5 months ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s it's time to look at how to play your
3s new best friend until the end the good
5s guy the good guy is a quick and Nimble
8s killer who is able to use their power
9s plate times over to activate their
11s special ability while within heidy ho
13s mode heidy ho mode once activated this
17s special ability grants the killer with
18s the undetectable status effect and
20s disorients survivors with a barrage of
22s sounds and illusionary footfalls this
24s also allows the killer to chain into two
26s other abilities slice and dice once in
30s hidey-ho mode the killer can now charge
32s a deadly Rush that allows them to leap
34s forward towards the Survivor with a
36s Savage knife
37s attack
39s Scamper while still in hidey-ho mode the
41s killer can use this time to quickly
43s Vault through windows or under pallets
45s to close the distance with their target
47s before launching a slice and dice attack
50s so Killers find your new best friend in
52s Chucky the good guy and we'll see you in
55s the
58s fog