about 5 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Hello /r/DeepRockGalactic!

It's been two years since we set sail into Early Access with Deep Rock Galactic, and what a ride it's been!

We're ready for your questions and the crew will be answering them throughout the day and the next few days, so feel free to ask us anything!

We'll also be live streaming from the offices at 1 PM CET (UTC+1) on https://www.twitch.tv/ghostship_games and our other platforms.


External link →
about 5 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by the_timezone_bot

1 PM CET happens when this comment is 2 hours and 47 minutes old.

You can find the live countdown here: https://countle.com/16563peJS

I'm a bot, if you want to send feedback, please comment below or send a PM.


about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by ZeroSignal_

From all of you at the office, who's got the best beard?

None of us has any remarkable beard/mustaches
But Robert, our art director, is probably the best

about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Vajgl

And can we see it?

Robert is on the far right in this picture

about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by bastie2606

ok then let me start:

1)Will there ever be tool overclock like for the flare gun LMG platform and so on?

2) Will the new Bosco skins also be available for weapons?

2) Bosco Paintjobs and weapon Paintjobs are created separately, so as such no
But we have only recently done the split-up with Paintjobs, and we will likely create more skins for both Bosco and Weapons in the future. And some of those might share a theme.

about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by JosPra

new missions type are their primary goals once the game officialy launched, c.f. their updated roadmap for 1.0 and onward

Yes, more mission types are high priority post-launch
We have many ideas for these and have seen/read fan ideas as well.
The current game loop really needs at least 1 or 2 distinct new mission types for the randomness to feel right.

about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Lykrast

First I want to thank you for this amazing game, it's been a blast those past two years!

I've got a lot of questions:

  • There are several weapons that feel kind of underwhelming (mostly the scout base weapons, the engineer base weapons and the experimental plasma gun for the driller). Are there plans to rebalance those so that they're closer to their alternative?
  • Will secondary equipment (shields, c4, flare gun, platform gun, zipline...) get more upgrades, and potentially overclocks? And could armor/flares get that too eventually?
  • Will the upcoming lore terminal give us information about the minerals and all the creatures?
  • Will more areas and/or a new class be added eventually?
  • Could we get loot bug plushies and/or the beautiful beer mugs the fancy beers come in?

The Miner's Manual (which used to be called Lore Terminal in old roadmaps) will contain a LOT of information. Both in the form of text, numbers, pictures, and diagrams. This will include, among many things, info on Minerals and Enemies. We are still implementing this so all details are not finalized, but it's moving along rather nicely and we expect some if it to part of Update 29 (slight spoiler for the Roadmap later today!)

about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Lykrast

First I want to thank you for this amazing game, it's been a blast those past two years!

I've got a lot of questions:

  • There are several weapons that feel kind of underwhelming (mostly the scout base weapons, the engineer base weapons and the experimental plasma gun for the driller). Are there plans to rebalance those so that they're closer to their alternative?
  • Will secondary equipment (shields, c4, flare gun, platform gun, zipline...) get more upgrades, and potentially overclocks? And could armor/flares get that too eventually?
  • Will the upcoming lore terminal give us information about the minerals and all the creatures?
  • Will more areas and/or a new class be added eventually?
  • Could we get loot bug plushies and/or the beautiful beer mugs the fancy beers come in?

Loot bug plushies? We have never heard that request before!

Our publisher, Coffee Stain Publishing, has recently made a deal with a well-known merchandise company, so we should be able to announce something soon on this.
The first focus will be on easy stuff like t-shirts and coffee mugs.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by ZeroSignal_

From all of you at the office, who's got the best beard?

For sheer volume, it's gonna be me. I have not shaved in months!

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by TiredRandomWolf

Is there any deeper lore besides that it's a mining company?

At this point, it's purposely left vague - the mythology you guys cook up on your own is simply too enjoyable. We have a lot of internal thoughts and writings on it, but until it becomes *necessary* to delve deeper into the matter, we prefer to keep it open.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by GloriousQuint

Precursors - what's their deal? Are they coming back? Did they ever leave? What are the error cubes and why did they plop them around Hoxxes?

At the moment, as far as Deep Rock Galactic will go into the matter, no one knows. And Management is actively discouraging rumor-mongering on the topic.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Axel_GSG

I would probably not rely too much on the teleport-beer, sure you might get a climate friendly trip to Thailand but you might also become the first danish Person on the moon.

I wanna go to the moon!!!

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by ReployTheReployers

Which common request do you want to add the least? Why?

A "healer" class. I would not want to put a dedicated healer in to DRG, the game does not need it.

about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Soren_GSG

Loot bug plushies? We have never heard that request before!

Our publisher, Coffee Stain Publishing, has recently made a deal with a well-known merchandise company, so we should be able to announce something soon on this.
The first focus will be on easy stuff like t-shirts and coffee mugs.

I checked with Coffee Stain and we can announce the merchandise partner to be For Fans by Fans
Nothing is live yet, but as you can see, they have a pretty big arsenal of merchandise

about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by uhrguhrguhrg

Beer themed coffee mugs?

We would love to do the actual beer mugs from the game, but that's probably going to be a little bit complicated.
Beer-themed coffee mugs sounds doable!

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Pwister

Do you have any plans to make the leveling to get to deep dives and such easier? As someone who only plays occasionally, not being able to access a lot of the content because of that actively discourages me from playing more.

No, no plans to shorten the time it takes to promote. We have tried to make sure that there is always something to do or unlock as you progress towards your first promotion. However, it is the nature of such things that while we try to make the progression flow of our game fun for as many of our players as possible, tastes and play styles vary greatly and not everyone will like the pace that we set.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Doug_Baton

Will there ever be more mission modifiers?

Not any time soon but I can see us adding a few more further down the line. For now I'm pretty satisfied with what we have now and would rather that we focus on new mission types.

about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by loltotally

Any plans on cross play between Xbox and Steam versions? What about cross save?

We have investigated the options and also considered the demand.
Our current situation is that we are using the built-in peer-to-peer network on Steam (Steamworks) for Steam players and a similar solution (called XIM) for the Microsoft versions on Xbox and Microsoft PC Store. This means that any cross-play needs to be a new network layer that covers all those platforms, including voice chat and friend connections - and it needs to work for peer-to-peer.
So, for now, the answer is no, we don't have specific plans to do this, but the future might open up easy opportunities for us to jump on.

about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Theonetruen00b

Are we ever gonna get a perma-Steeve pet for the launch bay? Also, any news on solving connectivity issues?

