4 months ago - Dead by Daylight - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s welcome back to perks 101 let's dive
2s into the perks you can get with the
3s Trapper just watch your step the
6s Trapper's perks unnerving presence
8s brutal strength and agitation are all
10s perks dedicated to the thrill of the
12s Chase and covering ground quickly with
14s The Spoils of a successful hunt so let's
17s start at the top with unnerving presence
18s which allows you to instill fear with
20s just your presence this means that any
22s survivors completing skill checks within
24s your Terror radius will have smaller
26s success zones for their skill checks and
28s receive an increase of skill checks over
30s overall brutal strength increases the
33s action speed of breaking pallets
34s breakable walls and damaging generators
37s and lastly agitation increases your
39s movement speed when carrying a Survivor
41s as well as increasing the size of your
43s teror radius by 12 M the Trapper has a
47s great set of perks for New Killer
49s players to get started with so go out
51s there and have fun in a killer Shack
53s near you hope this helps and we'll see
55s you in the next
58s one