Hello, Miners! We can hardly believe it, but it is the FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of DRG! This calls for a party, and Management has gone all-out this year. The celebrations will start on
MARCH 2nd and ends
MARCH 16th.

WELCOME TO THE PARTY The Space Rig has been decked out in style once more! Balloons and confetti and gilded plastic crap all over the place - everything valued corporate drones could want in a mandated company event. Have a good time - Management is specifically requesting it!
FREE BEERS It wouldn't be a party on Space Rig 17 without Lloyd disabling his Credit Inhibitor and serving up frothing mugs of ale for free - and this year is no exception! Head to the Abyss Bar and guzzle away - Company Policy directly states that all employees are required to drink responsibly, and we trust that nobody knows more about responsible drinking than our doughty dwarves.
DOUBLE PERFORMANCE POINT EVENT In preparation for the party, it appears that we have once more lost a shipment of party gear in a suspicious shuttle crash - and once more we'll be sending you in to deal with it! This time we're looking for big, golden YEAR FIVE TROPHIES - bring one back, and receive double the usual amount of Performance Points for that mission, earning you a fat boost on your Performance Pass each time you do!
ANNIVERSARY ASSIGNMENT There's of course also a unique PARTY HAT to acquire from this year's celebrations, and as usual Management has seen fit to make you work for it - stands to reason. Head to the Assignment Terminal right away and pick it up, and soon you will be partying in style! Do keep in mind that the Assignment is only available during the anniversary celebrations, so do not dally!
DRG LEGACY To further commemorate 5 years in orbit, we also are adding the option to play the original version of the game. That's right, you will be able to play DRG as it was when it originally launched in early 2018. Maybe you feel nostalgic and want to go back and experience those early days of glory. Or maybe you just want to appreciate everything that has been added since launch by actually seeing how different the game is today by comparison. Either way, grab some friends and mine like it is 2018!
SUPPORTER II UPGRADE DLC There's been a repeated question from many of you: how can you help support the game since all the content updates we have released since launch have been free. So, for those of you who want to show your continued support of Deep Rock Galactic, we have put together a most decadent, most luxurious, most supportive package of cosmetic DLC and extra goodies. Behold, the aptly named, Supporter II Upgrade
https://store.steampowered.com/app/2291670/Deep_Rock_Galactic__Supporter_II_Upgrade/We hope you'll all enjoy the Year 5 Anniversary as much as we did putting it together. :D
Rock and Stone, Miners!
With love,
The Ghost Ship Crew