If you love leaves this much, you should have become a gardener.
If you love leaves this much, you should have become a gardener.
Dunno. He dug and got back to drink more efficiently
… and what do you think he ordered?
You think this is a bad thing? someone so invested in your game they figure stuff like this out and all you have to do is call them leaf lover? Cringe
I bet you’re real fun at parties.
And you get a paycheck to farm reddit karma. Least you could do is be positive towards people who are exploring the game like this.
Since you know what my contract says, you must also know that I engage with jokes a lot. There’s no need to think I am saying or doing things I am not. I’ve not said it’s a bad thing. I’ve not condemned anyone exploring things in the game. Do I think it’s lame bypassing the extraction like this when you play? Yes. It is. Do I think OP is lame for posting about it? No. Did I comment with an ingame joke? Yes, and I’d do it again, including this explanation.
There are hundreds of people who enjoy learning, practicing and perfecting different strats, skips to optimize missions. I bet many people find the author a hero.
Calling someone who found this out and probably had tons of emotions of finding this skip, while no other veteran player did, is a pure madness and a slap in the face to people who don't want to spend up to an hour on a single mission.
Someone actually loving game so much they keep playing and consuming tons of content to know as much as they can and insulting them by a lead lover at least not fair and not nice
We’ve already discussed this to death. I get that some of you are feeling that there’s more implied to this, but there’s not. It’s a light-hearted joke on skipping the extraction not being in the games spirit. It’s not an insult to people exploring, speed running, finding cool shortcuts etc. It’s a themed encouragement to stay within the game’s boundaries because it’s designed that way. Diggy Diggy Hole vs Skippy Skippy Mule.