over 1 year ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s let's look at how to play one of the
2s truest Testaments of horror the
4s demogorgan using the power of the Abyss
7s the demogorgan starts each trial with a
9s limited number of portals that once
11s placed will be invisible to survivors
13s until activated through traversal once a
15s portal has been activated the demog
17s workin can Traverse through the upside
19s down to quickly move from one portal to
21s another while survivors in proximity
23s with these portals will be affected with
25s the oblivious status effect it's also
27s important to note that add-ons can be
29s very effective here while some change
31s the number of portals available others
34s can alter the effects of activated
35s portals on nearby survivors also once
38s the demogorgan has traversed the upside
40s down they will emerge with the
41s undetectable status effect for a short
43s amount of time the power of the Abyss
46s also allows the demogorgan to perform a
48s powerful shred attack that launches the
50s killer forward in a show of strength and
52s speed this attack not only injur
55s survivors but can be used to quickly
57s destroy pallets and breakable walls