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almost 5 years ago - UbiShoreman - Direct link
Originally posted by ReecesPiecesN1:
Originally posted by dmcdan: The game is great, but i think they could fix some stuff, spend one season just rebalancing ♥♥♥♥, and fixing bugs.
Exactly. If we can have an operation health 2.0 then Ubisoft could maybe start bringing in new guns and fixing old problems

Hey all, just a couple reminders here. If you take a look at our roadmap for Y5 [www.ubisoft.com] We have it planned out to do some core gameplay reworks acrss the last half of the season. Also we have a still upcoming announcement addressing community concerns in addition to our Top isues blog here, [www.ubisoft.com] which was actually updated today.[www.ubisoft.com] The latter two links there are definitely more focused on community than bugs, but it think it shows our dedication to vamping up transparency with the community.
almost 2 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

Yay! Another opportunity for me to say that Ultrakill is a great game! u/Hakita is doing an amazing job!

11 months ago - SLG-Dennis - Direct link
That actually highly depends on your jurisdiction, in my country that could be a fraud getting you to court, given it must have been obvious to you that the price cannot be intendedly set like this, especially if there was no kind of special advertising. You would likely go free, but they could get damages from you in civil court.

Abusing other peoples' mistakes like that I consider fair game to be a bannable offence on servers, it's at the very least rude.
11 months ago - SLG-Dennis - Direct link
It doesn't matter whose fault it is, in a civil society it can be expected from people to not abuse other peoples obvious mistakes in a matter of fairness and as such it is enforced in many countries.
11 months ago - SLG-Dennis - Direct link
Originally posted by Ranix: I agree with op, admins like that make me mad. Last time I played the admin got so pissed I took a steam engine he left on unclaimed land (when he was refusing to make them for anyone else) that he used cheats to figure out who took it

I assume you mean the widely used chronicler mod for action logging? That's also used on all official servers and endorsed by us, it's very helpful for admins to enforce rules quickly without any doubt and commonly wished to be integrated to the base game.
11 months ago - SLG-Dennis - Direct link
That is correct, but the law system in Eco in opposite it's real life counterpart is a feature for simple automated, programmated enforcement to regulate primarily game mechanical aspects, not so much player behaviour - which is not simple at all and needs someone with a brain to assess. As such it can only act on things it can automatically detect, which is a limited set of actions. This is not one of the things it can act on, just as it cannot act on players uploading inappropriate pictures, cheating, using multiple accounts at the same time, building not so funny symbols on their properties, calling other people names in the voice chat, just finding their way around the limited implementation capabilities through exploiting or creative means or anything else that goes beyond simple game actions. Yet, servers are very well intended to be able to make regulations on those matters.

The real life law system does not have that flaw, as it has simple textual laws (like server rules or our ToS) and people that investigate, enforce and judge using them (like server admins). The law system is a support feature that allows players to determine important matters for cohabitation within the gameplay themselves, but a lot of things that can be expected from members in a society can't be regulated that way and that's one reason why servers tend to have rules.

It would probably be interesting to see what a law system powered with more recent AI technology could do (though implementation of the rules would likely need a degree), but in a sense of justice that would be a scary can I don't really want to see opened, at least in real life.

In the end there is always two sides of a medal, and where some people here wish for "grown up" admins, the other side may wish the other way around, wanting to play with people that don't take their chance on every potential advantage but instead just give a friendly hint of their findings, as I also see frequently on the official servers. Opinions on acceptable behaviour vary, from personal convictions to cultural backgrounds and mix of players on any given server. We hence generally recommend to find a server that shows its rules beforehands - or one of the more anarchy ones that simply don't have some if that is one's thing. For the majority of our players there is a clear tendency to expect what most call common decency, and that is also our stance on such matters, which reflects itself in the global ToS and rules for channels and servers provided by us.
11 months ago - SLG-Dennis - Direct link
Servers are the private property of their owners, as such they decide what rules have to be followed when playing there. Your example comparison fails the moment you are assuming the person would be jailed for life - the correct comparison would be that the person is for life banned from entering your backyard, which is very well within their right. Especially because it's private property, or as you say "a virtual space, game, childish play" - most people prefer to have a positive experience when playing a game in their freetime and don't have it when other people behave in inacceptable ways.

The game is not trying to teach you anything, it is a framework for you to reflect yourself after dealing with problems and come to your own conclusions. And why the law system is not suitable nor intended to deal with matters as was presented here I have already stated. One of the official servers is actually doing an experiment where it allows player government the creation of text only laws that have to be followed and are enforced manually by judges with meta-support of admins similar to the real life systems, so it doesn't really make sense to jump to unbased conclusions on any sort of intentions. That experiment could lead to the implementation of some sort of judicial system to Eco in the future, but it currently doesn't exist. It would certainly be interesting to explore though, as laws or a law system as the one in Eco alone cannot provide what admins or a judicial / full state system in real life provide for.

In any case the main reason I chimed in here is because the thread of the OP is the second one in short time whose whole purpose is complaining, borderline violating our community guidelines with the wrong insinuation that players and admins that don't consider their behaviour acceptable would be "kids". Instead of locking the thread I wanted to provide a opposing point for a potential civil discussion - unfortunately it seems that doesn't work, given it led to conclusion jumping and even comparisons to a real life conflict. And as much empathy as I personally have for your people, this is not the right place to bring in real world conflicts or worldview debates.