We have read suggestions on Loot-bug pets on the Space Rig, and lately, Steeve is a popular request as well. There is a technical hindrance to the fact that we don't have a navigation mesh for AI on the Space rig. So, they would not be able to move around. But even if we solved that, we have not decided if we think it will be a good idea or not.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Blakfoxx

I'm assuming you plan to add more weapon overclocks in the future; when you do, do you plan to increase the number of overclock drops in parallel, so that it takes you the same amount of time to get every OC? Or do you plan to improve a player's ability to target a specific OC to get, like with blank cores? Or do you just wish to extend the amount of content in the game and have it take longer to get all the cores? Or something else entirely?

edit: this question also loosely applies to the beers, though there's less of a desire to target specific beers outside of deep dive speedrun attempts.

At the moment we don't have any concrete plans for greatly increasing the OC pool. Most likely if we were to add new OCs it would come together with new weapons and the additional OCs would be for those weapons. As for the OC "drops" pacing, I don't think we would change it drastically.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by THE-WARD3VIL

Any news on Xbox achievements? Rock and stone!

Axel is working on them right now!

about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Implodededbrains

Few questions

  1. Are there any plans on any new missions types?

  2. Are there any plans for "preset" or "scripted" missions. Such as revealing lore or exclusive events happening?

  3. How much content from the subreddit influences the game? Such as simple things people think should be tweaked, great ideas, beautifully drawn cosmetics (I'm looking at you person who drew all of the dwarven headgear sketches), etc

  4. Like how there is weapon variety, and you can swap between 2 different weapons for primary and secondary, have there been any thoughts on doing contracts to swap gadgets out?

  5. How have you made such a good game?


Thanks for the great game!

  1. Yes, highest priority post-launch is a new mission type
  2. No, but we might later add some rare events that can give hints towards the lore
  3. We share some of the content from Reddit inside the office Slack, and there is no doubt it influences our decisions. Like the split-up of Frameworks and Paintjobs was something we had discussed and then the post with all the glitches and all the cool combos helped us take the decision
  4. Gadgets, especially the traversal tools, are much more tricky to replace than the weapons. So, no, not any plans. Thoughts, yes, but plans no.
  5. First we update 1, then Update 2, then Update 3 .... rince, repeat.
    But more seriously, it was mainly due to us releasing into Closed Alpha so early and just iterating based on feedback and our own judgement
about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Moszerker

Amazing game guys, love it and can't wait for full release. Love to know more about the following;

  • Female dwarves, "leaf lovers" or expanded character creation?
  • Any plans for PvP/Competitive play?
  • Any specific plans for new classes/weapons/enemy types/new biomes/planets/mission types?
  • Is there going to be cross platform play?
  • Expanded options for pick skins/abilities?
  • Melee weapons/class?

Not really questions, but I'd love to see the following added/changed;

  • Difficulty scaling: In my experience levels 1-3 are generally too easy, but then 4-5 are quite hard. Even when I get new friends into the game, they can usually clear level 3 pretty easily, but even with 100+ hours, my group of friends probably only beat level 4 like 50-60% of the time. Maybe smooth out the scaling?
  • Infested miner classes: infested/corrupted versions of dwarfs all with different abilities etc would be pretty cool as a new enemy type :)
  • Loot/cosmetics - I always felt the way "loot" was just unlocked and had to be purchased was always kind of boring. Maybe add all cosmetics/weapons/skins/paint as cores to be crafted or to be found in the chests?
  • Online/MMO style lobbies - I think the lobby in game is fun, but it would be cool if you joined an MMO style lobby of random people (even like 12 people who be enough) and formed groups that way.

Love to hear your answers/thoughts!

  1. No Female dwarves in the immediate future. No leaf lovers. No plans for any sort of character creation.
  2. Nope, we want DRG to be coop through and through.
  3. No specific plans yet and the probability of us adding these things is as follows: unlikely/maybe/probably/maybe/nope/definitely
  4. Not in the near future, no.
  5. Literally working on a pick-axe "skin" system now / might add some more abilities to the pick axe in the future but no plans.
  6. Unlikely
about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by dimtsag

Hello Ghost Ship Games. Two short questions:

  1. Do you plan on adding more unlockables to the game appart from new OCs, perks or pickaxe parts? I and I think many more players are really incentivised by a constant progression system.

  2. Would you consider rebalancing the credits/gold oe mined ratio so as to promote the mining aspect of the game (and to limit the bad attitude agaist gold mining on EDDs)?

Thanks beforehand.

  1. No concrete plans for new unlockable types right now. But If we add new weapons they will come with new OCs.
  2. Not at the moment no. And I'm not sure if that would significantly change the relationship between gold and EDDs.


about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Jayoku_Houtenjin

Is there plans for more weapons? I really liked the separate playstyles the new weapons introduced and i was hoping for some more options in the future.

Also personal request but could we get a sticky flames pgl overclock? At the moment i use the nuke launcher for the radiation aoe damage and its quite useful but for my play style the large direct damage -ammo kinda doesn't do well for me.

No current plans, but we do have ideas and the system/game is now built for new weapons to be added. It's a big task since we have to add new weapons for each class and create Mods and Overclocks. But the impact will likely be worth the effort, so it's more a matter of prioritization.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Conre

Rock, or Stone?

Edit because i almost forgot EDF?

At once.
All the time.

about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by MrDrCactus

Would you be open to expanding the thematic differences between a deep dive and a normal mission? While I enjoy the challenge presented by dives, I think they do feel a bit samey compared to just playing normal missions.

I think it would be cool if the final stage of a dive looked a bit more like a glyphid nest/hive hybrid biome, similar to how Dread cocoons, and swarmer tunnels are. Could even have gameplay mechanics that alter what types of enemies appear.

We hope (and expect) that by adding in more unique Mission Types this should also greatly help on the diversity of the Deep Dives. And yes, much further in the future it wouldn't be out of the question with mission types unique to Deep Dives.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Naratik

Will there be any cosmetic options for the mule or even the drop pod?

