over 2 years
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Dead by Daylight’s Roots of Dread Chapter features a new Killer – The Dredge – and a new Survivor, Haddie Kaur. A new map, the disturbing Garden of Joy, is available for all players. Purchasing this add-on also unlocks an exclusive outfit for Haddie: The Pale Piped Shirt.
The new Killer is The Dredge. A formless mass of twisted limbs writhing in the shadows, The Dredge is a manifestation of repressed darkness. All light will drain in the presence of this unsettling abomination. Look no further than the once-idyllic Garden of Joy, left forever tainted by The Dredge’s gruesome appetite.
The new Survivor is Haddie Kaur. Fuelled by courage, determination, and a dash of morbid curiosity, this explorer of haunted corners leaves no stone unturned in her quest for eldritch understanding.
The Roots of Dread Chapter includes:
When you hear the maddening whispers approaching, it’s lights out.
See you in the Fog,
The Dead by Daylight team.
The new Killer is The Dredge. A formless mass of twisted limbs writhing in the shadows, The Dredge is a manifestation of repressed darkness. All light will drain in the presence of this unsettling abomination. Look no further than the once-idyllic Garden of Joy, left forever tainted by The Dredge’s gruesome appetite.
The new Survivor is Haddie Kaur. Fuelled by courage, determination, and a dash of morbid curiosity, this explorer of haunted corners leaves no stone unturned in her quest for eldritch understanding.
The Roots of Dread Chapter includes:
- A new Killer: The Dredge
- A new Survivor: Haddie Kaur
- An exclusive outfit for Haddie: the Pale Piped Shirt
- A new map, free for all players: the Garden of Joy
When you hear the maddening whispers approaching, it’s lights out.
See you in the Fog,
The Dead by Daylight team.