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The PlayStation version of deep rock galactic can't cruise play with any other platform. It's also silly that steam can't play with gamepass or Xbox. Really wish they would figure this out. It would greatly improve the player base.

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about 3 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by dirthurts

It's definitely doable. There is no technical reason they couldn't.

There’s actually several reasons why we haven’t (but are not ruling it out). Off the top of my head: - Console versions and Steam versions and not 1:1 copies. Due to hardware limitations, cave gen on Xbox/WinStore versions are slightly less complex. - If crossplay was added, all versions would need to be updated at the same time, which would present several issues. We currently use the faster deployment on Steam to catch and fix a lot of the most serious bugs as deploying updates to consoles are way more cumbersome and it’s something you want to limit if you can. - It would most likely require a server setup to handle this which is resource heavy to run, and the game isn’t build around it. It’s also one more point that can fail horrendously. - Having to test five versions of the game for release on the same day would probably make our QA team launch themselves into the Sun. We like them, so we don’t really want to put them in that situation.