I still want a juke box upgrade for the mule would be an awesome endgame unlock

We've recently enabled cosmetics for Bosco, so neither of your suggestions are out of the picture for the future.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by NotImportant5427

Where the hell gunners cigar? Its not cool enough to killing allien bugs without have a cigar you know...(also why you remove all kind of cigarettes from the dwarfs? In old trailers am surely can see a dwarf smoking something)

The answer is boring and mostly out of our power, sadly. But it's something we'd like to see return as well in the future.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by GloriousQuint

The game has made giant steps regarding customization in these 2 years.

  • I know that custom pickaxes are coming soon, along possibly other skins and meshes for what we already have. Do you guys have anything else in the line, customization-wise? MULEs, DropPods, other pieces of equipment, armour skins, etc?
  • And on a correlated note, some think that adding custom armor/clothes colour would be a great addition to the game, while others think it would mess up the class-recognition. Is there a general opinion in your office? Do you already have plans for something like this?

More customization options is something we've been driving pretty hard at lately, and none of the ones you mention are outside the realm of possibility down the line.

As for Class Colors vs. Fully Custom Ones - the official stance in here is that a Scout should preferably always read as a Scout, so the Class Colors are likely here to stay. But, in the event of armors getting skins in the vein of what we see for weapons and Bosco, a lot of new options would be opened to us, even while retaining the Class Colors.

about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by TheOtherBloke

Do you have any plans or ideas in the works for new coop games?

Do you have plans to expand on the DRG lore, ie with more games of different genres set in the same universe? (xcom type game where you play as the mission controller comes to mind). Myself and my fellow bearded (and beardless!) miners are often wondering about the other drilling companies, and other races that exist in the universe of DRG.

When we started Ghost Ship Games, we coined the phrase "Co-op First" to help us stay laser-focused on our first game. This also helped fans to know what they were buying into.
And this has been so successful that we, for now, are sticking to the Co-op First mantra.

Will we in the future develop a game that is not co-op focused? That's a possibility, but I think it would at least have a co-op mode as well.

And yes, DRG has evolved beyond our dreams, so expanding IP (in any form) is also a possibility. Btw, we have previously stated that the only race we talk about is the dwarves. And for any future products that will still be the case.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by SoapDictator

Hello, fellow dwarf enthusiasts!

1) I would love to know if there are any plans to modify our dwarfs beyond perks and equipment? Gene modification, mutations, psychic powers and -- most importantly -- mechanical enhancements?

2) It would be really cool to at least have a modular armor cosmetic system where we can mix and match parts of armor from different sets and can add unique armor parts as well (that we have to find/craft).
I know cosmetic stuff is not too high on the priority list, but i appreciate dwarf fashion.

  1. At this point in time, no. We feel like there are so many avenues of upgrades at this point that adding even more could muddle things up more than benefit. But, nothing is impossible, if the plan is good enough.
  2. Cosmetics ARE actually pretty high on our list of priorities, but I doubt that you'll ever see a fully modular armor system in this game. The way our systems are set up, it would be a very big task to go back and add in now. But, more armors in general, and armor skins, those are topics that are very often brought up in here.
about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by SomeKent

You guys have made a fantastic game and should take great pride in your work. Thank you for bringing to life a real coop experience, it has given me and my gaming buddies many hours of joy.

What are some ‘immersive features’ that have been added to the game that were based on user feedback/player behaviour, that you didn’t expect would be in the game originally?

And thanks to you and your gaming buddies for liking our game.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Occyfel2

Hi, are there any new enemies in development? I saw this really cool idea on the subreddit of a spooky grabber that snatches up people and runs away. Thanks for everything you do, DRG is the greatest

No new enemies in the pipe right now but I'd be surprised if we didn't add some more in the future.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by badeggsnotallowed

Hey guys! Excellent game, I've had a ton of fun with it since the Alpha/Beta! Any news on Exploration Mode? I'd love to just go exploring in those caves, the cave system in this game is AMAZING.

We've had to focus on other stuff for now but I really want to add that exploration mode.... so hopefully it will happen soon(tm)

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by SzotyMAG

Is there a plan on making weapon mods more clear? Like if it adds a new ability, it doesn't tell the new abilities' detailed stats at all and it can be a turn off to not try new mods out in fear of it not working as you imagined (this is true as a new player). Like the PGL's proximity trigger doesn't tell me at all that it can't detonate instantly if it hits the terrain and instead it yeets off to the distance. Speaking of that mod, I'm pretty sure the 100% damage boost is not working.

All in all, I'd love if these non-stat changes were more clear without having to test them or rely on the wiki

Yes, I definitely want to improve some of the descriptions. Just have not found the time.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by SnowblackMoth

ROCK! AND! STONE! Brothers!


about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by diogofaria247

First of all i would like to thank you for creating such an amazing game!

To the questions...

  1. You guys previously said that adding new mission types is a focus after 1.0, do you already have a plan of what kind of misssions we are getting or is it something that is not yet set in stone?
  2. Have you ever thought about some kind of survival mode where the deeper you go / survive in a cave, the harder the game gets? We can either keep on mining until we are completely overwhelmed and we only get the minerals that we were able to extract or you could decide to extract you get rewards based of how far you got / time you survived?
  3. Any plans to change how the mineral trade network works? I think that the way that it currently works makes it way too easy to get the missing minerals, they aren't that expensive and if you have a ton of credits (which isn't that hard) you will never lack any materials for the upgrades / forge.
  4. Are we going to be able to customize the space rig? Like adding our own decoration or having a room where we can showcase some of our accomplishments?
  5. Any plans for more music for the jukebox?

Rock and Stone!

  1. No concrete mission types yet, we've been 100% on pushing the game to 1.0
  2. Oh yes but no idea when we will do that. It's not high priority.
  3. No plans, but that is a valid point.
  4. We've though a lot about this. For now the answer is no.
  5. No plans but I don't see why not...
about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by DreamBind

Do all four dwarves share the same voice (voice actor), with just the pitch/tone changed? And if so, any plans to give them individual voices? (Gimli style!)

Second question, who are the two dwarves bickering when going down into the drop pod? It sort of sounds like Scout and Gunner, but not quite.

Edit: Also, thank you for making such a wonderful game. It's been a long time since I've had this much fun in a multiplayer. Rock and stone!

