going on with his kit
11270s um
11272s but
11273s my favorite and i think i speak for a
11276s decent chunk of the community when i say
11277s many people's favorite
11279s is the voice line
11281s yeah that voiceline was
11283s fabulous so good right yeah so so good
11287s um i'm i'm glad that they um played that
11289s in for us um i really appreciated that
11291s i'm still trying to like exactly figure
11293s out like the play style of this
11295s character i'm it seems like a very very
11298s complicated one um so we have the chain
11300s what what exactly is the puzzle box um
11302s mechanic in this game
11304s so there's a couple different things
11306s with the puzzle box because
11308s it's unique in the sense that it can be
11312s interacted with by the killer if the
11314s killer finds it first or by the
11316s survivors
11317s which
11318s is
11319s not necessarily
11322s always the case when a killer has
11324s something in their kit that can be
11326s interacted with um so like
11329s right now what we were just seeing for
11330s instance that was the use of
11332s sending his chains out that i was
11333s talking about
11335s uh which in that instance you'll notice
11338s you know her arms kind of got stretched
11339s out and
11341s very very very temporarily slowed her
11343s down
11344s didn't last too long it was only about
11346s three chains she had to break but it was
11348s just enough
11349s that it allowed the killer to catch up
11351s and get that hit on her which was the
11353s second hit which translated to a hook
11355s so with pinhead
11358s you can
11360s it's it's not
11362s like an overpowered mechanic that is
11364s going to completely make it impossible
11366s for survivors to chase or anything
11369s it's great seeing it pay off when
11371s killers time it to
11374s give themselves just that extra second
11376s or two so like right now
11378s by the time you had made it a difference
11381s yeah
11382s and that nia had a very uh i believe
11386s that was deer had a had a very
11388s well-timed little uh
11390s dead heart there i believe
11392s dear was injured prior and just missed
11395s getting down but correct me if i'm wrong
11397s chat um and now you can kind of see from
11399s the survivor perspective
11401s slows them down pretty minimally but it
11403s does give them a little something that
11405s they have to be doing
11407s and
11408s sometimes just a second or two is all
11411s you need to turn an otherwise lost chase
11415s around
11418s and i think i mean so far
11421s two hooks
11423s and one gen done
11426s and this yeah deer had already here we
11428s go
11429s deer had already exhausted that dead
11431s heart so
11432s that
11433s was a nice little follow-through from
11435s from setting that up earlier and we're
11437s officially on three hooks with only one
11439s gen done with two of those hooks being
11442s on deer
11443s that's kind of gonna put a target on her
11445s back for the rest of the match i would
11446s assume
11447s and it looks
11449s like
11450s [Music]
11454s i'm gonna see if we
11456s uh see the perspective of our yeah there
11460s we go
11461s so for
11462s uh our survivor here
11464s um
11466s who is
11467s meg so meg
11469s found the puzzle box and
11473s basically pinhead will get a
11474s notification that kind of allows them to
11477s teleport within a very close range to
11480s whoever's
11482s interacting with that puzzle box
11484s and that's how
11486s pinhead got there so quickly
11488s knocked meg down and turned that into
11491s another hook so that actually came in
11493s really really clutch there
11495s yeah is there um a pro for the survivors
11498s to interact with the puzzle box like why
11500s would they want to
11503s be around that puzzle box
11505s oh my goodness sorry
11508s i realize every time i start to uh
11511s to
11511s [Music]
11512s explain something is right when we're
11515s getting these uh downs and these hooks
11519s so i apologize i know i keep getting i
11520s know you're fine sideline
11522s my gosh look we have
11526s dear and meg are both on death hook
11529s granny on first hook that violin chick
11532s is the only one who hasn't been hooked
11533s at all yet and they only have two gens
11537s completed
11538s which is wow
11540s uh
11542s i i have some
11546s i i have faith in the survivors i think
11549s with their communication they can still
11551s pull this off but oh my goodness
11555s gracious
11556s uh
11556s this this has been very very very
11560s intense
11562s i am obsessed i'm so into this i knew
11565s from the moment that drag trashly broke
11566s out the pin boobs that we were in for a
11568s show
11570s fabulous and and has that show been
11572s delivered to you oh absolutely and then
11575s some
11576s um one of my favorite franchises and
11579s drag crashly is absolutely doing right
11582s by pinhead
11583s yeah
11585s yeah this is fabulous oh i'm so happy to
11588s hear it that
11589s genuinely
11590s i know nothing about uh
11593s hellraiser i i grew up with
11596s a family member who was a horror artist
11599s and he
11601s had a giant poster of hellraiser in his
11604s office and so from a very young age i
11606s just thought pinhead looked like the
11607s scariest thing that i had ever ever ever
11609s seen
11611s and so i i eat this day as an adult i'm
11613s still too nervous to watch the movie
11616s they're um they're crazy movies they
11618s really are and it's kind of interesting
11621s and like at least like i want to say the
11624s first two movies pinhead's not
11626s necessarily
11627s the bad guy he's just kind of like
11630s an angel of chaos and pain which i'm
11633s into relatable content
11636s relatable pride content exactly
11639s oh speaking of gay icons pinhead
11642s i'm i'm gonna call it
11644s pinhead is absolutely bisexual you heard
11646s it here first
11648s you know what
11651s yeah
11652s also
11654s i'm
11655s hello what did we
11658s i've been so focused on how enjoyable
11660s this match has been to watch i didn't
11661s realize
11662s we just got an incredible
11667s incredible milestone
11669s pass
11670s holy moly um
11672s air dragon with the
11675s astoundingly generous
11677s hundred dollar donation
11680s we just passed
11682s twelve thousand seven hundred and eleven
11685s dollars and sixty nine cents raised and
11689s we're back at 69 cents there is taste
11691s taste has entered the chat
11694s absolutely
11697s that's incredible and like shout out to
11699s air dragon because i believe that air
11701s dragon also started out the stream
11705s with a donation of a thousand dollars so
11709s absolute mvp icon
11712s diva
11714s i'm
11714s [Music]
11716s absolutely blown away y'all can we get
11718s some pride emotes in the chat
11723s i all gay [ __ ] we are giving it to you
11726s good god absolutely
11729s i i mean
11731s i don't know about you bosco but
11734s i had no idea if we were going to reach
11737s our goal today
11739s at all you know like you just never know
11740s you never know and
11744s the fact how many times have we had to
11745s raise this goal
11747s oh at least more than 12. i um it's it's
11751s crazy i i also had no idea like what to
11753s expect coming into this i've never
11755s really done
11756s a fundraiser through twitch before and
11759s like this is my first time working
11761s um with y'all for
11763s my daylight and what a community what an
11766s overwhelming sense of just like queer
11767s love and joy
11769s this is like some serious mommy money
11771s that we're giving to these charities all
11774s over the world this is so cool and like
11777s we just get to like sit around and watch
11779s people play video games while we're like
11781s doing queer good
11783s hell yeah what a community
11786s i i was gonna say i
11790s i've been
11790s doing you know full-time internet person
11793s things for about six years now and
11797s i know that a lot of people
11800s think that the internet can be a place
11803s for a lot of negativity
11805s and uh
11807s not always the best
11810s kindest most understanding place to be
11812s and i really do think it's events like
11814s these that remind us why each and every
11816s every one of us work so hard to make
11819s that not the case you know and to
