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Do any of y'all know how to send it?

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about 2 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by ARandomGuyThe3

But on Twitter the team said there was an actual button with an in game survey, so I'm wondering if anyone has seen that, since that feels more likely that they will see it, considering it being the express feature and all

Coincidentally I also run our social media accounts, and I'm not sure what you've seen on Twitter? If we've mentioned a survey, it's been years.

We used to have a revamped survey after each update, but I think we've stopped doing that. It was moved to appear just before you exited the game. It might still be there, but I think we've replaced it with a newsletter signup.

about 2 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by ARandomGuyThe3

Ah, that sucks, now that I think I didn't check the date so it's very possible that it was years old. Anyways, so where is it now? Cuz I did think to check the exit screen but it's all social media links

We're not using it anymore. It was mostly only useful leading to 1.0, and being on Google Drive it wasn't really as platform-friendly as we wanted it to be.