  1. Yes and he's in the credits. And no, it will be too much for us to record so much.
  2. It's all of them.
  3. Rock and Stone!
about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Corax_Was_Taken

Any chance weapon challenges could be a thing and maybe even class specific ones, for example you could have kill x amount of certain enemies with a certain weapon for a skin or a framework.

Maybe some utility skins as well, i think they are needed and i think we definitely more challenges and not just ones rewarding perk point.

Happy 2nd anniversary, i personally bought the game years ago in Xbox game preview and just started playing again last week.... before last week the last time i played the game didn't even have The Abyss bar and the weapons barely had any models to them, i remember the minigun being very blocky and somewhat ugly back then. ( I love the model now )

I love the updates you have made to DRG and now i find myself hard pressed to put the game down, sad i missed the 1 year hat but hey i'm here for number 2. Keep up the good work Ghost Ship, looking forward to future updates.

Glad to have you back miner! Rock and Stone!

Weapon challenges are cool but it is a deliberate design decision on our part to not incentivise individual kill counts. We want you to do whatever is best for the team, usually that is shooting bugs but not always.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by proximalprostate

Hey GSG, Happy 2nd Anniversary in EA and I do adore your game and wish you the best of luck.

To the questions: - When you drop into the game, the dwarves have 'personality' voicelines, Scout always anxious about something and the other dwarves either don't care or talk some sense into him... During missions however, all voicelines are 'the same' but pitched. This leads me to several questions:

  • Will the current Guy who makes the voice stay, or do you ever plan (or dare) to change the voices to different actors?

  • Will you introduce more 'personality' (voicelines) like the ones you hear inside the droppod?

  • Will there be more situational chatter among the dwarves, aside from simpel trigger / reactions on stuff you do ingame?

  • How work intensive is this work for you (Writing, recording, pitching, programming the 'triggers').

Thank you for your time and work!


  1. He is staying and we do not dare to try and re-record all those lines with 4 actors.
  2. Maybe... no concrete plans but would be cool for sure.
  3. No plans for it but I would like to see more of that. We've added a little for when a new miner joins a mission in progress. could definitely have more.
  4. It's not crazy, but it's large enough of a task that it will affect other work and so must be considered carefully.
about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by mrpploper

Will you ever add emotes in game like a emote wheel during a mission of wacky dwarf catchphrases

Maybe? No plans for it right now.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Bluefox-Matari

  1. Most importantly to me, will there be any changes made to the client -> host connection to made things less "rubberbandy" for the client on less optimal connections?

  2. What's in store of the future of leveling and prestiging? An overhaul? Or perhaps simply additional tiers?

  3. Additional mods for the flare and pickaxe? Overclocks for non-weapons?

  4. Any concepts for a Co-op mode with 2 Boscos + 2 dwarves at max scaling?

  5. Is the drop pod overhaul coming before 1.0?

  6. Female dwarves!?

  7. Will ray tracing come to DRG with the next series of Nvidia cards?

  8. What are your monetization plans for the future? Expansions, DLC, cosmetics?

  9. Any concepts for letting Molly hover to solve a myriad of AI problems?

  1. WE are continually trying to improve it but it's tricky. We will keep at it going forward.
  2. Not an overhaul, but I can see us adding more.
  3. Maybe... no plans.
  4. Huh... that sounds cool. But no, no plans for that.
  5. Yes... hopefully... Worst case it will come with the 1.0 release
  6. Not yet... still not agreeing on how to do it or if we should do it. Also quite a big task voice-recording wise.
  7. No idea.
  8. There is only one plan right now: reach 1.0
  9. Not that I am aware of.
about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by cursedTinker

A few questions: 1) are there plans to add skins and paints to the fixed equipment such as the platform gun, zipline, etc.? 2) since the pick we have is named in the equipment terminal as "basic pickaxe," is there a plan to add other picks ad well? 3) Any chance we can get a little more warning b2fore getting snagged by a cave leech? Unless you spend an active perk slot on heightened senses, there's no way to tell you're about to get snagged, and to keep that seems like a big accessibility issue. 4) similarly, can we get some kind of more broad visual indicator for batteries and BET-Cs? Maybe something like a large, faint pulse wave. Nonhearing players need love to! 5) Is there any way to make the Mactera Grabbers less primally terrifying( it's probably just a me thing, but I cant even bear to look at the screen if I get grabbed belt one of them, and their cry sends an actual pang of fear through me.

  1. No, but could happen later.
  2. Nope.
  3. There is a hiss but you are right it is an accessibility issue. Same with exploders.
  4. Valid point.
  5. That was kinda the point...
about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by CommissionerOfMemes

  1. Does the game have any spiritual predecessor game (or any other form of media) that made a huge impact on the style of the game?

  2. Will we get any bismor voicelines? Poor spiky cube needs some love :(

  1. We're all big fans of older sci-fi and such, so movies like Alien, The Abyss, and that kind of thing has had a big impact on a lot of the design in the game. The heavy, industrial look is pretty integral to our visuals.
  2. Yes. They are in the works.
about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by BizGamr

When are you beautiful bastards leaving early access?!

Quite soon. Look out for our upcoming Roadmap Update post on Steam.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Mavout

Are other character classes already in development?

No. And it's very likely there won't be any other classes added (though never say never). With all the customization available already, adding more classes right now would likely just muddle things up more than bring benefit.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Implodededbrains

Few questions

  1. Are there any plans on any new missions types?

  2. Are there any plans for "preset" or "scripted" missions. Such as revealing lore or exclusive events happening?

  3. How much content from the subreddit influences the game? Such as simple things people think should be tweaked, great ideas, beautifully drawn cosmetics (I'm looking at you person who drew all of the dwarven headgear sketches), etc

  4. Like how there is weapon variety, and you can swap between 2 different weapons for primary and secondary, have there been any thoughts on doing contracts to swap gadgets out?

  5. How have you made such a good game?


Thanks for the great game!