11823s hopefully make the world a better place
11825s through
11826s the online spaces that we curate so
11828s a thank you so much for curating this
11831s one with us everyone listening and
11833s watching right now and b
11834s i just realized we never talked about
11836s the puzzle box and i'm so sorry
11838s seeing granny
11840s with the box i was like i knew i was
11842s forgetting something so
11844s we'll take a second then and chat feel
11846s free to chime in with more details i am
11849s not a pinhead player so i'm going to
11850s give the most bare bones basic um
11853s basically the power of the box
11858s is and and as i was saying with what's
11860s unique about it if pin had picked up
11863s that box
11865s he
11865s has what's called a chain hunt
11869s that will impact every survivor on the
11871s map it kind of like reveals their
11873s location and starts messing with all of
11875s them so that's really powerful for him
11878s and the only way that you can make it so
11880s he doesn't do that
11882s other than just you know hoping you play
11884s against a clueless pinhead like me that
11886s played for like three matches before
11887s realizing i could interact with the box
11890s don't kick me out of the
11891s program please behavior uh is if one
11894s survivor picks it up
11896s it will
11898s sort of i mean it puts them more at risk
11901s it kind of puts the target more on them
11903s but it's
11904s it's a thing you do for your team to try
11906s and solve it that way pinhead can't get
11909s it
11910s uh it does allow pinhead to teleport
11912s roughly to their location
11914s but it means that the killer is getting
11915s information about one survivor as
11917s opposed to four
11919s how
11920s what does that mean mechanic yeah yeah
11922s yeah yeah i'm gonna have to like make
11924s the choice and like prioritize who wants
11926s to take the heat and yeah what what a
11929s cool oh cool character design
11933s and i i am curious so
11936s honestly uh
11938s this is
11940s i'm i'm just blown away trashley is
11943s crushing it and this has been so much
11944s fun to watch a pinhead match i don't see
11946s pinhead very often uh so
11950s i keep getting distracted just by very
11952s much enjoying the game
11953s but
11954s we just had a donation come through from
11957s hydro who is a wonderful dvd creator
11961s it's so good to see you thank you for
11962s being here hydro and with that
11964s massively incredibly generous 250
11967s donation we just passed 13
11970s 000
11971s raised
11973s wow
11974s wow wow wow 13 000 10 of that being
11977s matched
11978s this is crazy
11980s unreal thank you so
11982s much
11983s chat
11984s thank you for being here for into the
11986s rainbow today and for hopefully being
11988s here for maybe a potential broccoli
11990s nancy granny hatch escape fingers
11994s crossed oh wow this would be the only
11996s way that i would want
11998s pinhead to lose if it's by the hands
12001s of green
12003s you know i
12004s was looking at the donations and i
12006s missed that the hatch had already been
12008s shut so alas there's there's no hatch on
12010s the horizon for granny
12012s but uh yeah and there's there's pyramid
12015s head run granny run
12023s you can kind of see uh in the bottom
12025s right and left corner by the way see
12027s those those hooks coming up
12029s yeah that's the um
12032s gosh what would you call it i guess
12036s ui that comes with pin head indicating
12038s when that power's coming up uh
12042s which
12043s i i know i'm such a sucker for these
12045s kinds of things but i love just that
12047s extra little layer of personalization
12050s that makes it feel more like
12052s completely immersive when you're playing
12053s against different pillars with different
12055s abilities you know
12056s absolutely like the characters feel like
12058s they were like
12060s lovingly
12061s created by somebody who's like a giant
12063s fan
12064s between these characters
12067s i'm
12069s so impressed
12071s that was
12072s a 4k
12074s four kills our second of the day right
12078s was that our second of the day i was
12079s just trying to remember i forgot
12081s for sure was there somebody right after
12084s nurse
12085s i feel like we had
12087s one more because i know we had a 3k with
12090s a hatch that was really close like
12093s really that was the plague one that was
12095s really close but i can't remember i
12098s think plague was as close as we've
12100s gotten after
12102s um
12102s our game with hale as nurse
12104s um so i think this is our second
12107s we have good memories
12110s yes
12111s we've literally done nothing but watch
12113s these matches and talk about them all
12114s day and our brains are still like but
12116s did we have another
12117s 4k
12118s did we
12122s i think i mean
12124s we're putting some good vibes out there
12125s for our next killer maybe we will have
12127s another 4k in a minute because up next
12132s do we want to check out
12134s we have deer
12136s so deer seems to be um a close friend of
12139s yours
12140s dear is a wonderful wonderful friend of
12142s mine we are both twitch ambassadors and
12146s uh got to meet in person years and years
12148s and years ago at a summit where we
12151s bonded over making late night french fry
12154s runs together
12157s just an absolute angel of a human and
12159s one of the kindest people i've met on
12162s the internet so talented so beautiful
12166s and
12167s if i could have the amount of talent
12170s that dear has in her like pinky toe
12173s just for five minutes my life would be
12175s forever changed so i'm very excited to
12179s introduce her to you and to see what she
12181s has in store for us today
12182s i'm so excited to meet her um let's
12185s check out her video and see what she's
12186s been cooking for us
12189s [Music]
12195s hey
12199s [Applause]
12202s engine can live bunny fang
12205s you can't though
12211s you're done
12214s hello there it's me dear it is a
12216s pleasure to be a part of into the
12218s rainbow with dead by daylight you may
12221s recognize me from the game awards or
12223s game breakers a documentary dedicated to
12225s trailblazers within the video gaming
12227s industry featuring myself in the stream
12228s queens or just from my many
12230s collaborations with dead by daylight i
12232s am so excited to be a part of this i
12235s love dead by daylight dead by daily is
12237s one of my favorite games i have created
12240s cosplays of the pig and naya carlson i
12243s have created makeup art inspired by
12245s perks and offerings i even made a video
12248s dedicated to the pig and how to uh boop
12251s boop this new and instructional video
12254s although it was just uh
12257s it was basically an excuse to make lots
12259s of pig puns which i'm very passionate
12261s about
12262s dead by daylight is a leader in the
12264s industry when it comes to lgbtqia plus
12267s communities because we have charms we
12269s even have our first queer character i
12271s can't wait to see what else they do
12273s because they are trailblazing they are
12274s making a difference and i see it i love
12277s it thank you
12279s happy pride have fun in the vlog
12287s what a beauty and also a gem
12290s i know right and the fact that she had
12293s her own smoke effects the fog there on
12296s that exit can we talk about that for a
12298s second oh yeah it's called production
12300s it's called money it's called caring
12302s about the details
12304s um i'm obsessed also that mug
12307s can we make some noise in the chat for
12308s the mug let's get a little bit of
12309s commotion for the makeup
12311s gorgeous gorgeous gal
12313s um super duper sweet thing as well um
12316s yeah i want to hear some of these pig
12317s puns is she going to give us some pig
12320s pig play
12321s is that what we're gonna be doing today
12323s pig play you know what i think i've
12325s learned not to take any clues from these
12329s videos because these survivors have been
12330s messing with our heads
12333s i know right the only person that's like
12335s delivered on who they say they main is
12337s hail
12338s um so i i am excited to see what she
12341s does though have you do you play with
12342s deer a lot do you know like what their
