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I picked this up yesterday night after watching some light reviews, and have heard nothing but good things from all aspects of the community. Played the tutorial and had fun running a mission but didn’t play too much.

Skip to today and I picked it up for a friend and we start doing missions. Both of us are having a blast, another friend joins the discord and picks it up, and a couple hours later we get a fourth with another friend joining. In total, we all sunk in 12 hours today. Holy sh*t. I haven’t been motivated enough since high school to game for such an extended period of time. Our last buddy to grab it was a little lukewarm but after so many epic moments in our runs we were all just having a f*cking blast.

One of our earlier missions I’m laying down engineer turrets to help secure our escape out of a tight tunnel, only to have me miss the extract by a second and a failed jump as I got swarmed to death by the last of a horde. Cut to later on in the evening and our driller clutches it in a wide open chasm on point extract.. using only the previous built zip lines from our gunner. Made it by the skin of his teeth while all of us were dead at the bottom of this huge infested chasm.

So many moments where we are giddy at excitement over the stupid sh*t that happens, and really seeing our teamwork and talents shine together - especially as bleak as things are in the world right now.. it just was so great to have something positive and fulfilling going on.

Well, I’m an enormous fan now and can’t wait to see what other treats lie ahead. We found out about cosmetic chests and miners gear, and spent many a mission focusing on that. Just amazing what went into this game and how much we all got out of it today.

Rock and stone!

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over 4 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

We're glad you guys like it! Can't wait to hear what you think of the Deep Dives, once you get there.

Seeing Deep Rock Galactic making friends connect like this is a sure sign that we're doing something right.