  1. Yes. It's one of our top priorities after launch.
  2. No plans as such, but definitely not off the table in the future.
  3. The feedback from you guys is totally invaluable for us. Reddit, Discord, Steam forums and so forth have a LOT of influence on especially balance and such, and we've already also made several Community Request additions to the game. And yes, I have definitely seen (and love) those headgear charts too. I'd say chances are VERY high several of them goes in next time we do a Headgear round. :)
  4. Plenty of thoughts, but nothing concrete. I don't think it's something you should expect though - we are quite keen to retain Class Identity, and the more we add of this sort, the higher the risk of losing that.
  5. We are quite amazed ourselves! :D But speaking candidly, I'd call it a mix of Luck, Talent, and Experience. We have a very solid Founder group that spans all departments of a game studio, and have been fortunate enough to bring on some fantastic people.
about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by TheOtherBloke

Will we see more options for mobility tools in future? The same question goes to Utility slot and any other slot that currently only has one option currently.

Will there be alternative ways to spend nitra? For example calling down an armed support mule, a fixed turret, shield, or other such things.

  1. More mobility tools is definitely not off the table, but it might very well be things in the levels, rather than gear you bring with you.
  2. Possibly! We've toyed with the idea before, and there are a lot of cool avenues something like that could go down.
about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by TheOtherBloke

Will we see more options for mobility tools in future? The same question goes to Utility slot and any other slot that currently only has one option currently.

Will there be alternative ways to spend nitra? For example calling down an armed support mule, a fixed turret, shield, or other such things.

Mobility tools (or traversal tools) are the least likely to get alternate options. We believe, that with the current setup, there is a delicate and well-oiled balance in the game and any changes/additions here would need some serious testing at least.

The Utility slot could be a candidate for future alternate options. But each time we add more things to existing classes, we are probably pushing any realistic options for an entirely new class further into the future.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Shazzamon

Been having a blast with this since early announcements, I'm so happy ya'll have made it this far so quickly. Two years went by so fast! Couple questions:

1) Do ya'll plan on adding a new class or two within the forseeable future?

2) Do ya'll have plans for any female Dwarf characters, be it something like Mission Control's secretary/head of personal management (NPC), or even as a playable option (via 1) or as a customization to the base four Dwarves)?

  1. There are currently no plans to add more classes. We've chosen to focus on customization within the current classes instead.
  2. It's a topic that keeps cropping up, and something we'd love to address properly at some point. As with all things, it's a matter of prioritization and time available - as well as course also a design decision. Right now the focus is on getting the game ready for launch, but it's not impossible that female dwarves can arrive sometime down the line.
about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by QueenFrau

How does damage math work in DRG?

Say the M1000 has 60 base damage which, when focused, gives a +100% damage bonus bringing that up to 120. Let's say we have the Hollow-Point bullets, which in total gives a +35% damage bonus on hitting the weakpoint.

Are the percentages added together, so the 60 damage is boosted by 135% total to 141, or is it added per bonus? So 60 +100% = 120, then 120 +35% = 162?

The second one.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by HuggableBear

Not gonna lie, their answers to this question are extraordinarily underwhelming. Not a single word about Balrogs.

I mean, do you WANT us to be obvious? :D
Besides, something tells me even a Balrog wouldn't stand much chance against depleted uranium rounds.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Barl0we

Do you ever worry about digging too greedily, and too deep? Or about what you may awake in the darkness?

Never. That's basically the mantra of the company. Why do you think our dwarves are so heavily armed?

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by krak3_n

abandoned dwarven ruins?

Dwarves have never lived on Hoxxes , you're just here for the precious minerals.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by roidymagoo2

Any plans on adding Twitch integration? Mixer was great fun.

No plans as of now.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by WorvernScar

Will the supersized (blue) M.U.L.E in the space rig be added as a usable entity, such as an additional helper via solo or added in as a perk, skin, purchasable upgrade, etc., in the future?

No plans for that. But maybe as we make new mission types...

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by unusualguy1

Ever considered making overclocks for other things besides the primary weapons?
What i am talking about are primarily overclocks for: the pickaxe, armor, the third and fourth weapon slots and maybe even the grenades too.

There is a lot of potential for some cool unstable overclocks that can change completely how the third and fourth weapon slots work.

We have definitely considered it but decided to focus on other things.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Arthurya

That game is where i met some incredible persons and had some of the best time of my life ! Also i have several questions :

  1. Will we have some new OC that drastically the utility of a weapon, like the Jury-Rigged Boomstick Special Powder OC ?
  2. Any idea for limited time events that happens randomly, like a swarm, but with a positive impact ? Or a worse impact, like a twin dreadnought heading our way ?
  1. We're definitely not against adding more OC's when good ideas crop up, but it's always a question of whether to do an OC or save it for potential new weapons further down the line. The weirder stuff we allow OC's to do, the less space there is for new, dedicated weapons.
about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by TheOtherBloke

Will we see more options for mobility tools in future? The same question goes to Utility slot and any other slot that currently only has one option currently.

Will there be alternative ways to spend nitra? For example calling down an armed support mule, a fixed turret, shield, or other such things.

On the Nitra question:
Back in Closed Alpha (so more than 2 years ago), we had an option in the game for calling down a fixed turret using gold. You could also call in stationary light. But both of these were cannibalizing on class abilities and tying it into gold also created some unwanted friction.

We could consider something for Nitra resource instead, but the risk would be that less experienced players might spend their Nitra on some one-time help and then later lack it for ammo. The Nitra balance is less of a problem for experienced players, but you might still get some friction in the group if someone uses the Nitra. This would probably just be fun in a 4-player with close friends and voice-chat but might be frustrating in a public game.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by proximalprostate

There are flare / light mutator lines in the game. Were they cut from very early on, any plans to bring them back? The game is VERY atmospheric with less HUD and less light...

We made prototypes but they did not feel good enough. We may revisit this in the future.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by mrpploper

Will you ever add emotes in game like a emote wheel during a mission of wacky dwarf catchphrases

It's something that's been brought up a lot of times, and while it could be cool for a number of different reasons, there are just as many reasons for us to not add it. There's a lot to be said for simply improving the contextual responses currently in the game, and keeping the system simple and fast. That said, never say never - if we find the right implementation, it's not impossible.

about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by ArcticEcho

More biomes? :O

Yes :-)

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by bastie2606

Any plans on added more variety to caves after a few hours you rly see the patterns shine trough?

Yes. Our focus has been on all the systems surrounding the actual gameplay for a long time, and we really want to get back into the caves after launch. Mission types, biomes, enemies, that kind of thing.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by amperag

Yo ghost ship crew first off:

You can really be proud of the game you've made, it's really quite an accomplishment! My friends and me a greatly enjoying it, keep up the good work.

