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i would pay to have that option, please make it happen if possible please

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over 4 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

IMO very hard. A VR game should be built for VR from the ground up, to make sure that locomotion and gameplay fit the virtual reality aspect. DRG wasn't made with VR in mind, and traversal across the caves is very likely to cause a lot of motion sickness.

over 4 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by JoakimHideo

:( true, but other games like No mans Sky, Fallout 4, Skyrim, Payday 2, The Forest, Ark Survival Evolve and a few more that i cant think off added support after they were released and were not built for VR. Not trying to put you down or anything, just saying the VR support does not have to be 100% perfect but if possible it would be amazing. Regarding the locomotion issue, i am sure i can handle it, i played Spiderman VR ,Sprint Vector and tried Iron man vr and didnt really give me motion sickness

They also had a lot more resources to throw around, and different mechanics and little to no procedural level generation.

Edit: We have bought a Rift, tho. And someone at the office have tried the non-VR VR-solutions for DRG, but that’s pretty much all VR exploration we’ve done.

over 4 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by Charyou-Tree

Oh god, you'd have people hurting themselves the first time they jumped off a platform as scout...

Ledge grab. Grappling hook. Getting pushed by molly. Jumping on the head of another dwarf. Grabbers. Cave leeches. A lot of things have to be changed for it to work, and some of it is rather fundamental to the game design.