Ghost Ship Games Dev who... Was? Is? Moderating the sub in conjunction with community members
Wouldn't blame the guy if he muted this place after the morkite shit post saga
Ghost Ship Games Dev who... Was? Is? Moderating the sub in conjunction with community members
Wouldn't blame the guy if he muted this place after the morkite shit post saga
My own Liquid Morkite dipping post is the most upvoted post I've ever done on this subreddit. If I ever go looking for another job, they might ask for some of my most popular social posts and that will be my legacy.
I feel like u/GSG_Jacob gets some of the most unique takes on anything in the universe handed to him.
Cocaine, gunk seed cancer, the Great Gold Schism, unexpectable elite steeve lootbugs... this guy gets to see things that some folks never will - and some that no one ever should.
The guy still crawls out of bed every morning, straps on his decontamination suit, and wades through the shitposts and shenanigans. Takes some pretty sizable gunk seeds to still be able to deal with this group of maniac sleeper agents and Drillers.
My miner 👈🧔👈