My speculative question:

For update 29, will you have to use error cubes to craft pickaxe skins?


As far as [REDACTED] is concerned we [REDACTED] in the future.

Rock and Stone!

about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by totisex

I love your game guys, all the references, dwarves, the coop and comunity... it's f**king amazing!!!

Now serious question: when we will see a bug queen?


We have had a Boss Encounter or a Boss Mission Type on the Roadmap several times (in the 'And then maybe...' section). We only removed it because it became clear that we wouldn't be able to add it before the 1.0 launch. So, the concept of a Boss monster is still greenlit, and it's more a matter of when it will than if it will happen.

Now, the next question is if that boss monster will be a bug queen. I have no idea :-)

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by kickit08

Whats your main?

Driller & Scout equally at the moment.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Naratik

Have you plans to rebalance the difficulty levels? 1-3 is pretty easy and then the jump to 4 is really big. I have several friends that clear 3 super easy and it's boring for them but they get overwhelmed almost every mission on 4.

Sometimes I have the feeling on 3 there are 10-20 bugs per swarm and on 4 there are coming hundreds.

I don't think you should lower the difficulty of 4 but the jump from 3 to 4 is too big.

No plans to re-balance the haz levels but perhaps we can find another way to give players more fine control over the games difficulty.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by LackOfGravy

Are there plans for deployment of mini-M.U.L.Es or BET-C at the start of the mission? They gotta have ended down there somehow. And will we be able to show off weapons to our teammates at the rig at some point?

No concrete plans, but as we make more mission modes they might get used... no idea.

As for showing off weapons on the Space Rig... would be cool but no plans for it right now.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Leonader9001

How many game mode concepts for post 1.0 do you have already?

We have a lot of different ideas, and a ton of community suggestions. We have not seriously decided on anything yet.

about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by SillyConclusion0

  1. I can has more biomes? But for real, the biomes in this game are really cool. I would love to have a few more. A more difficult and bizarre biome would liven the game up, such as the “inside a giant glyphid” map that keeps getting suggested here.

  2. Any plans to rework the voice lines? As it stands we have two sets of voice lines that sound nothing like each other — the very old lines like the classic rock and stone, and the new lines such as “from A to D skipping B and C”, which sound completely different.

  3. What games inspire the devs? This game gets compared to payday, killing floor, left4dead, and Minecraft (although I think it’s nothing like minecraft). Do you guys draw inspiration from any of those? What else?

1, Yes, We expect more biomes to be added post-launch. Not immediately, but too far in the future either.

  1. Voice lines are tricky since we have been developing the game for many years now. Normally, you would do most at the same time, but that's not been the nature of this development. The voice actor is the same, and so are the voice line scriptwriters, but the game has evolved and so has the voice lines. There are no plans to redo the old voice or new voice lines.

  2. Spelunking in co-op in Minecraft was one inspiration. The feeling of exploring a procedurally generated cave with dangers, but then have a good shooter instead of the melee/crafting focus from Minecraft. As co-op FPS was also part of this, Left 4 Dead is an obvious inspiration. On top of this. for the theme, we were inspired by the original Aliens movies. We wanted to add elements to the game that made some of those classic scenes from Aliens appear in a non-scripted way.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Moszerker

Amazing game guys, love it and can't wait for full release. Love to know more about the following;

  • Female dwarves, "leaf lovers" or expanded character creation?
  • Any plans for PvP/Competitive play?
  • Any specific plans for new classes/weapons/enemy types/new biomes/planets/mission types?
  • Is there going to be cross platform play?
  • Expanded options for pick skins/abilities?
  • Melee weapons/class?

Not really questions, but I'd love to see the following added/changed;

  • Difficulty scaling: In my experience levels 1-3 are generally too easy, but then 4-5 are quite hard. Even when I get new friends into the game, they can usually clear level 3 pretty easily, but even with 100+ hours, my group of friends probably only beat level 4 like 50-60% of the time. Maybe smooth out the scaling?
  • Infested miner classes: infested/corrupted versions of dwarfs all with different abilities etc would be pretty cool as a new enemy type :)
  • Loot/cosmetics - I always felt the way "loot" was just unlocked and had to be purchased was always kind of boring. Maybe add all cosmetics/weapons/skins/paint as cores to be crafted or to be found in the chests?
  • Online/MMO style lobbies - I think the lobby in game is fun, but it would be cool if you joined an MMO style lobby of random people (even like 12 people who be enough) and formed groups that way.

Love to hear your answers/thoughts!

  1. Lady dwarves is something that's been brought up since day one, both by ourselves and by you guys. It's something we'd like to do, but it's a more significant task to actually make happen than most people realize. Plus, there are a myriad different ways to implement this, and not necessarily something we're 100% agreed on the best approach for.
    If by leaf lovers you refer to playable elves, then absolutely 100& unequivocally no. Expansion of the character creation is unlikely apart from simply adding more cosmetics to the game, but never say never.
  2. No. We're pretty adamant that this is not the game for that. We want to focus on co-op and a feeling of community rather than competition.
  3. Short answer to a very large question: Yes and no.
  4. We would obviously love that. But it's completely out of our hands.
  5. Yes.
  6. Unlikely.

Difficulty scaling: I don't disagree. It's something we can still improve on, and will continue to work on. When we get back into the meat of the gameplay after Launch, it is very likely this will be part of it too.

Infested miners: This is something that's been mentioned often, and is a very cool idea. Not trivial to implement though.

Loot unlocking: We'll likely just continue to do both.

MMO lobby: Again, something we'd love to do, but is not trivial to implement. It's not impossible we'll look more seriously into it down the line though.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Samow4r

You could always consider letting players choose the shade of the armor. For example - scout could be anything from dark, deep blue to light greyish blue or even blueish purple, and he'd still be recognisable.

Oh absolutely, and that would be part of potential armor skins.

about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by SergeantKovac

What happened to all the female dwarves! It gets awful lonely on the space rig. AKA: Will other genders of dwarves ever be available in the wardrobe or something

Female dwarves, along with many other large features/content, were pushed into the future. At least they were pushed beyond 1.0, so we removed them from the Roadmap to not give false hope. But they are not gone from our wishlist of things to add. So, yes, it might happen later on, but it's not planned at the moment.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Eviscerator46

Any plan to add an arm wrestling table and more mini games at the abyss bar in general ?

