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I got muted in the discord for reacting to comments with phazyonite too many times. I think thats a dum reason but understandable if its like 1 to 2 week mute. Turns out it's permanent.

Tried talking to one of the mods and he says he'll ask about me. Never gets back to me so i text him a few days later and apparently there's nothing he can do. Dm some more mods and get ignored. Even asked one of my friends who knows one of the mods to try talking to him. He gets ignored too. I use the discord to play in vc since barely anyone talks in game. I really got pissed off so I've taken a break from the game for a few weeks but I do miss playing it, especially with new players that pop into my vc.

I believe the only reason for this complete injustice is racism towards the phazyonite community. Our war with dystrum has been long and hard, while the mods seem hellbent on supporting our oppressors. Pls spam phazyonite everywhere in my loving name. They can stop my discord but they will never quell my love of pants mineral.

Sincerely: That one asshole who insists you get every scarp of phazyonite

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about 2 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

Originally posted by crybabbo

Seen a post where a similar issue got resolved, one of the devs reached out and talked to the mods. Seems to be happening often where these Discord mods ban folks for the dumbest reasons. Now, I don't have the whole picture here, but I do believe that permanently banning you from the server for reacting to messages is absolutely not right. I would really like to help you but I'm afraid I'm not powerful enough to do it.

Will let Jacob know since I'm pretty certain he was the one who reached out previously.

Asking everyone to spam in his name is not doing him any favors.