about 2 years ago - ThomasBHVR - Direct link
Explore a forgotten age in Dead by Daylight’s Tome 14: BETRAYAL.

Uncover lost memories for The Knight, Vittorio Toscano, and the House of Arkham. Progress through the Rift to unlock medieval-inspired Cosmetics and Charms. Test your abilities by completing brand new gameplay Challenges. It’s all waiting in The Archives.

The Knight – Nothing But Darkness

While so-called knights prattled on about chivalric values, Tarhos knew the truth. Those armoured hypocrites wield their code the same way he wields his blade – to enact power over the weak. They would soon learn the uncompromising nature of true strength.

Vittorio Toscano – Journey Of The Lost

His perception of time has long faded. He’s not entirely sure his rational mind hasn’t followed suit. Yet still the journey persists, from swamp to farm to forest. An endless cycle of Realms, each more mysterious than the last. Only by seeking knowledge can he ever escape...if he even wishes to.

The House of Arkham

Through lost realms she pursues her quarry with blade in hand. The Black Serpent disciples have proven elusive, but she will not waver – no matter how far she must go.

Tome 13: BETRAYAL offers insight into the lives of The Knight and Vittorio Toscano, whose interconnected journey led them deep into the heart of darkness.

Progress through the Free Track and Premium Track of The Rift to unlock Outfits for The Knight, Vittorio Toscano, Claudette Morel, Feng Min, and The Huntress – all of which harken back to a medieval age of warriors, healers, and wanderers. We’re also welcoming the return of the Deep Rift Outfits, Rift-exclusive rewards for all who progress beyond Tier 70.

Those who traverse the Free Track will be rewarded with a total of 500K BloodPoints, which ensures that every tier will earn players a new reward. In addition, the Free Track also yields unlockable Cosmetics for Kate Denson, The Nurse, and more.

Complete Challenges to progress further in the Tome and its associated Rift. Tomes are separated into several Levels, each containing a new layout for the Auris Web with more challenges, lore entries, Bloodpoints, and Rift Fragments.

Try your hand at mastering The Knight, Vittorio Toscano, and their respective Perks with character-specific gameplay Challenges. This time around, Survivors must also contend with Blue Glyphs, which inflicts them with either Blindness or Oblivious. Commune with them at your own peril, but such is the price of progress.

The memories of The Knight, Vittorio Toscano, and more await in TOME 14: BETRAYAL, now available to unlock.

See you in The Fog,

The Dead by Daylight team.