12344s usual play style is are do they are they
12346s killer main survivor main what's their
12348s deal uh we haven't streamed together a
12350s whole heck of a lot mostly because i am
12353s a big ol introvert and so i normally
12355s play killer
12356s just so i can
12358s be completely quiet in my own little
12361s introvert head
12362s so shout out to anyone who's kind enough
12364s to put up with me playing survivor um
12367s but i i am very very curious i will be
12370s surprised right there along with you who
12372s dear picks today and
12375s i do want to see i hope at some point
12378s somebody picks pig because i just
12380s realized bosco
12383s chat bosco does not know what boop the
12385s snoot is
12388s so i think i know it's a little late and
12390s i you know think our competitors have
12393s probably already chosen who they're
12394s going to play as
12395s but we might not get to see
12398s boops new in action in which case uh i
12401s do think we need to take a second to
12402s teach you about it bosco so i would love
12405s to i don't think i'd be able to walk
12406s away with this um without tears in my
12408s eyes unless i get to experience and know
12411s what exactly the hell are you talking
12412s about okay so here's what we're gonna do
12415s okay we're gonna
12416s put a pin in it and hope that we're
12419s about to see some pig game play if we do
12422s i'll tell you in the moment so you can
12423s be surprised and if we don't i'll
12425s explain it to you after how does that
12426s sound that sounds very fair
12428s okay um i also heard that we might have
12431s like a spotlight of some situation that
12433s we could check out is that do we have
12435s some more gamer spotlight that we can
12436s look at oh yay it's a violin chick
12439s fabulous ah the hair is so cool
12442s purple to red love that
12445s so that violin chick you can only eat
12447s one snack for the rest of your life what
12448s would it be frozen yogurt with boba
12452s love that i don't know if i've ever had
12453s that i don't know if that was an option
12455s i don't even know where you would get
12456s that but it does sound delicious oh my
12458s gosh you have to try it at some point
12461s where does one acquire frozen yogurt
12463s with boba just like yogurt chops
12465s there's there's a lot of places i mean
12467s i'm biased because i'm from l.a and i
12470s feel like we have a pretty good
12472s you know diverse range of offerings as
12474s far as food is concerned so
12477s there's a lot of good recommendations i
12478s can make here you just gotta you know
12480s come to l.a sometime well i'm in la um
12483s for like a week starting on sunday so
12485s maybe i'll figure it out there we go
12487s dang um if you could get your own talk
12490s show on national tv what would it be
12492s about
12493s crossover violin and feature crossover
12495s violinists of all gen genres around the
12498s world
12499s i don't know what a crossover violin is
12501s is that is that like a specific is that
12503s like a violin branching out of its
12506s um classical roots
12508s try violin doing hip-hop
12511s and rapping
12513s i think that's our opening line when we
12516s go follow that violin chick and say hi
12518s in her stream for the first time i think
12519s that's the icebreakers we can ask what's
12521s crossover violin
12523s it's not cross under it's crossover
12525s crossover
12527s all right
12530s bye raccoon city is that what i saw this
12532s is like a raccoon
12534s situation
12537s so
12538s there's a new netflix series coming out
12539s about it i did i'm obs i'm so excited i
12543s there hasn't been a single good resident
12545s evil like ever and i've watched all of
12547s them and i love them dearly
12549s one of my favorite franchises yeah we're
12551s gonna talk later because i have so many
12554s thoughts and you just brought me so much
12556s joy with that comment uh yes yes yes a
12559s thousand times yes
12560s in
12562s other news we are seeing pig game play
12565s dear is playing pig pig
12568s okay we're gonna
12570s see some snoop pooping i would bet
12573s anything on it chat let me know what you
12576s think the likelihood is of how many
12578s survivors will boop this news let's
12580s let's get
12582s let's get a little uh
12585s comparison going i'm gonna i'm gonna say
12589s only one lucky survivor will boop this
12591s new by the end of this match and i'm i'm
12594s locking in my answer there
12596s so is this like a game of chicken that
12598s they're playing with the killer
12601s i i suppose i'll figure it out i'll find
12603s out
12604s so
12606s real quick we can kind of we'll chat a
12608s little bit about pigs abilities because
12610s pig has some really cool unique stuff
12611s going on i'm very glad you're a resident
12613s evil fan because i think you'll be able
12615s to appreciate just how
12618s expansive detailed this map is
12622s it is if i'm not mistaken
12625s i think it is the largest map that we
12626s have in the game um so anybody who's a
12630s better fan than i am uh let me know in
12633s chat if i'm incorrect but
12635s it is
12637s the attention to detail is really
12638s incredible but uh pig is from the
12643s film franchise saw
12645s yeah so is pig supposed to be like
12648s jigsaw or um what's her face is it abbey
12651s i'm trying to remember um his like
12653s helper's name from the first few movies
12655s amanda amanda there it is yeah okay
12659s good memory uh yes you were right she is
12661s supposed to be amanda
12663s and so
12664s the kind of hook with pig is she has
12667s these puzzle boxes
12669s uh which you'll see have the little
12670s jigsaw doll sitting on top of them
12673s and what we saw
12675s you know in previous games that we've
12676s seen all day when they hit an injured
12678s survivor and knock them down
12681s most of the killers just reach down pick
12682s them up carry them to a hook
12685s with pig she can put a reverse bear trap
12689s on their head
12690s just like the one in the movie
12692s and
12694s we'll see it on the head of that
12695s survivor who just ran away i don't know
12697s if you saw that she has that big kind of
12699s metal cage on her head
12701s um so pig can put those on when
12703s survivors have been downed
12704s and if certain conditions are met
12707s they have a timer that starts ticking
12711s down and survivors
12714s we sometimes affectionately refer to
12715s them as party hats survivors with party
12717s hats on will have to find their way to
12721s various puzzle box stations located
12724s randomly scattered about the map
12726s and they basically engage in what is
12729s like a
12730s puzzle box from the saw movies where
12732s they stick their arms into it and
12734s they're trying to get a key out to
12736s unlock the reverse bear trap from their
12737s head brutal
12739s very brutal and if you don't do it
12742s within a certain amount of time
12745s you
12746s die instantly your head kind of um stops
12749s being ahead
12750s oh wow yeah so
12753s she doesn't have to worry about
12754s continually hooking people if like those
12756s criterias are met or does that count as
12758s like one
12761s if if it goes off it'll just straight up
12764s kill
12765s the survivor so
12766s oh that sounds like [ __ ]
12768s yeah so depending on what kind of map
12770s pressure you have depending on how
12772s quickly
12773s they're checking those puzzle boxes
12775s i can't tell you how many times i've
12777s been a survivor and the thing that kills
12780s me is just how far away the puzzle boxes
12782s are from one another like you just
12784s physically can't make it across the map
12786s fast enough to check all of them
12789s uh
12790s it can
12791s completely turn the tides of the game
12794s and
12795s favor
12796s pig
12797s right now we're seeing see that that red
12799s kind of orangey aura that was underneath
12801s the pig's feet so that is a perk that
12804s deer is running called nurses calling
12807s and it allows the killer to see the
12810s auras of survivors who are healing
12813s within a certain range
12815s so that's a really helpful information
12818s perk
12819s that is
12820s hopefully going to help deer
12824s track some of them down and it looks
