about 2 years
ago -
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- The Knight no longer encounters issues entering a chase while a Guard is active.
- Killers no longer occasionally turn invisible upon leaving a Snowman.
- Killers entering a snowman should no longer get stuck in collision terrain.
- The Killer’s Aura no longer fails to display while using Kindred.
- Inner Healing now operates as intended, where cleansing a Totem and entering a Locker for a duration heals 1 Health State.
- The Game is no longer haunted by an invisible collision zone.
- Undetectable Killers no longer experience unintended Aura reveals.
- Nowhere To Hide’s Aura reveal zone currently remains centered on the Generator instead of the Killer.
- Nowhere To Hide does not reveal the Aura of Survivors who were out of range when the Perk was triggered, but enter the detection zone while it’s still activated.
- The Knight’s feet have no animation when looking down during an Attack.