3 months ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s generator interactions have received an
2s update so let's get into it generators
5s can now receive up to eight regression
7s events and once those events have been
8s reached the generator will become
10s blocked and can no longer be damaged to
13s clarify a regression event is any time
15s where the killer or any of their perks
16s would damage the generator by at least
19s 2.5% which does not include Miss skill
21s checks by survivors regardless of the
23s perks at play this also includes
25s generator kicks as the base kick damage
28s has been increased from 2.5 to 5%
31s once a generator has started to regress
33s due to a kick or killer perk survivors
35s will need to repair the generator for at
37s least 5% to stop the regression meaning
40s that tapping generators no longer stops
42s generator aggression in most trials the
45s generator system update won't come into
47s effect but players can expect to see
48s this happen if the entity grows tired of
51s waiting for the trial to come to an
54s end