over 1 year
ago -
Dead by Daylight
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Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | it's time for another perks 101 this |
3s | time with the demogorgan the |
5s | demogorgon's perks surge cruel limits |
7s | and mindbreaker are all perks that can |
9s | tort the world around the survivors and |
11s | hinder their chances of success surge |
14s | previously known as jolt causes all |
16s | generators within a 32 M radius to |
18s | explode and instantly regress when a |
20s | Survivor is put into the dying State |
22s | cruel limits previously known as |
24s | claustrophobia turns the Survivor |
26s | successes against them by blocking all |
28s | Vault locations for a short amount of |
29s | time once a generated is completed and |
31s | lastly mindbreaker previously known as |
34s | fearmonger weakens the survivors AA |
37s | reading abilities and their ability to |
38s | escape by affecting them with the |
40s | blindness and exhausted status effects |
43s | while repairing generators the entity's |
45s | realm is already a dangerous place but |
48s | it's made all the more terrifying |
50s | knowing that an otherworldly Beast like |
51s | the demogorgan is stalking its Halls let |
54s | us know which of the demogorgan perks |
56s | you use in your builds and we'll see you |
58s | in the fog |