No PLANS for arm wrestling, but it's something that's been brought up before and could be turned into a quite fun little mini game. No promises, but never say never.

More little fun distractions on the Space Rig in general is something that's very high on my personal list of wishes for the game.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Vadhakara

Brand new player here, but the game has been in my wishlist since the beginning, and I've watched a lot of it on youtube.

  1. Are there any plans to add "story" content, even stuff that is just awesome and doesn't expand the lore (I read that you try to avoid adding to the lore yourselves since you all enjoy what the community comes up with)

  2. Are you aware that it is not currently possible on Steam to gift the "Supporter Upgrade" bundle version if the gifting account has already bought Supporter for themselves? (This could be a steam limitation and not something you can fix, not sure)

  1. There are no plans as such for it, but the way we do Assignments in the game could potentially be used for it down the line. It would be a significant task to implement, but I wouldn't call it impossible.
about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Max1nat0r007

3 qick questions: Who is Karl? How is Karl? Why is Karl?

Karl is Karl.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Sakurako_Kobayashi

Any plans for steam workshop integration? I can see potential for community made maps / rooms to be added to map seeds, this could be something that would spice up the game in terms of variety. Rock and Stone!

Plans no, but modding and/or Workshop integration is something we'd love to look more into in the future.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Doktatorship

ROCK. AND. STONE. Seriously, this game is absolutely fantastic. Despite owning all the weapon overclocks, promoting every dwarf (and only wearing corporate marine, I get the beards are awesome but that helmet looks amazing) I still keep playing almost every day due to the cathartic nature of cleaning a cave of all valuable minerals and glyphid life forms. Seriously, never felt prouder of buying a game not on sale :p

Just the few questions: 1. Will the pickaxe modular system be more than just cosmetic? I get we don't want to replace our drillers, but having the choice of mining minerals or dirt (just the stuff between caves) in 1 hit, choice between more pick damage or no slowdown etc.? More than happy with a fancy pickaxe we can showoff though when we FOR KARL. 2. I know weapons are down the line, but would they continue to continue the trend of filling a different role? Gunner lmg for mobility and accuracy at the cost damage for example. 3. Will we ever be able to pick up lootbugs? I don't know if you recorded the studio kitten for their sounds, but their so adorable I would break so many management regulations to bring them back to the spacerig. 4. Who is exactly is Karl?

Either way, thanks for making a fantastic spacedwarf simulator. Rock and stone brothers, rock and stone.

  1. The upcoming Pickaxe customization will be purely cosmetic, but it's not impossible we'll add more mods to the Pickaxe in the future.
  2. Absolutely. Not a lot of reason to add new weapons if they don't work differently than the one it replaces.
  3. Have you seen the size of those things? Now, if you could find a lootbug pup somewhere though...
  4. Karl is Karl.
about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by freekv99

When will you remove scout from the game?


about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by GoldMath

Hey devs,

  • 1 - Do you plans to add rare small rooms unconnected to the cave system, that need to be spotted with Scanner and dig walls to it?

Could be walls full of gold (like a Crassus), lot of crafting materials, lootbug heaven party, empty, sneaky leach, nitra stockpile, enemy nest, red sugar deposit, one error cube...

  • 2 - Do you plans to expend the variety of primary objective and secondary?

Example regroup them into "organics" & "minerals", so it's will regroup Apoca/Boolo & Dystrum/Holomite/Fossil together, giving more room for variant models without having 10th of milestones. Dystrum would be nice to add to all other mission type.

More objective mineral/gem variant to Mining Expedition and Point Extraction, even if it's same and just reskinned/remodel, would make them feel artificially less monotone. Example Orange: "Gwarkstone" and Lime: "Greenardite" gems. Aquamarine: "Amessium" and Brown: "Warscite" minerals. These colors aren't used. The excitement of DRG is mineral stuff we need more!

  • 3 - What are the odd to get the Bismor being a 3-Hit material for diversity? :D

  • 4 - What is your take about a 6th perk slot dedicated to a small passive Teamwide bonus.

  • 5 - Regarding the future multiple new Mission Type, would organize a special experimental version with a lot of raw prototype and let people votes or just collect more feedback on a wide range of ideas be something you could think about?

Regards, best devs!

Hey GoldMath :-)

  1. Yeah, I think we'll get that in at some point. Exact design still up in the air.
  2. Yes, definitely. As for re-skins of ME or PE... I don't like that . We had a bit of it early on and I much prefer that each mission has it's own unique primary objective. So new mission types can certainly come with new mineral types. Secondary objectives of course are less restricted.
  3. I'm sure Mikkel would love that. We could do a 3-hit with a larger carve area so it doesn't take too long but feels different ... maybe...
  4. No more... I'm all perked-out right now. But maybe in the future...
  5. Thant's not really how we've been doing things so I doubt we will start doing votes. I personally have a bad previous experience with player voting influencing design. But for sure we'll be running some sort of experimental branch after release. Player feedback is a integral part of our process and that will not change.

Rock and Stone!

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Doctor-Slam

Have you considered adding a queen bug into the deeper deep dives?


about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by unusualguy1

Ever considered making overclocks for other things besides the primary weapons?
What i am talking about are primarily overclocks for: the pickaxe, armor, the third and fourth weapon slots and maybe even the grenades too.

There is a lot of potential for some cool unstable overclocks that can change completely how the third and fourth weapon slots work.

Unlikely, but not impossible. It's something we've discussed before, but prioritization put it low on our list.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by highhorse617

Will dual pick-axe ever happen?


about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by spartenkiller73

So I got a question for ya. Have you got plans/thought about adding a map editor. Always thought at the end of the games life you might be Abel to make a simple map editor and workshop support. Maybe some new rules where you can’t mine and players can make 40k-Deathwing style missions. Also shooting range when?

When we started on the project 4 years ago, we had modding/map-editor on the list. But early on it became clear to us that just building this game and the whole procedurally cave generating tech was a huge task. So we pushed away ideas like a cave-editor and modding. Since then, we have learned a lot about Unreal and also talked to other developers who have shipped mod-editors to their game. So who knows what the future will bring on this?

