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My wife and I always play at Haz 4. Tonight we played a point extraction, and the difficulty was unreal. There were constantly bugs on us, non stop. So. Many. Bugs. Way, way, way more than Haz 4. At one point a swarm triggered before we'd finished the last swarm. We got through 2 resupplies and couldn't find any more nitra in the entire cave (I know people say there's always "x" amount in each cave, but this was a small cave and we searched the whole thing 3 or 4 times).

We played for half an hour, and only had one aquarq to show for it, because we were constantly fighting bugs off. Decided to quit in the end because we were totally out of ammo and being chased by countless bugs.

Has anyone else had a game like this? I've played for hundreds of hours and never experienced anything like it.

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about 19 hours ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by SomeDudWithAPhone

Whips out a piano.

Welcome... To Point Extraction... Have a look a round.

Seriously- get those blue rocks from walls or the ground.

We've got mountains of glyphids, some better... Some worse...

And if you do not hurry- it'll turn into a giant curse.

Welcome, to Point Extraction! What would you prefer?

Would you like to burn through bugs or be a Dwarven blur?

We've got Drillers and Gunners... Engies or Scouts...

And a bunch-a-freaking-miners-wanting-Aquarq-where-abouts...

Hehe... Welcome to Point Extraction!

Mine all through these rocks, cuz a Greybeard kindly sent you some weird glitchy box! It is crazy and glowy... He just found some moooore...

Don't act surprized, you know you like it, you Dwarf!

(I ran outta ideas for lyrics. Parody of Welcome to the Internet, by Bo Burnham.)

I read it in Bo’s voice from the very first line. 😅