12826s like unfortunately we weren't on the uh
12830s the view of our
12832s jane who was wearing the reverse bear
12835s trap but you'll notice on the left hand
12836s side that skull icon means
12838s her head exploded she didn't make it and
12840s even though she was only hooked once
12842s that's a kill now
12844s okay
12845s so
12846s can um pig also hook or is this their
12849s only means of okay
12853s okay yeah so it's a really really really
12856s fun balance it's it's nice having
12858s something
12860s that
12861s i i like a balance between active and
12863s passive abilities
12865s so
12866s what we're seeing right now pig putting
12868s that
12869s party hat on
12870s and now going to hook kate the nice
12873s thing is
12874s you know the hooking part is the active
12876s part but if pig goes to chase somebody
12878s else elsewhere on the map
12880s or goes to kick a generator
12882s and kate gets unhooked it's nice that
12884s there's still something applying
12886s pressure to the survivors without the
12889s killer having to actively be chasing
12891s them
12891s so it can make for some really fun
12894s surprises in the match yeah and i'm sure
12897s also like playing against this just like
12898s ratchets up the tension just tenfold
12901s when you have to play with one of the
12902s party hats on
12904s and now what we're seeing as well
12906s because we are getting to a tricky point
12907s in the match there's only one gen left
12910s for them to do
12911s but as of right now three survivors left
12915s one of whom is getting hooked now
12919s uh with a
12921s party hat on and then we have our other
12923s kate
12925s has a party hat on the the timer has not
12928s started yet which is good
12930s but
12931s it does mean
12933s there's
12934s not necessarily guaranteed smooth
12936s sailing ahead for our survivors
12940s excited that you can't really tell
12941s exactly where this one will go then
12943s because of those factors
12945s yes that's
12946s those are my favorite kinds of matches
12948s you know i love when
12950s down to the last minute you really don't
12952s know
12954s which way it's gonna go i i think it
12956s keeps it interesting you know
12958s yeah where would you say that pig falls
12960s on like the tier list of
12963s killers is this like an overpowered one
12965s is this a pretty balanced
12967s is this um an underpowered character wha
12969s what what is your take on pig
12971s yeah i think i think it's
12973s a
12974s and again correct me if i'm wrong chat i
12975s think it's a
12977s somewhat
12978s widely held belief that pig is
12981s not overpowered kind of on the lower end
12983s of the tier list
12985s i am
12987s always i wouldn't even say biased i just
12990s more of
12991s always approach this game from the
12993s perspective of what's the most fun you
12995s know yeah so is she the most op in terms
12998s of like if you're going in and you're
13001s playing at the highest
13003s matchmade ranks you know you're playing
13005s against the best of the best survivors
13006s with eight thousand nine thousand ten
13008s thousand hours in the game
13009s no pig is not like
13012s uh the most strong choice
13015s i'm just a really big advocate of
13017s playing the way that you have the most
13019s fun you know and i think pig makes for
13021s some very fun gameplay to watch as well
13028s yeah this has been a really really fun
13030s killer to watch um
13032s just really really cool
13034s um i like the character design a lot
13036s once again it's like one of these like
13038s franchises that like
13040s dead by daylight like took on and then
13042s found a way to adapt like these like yes
13045s trademark parts of that character and
13048s really build it into a type of gameplay
13050s that's
13051s original but specific to that character
13054s yeah absolutely
13056s i'm i'm very curious
13060s our i believe i believe uh meg
13064s who
13065s this makes it both easier and harder on
13067s me that um meg turney is playing meg i'm
13070s so i'm clarifying i'm talking about both
13071s the survivor character and the person
13073s playing them uh but meg it looks like
13076s with that red flashing
13079s uh little icon behind her
13082s indicates that that timer is still
13084s ticking down for her
13087s party hat so this could make or break it
13090s in terms of her trap
13092s if she doesn't get it off at this puzzle
13095s box and it's not guaranteed if you find
13097s a puzzle box it's not automatically
13099s guaranteed that it'll take it off so
13101s that one didn't work
13103s so now it's up to meg to find another
13106s box on the map that she hasn't already
13107s tried
13109s oh and luckily luckily for her
13112s uh the timer
13114s did stop
13116s because there are
13117s again certain uh events that can happen
13120s that'll that'll
13122s make that possible um
13124s but i
13126s i'm very curious i i think all three
13128s survivors are in this same room i don't
13130s know if pig noticed
13133s granny and trashly
13140s it looks like
13143s are we gonna get we're getting a boop
13144s this new
13146s all right
13148s so uh
13150s can i get some boops in chat listen
13152s thank you everyone booping the snoot
13155s is when uh amanda crouches she's one of
13159s the only killers in the game that can do
13161s that when she crouches her pig nose is
13164s at the perfect level where when
13166s survivors point it looks like their
13168s fingers touch the edge of her snout
13171s so if you walk up to the pig and pig
13174s kind of stares at you uh maybe growls a
13177s little bit it's usually an invitation to
13178s do what is affectionately known as
13180s pooping the snoot you point
13184s and you boop this nuke
13187s adorable
13188s isn't it so cute
13191s so cute boobs in the chat
13194s and you know what i got to see that i'm
13196s glad we fully manifested
13198s that happening
13199s we did way that we keep on like saying i
13201s want this to happen and then it happens
13204s is lovely
13205s i would just like to say as well it's so
13208s rare that i get to say this i actually
13210s called something for once that was the
13212s one and only survivor
13214s who booped this new it was granny who
13217s made it out uh we didn't see her
13219s perspective when it happened but meg did
13222s unfortunately succumb to her
13224s failed uh puzzle box attempts so she did
13228s have her head exploded awesome yeah no
13231s that's what i'm here that's what i'm
13232s signing up for i want the killer to win
13234s that is me watching any franchise
13237s watching any game i want the bad guy to
13239s win
13240s so kudos you're in luck today because
13242s they're they've been crushing it
13244s they really
13246s literally in that one they literally
13247s crushed his head
13249s yeah
13250s that was
13252s that was great honestly gigi's to
13254s everyone in group two uh we only have
13256s one match left and we are at thirteen
13260s thousand one hundred and one dollars and
13263s sixty nine cents raised
13266s got out to the 69 cents that's the most
13268s important part of that number
13269s no that is in
13271s sanity
13273s one hundred 13
13274s one dollars sixty nine cents ten of that
13276s being matched
13278s wow wow wow it's it's so so crazy that
13282s we just get to like
13283s watch and enjoy queer people play in
13286s this fun little video game and then also
13288s like making like serious money
13291s for
13292s charities all over the world yeah this
13294s is a very very special special day
13297s thank you so much everyone this is our
13300s last match that we're about to be going
13302s into
13303s so if you have a dollar to spare every
13305s single dollar goes a long way to
13307s supporting the nine incredible
13309s non-profits that these funds are going
13311s to be going to
13313s with an additional 10 000 uh
13315s incredibly matched by behavior so thank
13318s you so much for that as of right now
13320s that would leave us at twenty three
13322s thousand one hundred and one dollars
13324s raised which uh
13327s blows my mind yeah i haven't made that
13329s much money so i'm just like in in four
13332s hours we're able to give that kind of
13334s money
13336s awesome
13337s awesome
13338s beautiful
13340s uh i think should we take a look and see
