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Old voice lines:

"I need to get my pickaxe sharpened when we get back"

"When we get back, it's sandwich time"

"If we survive, first round's on me"

"That guy mission control, he really has a cozy job".

"There's a pebble in my boot"

"Sometimes I wonder if mining is all there is to life, then I punch myself in the nose"

The original lines are gritty, mature, and down-to-earth. The dwarves sound like grumpy laborers. They're not happy to be here, but they soldier on regardless. They're noble and persistent.

New voice lines:"Gotta go fast!""Ludicruous speed!""Seeya suckers!""From A to D, skipping B and C""I love my grappling hook!"

I guess the new lines are kind of funny to some people, so GSG can have credit where it's due.

But, scout now comes across like a hyperactive 14 year old. There's no grit or maturity. He spouts silly catchphrases and jokes at every opportunity. He sounds fantastically excited to be zipping around with his cool zipline. He's in a GREAT mood, and he loves his job. There's no consistency between this and the old lines. And it doesn't fit with the rest of the game, either -- DRG was never cartoony and light-hearted, but now it is.

And the lines aren't merely inconsistent. They're bad. They're childish and any humour they do provide is stamped out after the first ten times you hear "Gotta go fast" in one mission. (They trigger with every use of the hook).

If GSG continue with this, Gunner is going to be saying "Dab on them haters", "Epic win" and "When we get back, it's Fortnite time!" in the next update. And the game will be so cheesy that it'll be impossible to take it at all seriously

I don’t think GSG will just remove these voicelines, but giving them a 1/20 chance of triggering would preserve the humour (nothing is funny ten times in an hour) and mitigate the childishness. I think that’s the best way here.

TL;DR: Scout constantly makes jokes and sounds like a 14 year old memelord. The dwarves used to act like grumpy middle-aged guys. This is a bad direction to take the game in.

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over 5 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

They may be triggering a bit too often due to us testing them before release, and not reverting to a less frequent trigger.

Not 100% sure that's the case, but I'll check.

PS: I took note of all your suggestions for gunner voice lines. I can definitely get a few of them in there. Thanks!

PPS: You should try the Driller + Impact Axe if you enjoy axe puns.

Edit: We'll be lowering the frequency of the voice lines for the scout. The limit was set too low, and with the frequent use of it, it becomes too much. We'll change it soon, and see if it feels less annoying like that.

over 5 years ago - /u/GSG_Jacob - Direct link

As mentioned elsewhere: We'll be lowering the frequency of the voice lines for the scout. The limit was set too low, and with the frequent use of it, it becomes too much.