Hello, Miners!
Season 04: Critical Corruption is only weeks away (two weeks, to be specific)! You may have already tuned in for the premiere of the brand new Narrated Trailer, but just in case you missed it, here it is:
Let’s break down this critically corrupted collection of new features, shall we?
New Seasonal Event - Rockpox Corruptor

Remember those plague hearts you collected during Season 03? Well, they have evolved into hulking, ravenous monstrosities that you and your team will have to take down. As opposed to most of the native wildlife on Hoxxes, these beasts do not respond to gunfire - you will have to use the Cleansing Equipment designed for fighting the Rockpox on this thing in order to bring down its bulletproof exterior and blast away at its vulnerable core. Take it down and bring back the plague hearts for Scrip to spend in the Performance Pass. Never let it be said that Deep Rock Galactic does not reward good work!
New Enemies While the Lithophage is evolving and posing an even greater risk, Hoxxes itself seems to have released new hazards to our work environment in the form of two new horrors:
Glyphid Stingtail

The Stingtail will grasp potential prey with the claws of its long, prehensile tail, and yank the victim straight onto its frontal horns, goring it to death. This horrific beastie is a surly bastard, and packs a punch like a dump truck. Like most of Hoxxes’ wildlife, we recommend putting it down on sight.
Glyphid Septic Spreader

This toxic horror lobs globs of rancid biomatter, causing septic discharge to be spread in a wide area on impact. Much in the vein of the Glyphid Spitter, this thing can be a menace at a distance so take it down fast. And try not to think too hard about the source of the putrid matter it launches at you.
New Rockpox Enemy Variants

The Lithophage is spreading to more of the native wildlife on Hoxxes, causing newly infected versions of known enemies to appear. Get ready to fight Rockpox Breeders, Bombers, Spitters, and Exploders - A solid reminder that we need to rid Hoxxes of this alien disease once and for all.
Jet Boots

R&D is proud to announce that they have gotten testing-related injuries down to within acceptable tolerances, so are now declaring their newly-developed Jet Boots fit for service - Miners, it is time for liftoff! Locate the crate while on missions, unlock them, and watch your head after takeoff.
However, we urge all miners to keep in mind that gravity is still the number one cause of employee injury on Hoxxes, so keep your wits about yourself when airborne.
Jetty Boot Arcade Challenge

To train employees in the unlock mechanism on the Jet Boots crate, you can find a simulation of the lock challenge on the Space Rig behind the bar - just look for the arcade cabinet. Try not to waste too much time on it, Miners - we’ve already had to pry it from R&D so they could actually finish those Jet Boots on time.
New Beer - Randoweisser

A new brew will be available with the launch of Season 04: The Randoweisser! This brave new concoction will, upon drinking it, randomize your equipment and cosmetics for the duration of a mission. Management noticed a trend of going on missions with randomized equipment and naturally assumed alcohol was involved. This new beer should now optimize the process.
Randomize Loadouts A new option will be available in the Loadout terminal, allowing you to randomize your gear and upgrades. R&D tried several different AI algorithms to generate optimal loadouts, and came to the conclusion that a simple roll of the dice remained the best option. Time for a challenge, Miners!
Sleeveless Armors The regular Mk1 - Mk5 armors, as well as the Scale Brigade set, now have sleeveless options. It may not be a Firing Range, but at least you can now have your very own “gun show” on the Space Rig.
New Performance Pass

Management has approved a new Performance Pass, to reward your efforts against the Lithophage. Earn Season XP to unlock rewards, and turn in Plague Hearts from Rockpox Corruptors and Meteor Events (yes, they still happen during this new Season) for Scrip to spend in the Cosmetic Tree. The conversion rate set by Management is 6 Plague Hearts will yield 1 Scrip, which can in turn be exchanged for the new Infected Weapon Framework and other exciting rewards.
New DLC: Decontaminator Pack The Decontaminator Pack received some tweaks based on community feedback before being approved for release, and is now looking mighty spiffy, in our opinion. Stand out in the fight against the lithophage with this new set of Weapon Frameworks, alongside the Decontaminator Paintjob. Wishlist now and get notified when it goes live alongside this new Season.
https://store.steampowered.com/app/2416900/Deep_Rock_Galactic__Decontaminator_Pack/Season 04: Critical Corruption arrives on Steam on
June 15th, and on Consoles on June 22nd. If you cannot wait till then, the
Experimental Branch[www.deeprockgalactic.com] has just gone live as well.
It’s time to clean up this plague that has corrupted Hoxxes for good. Suit up, Miners! Rock and Stone!
With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew