over 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/548430/announcements/detail/3048350428904725969]here[/url].
over 3 years ago - Bjorn - GSG - Direct link
Hello Miners!
We have been hard at work finding out what direction up, down, left and right is for projectiles, and we have at least figured it out 64%! More to come... Also included are a bunch of misc fixes to everything from enemies to the way minerals are calculated.

With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew

- Fixing a bug that caused you to not be able to join the game of someone who has just changed their savegame.
- Fixed Reconnecting in Deep dives revives a downed player
- Changed "X out of X savelots left" to "X out of X saveslots used"
- Increased font size of bar menu prices
- The message saying Crates and lost packs are empty, will now specify which type of items there are no more of.
- Fixed "Hyper Propellant" PGL overclock no longer displays unique particle effects after Update 34.
- Refactoring to the joining, as to fix DRG-1650, where it joins, even though you cancelled joining.
- Fixed UI text strings not marked translatable
- Fix golden loot bug particles and light would turn off after death.
- Attempted to fix a bug related to Loadouts for pickaxes, where the chosen loadout would not be shown in spacerig or mission. (Note: There’s still a bug that causes pickaxe parts not to update in the spacerig after changing loadout (we’re working on it!) - it will show correctly once you are in mission )
- Fix BRT pistol tracers starting too far back.
- Fixed Bulldogs default weak point damage not showing in stats
- Fixed Minehead landingzone using old model
- Fixed Minehead carving area on landing being slightly too small
- Rework Ebonut networking logic to hopefully fix issues for clients.
- Glyphid slasher missing voice line fix
- Tweak Autocannon Impact Explosion sound
- Projectile fix for projectiles fired by server but owned by client.
- Fixed Bosco not being able to mine escort laser crystals
- Fix beer effects lasting forever after swapping character in terminal
- Fixed Spinning Death Particles seem to hang around in wrong spot
- Fixed running text marking active mutator in miners manual, not working in caves (solo only)
- Fixed Goo bomber's goo doesn't fall to the ground
- Fixed endless-audio bug in Deep Dive terminal
- Changed the Hero Enemies milestone text in the terminal to elite threat.
- Hiveguard vulnerable state rock attack replication fix
- Improved Droppod collider
- Resource counters in the space rig menu topbar now round values down rather than up, to avoid confusion when buying items and the resource bar says the player owns 30 Umanite when he/she actually owns 29.3 for example.
- Fixed Spitballer not being able to shoot after being frozen.
- Fixed Spitballer weak points not showing frozen material

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about 1 hour ago - /u/GSG_Jacob