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I have searched the Wiki, and asked around, I don't see anything about if we will be able to grow trees on our freehold in addition to going out and gathering them? I know Steven liked the tree system in Archeage and enjoyed the thunderstruck trees, until they screwed him lol. He is right, it was always exciting to go back to your farm and see if you had a TS tree. With a 15.00 sub I can't imagine this being abused too much, I'm sure some will have 5 accounts for the freeholds but most will not.

Eithere way really looking forward to seeing the farming system and the fact we can hire NPC's to help make it feel like "less of a job" really makes me happy!

If it's planned or not, what are your thoughts? would you like a seed vendor and be able to grow your own trees, Life si Fuedal and Archeage did these wonderfully.

over 4 years ago - Gay Myers (Luzi) - Direct link
Originally posted by NecroMaster:
Originally posted by HUNGRY AS A HIPPY: The only thing that is bannable about this type of farming is them purposely quitting the game to cancel the match, which, like the above comment states, is a form of grieving.

If you loaded in-game and everyone farmed, happy days, whatever, that's ok. Finding your friends and saying we're farming isn't bannable. There're no rules being broken. If you loaded in-game and they had killed you, and then began their farm, that's when it's bannable.

Obviously the devs don’t intend for people to work with the killer.

Otherwise they would let you earn bp in kwf.

Ironically letting people do that would actually make this a casual game.
As long as no one is being forced into it or griefed, then farming is not as such bannable. It becomes bannable if someone clearly doesn't want to farm and then they let them do the gens on their own.

@OP: I'm not too sure about this case as they disconnected before they could have made it unpleasent for you. But it is clear their intention was to either try to make you farm or do the opposite. In this case, I'd report just so it's on their record.
about 3 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
From the other thread.
Originally posted by Red Eagle LXIX:
Adjusted for b231
Perk level 0
2 fruit/veg + 50% chance of seed
Perk Level 1
4 fruit/veg + 50% chance of seed
Perk Level 2
4 fruit/veg + 50% chance of seed + 50% chance of additional fruit
Perk Level 3
6 fruit/veg + 50% chance of seed + 50% chance of additional fruit

So with a start of 50 fruit that convert to 10 seeds.:
Perk Level 0
20 Fruit + 0 seeds (worth 0fruit)+ 0 fruit = Loss 30 Fruit
Perk Level 1
40 Fruit + 0 seeds (worth 0fruit) + 0 fruit = Loss 10 Fruit
Perk Level 2
40 Fruit + 0 seeds (worth 0fruit) + 0 fruit = Loss 10 Fruit
Perk Level 3
60 Fruit + 0 seeds (worth 0fruit) + 0 fruit = Profit 10Fruit

Perk Level 0
20 Fruit + 5 seeds (worth 25 fruit) + 0 fruit = Loss 5 Fruit
Perk Level 1
40 Fruit + 5 seeds (worth 25 fruit) + 0 fruit = Profit 15 Fruit
Perk Level 2
40 Fruit + 5 seeds (worth 25 fruit) + 5 fruit = Profit 20 Fruit
Perk Level 3
60 Fruit + 5 seeds (worth 25 fruit) + 5 fruit = Profit 40 Fruit

Perk Level 0
20 Fruit + 10 seeds (worth 50 fruit) + 0 fruit = Profit 20 Fruit
Perk Level 1
40 Fruit + 10 seeds (worth 50 fruit) + 0 fruit = Profit 40 Fruit
Perk Level 2
40 Fruit + 10 seeds (worth 50 fruit) + 10 fruit = Profit 50 Fruit
Perk Level 3
60 Fruit + 10 seeds (worth 50 fruit) + 10 fruit = Profit 70 Fruit
about 3 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Kara:
Originally posted by JimmyIowa:
The crop return was what the OP was talking about. We are responding to OP. It is what the thread is about, and you are changing the topic.

It's true the A20 system requires more time for a harvest and replant than A19 did for just harvest. Not liking the extra replanting step is a perfectly valid opinion, and no one will tell you you are wrong for that or ever has in any thread. :)

You really can't stand us majority of players hating the farming setback can you? I notice you every time anyone breaths anything about farming.
So far you guys are pretty far from any kind of majority. You're just really loud is all. You can also thank your fellow two or three other players spamming the forum thread full of crap for ruining the views on your minority standpoint.

Let's not derail the topic with these shenanigans though, and stick to actual facts.
over 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
As @keenow stated, there will be 'lumber yard' buildings. We'll need to stay tuned as the design and engineering teams progress further in development for any updates on this system^_^

Feel free to ask this question in the livestream Q&A if you haven't asked a question there yet, though! 😊
over 2 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
First, you have a 50% chance to get a seed back per crop harvested.

With 1 point in LoTL you will, on average, gain more back than you spend recreating seeds. A bad harvest can set you back, though.

With 2 points, you will much more easily maintain forward momentum.

With 3 points, you ALWAYS get a return on the planting even if 0% of the crops give a seed back.