13343s who our last killer of the event is
13346s yes we have meg um commonly playing meg
13350s tourney
13352s i'm excited i'm excited um
13354s our last round of this second heat
13358s i'm excited to see what meg's gonna
13360s bring the table are you familiar with
13361s meg do you have you played with meg do
13363s you know meg
13364s uh i've never played with meg before but
13366s i am familiar um meg does some
13369s phenomenal
13371s phenomenal
13372s dvd cosplays
13374s so highly recommend everyone if you
13376s haven't checked any of them out before
13378s do so and just as a general reminder
13381s each and every one of the players you
13383s have seen today is a content creator
13385s check them out drop them a follow go and
13388s show them some love and some support uh
13390s and a big old thank you for taking the
13392s time to join us for into the rainbow
13394s year too
13398s all right well let's see what meg has um
13401s planned to show us today
13404s hey everyone my name is meg turney my
13406s pronouns are she her and i am very
13408s proudly bisexual i'm also a cosplayer
13411s i've been cosplaying
13413s oh my god it's gonna be 20 years this
13415s year actually 20 years last month that's
13418s crazy and i have been a twitch partner
13422s for six years this month which is also
13425s nuts i've been uh streaming dead by
13427s daylight pretty much that entire time
13431s and you can find me most of the time
13433s when i'm in dead by daylight uh
13435s worshipping one very special very plump
13437s very cute rat called pabo we love him
13440s over my stream and we are actually
13442s called the mischief because a group of
13445s rats is in fact a mischief and we get
13448s into
13449s some
13450s mischief over on the channel check it
13452s out get your ass over here and do some
13455s [ __ ] tea bags for powbo there you go
13456s there you go got it all right all right
13458s now we're good now we can start the
13459s round so right so right here right right
13460s here right here where we body block how
13463s dare you body block me in front of pabo
13465s i'm gonna try and spank him with my
13467s snowman arm
13472s p papa you were spanking
13475s spankies spanx pink spanx spank
13478s [Laughter]
13480s [Music]
13482s oh my god i hope he doesn't see you
13484s blend into the [ __ ] bush dude
13490s oh my god
13494s oh my god
13505s oh my god that was insane
13510s oh my gosh right we saw some grade a
13514s bush stealthing um gameplay mechanics at
13517s work
13518s [Music]
13519s i feel like
13520s you are like a connoisseur of them at
13522s this point you've seen so many today
13525s they really um tickle a particular um
13529s particular malicious and mischievous
13531s part of me to watch them be pulled off
13533s so that was fabulous we saw a lot of
13535s survivor game play in meg's
13538s i didn't i don't think i saw her play
13540s any killers
13541s in that gameplay
13543s i love it because it means that going
13545s into the last match of this entire event
13548s we really don't know what we're in for
13550s not a clue um she said that she does um
13553s cosplay i would love to check out some
13555s of the cosplay do we know um where we
13557s can find does she have like an instagram
13559s where she hosts the cosplay do we know
13561s what her handle is
13562s i believe her handle is meg tourney
13565s and
13566s she
13567s does
13568s some of the most incredible cosplays
13569s i've ever seen in my entire life and
13572s truly such a talented individual um
13576s cannot recommend enough going and
13577s supporting her work
13579s i'm
13580s absolutely blown away by the amount and
13583s the diverse range of talent within the
13586s dvd community i feel like we've seen so
13589s many different skill sets from so many
13591s different creators today
13593s we really have and i also just like
13596s really really appreciate just like how
13597s strong of a queer community is and just
13599s i've always loved just the relationship
13601s between the queer community and horror
13604s it's just like a very specific and very
13605s strong one and to see that like
13608s the queer community's love for horror
13610s has manifested in such a cool cool
13612s community
13613s era that's like also giving back it's
13616s just it's just bomb
13617s oh so we are in our final game is is
13620s that um
13621s the plague again is that
13623s we are playing who are we playing for
13625s the killer
13626s you know uh in all honesty i pulled up
13630s our tiltify page to check and see what
13631s our total was at so i missed it but yes
13634s it looks like it is plague yep we are we
13638s have another plague plague number two
13641s which
13642s i could be wrong so let me know if i am
13644s shot but is this the first time a killer
13645s has been repeated today
13651s i think so right i think so
13654s cause i've kind of had to learn
13655s something new every single match i want
13657s to say yeah that that's what i was
13659s thinking uh
13661s i'm very curious to see how this last
13664s match closes out
13665s uh this unfortunately is our last match
13668s of the day and i'm really
13670s really
13671s bummed about it i've been having the
13674s best time
13676s i wish that we were gonna be able to go
13678s longer but
13679s we did just
13681s up our goal one last time and i know i
13684s said that last time hear me out hear me
13686s out are you a liar
13687s i am not a liar what i am is
13690s underestimating of the strength of this
13692s community i assumed that there was
13695s genuinely no way we were gonna pass that
13697s last goal as much as we have like we we
13700s would have had no reason to raise the
13701s goal so i was very confident saying that
13703s was the last time but we are
13706s about 800 dollars and some change away
13709s from hitting what will actually be the
13712s last goal of the day
13714s and i mean it this time because we are
13717s physically running out of time um we've
13719s raised it up to 14 000 it would be
13722s absolutely
13724s unreal if we could close out this event
13726s the second time we've ever done it
13729s if we could hit that goal uh so if y'all
13732s are able to
13735s check out that tiltify link and uh thank
13738s you so so so much for being here and
13741s supporting the event in any way whether
13743s that's lurking chatting
13745s or uh
13749s however you've been enjoying it right
13751s i'm getting so distracted
13753s by watching this game play uh that
13756s that sentence just fizzled off into
13758s nothingness because
13762s i don't watch plagues very often and i'm
13764s fascinated to see how meg is gonna do
13767s this so far
13769s we have
13770s no
13771s hooks and no gens done but what we just
13774s saw there bosco that um ingest
13777s corruption little pop-up at the bottom
13780s um
13780s basically
13782s that is the
13784s that's the spicy special edition flavor
13786s of plagues vomit that's the red one
13789s fabulous yeah and that is the one that's
13792s really gonna mess the survivors up so
13795s even though we haven't had any hooks yet
13798s we also haven't had any gens completed
13801s and or we're about to and the fact that
13804s meg is ready to go locked and loaded
13807s with the spicy red vomit
13811s could
13812s start helping things turn in her favor
13814s pretty quickly
13817s i'm obsessed so
13819s we had talked about like what the plague
13822s does the last time we just like as far
13824s as like game play style are they like
13826s arranged
13828s type of character like is their
13830s their forte like locking down people
13832s from a distance how do you how does one
13834s get good at play that is a great
13836s question
13837s so they're not ranged in the sense that
13840s like
13840s if you were somebody who wanted to
13844s snipe from far away
13846s the first character that comes to mind
13847s might not be plagued but what's great is
13850s with practice you really can get a sense
13853s of
13854s it's it's funny i'm waiting to see if
13857s meg is gonna do it but you'll you'll
13858s notice the camera will kind of tilt back
13861s as if plague's tilting her head back and
13864s you really can get good at
13867s sniping with that vomit from far away
13869s with enough practice see how she
