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Once I complete a deep dive for the week and do my weekly quest, is there no other way of getting cores for the week? Like can I redo a deep dive and get more?

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over 4 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by bishey3

Also if you can forge 5 of those overclocks, you'll get an extra overclock from the forge mastery.

You have 6 overclocks and 3 blank cores. You do 3 machine events. Now you have 9 overclocks. You forge 5 overclocks, you get an extra overclock from forge mastery. Now you have 4 remaining plus 1 new one. You forge those 5 as well, and get another extra one from the mastery.

So it's basically 11 overclocks per week, as long as you have enough materials to forge every overclock.

Some of those blank cores + the rewards fro the forging mastery might end up as cosmetic cores and not overclocks.

over 4 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by bishey3

I consider beards to be overclocks as well. They overclock my looks.

I'll allow it.