Hello Miners, Eggciting news! By popular demand, The Great Egg Hunt is returning! The event will start on
April 4th, 1pm CET and end on
April 20th, 1pm CET.
For those of you who just commenced employment within the last year, the Great Egg Hunt is a chance to eggsperience some Spring festivities together with your colleggs. What can you eggspect from this Seasonal Event, you ask? Well, let’s crack right into it!
The Great Egg Hunt Assignment For the duration of the event, a special
EGG HUNT ASSIGNMENT will be available, and Management is willing to shell out a hefty reward upon completion. And on top of that, Management has thrown in an eggstra assignment - Last Year’s Spring Fashion, Which will reward you with the Spring-themed hats of yesteryear.
Hats That’s a total of 4 eggsquisite hats you can obtain from this year’s eggstravaganza! The two new hats,
Chicken Cap and
Eggshell on Your Egg are both obtainable from The Great Egg Hunt Assignment. And put in that overtime by completing Last Year’s Spring Fashion to collect the
Bunny Bun Bun and
Sunny Side Up hats. Your wardrobe will be filled to the brim in no time! That’s a hard to beat opportunity!
Bunny Hunt To contribute to the festivities, Longbeard Freight has crashed a shipment full of mechanical spring bunnies into the caves of Hoxxes. Management originally ordered these for decorating the Space Rig, but are now scrambling all miners in an effort to locate them - this is no yolk. Retrieve a bunny while on a mission, and you and your team members will be rewarded with a Double Mission Performance Point Bonus.
Yes, Management should look into alternative delivery methods, but mishaps like these are an eggsellent opportunity to put in some paid overtime. In conclusion - you’re welcome, Miners.
Space Ship Decoration While these festive work opportunities should serve to keep you all eggstremely busy, we hope you still have some time to eggsplore the Space Rig. The Party Committee has put in their usual bang-up effort into this year’s d’eggorations. Enjoy, Miners!
Soundtrack update Oh, and before we forget - the soundtrack for Deep Rock Galactic is now available on Spotify. Both volumes, to be precise. Save them to your playlist now!
{LINK REMOVED}Deep Rock Galactic (Original Game Soundtrack): Volume I{LINK REMOVED}Deep Rock Galactic (Original Game Soundtrack): Volume IINow, hop along Miners, and until next time:
Rock and StoneWith Love
The Ghost Ship Crew