13871s launched the vomit
13872s all the way
13874s over that obstacle so whereas
13877s with a killer that doesn't have an
13878s ability like that kate could have been
13880s relatively safe
13883s that was a great use of
13887s her uh her ability there to be able to
13890s get that down
13891s into a hook especially because they are
13894s starting to
13895s really really really
13897s find a flow with jen's we're
13900s honestly unless she interrupts gear with
13903s that generator that's about to be
13905s completed it looks like we're about to
13908s have four gems done
13910s thank you so much everyone helping us
13912s push for our final 14k goal by the way
13916s this match has been very intense
13917s otherwise i would have been reading
13918s those out with little thank yous but
13920s y'all are
13921s legends and thank you so much for
13923s supporting so many wonderful causes
13933s ooh we're having a nice nice little heel
13935s party
13936s oh that's something drivers
13938s survivors that heal together stay tuned
13940s stay together and possibly win together
13944s friends i just got word of something
13947s kind of exciting
13949s uh
13951s should we should we tell chat what
13953s happens if we hit 14k
13957s i would love to but i don't it is
13961s i believe it's me
13963s we have a bit of a surprise
13967s thank you if we do hit 14k
13970s we will have another code to share with
13972s you all we want
13974s everyone to uh
13977s get as many goodies as possible from
13980s today's stream as a big old thank you
13982s for
13983s doing what you do and helping us smash
13986s all of these goals so
13988s if we hit 14 000 before the end of the
13991s stream
13992s we will have one final blood point code
13995s for you all so
13996s keep that in mind we are only
14000s gosh how far are we we are only 730
14004s and some change away from that so
14007s thank you so so so much everyone for
14009s getting us even that close in the first
14011s place
14012s honestly we started out the day with a
14014s goal of five thousand dollars and y'all
14017s have just knocked out of the park
14019s again and again and again
14021s fantastic
14023s i'm also obsessed with plague's
14025s character design she's just so cool
14027s looking
14029s honestly highly recommend once we're
14031s once we're done with the show today i
14033s recommend looking at the cosmetics for
14035s her
14036s because
14037s she gets some really great looks they
14040s they do a really good job with the
14042s cosmetics and plagues
14044s are a particular favorite of mine
14047s absolutely no it's so so cool i'm not
14050s sure exactly what she's like based on
14051s like some sort of like priest with
14053s incense like priestess situation
14056s really really cool
14060s uh
14061s bosco would you like to
14063s um oh my god yeah yeah
14066s oh
14067s my god
14069s wow
14070s wow wow wow so once again
14073s y'all have decided to kick almost too
14076s much ass and the last time i looked at
14078s this
14079s this is the tiltify it was at like i
14082s think like
14083s 13.2 and that was like maybe 30 seconds
14086s ago yep we have just
14088s surpassed our goal we are not only at 14
14091s 000
14092s we're at 14
14094s 141
14096s and 69 cents which is a fantastic number
14100s one four one four one
14102s sixty nine
14104s ten of which being matched
14106s wow
14107s and it happened
14109s right in time to see all four survivors
14112s exit safely
14115s that
14116s what an end to that match
14119s to have us hit that goal at the exact
14122s same time
14124s that was full finale status that's
14126s exactly what should happen for the last
14128s game today
14129s wow
14131s they understood the assignment of being
14133s the last match of the day yeah
14135s they knew what they needed to provide
14137s and they brought it
14139s they embraced and they accomplished
14142s what wow
14144s thank you
14146s so unbelievably much y'all can we get
14148s some pride emotes in the chat for
14152s i don't even know how many goals we've
14154s crashed today for surpassing
14157s 14k
14158s i
14159s an unfathomable amount that none of us
14163s were prepared for
14165s uh and i think i'm gonna double check
14168s i'm trying to see
14169s exactly
14170s what we're doing uh
14172s rewards
14173s wise for y'all um
14177s i'm gonna i'm gonna the money is still
14179s coming in too wow i'm gonna get some
14181s details the fact that this community
14184s continues to give even when there are no
14186s incentives even when there there is
14189s nothing
14191s that you're
14192s tangibly receiving in response is just
14197s it it just restores my faith in humanity
14199s you know what i mean like like knowing
14201s that in spite of how many awful things
14203s happen in the world that we have so many
14206s people
14207s that come together to do what they can
14210s to make a difference
14212s in any way that they can just
14216s leaves me very hopeful for the future so
14219s thank you so much uh each and every one
14222s of you this has been mind-blowing
14225s it's been definitely like a humbling
14227s experience just to like
14228s see what's possible with like a group of
14230s like people who
14232s care and like want to share um whatever
14235s privileges that they've been blessed
14236s with in order to like better queer
14239s people all over the world
14241s this is such a cool start to pride month
14246s and just
14247s wow it's just really really neat it's
14249s really cool to be a part of
14251s and
14253s i yeah great job everybody great job you
14257s all are some rock stars
14259s i think we are going to put up our blood
14263s points code here
14265s uh if i'm mistaken you'll look at our
14267s faces for another moment if you can't
14270s tell i'm just very excited to make sure
14272s you get these blood points
14274s a hundred and fifty thousand additional
14277s blood points
14278s uh all you gotta do is redeem the code
14281s thank you thank you thank you thank you
14285s so much i hope we
14288s now have been able to give away a
14290s hundred thousand blood points two
14291s hundred thousand blood points and now a
14293s hundred and fifty
14295s 000 that's
14297s 450 000 blood points just for being here
14300s making a difference and
14302s being a part of
14304s a celebration of what makes our
14306s community so unique and i just can't
14308s thank you enough
14311s fantastic
14314s well that was such a great day of so
14317s many games um we earlier got to talk to
14320s hale from our first heat and i think we
14322s might have the opportunity to talk to
14324s somebody from our second rounds of games
14326s as well is that right no i think you're
14328s right about that oh my god that would be
14330s so exciting
14332s uh
14333s we're joined by dear dear it's so good
14335s to see you how are you hello
14338s my name is dear let's play with sphere
14339s and i'm here
14341s during pride month the catchphrase
14343s absolutely
14344s you got a catchphrase you got it you
14346s look incredible thank you do i look
14349s familiar did you see me in the game i
14351s did see you in the game i luckily have m
14353s explaining to me the things that i don't
14355s know anything about so not only do you
14357s look incredible you're also like
14359s cosplaying as the character you played
14360s all day absolutely yes i love cosplay i
14364s feel like it just
14366s if you need inspiration for drag i mean
14368s pulling inspiration from video games is
14370s the easiest thing because we already
14372s resonate with the characters why not
14373s dress them up dress up as them
14375s honestly and thank you for the pig play
14377s today
14379s um and you surely delivered
14382s thank you the pig is my absolute
14384s favorite and i always love playing as
14386s her but i don't know if you caught on i
14388s don't know if you noticed but
14390s she isn't like the strongest killer you
14392s have to like be strategic and figure out
14395s the the best routes to succeed and i was
14397s dropping the ball at first i thought i
14398s thought it was a sealed deal i thought
14400s that everyone was going to get out of
14401s that gate no hats would um
14404s you know
14406s mess up anyone but
14408s we got two two kills with the hat uh i
