over 2 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by Baraklava

Looks like an amazing update O.O

But can we unlock the medical gown as a suit or not?

No, well yes, but also no.

over 2 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by BarriusDongson

Those medical gowns tho 👀👀

I’m not sorry I lied about the medical gown.

over 2 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

I’m not sorry I lied about the medical gown.

over 2 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by LeQwouincy

if you just go back straight to the drop pod after failing do you keep it on ?


over 2 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by Tito066

Is the 'industrial sabotage' mission from S1 sticking around?


over 2 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by Cadvahn

It says Steam 4/28 and consoles 5/5. Where does Xbox on PC fall? 5/5?

Same as Xbox, since those two are crossplay.

over 2 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Syrzan

Best purchase ever.

Thank you for 600+ hours (still increasing) of fun.

Thank you for not adding FOMO or paywalls in the season pass.

Thank you honestly that you shared this game with us.

Thank you for playing.

Rock and Stone!

over 2 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Pikalika

Driller's new secondary only works on organic enemies, so the rival bots are immune?

Not at all, it just sounded cool. It damages robotic enemies just fine.

over 2 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Never-Preorder

Amazing update! Can't wait!

One question tho, I already got everything from the shop, is the new mineral gonna be useless for me?

Did you unlock everything in season 01?

over 2 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Protostarboy

Is the prospector event going to removed then?

Nope, the events from season 01 will stay.

over 2 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by RedPanda98

Looks like a fantastic update. I wonder if we will eventually get to see who the rivals really are who control the robots!


over 2 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Adamdust

Comes out on Steam on my birthday! But I dont play on Steam! Aaaaaaa

Well, I hope you have a happy birthday anyway. Rock and Stone!

over 2 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Arenidao

This season looks to be great as well. I appreciate the pro-consumer practices and the fact that feedback was taken.

I think one point that has always bothered me regarding the robots is that the wildlife ignores them. This would probably take a lot of work, too much to make it worth it, but it would be great if robots and wildlife could fight. It would be amazing if you loaded into a three-sided war (dwarf, robot, and wildlife) on a mission with rival presence.

Hell, it'd be even better if different species also fought. For example, perhaps you could rarely encounter a leech eating a glyphid grunt. That said, their faction hostilities probably should not be 100%; maybe an enemy has 25% chance of targeting another enemy instead of the player, or perhaps the enemies might skirmish until they notice the dwarves. But yeah, just a pipedream of mine.

Overall, I am super excited this season 2 (though the Colette demo was kinda silly with the overheat).

It would be cool, but unfortunatelly our system does not easily support that. So it's limited to small numbers with pheromone grenade and Steeve.

over 2 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Karol-A

I'm not sold on adding another resource to the game, it's already plenty cluttered when it comes to them. Everything else seems pretty cool though

This was a concern for us as well but we descided the benefits are worth it, especially since a descent portion of the previous season's cosmetics will end up in the shop.

over 2 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by SecretiveTauros

As someone who has a thing about hospitals, the Medical Gown is probably going to mess with my anxiety, but I think I can handle it.

We have a pretty active mødding community. Perhaps you can request a mod that would change it to something else? Or make one yourself if you are willing/able.

Rocl and Stone!

over 2 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by Confused_SJC

u/GSG_Jacob What’s the reason for S2 on console later?

Console deployment has a lot of hoops to jump through per update and patch. Those do not exist on Steam, where we can pretty much build and deploy right away.
So, while this kinda sucks for the console people at first glance, Steam lets us run an experimental version (open, usually joined by a bunch of players) a week or so before, collect feedback from that for the final launch on Steam (for an even bigger bunch of players).
Those two events give us a lot of invaluable feedback on how things are running, that we'd have no chance of getting without letting the update out into the wild. Due to the procedural nature of the game, there's SO much stuff happening, that we simply wouldn't see without player feedback on a live build.
All that initial feedback and bug reports turn into fixes that goes into the console release that we usually launch a week or two later. This is good since the update process is less smooth. It also lets our QA team focus on one version at a time.
While we could release them on the same date, the only way we could do that would be by releasing all the versions at a later date due to much higher pressure on our internal team. My own rough guesstimate would be later in May, and that version would lack all the external feedback we gather in the days it's on Experimental and Steam.
(This is also a reason that crossplay with Deep Rock Galactic is a lot harder to do. All versions would have to release an update on the same day, and we'd lose a lot of flexibility by doing so.)
TLDR: A simultaneous release would most likely get the update out even later for everyone, and in a much worse state.

over 2 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by kratosbinhcs

Do we have new maps, missions or music?


over 2 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Degenerate0

Will prospector drop the new data?

Yes, as will the data tower.

over 2 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Never-Preorder

Yep, i'm level 400+ in season 1. What can i say, i'm in love with your game, lol.

Well, looks like you have transcended. Minerals, credits, shops... such material things have lost all meaning. There is nothing mere mortals like ourselves can possibly do for you.

Rock and Stone!

over 2 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by VoraciousToaster

Do you guys have an STL for the prospector? He's so adorable and I want a miniature of him so bad!

No idea, I just nerf things.

over 2 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by ShizeMation

Will prospector, data deposit, etc. still possibly occur in all missions? Or will they be limited to missions with the rival presence warning?

All missions except Industrial Sabotage.

over 2 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by AngelSashaArt

That's very nice of you guys, I'm glad I can enjoy them for a bit longer still :D

We also plan on keeping them in game even after season 02. They will just be more rare and will not give scrip (as season 03 will not be Rival related) but probably just XP and credits, kinda like the korlok.

over 2 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by lawlacaustt

Idk if that deep rock guy in here sees all these comments but this developer has become my all time favorite. A deep and option heavy game that has a simple premise to jump in. Constant updates and balanced gameplay with things to do that keep me coming back. No insane micro transactions.

I’ve actively bought dlc when I can just to make sure this company gets support because I just want them to succeed and keep making killer content/games.

Keep killing it ghostie bois


over 2 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by AbsoluteParadox

Any bite-szed info on a balance pass (if any)?

Nope. I think some stuff might change (possibly Sludge Pump gettin’ some love) but I can’t remember any details.