

08 Feb


The saves are somewhat compatible between Xbox and Steam, so with a little fiddling you can transfer it.


Note: There’s been no confirmation of a perk overhaul. It’s something we’ve had on the wishlist for a while, but it’s not something that is guaranteed to happen.

04 Feb


Locking this to collect comments in the official post link to the blog post with the stats. Leaving this up for those who likes just having a straight up image.

31 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


Hi, not sure where you got that from, but our official stance is that we’re going to get Rogue Core out in Early Access, before we’ll plan what’s next for Deep Rock Galactic. We do not have Seasons planned up until 10.

Edit: We’ve never “planned ahead”, so it’s not like no plans means no new stuff. It just means that we’ve done one season before really considering what’s coming next.

28 Jan

27 Jan


Originally posted by Hatarus547

but sure as shit dose not make me fun, i'm the guy who sits in the corner while everyone gets off their asses drunk because i'm at that age where people still like to go out parting but my ability to make more male friends has entered that downward bell curve where if they don't go to work with me then i won't talk to them, so basically if these ones die drunk driving i'm f**ked for social interactions

Boy, this got real dark.

23 Jan

22 Jan


Last week we had a livestream with Arvid, resident 3D artist and office lootbug wrangler. He brought a whopping 75gigs of video files, that we've turned into more digestible video bites, like the Corespawn Belcher above. We'll be posting them over the next couple of days, but if you can't wait, you can catch the VOD here:


Sounds like something a member of a competing cult would say.

13 Jan

04 Jan


Originally posted by nickmaovich

how much more we should ask GSG to nerf zipline speed?

shit's scary

Just tell Mike you love how fast it is.

24 Dec


Originally posted by BeepinBoopine




Originally posted by slimetakes

I was honestly just curious but fair enough

(I can’t remember them)


Originally posted by slimetakes

Wait, which studios?

… Swedish ones. In Sweden. Not gonna say which because it’s just restart the “omg collab?!?” loop.


Merry Chrysler, everyone.

Can confirm that our CEO Søren went to Sweden some days ago, where he visited a bunch of Swedish Studios, one of them being Arrowhead. In regards to collabs/crossovers, this most likely isn’t going to affect that. We’ve done a little bit with references to Helldivers, and we’ve gotten a little back on social media. I wouldn’t expect much more than this, considering Helldivers isn’t owned by Arrowhead, so they have a lot more friction to deal with.