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I'd love to drop this somewhere where the devs might actually see it, though not sure where that would be. My friends and I have been batting around these concepts for a while, and if any of them might make it in the game, that'd be fantastic.

So... ALTERNATE MOBILITY TOOLS! Ideas by Grums McGuff and Talonofdiamond.

Scout: Climbing Rig

Set of climbing axes/claws that allow the scout to clamber up walls
Holding left click causes the scout to cling to a surface and then he may use WASD to spider-climb it at a moderate rate
Tapping right-click while climbing makes the scout set an anchor at his current position and attach a climbing line to it
When wall is released, scout will hang from rappel line on anchor. Scout can adjust the length of the line with W-S to control his height.
While dangling, scout can switch weapons and shoot from dangling position, or use pickaxe to mine any nearby deposits.
To detach line, scout can re-equip Climbing Rig, and reattach to wall.
If not close enough to wall, scout can hold right-click to reel himself back up to anchor.
Scout can also tap jump to break off of climbing walls or rappel lines


Scout can climb any height given enough time

No ammo consideration for basic climbing, only for rappel anchors

Anchor function means Scout does not need platforms to access high deposits


Scout is defenseless while climbing, requires team protection until anchor is set

Much slower method of travel than grappling hook, no horizontal mobility options

Not as useful at reaching ceiling-located resources

Possible Upgrades:

Increase wallclimbing speed

Decrease time to set an anchor

Increase carried anchor amount

Increase rappel line length

Fall damage reduction when disconnecting from rappel line

Possible considerations:

Ceiling mobility desired/balanced?

Anchors removable and reusable? [Anchor count increased if disposable, decreased if reusable]

Possibly place lines on anchors that non-scouts can use to follow once scout has placed them? [Question if scout's 'selfish' mobility should remain, or if he should be able to help allies]

Driller: Become Digger

Cosmetically, either two-handed larger Mattock or double-wielded pickaxes

Left-click allows for steady swinging for digging at higher rate than normal pickaxing

Either higher speed of strikes if dual or higher digging value (i.e. hits per terrain, sand vs rock) if two-handed

Right-click to lunge-dig forward, clears a tunnel-sized chunk of ground, on cooldown. Significant damage if used to strike an enemy

Right click while left clicking [inverse of power attack input] executes a horizontal cleaving strike than can also dig terrain.

Slower than Power Drills, but still clears a walkable path with each 'dig'

Functionally a melee option to create a dedicated melee character, due to higher pick attack damage and lunge/power attacks


Infinite use

Allows driller to mine minerals at a faster rate than other classes

Melee functionality


Slower at creating long tunnels

Still subject to environment hits per terrain

Possible Upgrades:

Faster Swing Speed

Increased Dig Value

Faster Cooldown on Lunge

Faster Cooldown on Lunge/Power attack on kill

Increased damage of swings

Increased lunge damage

Increased lunge distance

Possible considerations:

Interactions with base pickaxe upgrades?

Interactions with Vampire and Berserker perks?

Engineer: Bridgebuilder Unit

Install bridge unit in close proximity to character [similar mechanics to turret placement]
When two bridge units are placed, interact with bridge unit to create energy bridge between them
Subject to clear line of sight, angle, and range limitations
Reliable method of establishing routes up vertical climbs or plateaus
Can deactivate and retrieve bridge units by interacting with again.


Retrievable for reuse
Easier to fight from than tight tunnel or zipline
Permits sprinting or jumping from bridge for better mobility
Span significantly wider gaps than platform gun


More limited count than platform gun
More intricate setup, requires engineer to make it to desired locations

Possible Upgrades:

Greater bridge length
Greater bridge angle
Quicker bridge placement
Extra bridge units
Bridge illuminates area
Bridge causes DR or shield regen to dwarves standing on it
Bridge repels bugs
Bridge shocks bugs on it
Bridge has fall damage reduction if landed on
Bridge buffs turrets if placed on it (Possible added shock to bullets or damage increase)

Possible Considerations:

Terrain interactions?
What happens to objects placed on bridge when bridge is removed?

Gunner: Grindrail Constructor

Build Grindrails
Ammo is in number of meters, can be reclaimed by disassembling grindrail
Equivalent to pipe-building functionality, just without the pipe
All shared functionality


Faster than Zipline
Less vulnerable while riding
Is Grindrail
Will help you escape from cities and follow your rainbows


Requires more careful placement for clearance than pipe rails
Requires setup time, possible assistance from other characters to build long paths for
Cannot span gaps easily

Possible Upgrades:

Greater rail section length
Greater number of rail sections
Increase angle tolerance
Increase speed on rail
Fall resistance when jumping off of rail

Possible Considerations:

Indicator when rail has sufficient clearance to ride on?
Ability to build looping rail tracks?
Auto-tunnel clearing like pipe tracks, or more digging required?

External link →
over 4 years ago - /u/Mike_GSG - Direct link

We see everything.