I have searched the Wiki, and asked around, I don't see anything about if we will be able to grow trees on our freehold in addition to going out and gathering them? I know Steven liked the tree system in Archeage and enjoyed the thunderstruck trees, until they screwed him lol. He is right, it was always exciting to go back to your farm and see if you had a TS tree. With a 15.00 sub I can't imagine this being abused too much, I'm sure some will have 5 accounts for the freeholds but most will not.
Eithere way really looking forward to seeing the farming system and the fact we can hire NPC's to help make it feel like "less of a job" really makes me happy!
If it's planned or not, what are your thoughts? would you like a seed vendor and be able to grow your own trees, Life si Fuedal and Archeage did these wonderfully.
Eithere way really looking forward to seeing the farming system and the fact we can hire NPC's to help make it feel like "less of a job" really makes me happy!
If it's planned or not, what are your thoughts? would you like a seed vendor and be able to grow your own trees, Life si Fuedal and Archeage did these wonderfully.