Shooting range:
We have talked about multiple solutions based on the feedback/ideas we have seen on this. One would be a fun-and-games version for the Space-Rig, mostly just as some social stuff to do between missions (like the Abyss bar and barrel kicking). This would not be for testing your weapons as that requires a lot more features.
The other would be more like a practice-cave where you can actually test your loadouts against something that could act as enemy targets. This is a MUCH larger task, but we can see that many of you are actually asking for that version.
Those two solutions can both exist at the same time, so it's more a matter of priorities.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Vault_Traveler

Hey GSG, love your game its one of the best I ever played but I hope you check your netcode sooner or later because the rubberbanding really got worse alot since U28. Its ok when playing with RL friends a few km away but playing with others in different regions is really unfun.

We know, and we are actively working on it but it is a tricky thing.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Mokaran90

Are there new weapon licenses in the making or something to spice things up?

Not in the making but we have some weapon concepts that are waiting for the right moment.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by WorvernScar

Will the supersized (blue) M.U.L.E in the space rig be added as a usable entity, such as an additional helper via solo or added in as a perk, skin, purchasable upgrade, etc., in the future?

The reason I put in the big blue Mule was actually to hint at something in that direction, way back. :D Mule cosmetics is a topic that often comes up, and since we already have Mini Mules in missions, not to mention BET-C, I'd absolutely not consider it impossible that we'll see mission types with other types of Mules in them in the future.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by GravyTheSailor

Are there any upcoming changes to the Engie's sentry, like overclocks or new modifications?

No OCs planed but the mods definitely need more balancing.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Mike_GSG

For sheer volume, it's gonna be me. I have not shaved in months!

Mike has my vote.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by LeragasTheVile

I love what your game is in core gameplay with a lot of possibilities. Possibilities are unlimited if you just add tons of content and remove the bad one. Dont abandon this game never pls. I like to think of it as DotA for example. After like 15 years of updates, DotA is where it is - beacause the great core gameplay and shit-ton of updates iterations. If you would manage to do something like this with DRG woud be sooo goood. ROCK AND STONE FOREVER GUYS

Rock and Stone!

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by krak3_n

abandoned dwarven ruins?

Dwarven ruins are unlikely - dwarves are newcomers on Hoxxes. Ruins of OTHER things though - not impossible, down the line.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Tast_

After y'all are satisfied with your work on DRG, what are your plans? Any new game ideas tickling your beards? Possible expansion on DRG in mind? Staying a small team or hiring/integrating? You guys work lightning quick and seem to have respect for yourselves, your players, your time and players time; I'd love to see where you go.

We have a lot of ideas right now, but we have no plans set in stone. A lot depends on how DRG is received after launch.

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by chalkwhite_rich

Hej GSG!

Can you tell us anything about new biomes or mission types that you guys may have brainstormed in the past and rejected or are currently thinking about?

Side note: I've always thought it would be cool to have a Glyphid Hive biome where the walls are made of organic material and has a higher chance to spawn swarmer eggs and glyphid tunnels (but the tunnels spawn grunts instead) and features new enemies like the Glyphid Worker (steals minerals and takes them to a 'nest'), Praetorian Matriarch (spawns Grunts and enrages when they're killed) etc.


We don't have an official list or anything but yeah, a "meat" biome has definitely come up in discussion here multiple times.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by MinkfordBrimley

This game is easily the best four-player-cooperative experience I've ever had. It absolutely blows everything else out of the water. To this end, I've just got one question-

How did you come up with the idea for a game revolving around dwarves mining on an alien planet while killing giant bugs?

When you think about it, it's a pretty simple inversal of the good ol' dwarf stereotypes. But yeah, basically, we wanted a more lighthearted alternative to the more dour or serious games in the same genre out there, so dwarves fit our tastes quite well. And the rest more or less wrote itself - there are so many dwarf tropes to draw on and angle to our purposes.

about 5 years ago - /u/Soren_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Roby1kenoby

Is your business model sustainable?
I mean, you're pumping out a lot of content surviving only with 2 type of income (the base game and the supporter pack)

Is the influx of new players enough to sustain all of your expenses?

Asking because i'd really hate to see you guys going down for financial reasons easily avoidable with more communication on this specific topic (your communication management on any other topic regarding the game is on point!).

Let's just say we are not going out of business anytime soon :-)
Unless we blow everything on an uber-extravagant release party!

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Bumpeh

Thanks for the amazing game guys! My friend bought it for me and so far I've bought it for 2 or 3 other people, and we are all having a blast with it.

I've noticed while playing this game I run into a lot of stoners in the online multiplayer. Was this game developed and marketed toward the demographic?

Thanks a lot! That's some commendable dedication! :)

And no, I can't say that was in any way done intentionally. xD But who knows, maybe the overall mellow mood of the game just draws that crowd in?

about 5 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Defie22

Your game is the best fps coop ever created. Thanks for your work and ongoing updates.

But there is a big gap between new and experienced gamers. So newbies are trying to play haz5 or doing hard events. Are you planning more options for creating games which could solve it?

We've had some bugs where new players were getting match-made into haz5 missions but I think that is fixed now. The current requirement for starting or joining a haz5 mission is a haz4 assignment. I think if you can complete 3 haz4 missions you know what you are doing and can dip your toes into haz5. But it will never be perfect.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by SzotyMAG

1) What about the ever requested hair and face cosmetics? The 2 year anniversary fez is a perfect example of what it would look like

2) Could we get some food in the Abyss Bar? I know dwarves are though but living on alcohol and addicting sugar can't be healthy on the long term, I want to feel like my dwarves are well fed

  1. What about them? If you're asking if we'll get more cosmetics in the game, then I can almost 100% assure you that there will be more cosmetics further down the line.
  2. Not impossible, but not in the plans either. It's a fun idea though. :)
about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Challenger1410

Are there any plans on weekly maps with leaderboards ?

We'd love to do leaderboards and such, but it's not something the current server structure of the game really allows us to do much of. It's something we'd like to look more into in the future, but there are no immediate plans for it.

about 5 years ago - /u/Robert_GSG - Direct link

Originally posted by Shitposter691337

When did you think of the game's idea?

All the way back when we started out. We wanted a lighthearted co-op game that somehow meshed humor with being badass. Dwarves were a natural choice. And we all liked gatling guns. Soooo...