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We once had the official double jump perk and it was a blast (it was removed in a week for game balance, just for the new miners who don't know). Now thinking back to it, is it game-balancely possible to have double jump back but with a long enough CD, like 30s?

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almost 2 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Nope, it would still be completely game breaking.

almost 2 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by SucktasticFucktastic

How so?

I would love to hear from dev side of things why it would break the game.

The reason is the same as why it was originally pulled. As a perk, it completely overrides most traversal tools in a lot of situations, which becomes an even bigger issue when playing with others. If an engineer double-jumps onto a ledge instead of making a platform, the other players can't really follow. That makes the perk a must-have since you'd been in games where the other players might not use their tools for the team to go somewhere, and that's not a design choice we like.