8 months ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s the skull Merchants drones have had some
2s big changes so let's go over what you
4s can expect to see coming to live the
6s skull Merchants drones have been
7s reworked to be much more Chase focused
9s than area denial driven now starting
12s with six drones the skull Merchant can
14s deploy them and become undetectable for
16s 8 seconds drones are placed in stealth
19s mode where the scanning beam is hidden
21s until triggered by a Survivor once
23s triggered the Drone will enter scouting
25s mode where the scanning beam will now be
27s visible to all
29s survivors if Survivor is scanned by a
31s drone three times they will be injured
33s by a claw trap that also inflicts the
35s hindered status effect which decreases
37s the survivor's movement speed but if a
40s Survivor stays still within the drone's
41s radius they will not trigger the sensors
44s allowing them to continue working on
45s generators for
47s instance lastly drones will no longer be
49s destroyed upon interacting with
51s survivors but will now be disabled for a
53s short
58s time