over 3 years ago - Gay Myers (Luzi) - Direct link
It is for the MMR. That way there doesn't need to be a whole patch to implement MMR.

Originally posted by Adeloo:
Originally posted by MessiahofMelons: My god this question is asked so much.

They added skill based matchmaking that was tied to each killer. So if you tried a new killer youd be lower skill bracket. So they removed the ability to change killer.

Then this matchmaking was temp removed. We are still waiting for it. Killer were not changed back

But quite honestly i would love MMR system for when i play a new killer etc.
But when it comes to people who main a single killer the system doesn't work. Having to play against the top of the top of survivors and wait 3 hours for a game isn't good.

Same actually goes for survivors, it's not because you escape that you should be considered good and go against super good killers.

It's why i think they removed it and are still working on it because it's so hard to balance.
About this: If someone mains a killer, but is absolutely terrible at it, they will face players around their same MMR. Same for really good killers. It's explained here roughly: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/173606/news-matchmaking-update