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I feel that this creature doesn't fit in as a Glyphid. Mainly because of its bright purple skin, its antennae/eye stalks, its fleeing behaviour and shrieking. It tends to stick out and not in an especially good way, the aforementioned purple skin almost looks like a placeholder or a missing texture. I feel like if it shared the same skin texture as the Lootbug and had a name change it would be a significant improvement.

I also do appreciate the gameplay mechanics of the creature though, as it seems similar to the much requested 'lootbug queen' or 'lootbug boss' ideas you see floating around the subreddit, as well as being similar to a certain 'fallen survivor' from a similar zombie-based PvE game.

Also, the other new enemies are perfect, I love seeing variety among the biome specific creatures and here's hoping we see new biome-exclusive bugs and their bonus counterparts.

EDIT: The patchnotes refer to it as the Mineral Hoarder rather than the Glyphid Hoarder name it has in game, it sounds much better as its own entity like the Cave Leach or Spitball Infector rather than being tied to a specific species.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

The thought behind it is that it's meant to stick out like a sore thumb, so the colors are likely there to stay. :D

I've fixed the ingame name to correctly read Mineral Hoarder though - you are correct, it is not meant to be a Glyphid.