14411s was able to throw wrenches in everyone's
14413s plans
14414s um i
14415s i felt like i turned it
14417s i was like wow fabulous i was impressed
14420s with myself because i thought it was a
14421s fail i honestly was like it's over
14425s no we were chatting the whole time and i
14428s was very excited because i really wanted
14430s a match where we could talk about pig
14434s and
14434s you did such a good job of like hitting
14436s every single thing that we kind of
14438s wanted to see pig do including we got to
14440s boop this new moment so we got to teach
14442s bosco all about how to boop the snoot
14444s yeah i saw granny at that exit and i was
14446s like well you know she's gonna get out
14449s unless like she chooses to knock it out
14451s so i was like okay this is the perfect
14453s spot because right before the match um i
14455s believe
14457s violin chick and
14459s granny both asked for for boobs and i
14462s was like well we'll see we'll see how it
14463s goes yeah we'll feel it out and i i
14466s thought that she earned it because she
14467s she got that exit open she got out she
14469s was the most evasive one too so she
14471s earned it for sure
14473s i was gonna say i'm fabulous watch
14476s i'm curious because you're talking to
14477s two people who neither of us play pig
14481s what's what's the criteria
14483s for determining if somebody gets to boop
14485s this new for those of us playing
14486s survivor who want to boop this new what
14488s what should we be doing
14490s um i would say be
14494s be a player that keeps me on on my toes
14496s but doesn't make me angry
14498s because
14499s if
14500s if you're like
14501s flashlight clicking if you're tea
14503s bagging if you're if you're if you're
14505s twerking too much i mean it gets
14506s annoying and it gets frustrating i think
14508s that if you are like a good sportsman
14511s like player then you'll get a boob
14515s all right don't be don't be a nasty hog
14517s because that's me that's my job
14520s there's only room for one pig
14521s yeah
14523s gotcha and you reap what you saw
14526s not right that was a female a female pig
14529s had to throw it in there
14531s oh my god you had to put it in the pig
14533s pig pen excuse me
14536s i was making summer earlier um i was
14539s like if someone throws a pallet on me i
14541s need some oinkmen you know oh i like
14543s them
14544s they're all so silly
14545s i'm gonna hang up this call i will leave
14548s i will leave you don't like puns
14551s it's it's not that i don't i used to
14552s love dad jokes and then i became a
14554s twitch streamer
14555s and started and everyone had a single
14557s day
14558s every single day and now
14560s they're the bane of my existence so uh
14563s thank you
14564s twitch for killing my love of dad jokes
14567s it happened i still i still do i
14569s appreciate a good dead by daylight dad
14571s joke though so there's there's a little
14574s wiggle room there's some limp some
14576s leeway
14577s a little bit i love puns i feel like it
14580s takes
14581s an intellectual to like think of puns
14584s but then also implement them
14586s and i i don't think that i deliver them
14588s the best but i think it you have to be
14589s like
14591s smart to
14592s deliver a good pun to me so i'm always
14594s like oh my god wow mind blown and it's
14596s very brutal
14600s i think you're great
14602s and speaking of how great you are um
14605s you know something that i would just
14606s love since we do have a couple minutes
14608s of your time
14610s obviously the dead by daylight community
14611s is something that means so much to all
14613s of us and it's why we're all here and
14616s we're specifically at the intersection
14618s of the lgbtqia two plus community and
14621s dbd
14622s um i would love to hear any thoughts you
14624s have in terms of
14626s the kind of space that we've created for
14629s our community here within that by
14632s daylight and and
14634s what it kind of means to have
14636s events like these for for pride if you
14638s have any thoughts
14640s uh i
14642s think that
14643s you know if if there isn't a space for
14645s us already then
14648s we should carve one out for ourselves
14650s and that's what i
14652s think that i do with twitch that's what
14654s i think that most of us do on twitch
14657s that are within the the
14660s and um i'm just so
14662s happy and
14664s honored that brands want to be included
14666s in it too and they want to create a
14668s space and elevate the space that we are
14670s already creating ourselves because
14673s you know for as many brands want to do
14675s pride things and as many brands like
14677s oreos make up a pride collection and
14679s stuff like that there's plenty that just
14680s have radio silence this whole month that
14682s don't pay any attention to us that don't
14684s want to partner with us that don't want
14686s to
14687s uh extend more to our community and so
14691s um dead by daylight for years this is
14693s the third
14694s this is the second into the rainbow but
14696s it's the third pride event for dead by
14699s daylight and um it's been an honor to
14701s collaborate with them and for them to
14702s take our community seriously
14704s and not just capitalize it it's not like
14706s they're selling
14707s a rainbow shirt cosmetic pack it's like
14709s they give us these free charms that we
14712s can put on survivors or killers
14715s to really speak to our community and
14716s identify ourselves and um represent
14719s ourselves to each other so we can find
14721s each other and enjoy each other
14723s and i think it's just really cool i'm
14724s happy to be here
14726s and thank you both for for
14727s putting on such an amazing show too it's
14729s it's an honor to be involved
14732s not me getting all teary-eyed listening
14734s to you say that you say things now bosco
14738s we're so lucky to have you as a part of
14739s the lineup dear um you're fabulous
14741s player i love your drag um being able to
14743s like see like the video that you did
14746s before um
14747s you played so so fabulous
14749s um the look that you're in right now
14752s insanity it's fierce huh it's so fierce
14755s so i just
14756s i had to when i saw it i just had to
14758s cosplay it
14759s understandable it looks great the wig is
14761s insane i'm going to borrow that okay
14763s isn't that cool i was
14765s someone actually like you know my little
14767s card with like what emoji do you like
14769s someone dm'd me on instagram was like oh
14772s my gosh bosco like loves your hair and i
14774s was like this is very but i could see i
14776s could see you wearing this oh you're
14778s wearing like a nice version of the wig
14780s that i'm wearing like this is like
14782s like yours is like the mega evolution of
14784s whatever the hell i have on my head
14785s right now just a little bit of glue at
14787s the tip
14788s it'll flick it down absolutely
14791s um no you look gorgeous um we're so
14793s lucky to have you and yeah thank you for
14795s being a part of this it's been really
14796s really fun to host this with em and
14798s doing
14799s almost all the heavy lifting i am simply
14802s here to smile and say stupid things so
14804s i'm so so happy that
14807s we get to come together and
14810s create such a fun little event that
14812s really really was a success did you hear
14814s much money that we raised today for
14816s these like charities dear it's in i was
14819s just catching up with that that is
14821s it's just wild it's mind-blowing
14824s and i can't wait to get updates on
14827s twitter on how you're playing the game
14828s and you're becoming the best at the game
14830s and you're gonna be a fog whisperer and
14832s you're just gonna do your own cosplays
14834s can't we
14835s yeah um i will definitely steal some of
14838s the look inspiration for sure i love
14840s using horror
14841s iconography to create looks i am so bad
14845s at video games
14846s i am
14847s so
14848s god awful at video games
14851s that i don't know if i will ever be
14853s anywhere close to either of yours levels
14855s but it does look like a lot of fun it
14857s looks like a ton of fun so it's i should
14859s i should absolutely try it out the
14862s beauty of this one if you're playing a
14864s survivor your friends can carry you
14867s you can be the absolute worst and you're
14868s just you're just vibing because other
14870s people can pick up the slack don't play
14872s killer though killer's hard
14875s killer looks hard there's a lot of
14876s pressure like
14877s on your shoulders if you're playing
14878s killer it looks like but killer has all
14880s the cool characters it's
14883s true they got potential they got it all
14885s you get to see them if you play survivor
14888s that's the one thing you get to actually
14890s appreciate all the work that goes into
14892s them because you get to play opposite
14893s them
14894s that makes sense and i mean speaking of
14897s which dear uh i i know you said that you
14900s do love
14901s playing pig if people want to catch that
14904s pig game play where can they follow you
14906s where can they find you on the internet
14908s and is there anything that you have
14909s coming up that you want to shout out um
14913s the stream queen's pride pool party is
14916s coming on um
14918s i believe it's the 25th and the 26th but
14920s it's at the end of the month and it's
14922s gonna be so much fun join the stream
14924s queens on the stream queens channel
14925s twitch.tv stream queens um an all direct
14928s troop of content creators including
14930s kings queens characters creatures um if
14932s you like me if you like what i do you'll
14934s love stream queens but also if you want
14935s to follow me twitch.tv dear my name is
14937s dear let's play with you fear
14939s thank you so much for joining us dear
14941s and for being here today we're so lucky
14943s i love you nugget
14945s love you about
14946s thank you
14947s you're fabulous
14949s i am going to be uh
14952s briefly joined by a third co-host she oh
14955s my gosh
14956s the most important co-host she was
14958s pawing at my elbow the entire time so i
14960s finally had to uh appease the cat so
14964s apologies everyone uh
14966s we do have some very good news
14968s and i want to say a
14971s obviously huge thank you to everyone the
14974s fact that that is the number that we
14976s have reached at the bottom of the screen
14978s there is
14979s astounding it is absolutely unbelievable
14982s and it is beyond
14984s any of our wildest expectations for
14985s anyone who worked so hard to put this
14987s event together behind the scenes
14989s uh as a big ol thank you we do have some
14993s extra things that we're going to be
14996s giving away
14997s oh my god so
14999s i want y'all to have those pc and
15002s console games open
15004s and ready as a friendly reminder the
15007s blood point codes the rift fragments you
15010s know all that good stuff those are
15012s active through the weekend they will end
15016s sunday
15017s evening i believe at 11 00 p.m eastern
15022s which would be 8 p.m pacific
15025s so you have until sunday at 11 pm
15028s eastern to claim those codes
15032s we are going to be doing some really
15035s really really exciting
15037s giveaways right now though of our newest
15041s content
15043s we have hattie
15045s our newest survivor and dredge our
15048s newest killer from the roots of dread
15051s chapter these are our pc codes pc gamers
15055s get these in as quickly as possible
15056s because there are a limited number
15059s we only have a limited number that we're
15061s giving away of these you're going to
15062s want to act very very quickly
15065s type those in in the code redemption box
15068s in the dvd store and then let us know in
15071s chat if you're able to claim one so we
15073s can celebrate with you and please
15076s hype each other up as y'all uh claim
15078s these prizes there are only a limited
15082s number so
15084s show a lot of love to the fastest among
15086s us to get them into
15089s the
15090s redemption box and congratulations to
15092s everyone who's about to check out the
15094s newest content dredge is
15097s unbelievably unnerving
15099s so creepy
15103s and for our console buddies now is your
15106s chance to grab the latest addition to
15109s dead by daylight we have
15111s codes for hattie our newest survivor
15115s and dredge our newest killer we did get
15117s to catch some dredge gameplay
15120s twice today i guess dredge was the
15122s killer that was repeated we were trying
15124s to figure that out earlier oh yeah yeah
15125s yeah you're totally right
15127s so so we got stretch and then we had um
15132s plague for our two repeats of the day
15134s yes
15135s which i'm honestly i'm very very very
15138s happy that we got to showcase hopefully
15140s some gameplay that
15142s y'all may not have seen a ton of before
15144s dredge is still brand new
15147s and it was really fun to see
15149s everyone kind of mix it up and make such
15151s wildly different choices
15153s uh console friends i hope you're getting
15154s these in quickly because there are a
15157s limited number of them and these are
15159s just a big thank you for
15162s surpassing
15165s even even our
15167s most like wildest dream of a stretch
15170s goal
15172s y'all passed it and i'm
15175s i don't know about you bosco i'm
15176s genuinely still in shock no it's
15179s incredible going into the day we're like
15181s okay this is our goal we might make it a
15183s little bit further we'll adjust
15185s accordingly
15186s we like had to like double
15189s add two and then add another two grand
15192s to stretching this out like yeah this is
15195s surely not at all how i thought today
15197s was going to go and i'm so happy to be
15199s surprised by all of this
15201s this has been an absolutely incredible
15203s event uh let me know you know either in
15207s chat now or please please please uh
15209s reply to the tweets that are up and let
15212s us know what your highlights of the
15214s event today was i would love to see
15216s clips i would love to hear
15219s you know what you thought of today um
15222s i
15223s i genuinely if you can't tell
15225s i get a little bit emotionally squishy
15227s when it comes to uh communities coming
15230s together for a good cause i've only
15231s cried like twice today it's fine no big
15234s deal let's make it three let's make it
15236s three
15236s [Laughter]
15239s i
15240s i love
15241s and i think dear really hit the nail on
15244s the head with saying how
15247s how much so many of us appreciate the
15250s way that we celebrate pride in the dead
15253s by daylight community
15254s not just in the month of june um but
15258s year-round and
15260s i know i have never
15261s felt more connected to the lgbtqia
15265s two-plus community
15267s within an online gaming space as i have
15269s in debt by daylight so
15271s thank you so much if you were here you
15273s are one of the people that makes that
15275s possible that is a part of curating the
15277s space to be
15279s inclusive and
15281s supportive and uplifting as it is
15284s and i am
15285s absolutely blown away that you all made
15288s such a big difference today so shout out
15290s to stream for a cause
15292s i hope we did y'all proud with how much
15294s we fundraised and bosco thank you so
15297s much for being the best co-host i could
15298s ask for this was so much fun
15300s oh you are incredible thank you so much
15303s for your expertise your knowledge and
15305s like
15306s guidance through all of this and also
15308s thank you for just like hanging out and
15309s being like a lovely like genuine and
15311s bubbly presence
15312s um
15313s you're fabulous thank you for having me
15316s right back at you and thank you so much
15319s uh chat each and every one of you for
15320s being here go check out the incredible
15322s content creators that participated today
15326s we had 10
15327s wonderful streamers
15329s follow all of them show them a lot of
15331s love if you enjoyed the event let them
15333s know
15334s and
15335s i cannot thank you enough for joining us
15337s for this year's 2022 into the rainbow
15342s thank you everyone
15344s thank you all
15349s [Music]
15369s [Music]
15394s so
15441s hmm
15463s um
15464s [Music]
15487s [Music]
15507s [Music]
15515s [Music]
15546s [Music]
15548s so
15557s [Music]
15566s [Music]
15583s [Music]
15591s [Music]
15605s [Music]
15619s so
15651s [Music]
15664s you